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Full Moon Mates Boxed Set: Books 1 - 3

Page 19

by Kallie Frost

  Carrick nodded. “Dragons are rare,” he explained. “When I say rare, I mean there are only two in the world.”


  “Yeah. And they're not going to risk one by sending them to an area with an active hunter. We have to take care of him first and then alert them. Then they’ll send someone.”

  “Okay…” Just when I thought I was starting to wrap my head around things. Dragons.

  Carrick chuckled weekly. “Yeah. I suppose it won't be any easier to swallow if I tell you that the reason they send a dragon is because dragons are psychic…”

  I groaned.” And let me guess they can erase memories?”

  Carrick nodded.

  “I suppose I have a lot to learn.”

  Someone knocked at the door, then opened it before either of us could say anything. A young woman stuck her head in. The resemblance to Carrick was uncanny and I was sure that it was his sister. I caught sight of my young face in a mirror on the wall beyond her, and it occurred to me that she could just as easily have been his grandmother!

  “Good morning,” she said. “Dr. Craik said that he wants you to stay in bed and get lots of rest and food. So...” she shouldered the door the rest of the way open to reveal a tray heaped with food. My mouth watered at the scent that followed it.

  She came in and I noted that she was exactly the sort of girl I would've gone nuts for. Everything from her lilting voice and sweet face, to her body, was exactly my type. She had long, shapely legs, covered by leggings, with one of those formfitting, tunic length sweaters over them. The bulk of the sweater did nothing to hide her generous breasts. She bent over the bed to put the tray down, giving me a perfect view down her sweater to her cleavage. My eyes dropped right by it to the plate of food. My perfect girl, and she did nothing for me.

  “Since my dear brother is being rude, I'm Tessa,” she told me.

  “Brooks,” I said, taking the hand she offered. Her grip was firm and soft. That was it.

  “I'll get out of your hair,” she said with a smile. “It was great meeting you. Rest up. And congratulations, welcome to the family.”

  “Thanks, Tess,” Carrick said. “It smells delicious.”

  As she left, I had to force my eyes to follow her. Her clothes left nothing to the imagination and I could see her rounded ass easily. And it was... nice. Just nice.

  I reached down for a muffin on the tray and my fingers brushed against Carrick's. The touch sent a jolt of electricity through me. One accidental finger brush did more for me than anything his sister had. And yet, Cambry had done even less for me. It wasn't like I had changed from straight to gay, or even to bi. It was like I was now Carrick-sexual.

  “I guess that's your sister who owns the bakery?”

  “That would be her. Sorry we’re stuck in here.”

  “There are worse places to be on bed-rest.” I turned to look at him and my heart fluttered. “And worse company.”

  “I'm afraid it's more than just bedrest, it's house arrest.”


  “Is anyone naked?” Cambry's voice teased. He popped into the room, bearing two large mugs of coffee. “Brought you a treat. Enjoy.”

  “Thank you,” I told him. “Did you get your mystery shipment or did I throw things off by being shot?”

  He chuckled. “I can't believe you remember I was expecting it.”

  “When did this conversation happen?” Carrick asked.

  “He told me last night, when I went to talk to him.”

  “Talk about what?” Carrick gasped. He sounded surprised, maybe even jealous.

  “Down boy,” Cambry said. The jealousy must not have been in my imagination. “He just had a few questions about you and, hopefully, I was steering him in the direction of becoming your true mate.”

  “I can't tell you everything,” I said catching Cambry’s eye. “But I will give you a bit of a summary.”

  Cambry set the coffee down on the side table. “See you guys later, be good.”

  When we were alone again, I turned to Carrick and asked, “So what did you mean house arrest?”

  A sigh escaped him, and he sagged back against the headboard. I reached out and put a comforting hand on his thigh. Warmth coursed through me and he flashed me a smile that melted my heart.

