Book Read Free

Season of Love

Page 13

by Jill Sanders

  “What about your other car?” she asked.

  “I’ll sell it. Or keep it.” He shrugged. “I figured we’d drive this beauty back to Pride instead of flying.”

  “Can I drive some of the way?” she asked.

  “Sure.” He smiled. “Why not.” She walked over and hugged him, then turned back to admire the car.

  He clicked a button and the two doors slid up.

  “Just like a DeLorean,” she whispered.

  “Better than a DeLorean. And might I add”—he stepped up and kissed her— “I love that you know about DeLoreans.”

  She chuckled and slid into the leather seat. He took her bag from the same man who’d taken it from him and set it in the trunk.

  “Tell me the house is amazing,” she said when he got behind the wheel.

  He turned on the car and started out of the parking area. “You know, we were thinking old, stuffy place.” He chuckled and glanced over at her as he turned onto a main road. “Still, it goes up for sale as soon as we finish cleaning out all the personal paperwork and shipping it back to Pride.”

  “So, you are staying in Pride?” she asked.

  He turned towards her quickly. “Of course.” He nodded. “Both of us. We have a business to run.”

  She visibly relaxed. “I thought…”

  “Yeah, nope. Not us. Actually, we both agreed, we’d be different from the old man and our parents. We found a charity, Spring Haven Homes in Florida. It’s a place that shelters kids whose parents are… like ours. We’ve already arranged for a sizeable donation and have agreed to find more charities with good causes.”

  She reached her hand across and touched his. “How wonderful.”

  He nodded. “It means something,” he told her as they drove along the shoreline. “Something more than even I thought. We plan on finding more places like that. Making a difference with this gift, you know?”

  “What about Baked?” she asked.

  “We’ve talked about opening a few other locations along the coast. Running it all from Pride. You know, spread out some.”

  “So, you really are staying?” she asked.

  “We’ve both come to think of it as our first real home. Of course, we’re looking for places of our own. We had been for a while, anyway, but now our budgets are a lot bigger and we’ll be looking for two places instead of sharing one.”

  “Putting down roots.” She smiled as he took her hand. “How wonderful. If you need any help, Gloria is a wonderful agent in town,” she suggested. “I can get you her number. She’s a friend of my mother.”

  “Send it to my phone. I started looking myself, but it’s been slow going.” He turned off the road and pulled through large iron gates.

  “This is it?” she asked, leaning forward to get a better look at the massive place.

  “Yeah, like driving up to a place in Italy.” He sighed. “At least this is how I’ve always imagined Italy would look.”

  He stopped the car in front of the house under a large archway cover. Two wide glass doors formed the entrance of the house.

  “So, what do you think?” he asked before getting out.

  “Wow.” She shook her head lightly. “Wow.”

  “Wait until you see the inside.” Corey rushed around and opened the door.

  They walked up wide stone steps and he punched in a code on the door lock. The massive doors slid open smoothly. He motioned for her to walk in.

  He had been surprised at first at how modern and homey the place felt. Still, it was immediately apparent the space was for show and not for living in. There were no personal items anywhere. The foyer could have easily been set up for a magazine cover shoot.

  He stood back as Lilly looked around, running her fingertips over several pieces of furniture as she moved silently through the space.

  A large twisted staircase sat opposite the massive front doors, across a vast space of shining hardwood flooring. Tables and chairs were set at just the right places. Flowers, lamps, and artwork that no doubt cost as much as he had seen in his entire life time were all expertly placed throughout.

  “It’s obvious he had someone decorate it,” he said. “Which is going to help when it goes on the market.” He turned and smiled at her. “That’s where you come in.”

  She nodded as they entered a large living room. Twin cream sofas sat facing one another in front of a massive bay window that overlooked the water. Across the water sat a city. The view was breathtaking. She gasped softly as she moved over to stand in front of the window, all but the view forgotten. He moved over next to her.

  “Yeah.” Corey laid a hand on her shoulder. “Amazing view.”

  They stood there for a moment, admiring the cityscape beyond the large body of water. There were boats in the distance, lots of them, and the water was so calm it almost looked like glass.

  “Seattle’s up there.” He motioned to the left. “This is closer to Federal Way and Auburn.” He nodded to the skyline. “That’s Mt. Rainier.” He motioned to the massive white mountain that seemed to hover in the distance.

  Turning away from the view, she glanced around the room. “Where do we start?”

  He held in a chuckle. “I’m not sure. I mean, you’re the expert.”

  She smiled. “What did you need my help with?”

  Corey glanced around, then walked over to a piece of artwork and motioned to it. “Is this famous or something?”

  Lilly laughed. “It’s a Monet.” She crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Is it worth something?” Corey asked, causing her to laugh.

  “Okay, how about you finish showing me around then I’ll start a list. As we walk through the place, I’ll pick out some of the most expensive pieces, write them all down for you.”

  “Thank you.” He walked over and placed a hand on her shoulder. “We were completely at a loss.”

  “Most of the furniture you could probably sell with the home. A lot of buyers like to negotiate for pieces.” She ran her hand over the smooth wood of a table that sat behind one of the sofas.

