In Guards We Trust
Page 16
The next morning a small bell sounded. He awoke to see a servant holding a tray in one hand and a bell in the other.
‘His royal highness sends greetings. He trusts you slept well. Will your lordship be having coffee or tea? I also have croissants. Your lordship’s garments have been folded and placed on that chair.’
When Jason returned to his villa later that morning, he encountered Oliver in the lounge. Oliver looked thoughtful and a little hung-over.
‘How did last night turn out?’ Jason asked immediately. The fact that Oliver was also dressed in the same ceremonial outfit he had worn to the ball did not bode well.
‘Why did you introduce me to her?’ Oliver enquired. He watched Jason carefully as he waited for a response. He frowned whilst glaring furiously at Jason.
‘She asked about you when I first met her. I assumed she was interested in you and that you might also like her. Was I wrong?’
‘Before I answer, I need to know this. Is she the real reason why you convinced the men, and me, to agree to form a navy to protect Montuga?’
‘This was a good, well-paying opportunity for all of us,’ Jason defended resolutely. ‘Such opportunities do not come along every day.’
‘You know that you have never done anything solely for the money. That is why we all trust you. We know that you have always been loyal to all of us. We know you are careful. We know you care more about the men and their safety than about money. This is why the men will follow you anywhere. Some will even follow you when you go after the pirates.’
‘Those that joined me knew the risks. They made some money to boot.’
‘For the majority, the money was never the issue. Most of them will go where you go. They have risked their lives to ensure that you stay alive instead of the pirates.’
‘They went in with their eyes open.’
‘Yes they did. But how open are their eyes now? You know that it is only a matter of time before the French come to Montuga. They will come by sea with their fleet. We cannot hold the French fleet with seven ships. Even if we are lucky and we have one success against them, it will only result in them coming at us again with most, if not all of their Mediterranean fleet. We are all likely to be annihilated. And Montuga will fall to France notwithstanding any of our efforts. What good is the money to any of us then?’
Jason did not respond. Oliver continued.
‘I think you owe it to us all to tell the truth. You have to tell the men that the reason why we are all to be mercenaries in a war which does not concern us is because of the princess. Not because the money is worth the risk or because this time there is an adventure not to be missed.’
‘I have not lied to the men.’
‘But you have also refrained from telling them the whole truth. If you die… when you die… you’ll know it is for the princess. They are also entitled to know why they are going to die.’
‘I assume you are also interested in her?’
‘Of course,’ Oliver replied. His tone became softer. ‘We’ve always had the same taste in women. He continued by asking: ‘If you are interested in her, why did you introduce me to her and leave?’
‘She asked about you. I assumed that she might be interested in you. I wanted her to meet you.’
‘Bullshit. You delivered me, your subordinate, to her on a tray, and then you excused yourself, as if to suggest that you had something loftier than her royal highness to be getting on with. I was left with no chance at all. I looked like a disposable gift from you to her. If it was your intention to create the impression that she is not good enough for you, I think you succeeded.’
‘She showed no interest in you?’ Jason asked incredulously.
‘No. She was too annoyed with you. She was curious about who it was at her ball that you found so captivating that you seemingly could not leave her presence quickly enough.’
‘I simply followed your advice,’ Jason conceded gingerly.
‘You did more than follow it. You used it against me, you shit. You cast me as highly available and you made yourself appear completely unattainable.’ Oliver’s expression of annoyance battled in vain to avoid surrendering to his grin.
‘I did well then professor?’ Jason smirked.
‘I’m not sure. Renate is royalty. Maybe this was the one time when the polite respectful gentleman may have worked for you. You might have overplayed your hand.’
‘I doubt she has any idea that I’m interested.’
‘She suspects.’
‘How do you know?’
‘I know.’
‘Did she say anything?’
‘Not to me.’
‘To whom then?’
‘To Katia.’ It was Oliver’s turn to grin gingerly.
‘Who is Katia?’
‘She is the blond lady in waiting with the big breasts. I thought of doing her until I saw Renate. But, you saw to it that you only introduced me to Renate when I was well on my way. You know how I get when I have a few drinks. I couldn’t take my eyes off those breasts. Renate saw that. She saw the real me before I could hide it. Katia says Renate thinks I am appealing enough but ultimately unsuitable. It’s a pity that. Most girls seem happy with “unsuitable”.’
‘I assume all this came to light after things did not work out with Renate and after you later ended up in Katia’s bed.’
‘You know me so well.’
‘So what did Renate say about me?’
‘Renate apparently mentioned an expression of yours. Shortly before you left her last night. A bit dangerous, eerie and somehow strangely erotic or something like that. I cannot remember the precise words. She’s not even sure if she imagined it all. What was that all about? Did you try to impress her with some seductive look which went cock-eyed?’
‘She saw a leopard eyeing his prey. What could be dangerous or eerie about that?’