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The Winter Games

Page 38

by Sharp, Dr. Rebecca

  “Did I?” I barely found the strength to ask.

  “Your pussy is soaking for me. All pink. With the tiniest bit of red at the center. Like a rose.” Desire dripped down onto the floor. Peeking over my shoulder was a mistake because the look on his face was complete and utter intent to devour me. “God, I just want to eat you, but I don’t think my dick will survive if I do that right now,” he laughed harshly.

  My neck cramped but I couldn’t look away as he undid his pants, shoving them down to pull out his long, thick cock. I could see the vein in it pulsing right up to the purple, swollen tip that glistened slightly with how much he needed release.

  “Wyatt…” I cried, my arms shaking underneath me. “I need you inside of me.”

  I heard the rustle of the condom wrapper tearing and my sex clenched in relieved anticipation, leaking more of my cum onto the floor.

  His palm grazed over my ass before planting firmly on my back and my feet shifted in their spot, wondering why he wasn’t inside me already.

  “Maybe just one taste…”

  Then I felt it – his tongue pressing flat against my clit and sliding slowly up the length of my slit, licking every drop of my desire along with it. My lungs gasped for air like my desire was holding them hostage under water – the rest of my body fully content to drown.

  “I just need you, gorgeous.” He pressed a soft kiss against the small of my back. “Always.”

  This. Every moment with Wyatt was this – the kind of unbelievable reality that said I could fall off a mountain tomorrow or explode into a million pieces right now, but that I would die happy.

  His mouth disappeared a second before the blunt head of his cock pressed against my slick entrance and he drove inside me. I was up on my tip-toes, the way he held my hips so that he could plunge in deeper and touch the most private part of me – the one that only belonged to him.

  I cried his name over and over again as he thrust into me with long and steady strokes. We both wanted release, but this moment where we were both joined and needed each other beyond words was something that we both found we loved to prolong.

  One hand trailed around to my front as he stilled his movements inside me.

  Wyatt loved to do this, too. Even when he was shaking with the need to orgasm, he loved to draw out every last drop of pleasure that he could from my body. Only then would he let himself go.

  Tears began to leak down my face when his fingers found my swollen clit, sliding easily back-and-forth over the tiny bud, sending fireworks out through my body that made my pussy explode around his cock, quaking with the desperate attempt to climax.

  “Wy…” I couldn’t breathe. I shook underneath his hand and around him as my body raced towards where he was leading me.

  He felt me coming apart. He felt the first strands of my body beginning to disintegrate and that’s when he began to move. Slamming inside of me, he hit my sweet, secret spot with the head of his dick over and over as he flicked over my clit relentlessly.

  I screamed his name as I shattered.

  I always screamed his name.

  When I recovered from this, I’d have to check the lake outside and make sure my scream hadn’t cracked right through the ice.

  Seconds later I felt him tense and jerk against me with a roar as his orgasm broke through him. His cock pulsed, spreading the muscles inside me even wider as he came.

  We flew. Up in the air. Together. And we held onto each other as we came back down.

  He slipped out and my muscles contracted against the empty space in protest. Without him, I slowly became aware of the rest of my body and the way my arms were tingling from supporting my weight against his thrusts for so long. But before I could do anything about it, Wyatt did.

  Pulling me up, he held me tight against his chest, his erection softening between us.

  “I love you so damn much, Channing.”

  I tilted my head up to his. “I love you, too, handsome.” The smile he gave me took the rest of my strength from my legs. “And I like when you miss me,” I said with a shy smile.

  He chuckled, dropping a swift kiss on my lips. “I do, too… too much.”

  “What do you mean?” My brow furrowed as he walked into the bathroom to throw away the condom he’d filled. I picked up my underwear and, realizing that they were not salvageable, tossed them in the dirty laundry bag before following him in.

  “Just that I come home to you – in my shirt – where I can see exactly what dick-throbbing underwear concoction you are wearing right through it.”

  “And that’s a problem.”

  “Never,” he growled. “But next time I need to make note of what I want to talk to you about before I lose my fucking mind over you.”

  I bit down on my lip, but the smile still took over my entire face.

  He handed me a warm washcloth and I quickly wiped myself down.

  “So then, before I distract you again, what did you want to talk to me about?”

  He looked up at me through hooded lids, giving me a tight smile which told me that whatever it was wasn’t nearly as feel-good was what just happened between us.

  “You should get dressed first, baby,” he said softly, cupping my cheek and nodding back to the bedroom where my fancy gifts now lay in a crumpled pile on the bed. “I don’t want us to be late for dinner.”

  “That was… the most amazing steak I think I’ve ever had,” I gushed, staring down at the empty plate that I was about to lick clean if someone didn’t take it away from me.

  My gaze rose to lock into the tense, brooding gaze of my delicious date. If I had thought that the dress he had bought me was sexy, it was nothing compared to this man in the navy suit he had on.

  But I did have that smoking onesie on underneath, so it looked like I was going to come out on top. Hopefully.