  “Okay, that’s good to know. I guess just point out the expensive items, like you said.” Corey motioned.

  She turned towards him and smiled. “You could have hired someone to do this for you. You probably still should. Maybe a more-reputable auction house,” she suggested. She moved closer and smiled when his arms wrapped around her.

  “Yeah, but then I wouldn’t have gotten to spend a weekend alone with you.” He leaned in and placed a kiss on her lips.

  He felt her relax against his chest and lean into the kiss further.

  “If we don’t start, we’ll never get done,” she said against his lips and then stepped back.

  He nodded and dropped his arms. “Let me finish showing you around. Then I’ll bring in your bag and start lunch while you get to work.”

  He walked her through the massive six-bedroom place, which included over twelve thousand square feet. He and Carter had immediately wondered what the old man had done with all the space. They had found a few women’s items in one of the closets and bathrooms. But they didn’t want to think about their grandfather having a woman. Since there hadn’t been anything to identify who the items belonged to, they figured they would just donate the stuff unless someone came calling and asking for it back. So far, no one had.

  After showing her around, he pulled their bags out of the trunk and carried them up the stairs. He debated putting her items in the same room he’d stayed in last time, but instead, chose the large room with the massive bathroom attached for her. The view from that room was breathtaking. His room looked over the grounds and pool area, making him a little sad as he watched a few snowflakes fall outside. Still, there was an indoor portion of the pool as well as an indoor hot tub. There was an outdoor one as well, attached to the pool, so one way or the other, they could enjoy a hot soak later.

  He moved into the massive kitchen and made sure that his arrangements for food were taken care of.
They had everything they would need for the two-night stay, including champagne and some of Lilly’s favorite snacks, which Riley had clued him in on.

  Pulling out the fixings for lunch, he started cooking. When everything was in the oven, he cleaned up the mess and then went and found her.

  She was in his grandfather’s library, looking through some of the books that filled the circular room. There was a massive three-story circular wood staircase that rose up from the basement, went through the middle of the library and ended up in a small sitting room that looked out over the land and had one of the best views in the house. He supposed that someone could use it as a place to sit and read, but he just couldn’t imagine his grandfather ever doing so.

  “How’s it going?” he asked, causing her to jump slightly at his intrusion. “Sorry,” he said softly.

  She chuckled. “It’s okay, I guess I just got caught up in it all.” She motioned to the mountains of books filling the space. “He has a little of everything, almost as if…” She shook her head.

  “Someone else filled them?” he suggested, and she nodded her head. “We thought so too.” He sighed. “Anything good here?”

  “Some I’d like myself,” she said.

  “Set aside what you want. I’ll have it boxed up and shipped.”

  “I couldn’t…” she started.

  “It’s just going to be donated to the local library otherwise. Might as well take what you want.”

  She nodded and held a book to her chest. “There are a few.” She motioned to a locked glass case. “These.” She set the book she’d been holding down and moved over to the case.

  Reaching into his pocket, he produced the set of keys he’d been given and, after finding the right one, opened it.

  “These could be worth…” She reached in, pulled out an older book and opened it. When she gasped, he leaned on the counter and looked over her shoulder.

  “First edition Ayn Rand.” He whistled.

  “This could be worth thousands.” She sighed, then ran her finger over a few other books. “I’ll get started on these…”

  “After lunch,” he suggested. He set the book down and reached for her.

  They walked into the kitchen and he motioned for her to sit while he finished putting lunch together.

  “I could get used to this,” she said as he set the plate in front of her.

  “I’m afraid you’d get bored of the same things over and over again. I only know how to cook a few meals.” He sat beside her.

  “Grilled salmon, bed of rice, fresh veggies.” She smiled over at him as she took up her fork and took a bite. “Better than I could do.” She shifted and tilted her head. “And no.” Her voice dipped. “I don’t think I’d ever get bored.” Her eyes met his and he realized her meaning.


  She tried hard to stay focused for the rest of the day, but as Corey followed her around the massive house and helped her compile her list, all she could think about was how close he was to her and how he made her feel. Her heart fluttered, her stomach felt like it was taking a ride on rolling hills, and her heart felt like it stopped beating every time he glanced in her direction.

  So far, she’d found paintings, books, some antique furniture, and a few vases that might be worth six figures. She’d know more after some research she planned to do later that evening.

  Corey’s arm brushed hers again, sending her mind and body racing. They were in his grandfather’s office, surrounded by dark pine walls and deep leather. It seemed to be the only room in the entire place with personal items other than clothes.

  Corey was filling boxes with stacks of paperwork while she was assessing the furniture and some of the art in the room. There were a few more vases and statues that could be worth some good money.

  “Sorry,” he mumbled.

  She turned, holding her notepad against her chest, and looked at him. “Are you?” she asked with a smile.

  He chuckled and set the stack of papers down. “Not really.” He slowly reached over and took the notepad from her. Their eyes were locked on one another. When he moved towards her, her arms wrapped around his shoulders. His green eyes sucked her in, held her captive. His fingertips brushed her chin, over her lips, just before his mouth covered hers.

