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The Winter Games

Page 109

by Sharp, Dr. Rebecca

  I wiped the wetness from my cheeks. I cried every time I thought about that day.

  And now, our ride was about to go through another loop. I hoped.

  Yeah, this time was a whole lot different.

  Still, the few minutes that I had to wait for the result were too long.

  Pulling up my scrubs, I left the stick sitting on the box and made for our bedroom. Opening up my nightstand drawer, I pulled out my cards. A quick shuffle and a left-handed cut of the deck later, I picked up the top card.

  Am I pregnant?

  My heart proposed the question to the card, begging for its answer. Taking a deep breath, my eyes squeezed shut, I flipped it over and looked at it.

  “Jess, I’m home!” Chance’s voice echoed through at the very same moment.

  There were a lot of reasons I didn’t bother going back to the bathroom to check the results of the test. I knew the answer before I took it and I knew the answer before I even asked the cards. But the biggest was that last time, I’d looked at that test alone. Today, I wanted Chance beside me.

  Taking the card, I hurried to the top of the steps, stopping abruptly to see Chance standing at the bottom, jeans hanging perfectly from his slim hips and his tee pulled tight over his chest, pink roses in one hand.

  “You ok?” he asked immediately, one foot on the first step to come to me until I held a hand up, coming down to him instead.

  “For me?” I whispered, struggling to get any words out over the lump in my throat.

  His eyes flashed. Of course, they were for me—and now he really knew something was up.

  “You haven’t been feeling well lately, J-bird,” he rasped, cupping the side of my face. “Brought pink flowers for my very own pink goddess.”

  My hand came up to cover my mouth as a sob jumped out.

  Cursing, he pulled me into his arms, the solace of the hot, hard planes of his chest comforted and calmed me.

  “What’s going on, Jess? Tell me what’s wrong,” he whispered into my hair, brushing it back from where it stuck to my tear-streaked face.

  “Nothing’s wrong,” I said with a weak smile.

  He had every right to look at me with confusion as I pushed myself back just enough to hold the card out to him.

  Warily, he plucked it from my fingers and held it up.

  “The Queen of Pentacles?” His gaze flicked from the card to me and back to the card. “Don’t know what this one means, Jess.”

  Taking a deep breath, the words poured out of me like Niagara Falls—powerful, overflowing, breathtaking.

  “The nurturing mother.”

  He stared at it for another second before his eyes rose up to meet mine, hope and uncertainty painting the canvas of their bright blues.

  Last time when I called him to say the following words, pain and doubt had crippled me. I called knowing there was going to be hell to pay because I’d run before the devil could get his due.

  This time, a happiness that was too big for the word made my tongue tingle and my heart race.

  “I’m pregnant, Chance.”

  His shout of excitement echoed through the space as he picked me up and had me against the wall of the staircase just before his mouth fused to mine.

  Tears and joy mingled into our kiss as love in its most raw form celebrated.

  “When?” he said with a husky voice, more breath than noise.

  “I… I just took the test. It’s upstairs.”

  With a growl, his hands gripped into my ass as he jogged with me in his arms up the stairs and barged into our bathroom.

  There it was: the lines I didn’t need to see to know what was happening to my body.

  “We’re going to have a baby.” The awe in his voice stopped my heart and the love in his stare jump-started it again.

  His next kiss was brutal. Loving and demanding, it was the highs of everything about the ride our relationship had taken. The first time around, we’d both made a lot of mistakes, but life was about second chances… and my life was about Chance and however many times it took to bring me back to him.

  I cried as I kissed him, the most exquisite happiness mingled with just the smallest seed of doubt gnawed at my stomach.

  What if I lost this baby, too?

  Setting my ass on the counter, he gripped my head and captured my eyes.

  “It’s going to be ok, Jess. You hear me?” he demanded, his forehead pressed to mine. “We are meant to be. And if this is meant to be, it’ll be. But no matter what happens, we’ll get through it together.”