  “The wardens are pretty freaked out about the hunter. They aren’t just worried about the dragons, they want all of us to be safe too. They've called in reinforcements and encouraged local shifters to go out of town for a while. Those of us who are staying are under strict house arrest orders. With guards. We've got two wardens nearby at all times.”

  “I didn't think your house was that big,” I said. I had only ever seen it from the outside. It was a cute little island cottage. I honestly wasn't even sure if it had a second story.

  “This is my parent’s house,” he said.

  “You have a permanent room here? I thought you were eighty-two!”

  Carrick smiled. “I stay over every time there's a full moon. We like to keep out of sight until any injuries heal. It's also just a nice excuse to get the whole family together once a month. And the island is more than big enough.”


  “You know that private road on the north end of Half Moon?”

  I nodded.

  “It leads to my parents’ island. It’s not nearly as large as Half Moon, but it’s a well-protected island. No humans. And their house is huge.”

  “Wow.” It must have been huge if the whole family was here. I yawned. The adrenaline rush from waking up alive and finding myself young again was starting to wear off.

  “You should finish eating and then get some rest.”

  I did as he said. Love and contentment filled me as he tucked me into the bed, after taking away the empty tray. I didn't miss it when he yawned as well. There was a chair right next to the bed and I had a feeling it had been occupied for most of the night.

  “You're supposed to rest too,” I reminded him.

  “There's a couch...”

  “Yeah, but… I think I'd like you to stay.” Even as I said it, I suddenly felt like I'd be hurt if he refused.

  To my relief, he quickly rounded the bed and slid in next to me. It seemed natural, even familiar to curl up against him. We fit together perfectly. Going by size, I should have been the big spoon. With women I always was. And yet I felt more than comfortable with him curled around my back, arm draped over my chest. It felt right.

  “Are you comfortable?” I asked, thinking that his arm was probably stretched rather high.

  “Never better,” he told me. He nuzzled the back of my neck and I felt him sigh in contentment as his body relaxed against mine. Aside from the throbbing pain above my collarbone, this was bliss.

  I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep, to the sound of him breathing. I felt my body match his rhythm on its own, as if we were breathing as one.

  Just before I fell asleep, I had the strangest feeling that some of my contentment wasn't my own. I couldn't explain it, it almost felt like I was feeling someone else's emotions, the way I heard Carrick's voice in my head when he was a wolf.

  Chapter Eight


  I woke up feeling more rested than I ever had in my life. At some point we rolled over in our sleep and Brooks was at my back, with his arm slung over me. It wasn't my preferred position for sleeping, and yet I could have stayed that way forever.

  I wondered if this meant he was going to accept me as his mate. I couldn’t shake the worry that he only agreed to turn because he was dying. I couldn’t have blamed him for that decision. I could only hope that the pull of his true mate would be too much for him to ignore. I took a deep breath, inhaling his scent. It was different now, just a hint of the wild musk I associated with another shifter, and the unmistakable scent of an omega. But it was unlike any shifter or omega that I had ever smelled before. There was something about it that just made my toes curl in delight. I took another deep breath and
then rolled over to get a better smell. I nuzzled against his neck, completely and utterly blissful as his arm tightened around my side.

  His eyes blinked open. At first, he looked a little confused and surprised, and then a smile tugged his lips. Well, that was a good sign at least.

  “Hi again,” I told him.

  “Hi,” he said.

  I couldn't resist, I leaned up to kiss him. To my delight he met my lips eagerly. My original plan was just to give him a quick good morning kiss but the moment our lips met it was like a floodgate had opened. The kiss was almost aggressive, like we were each trying to get the upper hand. He was unlike any of the meek and submissive omegas I had ever met or pictured as a true mate. I liked it. In moments we were touching everywhere that was possible. Our legs, and fingers, and even tongues were hopelessly entwined. His dick was rock hard against my thighs as I rubbed eagerly against him. I pulled my fingers reluctantly from his and caressed his collarbone, near where I would mark him. His entire body jolted beneath me. I didn't even remember rolling on top.