  She moaned, a soft low sound of pure pleasure that vibrated from deep within her chest as he pulled her closer to his hard body.

  “Lilly,” he whispered. “I wanted to wait.” His eyes were closed as he rested his forehead against hers.

  “Why?” She sighed. “I’ve waited too long.” She reached for his shirt, which was tucked into his jeans. When she tugged the material free, his eyes snapped to hers and his hands covered her own.

  “Lilly.” This time, her name was a warning.

  Knowing how to handle him, she leaned forward and kissed him again. Thinking she’d be in control, she nudged him back until his butt hit the massive desk he’d just cleared.

  When his hands moved over her some of that control slipped. In one move, he spun her around, so that now she was pressed between him and the desk.

  Sheer delight hit her when he nudged her shirt over her head and tossed it on a wide leather sofa.

  “My way,” he said softly. “God, I’ve needed you.” His mouth covered hers again before she could respond. He gripped her hips, hoisting her up until she sat on the edge of the desk. Wrapping her legs around his, she held on as he took what he wanted, pleasing her and taking the last bit of her control from her.

  “Corey,” she begged as he ran his hands over her pussy on the outside of her jeans. Her hips moved back and forth, begging him.

  “Yes,” he growled out. His mouth left hers to travel down her neck, over her white silk bra. When he tugged it aside and took one of her nipples into his wet mouth, she almost burst. Her fingernails dug into his hair as she cried out. He sucked, twirled his tongue around her, then sucked again. She threw her head back, her eyes closed, as the daylight fell over her exposed skin through the massive windows that overlooked the water.

  She felt the snap of her jeans tug free, and his hand slipped down her flat stomach, past the silk panties she’d put on that morning with him in mind. When he reached her soft folds, she spread her legs, silently begging him to take more. To give her more.

  He dipped one finger into her heat and she felt her body grow slick with desire for him. When he rolled a fingertip around her clit, she dragged her nails over the muscles in his arms.

  Opening her eyes, she realized he was watching her, his green eyes glued to her face as if she was the most beautiful piece of art he’d ever seen.

  “I want to watch you come,” he said, his voice rough. “See your eyes go misty as I fill you with my fingers.” He pushed two fingers into her now and she arched and moaned and then threw her head back as he moved slowly in and out. “I want to see your skin burn as I touch you here…” His thumb pressed against her clit as his fingers continued their back-and-forth motion. “Come for me, Lilly,” he whispered next to her ear, then he took the lobe into his mouth and sucked. “Soak my fingers,” he said against her neck. When he took her nipple into his mouth again, he jerked his fingers deep within her and the last of her control slipped away as she burst wide open for him.

  She felt light as a feather. Her breathing was labored and when she felt warm leather on her back, she opened her eyes slightly and realized he’d carried her to the large sofa.

  Running her eyes over him, she realized she’d fallen for him. It was stupid, she knew, to fall so hard and so fast like this. It would be better for her to keep things light and not expect too much from him. After all, men didn’t always feel the same way women did, right?

  “Mmm.” She smiled up at him. He’d tugged her jeans down the rest of the way and when her eyes ran over him, she realized he had pulled his off as well.

  “You’re so beautiful,” she mumbled.

  He chuckled and moved to cover her. Her hands automatically reached up and trailed
over the skin that covered his hard muscles.

  “You’re beautiful. I’m something else,” he said as he slipped slowly into her. Her moan was her only reply as her legs wrapped around his hips, holding him in her. Her head rolled back and when his bare chest hit hers, she realized he had pulled off her bra as well. Her nipples peaked as he brushed against her, hard rock against soft silk.

  “Yes,” he groaned, moving slowly. “Misty eyes. Like the sky after a storm.” He leaned down and kissed her.

  Her hands skirted around, gripped his tight ass, and pulled him closer. “Talking like that will make this go fast,” she warned, earning a sly smile from him.

  “I’m still in control here,” he said.

  “No.” She shook her head, her smile fading. “Neither of us are in control.”

  His smile grew. “And isn’t that wonderful?”

  After being totally pleased by Corey two more times, she must have fallen asleep on the sofa. She woke to the distant sound of a doorbell ringing.

  She felt Corey shift, then a blanket covered her.

  “Stay put, I’ll see who it is.” He pulled his clothes back on.

  Feeling too exposed, she followed suit and put on her own clothes quickly.

  By the time she heard him open the front door, she had the notepad in her hands and was trying hard to shift her focus back to work.

  When she heard the yelling, she dropped her notepad and rushed into the foyer.

  There, just outside the front door, stood a skinny man who looked almost identical to Corey. If she hadn’t known better, she would have assumed that Corey and Carter had a triplet.

  Then she moved closer and realized the man was easily thirty years older than them, not to mention that he was very high at the moment.

  “Lilly, call the police.” Corey glanced back at her. She noticed a red mark on Corey’s chin and winced as she reached for her cell phone, which she’d tucked back into her jean pocket.

  “Fuck you. Don’t you dare, you bitch.” His father skirted past Corey’s shoulder and reached for her.


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