  I let out a small cry, my heart squeezing because he knew what was going on in my head.

  “Together,” he reiterated. “Only. Ever. Always.”

  I nodded and repeated thickly, “Only. Ever. Always. Together.”

  “I love you, J-bird.”

  I smiled tremulously. “I love you, too, Chance.”

  The way he grinned eliminated the lingering vestiges of doubt from my mind, “We’re gonna have a fucking baby.”

  A garbled laugh left my lips as I alternately nodded and kissed him, wrapping my arms tightly around his neck determined to never let go. I held onto him for dear life because he was my life.

  “What are you doing?” I cried out and giggled uncontrollably as he hoisted me up and carried me towards the master suite, kicking the door shut behind him. “Chance!”

  He tossed me onto our bed, a devious smirk tugging one end of that delicious mouth.

  “Making sure that we’re going to have a baby.”

  My laughter was soon exchanged for moans as Chance stripped us down and did his best to ensure that whether or not I’d been pregnant before, I was by the end of the night.

  This was happiness—not the ending, but the journey.

  Winding and curving, moving up and down, life was a road that required balance. It was about taking the good with the bad because the only way to keep steady was to keep moving forward. So, no matter what would happen, I let go of my worries and held onto love because when the world stopped turning and the storms of life were through, there was only one man I saw myself standing with at the end of the longest of rides and it was his love that would make it all worthwhile.

  The End.

  This bonus scene takes place after the end of Enjoy the Ride but before the Epilogue!

  “JESSA LYNN, DID YOU DO something different with your hair?”

  My face split in the widest smile, seeing the familiar kind one on the other side of the apartment door just before I was wrapped up by my brother’s massive arms and hoisted into arguably one of the best bear hugs in existence.

  “My hair was always something different,” I teased, squeezing him tight. “Did you somehow get even wider, Mick Madison?” I demanded in return, having forgotten just how hard it was to hug shoulders so broad.

  “You know my shoulders only grow in proportion to how big of a man is needed to keep a certain brother of yours out of trouble.”

  I threw back my head and laughed. “Of mine?” I charged. “You mean a certain twin of yours?”

  He laughed easily, warm and smooth. It was one of my favorite things about Mick—his laugh.

  I sighed and sagged against his warm bulk, grateful to be seeing some of my family after what felt like forever. “I missed you, Mick.”

  Pulling back, I kissed him hard on the cheek with an exaggerated smack before he set me down with a chuckle.

  Out of the twins, Mick was always the larger one. A mountain, really. But the kindest man you’d ever meet.

  “C’mon in.” He motioned, waiting until I passed through the door to greet Chance.

  “Mick,” Chance greeted him with a nod and an outstretched hand.

  As excited as I’d been to see my brothers and the new town they called home, I was nervous for this moment.

  Where, arguably, the three men who loved me the most came face to face.

  My brothers were protective, and I loved them for it. But after everything Chance and I had been
through, I just hoped they wouldn’t be too hard on him.

  Or not for too long.

  “Hey, man. Good to see you.”

  I bit my lower lip, holding my breath as both men eyed each other up before Mick reached out and, as he shook Chance’s hand, pulled him in for a hug.

  My lungs released with a happy sigh. Then again, Mick was always the easier of the twins to come around. Miles was a little harder… a little more hardened.

  “This is really nice, Mick,” I mused, walking into my brother’s new condo, Chance and him following right behind me.

  Immediately to the left was the kitchen. Nothing too fancy, but new appliances and—

  “Cookies!” I exclaimed and spun.

  If there was one thing that could be more welcoming than my brother’s warm smile, it was his cookies.

  “Figured y’all might be hungry from your trip.” He laughed because I’d already reached for one, a huge first bite in process as he offered them.

  “Well, we brought a small house-warming gift for you, too,” Chance spoke while I stuffed my face. All I could do was nod enthusiastically as he set down the grocery bag he’d been carrying and lifted out a six-pack of pure, fizzing magic.