  “Holy shit,” he gasped. “It wasn't like that before!”

  “You’re a shifter now,” I told him.

  “It feels amazing, but it still hurts. I thought that was supposed to go away.”

  “I haven't claimed you yet, then it'll stop hurting.”

  “I don't have much of a choice in these things, do I?”

  My heart sank just a little bit. Only I would end up with a true mate that let me turn him, but still didn't want me to claim him. I wondered how much of an issue this would be when someone from the Parliament came.

  “I will never do anything you don't want to do,” I told him. “If you don't want me to claim you, I won't.”

  “Doesn't that kind of suck for you though? Being denied by your only true mate?”

  “As my true mate, your happiness is my top priority. If claiming you would make you unhappy, I wouldn’t be able to bring myself to do it.”

  “I appreciate that.”

  I nodded and forced a smile.

  His stomach rumbled. “I think I'm hungry again.”

  “You're a new turn and you’re healing. You’ll be hungry for a while. Why don't we go downstairs and find something to eat? If you're feeling up to it.”

  “I feel great after that nap.” He looked at my bedside clock and his eyes widened in surprise. “Wow, that was no catnap, we slept the day away!”

  I laughed. It was nearly dinner time. The sun would be going down soon, under other circumstances I would have been ready to claim him. “Then, let's go see what there is for dinner,” I said.

  We made our way slowly downstairs; he twisted his head this way and that, taking in my parents’ massive house.

  The kitchen took his breath away. “This is huge!”

  “My family is huge,” I told him. I led him over to a mantle above the grand fireplace, with my mother's collection of family pictures on display.

  He leaned forward, looking at them all. “There isn't a single person here who looks older than twenty-five,” he said. “But I guess pretty much all of them are older?”

  “That's right,” I chuckled. “These are my mother's parents.” I pointed to a picture of my grandfathers. “And this,” I gestured to picture next to it. “is her family. I'm afraid not all of them are alive anymore,” I said softly.

  He winced. “Cambry was telling me about how alphas die during the full moon,” he said softly.

  “Tragically, or maybe not so tragically, none of them did.” I pointed to an aunt. “Aunt Willow was a warden that got killed fighting a feral shifter. This one is my Uncle Stirling. His mate Carter died in an accident. And that there... was Cambry's mother. Riveria.”

  “A hunter killed her,” he said. I nodded.

  He spotted another picture with me in it. “Well, a bit of a family resemblance here,” he laughed.

  “The siblings,” I said. “This one is my oldest brother, Rion. There's Dell and my sisters Tessa and Lysee, me, and Cambry.”

  “Cambry sure is part of the family,” he said. He sounded almost like he was surprised.

  “He is,” I said. “And that one, I pointed to a picture of a whole crowd of people. “The whole gang. True mates and children included.”

  “Jesus,” he said. “You weren't kidding about how big your family is!” Another picture drew his gaze and he bent to examine it closer. “That’s you and Cambry, isn’t it?” He pointed to a pair of toddlers in the front of a group of people.

  “That's right,” I laughed.

  He studied it. “This is amazing… and freaky. I know you’re eighty-two, but this picture was taken...”

  I laughed. “Eighty years ago?” I suggested. The picture was black-and-white, and yellowed with time.

  Brooks shook his head in amazement and compared it to the first sibling picture. “This really is incredible,” he said. “If I ever doubted that you were immortal, this is all the proof I needed. Here you and Cambry are as kids, and everyone else in the picture looks exactly the same as they do in one that was taken eighty years later! Except… Who's that?” He matched everyone in the first picture to the modern one, except for one person. “That teenager?” He asked, pointing to a boy in the yellowed picture.

  I shifted my weight uncomfortably. “That's Sladin, he's my other brother.”

  “He's not in this picture,” Brooks said softly, setting the modern one down on the mantel. “Is he…”

  “Alive,” I said. “I’ve never met him though, that I can remember. He left, not too long after that picture was taken.”