  “W-was your meal ok?” I asked, reaching for my almost-empty glass of red wine. Not something I usually would order, but when Wyatt told me to try it with the steak, I couldn’t say no. And I’m glad I didn’t. The way the flavors mingled in my mouth was like nothing I’d ever tasted before.

  Perfect. Just like him.

  Wyatt had taken us to the most expensive restaurant in the resort for dinner. More lakeside views along with unbelievable food. I hoped his meal was as good as mine.

  “My meal was fine.” He wiped the tight line of his mouth with his napkin. “It was your meal that killed me.” My brow scrunched together as I continued to stare. “You moaned with every. Single. Bite. And you have no idea what that did to me, gorgeous, but if I stand up right now, you might have an idea.”

  My knee jerked up, hitting the underside of the table, as I attempted to cross my legs as my sex clenched with need.

  “Well… then I guess we’ll just have to get dessert,” I said with a teasing smile.

  “Oh, I’ll have dessert later,” he said with a low growl, reaching across the table and grabbing my hand. He pulled my palm to his mouth and placed an open-mouthed kiss in the center, not releasing my gaze the entire time. “But you can order something now, if you want.”

  My mouth opened and shut, unable to make a sound over the lump of pure need that balled inside of it.

  “She’ll have the chocolate lava cake,” Wyatt’s deep voice spoke to our waiter; even though his accent was everywhere, no one’s words came out quite like his.

  I rubbed my thighs together again, pulling my dress down like it could stop my desire from leaking out.

  “So, what did you want to talk to me about earlier?” I said hoarsely, trying to focus on anything to distract me until we were alone again.

  His intense stare flicked to his watch before he tapped on the table like he wasn’t sure he wanted to ruin the night with.

  “Wyatt…” The thread of worry that entered my voice was unstoppable.

  “Your brother. He hasn’t been answering my calls.”

  The mountain may have broken his knee, but I was going to break his head if he was reall
y going to be stupid about this.

  “What do you mean?”

  The waitress set a giant mound of melting chocolate in front of me and the smell of the sugar alone almost sent me on a high.

  “I thought maybe if I kept him up-to-date during this whole,” he waved his hands around indicating our trip that was partially business and partially not, “that he would be more willing to take the job… if he felt like he was a part of it all and not just some hire out of guilt.”

  I dug my fork in. “He’s going to think that no matter what.”

  “I… ahh… spoke to Ally earlier, too.” He cleared his throat before stealing a bite of my dessert with a playful grin. “Trying to get ahold of him.”

  “What did she say?” I asked with a mouthful.

  You could dress me up, but you couldn’t take me out.

  “That he was still at Nick’s. That she hadn’t spoken to him or seen him much lately. We didn’t talk for long, she was on her way to go shopping with Jess… Jessie…”

  My fork clattered to the plate. “Jessa?”

  “Yeah, that’s it.” His brow scrunched together. “Why?”

  Oh, God.

  “I forgot… I mean, I knew… I knew she moved back, but it slipped my mind. And with Chance gone it didn’t even matter. But he’s back now. And no one told him. No one warned him.”

  “Woah, slow down, babe.” He grabbed my hand and cupped it between his. “What are you talking about?”

  “Jessa… she’s one of Ally’s best friends now. But she used to be Chance’s girlfriend back in high school.”

  He still stared, perplexed. “I’m sorry. I don’t get it. They used to date? And that’s a problem?”

  “It is when it didn’t end on good terms.” I sighed. “It is when she cheated on him with Nick.”

  He couldn’t have looked more surprised than if I’d thrown the chocolate cake in his face.

  “And now she lives in the same town.” He spoke as he put the pieces together. “Uncomfortable. I get it. So why not take the job to at least keep yourself busy?” He shrugged.

  He didn’t get it. But I loved him for trying.

  There were things I would never understand about my brother. There were things that I didn’t think even God understood about Chance Ryder. But the connection between my brother and me made me feel certain things – things that he felt so strongly about but would never admit to.

  Like when he’d left. I felt his safety just as surely as I felt his need for isolation.

  I hadn’t been happy about it. The twin-thing wasn’t selective on the emotions that it passed along.

  But more than the bitter solitude. Heck, more than anything else I’d felt from him, his feelings for Jessa felt like my own heart was ripping in two. Pulled between love and hate. Between hurt and hope.

  And what happens when you pull a string too tight?

  It snaps.

  She was more than the mountain to him. And that’s why her being back would not only rub salt in the wound of his career-ending injury, but it would remind him that, in addition to losing the one thing that he loved, he also lost the only person he’d ever loved.

  Chance never lost.

  That’s why they called him ‘Pride’.

  It was all he had left and I was afraid that he would burn down anything and anyone to keep from losing that, too.

  “Alright, so he doesn’t like her.” Wyatt brought my back to the moment.

  More than anything, I wished for my brother what I had.

  “I wish… I wish that were it,” I said slowly. “He doesn’t like her, but that’s not the problem.” I paused, hearing Wyatt’s phone begin to buzz in his pocket. “The problem is that he loves her.”

  Our eyes remained unbroken for a second, letting the gravity of what I said soak in. But then his phone began vibrating again. He pulled it out with a muffled curse and I could see his indecision written all over his face.