  “What in the…” He reached out and palmed the six-pack, taking it from Chance. “La…Croix?”

  I chuckled as he pronounced the ‘x.’

  “La Croy,” Chance corrected.

  Mick tipped his head, comically, folding his arms across him in confusion.

  Maybe I should’ve brought him more t-shirts. Mick fit the mold of ‘everything’s bigger in Texas’ to a t. Except, he wasn’t in Texas anymore. And, in California, everything was smaller and slimmer, and his shirt looked to be struggling.

  “Your sister won’t go anywhere without it,” Chance continued wryly.

  I wiped my mouth. “You make it sound like you have to compete with it for my affection.”

  Chance chuckled and retorted, “I don’t have to compete with it. I choose not to because I know it would win.”

  I faked offense for all of two seconds, playfully swatting him on the arm, before I reached out and pulled a can from the pack, popping the top.

  “They are magic. You have to try.”

  Mick arched an eyebrow before sliding his gaze to Chance.

  “They aren’t bad.”

  “You’re walking a fine line, Mr. Ryder. Don’t make me grab a rolling pin,” I warned teasingly, realizing my mistake when the hot flash of lust in Chance’s gaze sent a shiver right down to my core.

  “Rolling pin?” Mick looked between the two of us.

  Blushing, I shoved the can of sparkling water at my brother and instructed, “Drink.”

  Ever eager to please, he took a sip and then looked at the can with a surprisingly pleased nod.

  “Tangerine.” His attention shifted to me. “That’s not bad.”

  I beamed. “Good, because I brought you a ton of other flavors.”

  Mick laughed and shook his head. “Bet your fridge is stocked with these,” he said to Chance.

  “Both of them,” Chance replied, shooting me a wink that did far too much to my body than was appropriate for the situation. “I’ll unload these for you.”

  Mick murmured his thanks and then approached me. Slinging an arm around my shoulder, he finished the tour of his condo, though it only took us about five steps to do it.

  To the left was the bed and bathroom, and on the other side of the kitchen counter where the plate of cookies was still calling my name, was the empty living room that had floor to ceiling windows that looked out to the beach and cove.

  “The landlord is pretty flexible, which is great. Probably going to remodel the kitchen a bit. Add in some more cabinets. And then I’d like to put in a fireplace over there.”

  “It’s great, Mick. Really, I’m so happy for you.” I turned and wrapped my arms around his bulk, squeezing tight. “I’m so happy to be here. To see you guys.”

  His eyes shadowed for a moment before he smiled back. “Miles is going to meet us in town for coffee.”

  “He okay?” I asked, worried.

  Even though both of my brothers moved to Carmel Cove from Texas, I knew that Miles had been the instigating factor, wanting to leave heartbreak behind. I could understand that.

  And I don’t think Mick ever considered whether or not he wanted to go along, he just did. With a warm smile on his face. Because family and loyalty—and protecting those he loved—was everything to him.

  “Yeah,” he assured me. “He’s doin’ good. Especially now that we aren’t crashin’ together.” He smirked at me.

  Even though they were twins and ran their own construction company together, they were still their own men. Very different men.

  “Good. I worry about him.”

  “Don’t you worry your pretty pink head,” he teased, lovingly.

  Chance joined us in the living room and, with a smile for my brother, I pulled from his arms and found my way to Chance’s side.

  Mick felt like family. But Chance… Chance felt like home.

  “Your fridge is officially a fount of sparkling water,” he said with a smirk before kissing the side of my head.

  I looked to Mick. “Now, all you need is some furniture to sit and enjoy it on.”

  “Hey.” He put his hands up. “I just got into this place three days ago. Furniture is on the list at some point this weekend.”

  “I’m just teasing,” I told him.