  “He left?”

  “Yeah. He just decided that he wanted to travel, I guess. He packed up, moved out, and hasn’t been home in... decades. I think he has lunch with my parents and the occasional sibling every ten years or whatever.”

  “But not with you?”

  I swallowed nervously. It wasn't something I would normally admit to feeling, but I didn't want to have any secrets from my true mate. “I don't feel like I know him well enough to see him... does that make sense? I kind of feel like sometimes... like I don't even miss him. I don't remember him. I know Cambry better than I ever knew Sladin. I feel like if I met him I wouldn't know where to start. Not that he really makes himself available. My mother has to nag to see him until he gives in, every time.”

  “I'm sorry,” he offered.

  I shook my head. “I hate to say it, but it's okay. As I said, I don't remember enough to miss him.”

  He set the old picture back down on the mantle, making sure to put it right back where it was. “Not even a speck of dust,” he commented. “Clean freak in the house?” he joked.

  “Just right here,” I said. “My mother loves her pictures.” I glanced at the picture of her with her siblings. “I feel bad, saying I don't even want to meet my living brother, when two of her sisters are dead.”

  “You don't have to feel bad about that. It's different circumstances. I'm sure her sisters never had a choice, while your brother left willingly. It's as much his responsibility to want to see his family, as it is yours. In fact, I'd say it's more-so his responsibility.”

  I was certainly glad I had confessed my feelings to him. I couldn't resist the urge to take his hand and give it a squeeze. I didn’t say thank you out loud, I knew he'd understand. He flashed me a smile and gave my hand a tug toward the kitchen.

  “Shall we see about that dinner?” he asked.


  We crossed the great room into the main part of the kitchen and raided the pantry. My mother kept enough food to feed an army, so we didn't have any problems cobbling some leftovers together.

  We sat at the counter to eat and he asked me questions about growing up on the island, and a little more about my family. I hoped that his interest was an indication that maybe, just maybe, he was realizing that there was a chance to be a part of it soon. I made extra care to talk about all of my siblings with true mates and how happy they were.

sp; The sun had set by the time we were done, and he started looking antsy.

  “Are you okay?” I asked him.

  “Yeah I’m okay... I just have a little bit of a headache and… just feel kind of weird. I feel like… like I'm... somehow sensing somebody else's emotions. I keep getting these weird urges to run and...”

  “It's your wolf,” I told him. “He's more active now that it's past sunset.”

  “So, you mean there's literally a wolf in my head? I heard you guys all talking about them like they’re separate but...”

  “It's more like in your soul, than in your head,” I said. “If you can call it that. But yes, he's got his own emotions and thoughts, even though he's a part of you.”

  “So, what do I do?”

  “Well, the first thing we're going to do is teach you how to shift, and then we're going to run. That will make him happy and you'll get used to your wolf form. I know you did it before, but you weren't exactly aware of what was going on at the time. Eventually you'll get used to sensing him and you'll just hear it as background noise.”

  “Do I need to worry about the wolf taking control of my body or anything?”

  “Not as a human, no. Except for the full moon, the only time you will shift is when you do so consciously. Now, when you do shift there will be a moment where the wolf is in control of your mind. To be honest, I don't remember my first time, but I'm told by new turns that it's disorienting and a little frightening. You're going to have to fight for control. After you do that, you'll be in control again. Sometimes there is a bit of an instinct rush and you feel your wolf trying to react, but you'll get used to holding it at bay. You can, of course, give up control if you so choose.”

  “Why would I do that?”

  “I like to do it when I run. It's kind of relaxing because I can just kind of tune out and enjoy the run without actually thinking about it.”

  “Where can we do it?” he asked nervously.

  “Well, considering the fact we're stuck on this island until the hunter situation is dealt with, we can do it right here. That said, this is most likely where we would have done it anyway. We’ll go out back to shift and run around the island.”


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