  “It’s Chance.” Speak of the devil.

  I nodded to him to answer it. My brother was in a dark place right now and even though he wasn’t reaching out to me, at least he was reaching out to someone.

  “Don’t go anywhere, gorgeous,” he said as he stood, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. “I have one more surprise for you yet.”


  “You’ve been blowing up my phone, Canada. My sister better be ok,” Chance’s irritated voice rasped on the other end of the line.

  I hated that he called during our dinner. If it was any other person and any other call, I would have fucking ignored it. But it wasn’t.

  It was her brother. And he was returning my call from earlier – a call that really had nothing to do with business.

  I sat at the jewelers, staring at the giant diamond that sparkled back in my face. I bought it back in Montreal, but I wanted it cleaned again before I gave it to her. I’d already asked her father. I called him the day before we left for Canada and told him that his daughter was my world and asked for his blessing to let me keep her forever. But even after that, I still felt like it wasn’t enough. Her siblings were such a huge part of her life; I couldn’t ask her without asking them, too. Or in Chance’s case, maybe just telling him.

  Getting ahold of Ally hadn’t been a problem. Chance, on the other hand, was a difficult motherfucker to reach. I told Channing that I’d tried to call him about the school – and I had because he should be a part of some of these decisions; I valued his input. But I really just wanted to tell him that I was going to propose. After earlier today, I’d given up. Hoping that at least Ally might be able to relay the message.

  Of course, he would return my call in the middle of our dinner.

  “Your sister is fine,” I answered, glancing back from where I was standing by the restrooms to make sure my girl was still sitting at the table.

  “Well, if you’ve been calling to bug me about the job, you’re pushing me in the wrong direction. And I will fucking push back.” The rage imbedded in his voice was palpable.

  I didn’t know everything that he felt, but I sure as shit knew some of it. I wasn’t forced from the snowboarding world because of an injury, but I was pushed out because of my age. I’d never understand what it would feel like if my dream had been ripped from me in my prime, but I did know a little something about not having a damn clue about what to do or where to go with your future.

  “I was, but I also wasn’t. I was calling about your sister.”

  “What about her? You just said she was fine. If she is going to get on my case—” he broke off with a huff.

  “No one is getting on your case, Chance. I’m calling to tell you that I’m about to propose to her,” I interrupted him before he let loose. I could sense it in every word he said, that he was barely containing the anger he felt at the world and I felt bad for whoever it was that put the last straw on the camel’s back.

  “What?” He asked dumbly, his tone completely changing to shock.

  “I’m proposing to Channing tonight. I already asked your dad, but I wanted to ask you and Ally, too.”

  Complete silence greeted my statement.

  It was the kind of silence that accompanies another brick being pulled from the foundation of his life and he was just waiting to see what more of him would crumble and fall.

  I saw Channing looking around for me and I knew I had to get back before she came searching. Clearing my throat, I spoke again, “I guess I wanted your blessing.”

  There was another second of silence before a much softer, almost sad, voice responded, “Of course.”

  The tension released from my body in a wave and I hadn’t realized just how much I’d needed to hear that from him before tonight.

  “She loves you, Olsen. Of course, I give you my blessing,” he continued. “Even if I still don’t see what’s so great about you.”

  I laughed as his comment broke the seriousness that neither of us could handle right now.

  “Well, it’s a good
thing I’m not proposing to you, then.”

  “Ahh…” He kept laughing. “I can’t believe you’re going to marry Channing. She’s going to be the death of you.”

  Spoken like a true sibling.

  “Well, she’s the life in me, so I guess that makes up for it.”

  “Don’t get all sappy on me, Canada,” he said only partially with disgust.

  “One day this is going to be you, my friend,” I teased back. “That’s how life works. So you can give me shit all you want, but I just hope you are ready to enjoy the ride.”

  “Yeah, no,” he answered immediately, the cold, hard edge returning to his deep voice. Whatever part of him I’d just been talking to was gone again, suppressed by the crushing weight of his anger. “You want to know how my life works, Olsen? It doesn’t. My life takes me to the top of the goddamn world and then it drops me. My life is cruel; it gives me what I want most – what I don’t think I can live without – and then it takes it away just to see if I’ll survive, or how much of me will survive. Hate to burst your fucking fairytale bubble, but there’s not a whole lot left. But I’m a quick learner; it’s why I would have been a better snowboarder than you. And it’s why I’ve stopped wanting things. Including your fucking job.”


  I pulled the phone back. Yeah, fucker just hung up on me.

  Bitterness seeped through every syllable. Like ivy it crawled around and strangled every word that came out of his mouth.

  I pitied the guy, I really did. And I ached for Channing because I knew she could feel his anger. I could feel his anger and I wasn’t his twin.

  I didn’t care what he said though. He was going to take the damn job because having a purpose was the only thing that was going to save him.

  “Everything ok?”

  I bent down and kissed her lips, trying to take the worry away from her face – and trying to ignore the way seeing her at the table in that damn dress sucker-punched me in the gut with another wave of desire.


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