  We’d decided last minute on the trip. I was supposed to have off a few weekends ago but ended up having to cover for Kyle for a family thing. I didn’t mind, except that it pushed my next free weekend out until after the mountains would be open and I didn’t think Chance would want to go away then.

  But he did.

  In fact, I even told him I could come alone, but he insisted on coming—insisted on wanting to see my brothers after so long. And the gesture made my heart swell a thousand times larger with the love that already felt immeasurable.

  “So, what’s on the agenda? Where’s Miles?”

  Mick checked his watch. “We’re going to meet him in town at the local coffee shop, Ocean Roasters, for coffee and then we can take you around town or go to the beach. Whatever y’all want.”

  “Sounds perfect! Can I just use your bathroom real fast, Mick, and then we can go?”


  I darted into the bedroom, leaving Chance and Mick alone, a sense of complete happiness settling over me.

  “Thanks for coming out here,” Jessa’s brother, Mick, said as soon as she was gone with complete sincerity.

  Thank fuck because the guy was a beast. I remembered one of the twins always being bigger—but not this big.

  It was a good thing for the world that his size was matched with an equal amount of patience and gentleness.

  Though I knew every man had his breaking point, and when he first looked at me earlier, I knew Mick wouldn’t hesitate to probably fucking crush my skull if I ever hurt his sister or broke her heart.

  I didn’t blame him.

  Jessa was worth fighting for.

  “Of course.” I nodded, shoving my hands in my pockets. “I have to tell you though, it wasn’t all for her.”

  He arched an eyebrow at me.

  “I was hoping to have a minute to talk to you and Miles at some point while we’re here,” I forged on, hearing the bathroom door open and knowing my time was running out. “Without Jess—”

  “Okay! I’m ready!” Jessa called just as she entered the living room, giving me enough warning to stop talking.

  Her light-yellow jeans clung to her legs and, when she lifted her arms to pull the vibrant mass of pink sherbet hair into a ponytail, her white shirt lifted to give just a hint of her silken stomach underneath.

  Instantly, my mouth watered, hungry for her.

  I was always hungry for her.

  But after a day of travel, hearing her moan over those cookies and then ment
ion the rolling pin incident, my dick was a goner.

  I cleared my throat. “Great. I’m ready for some coffee.”

  Approaching her, I reached for her wrist and pulled her in front of me, anchoring my hands on her waist and letting her lead the way out of her brother’s condo—and letting her hide just how much my cock wanted her.

  Mick was a nice guy and all, but I wasn’t going to test his patience and friendly welcome by advertising a hard-on for his little sister right in front of him.


  No sooner did the bell ding as I opened the door to local Ocean Roasters, letting Jessa walk inside first, than did she spot her other brother sitting by himself in the corner of the busy café.

  The other smaller, but still intimidating, twin rose and smiled—an expression it looked like his face hadn’t seen in a long time.

  I remembered what Jessa said on our flight out here that Miles was the reason they left Texas, something about a bad ending to a past relationship.

  Besides being of normal bulk, Miles kept his hair longer than his brother’s, the darker strands pulled back and held at the base of his neck with a few pieces breaking free.

  If I was a dick, I’d say he looked scrappy.

  I was a dick.

  He looked scrappy.

  But he also looked like he could wipe the sidewalk with me if he wanted, so I kept my observations about his appearance to myself.

  Like his brother, he gave Jessa a huge hug, murmuring something in her ear that made her laugh.

  The coffee shop wasn’t that small, but the number of people gathered inside made the space feel tighter than it was. The air was heavy with the scent of coffee, and the dated décor suggested the place had been around for quite a while.

  My attention returned as soon as I caught Jessa move from the corner of my eye, approaching me with her other, far-less-pleased brother.

  “Chance,” he greeted gruffly.

  “Miles.” I gave him a nod of deference and extended my hand.

  He stared at it, smirked at it, and then, after making me sufficiently wary that he was going to walk away without shaking it, gripped me with a firm handshake.


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