Oliver Wendell Holmes
Page 59
Bull Run, Battle of, 76, 79
Bundy, Harvey H., 315, 317, 318, 320, 353, 466
Bundy, Katharine, 206, 210
Bureau of Investigations, 387
Burghclere, Lady (Winifred, née Herbert), 138, 251, 283
Burke, Edmund, 135
Burleson, Albert, 368, 386–87
Burns, Anthony, 67–68, 77
Burnside, Gen. Ambrose, 105
Butler, Benjamin, 180
Butler, Charles, 264
Butler, Justice Pierce, 402, 412, 430, 440
Butt, Archibald Willingham (“Archie”), 278, 325, 501n61
Buzzard’s Bay (Mass.), 156 (see also Mattapoisset)
C & O Canal, 80, 87, 281
Cabot, Eliot, 221
car-service licensing law, 410
constitutional ban on margin sales, 272, 295
OWH’s visit to, 216–17
Union army regiment, 83
and New England psyche, 8, 28–29, 63, 367
theological tenets, 29, 33, 64, 284
Unitarian reaction to, 29–30, 31–33
Cambridge (Mass.), 31–32, 32, 34, 53–54, 55
Cambridge University, 17
Camoens, Luis de, 8
Campbell, John Archibald, 289, 290
Campbell, Miss, 142
Cannon, Rep. Joe, 323
Canoe Meadow (Pittsfield, Mass.), 51, 52
Canterbury Tales, 205
Canton (Ohio), 378, 379
Cape Ann (Mass.), 371
Cape Cod Canal (Mass.), 200
Caplan, Charles, 386
Cardozo, Justice Benjamin, 432
Carter, Judge Robert L., 511n73
Casanova, Giacomo, 178
case study method, 169–70
Cass, Thomas, 133
Castletown, Bernard FitzPatrick, 2nd Baron
aristocratic empty-headedness, 235–36, 237
in Boer War, 252
introduces OWH to Canon Sheehan, 284
nervous breakdown and financial ruin, 324–25
OWH on friendly terms with, 250, 252
writes OWH on wife’s death, 423
Castletown, Lady (Emily Ursula Clare, née St. Leger), 235
background and family, 235, 236
death, 423
first meets OWH, 219
flirtation and correspondence with OWH, 208, 237–40, 239, 251–53, 325, 455, 465–66
horseback riding injuries, 219, 252, 324
house at Doneraile, 236–37, 237
and Lewis Einstein, 281–82
love affair with Percy La Touche, 239–40, 252
married life, 236, 240, 251–52, 325
OWH’s remarks to: “humbug of indifference,” 130; great emotions of life, 143; loneliness of original work, 152; lawyers’ speechifying, 194–95; preferring conversation of women, 208; “canny” about money, 227; fights with fellow justices on SJC, 230; shame at making Fanny come to meet him, 238; caring for “infinite” not “finite” in their relationship, 239; success of speech at Boston University, 245; can fit into old Civil War uniform, 247; detractors do not consider him a “serious person,” 247; profusion of roses in his Washington yard, 306; her wisdom in not leaving her husband, 325; “high goodness” of Jewish friends, 359; draconian rule in injury cases, 432; asks to burn letters, 455
OWH’s visits to: 1896, 234–35, 236–38; 1898, 249–51; 1901, 252–53; 1903, 283–84; 1907, 304; 1909, 252; 1913, 252, 325
photograph in OWH’s library, 238–39, 307–8
attacks on OWH by, 14
in Boston, 77, 133
and “natural law,” 14, 15
OWH’s view of, 151, 285–86, 326, 431
and slavery, 77
theological certainties of, 130, 151, 286
and Virginia sterilization case, 430
Catlett’s Station (Va.), 102
certiorari, writ of, 402–3, 438
Chafee, Zechariah, Jr., 369, 385, 387, 393
“Chambered Nautilus, The” (Holmes Sr.), 42
Chandler, Shattuck and Thayer, 154, 163
Channing, William Ellery, 29, 63, 66
Charnwood, Godfrey Benson, Lord, 3
Chattanooga (Tenn.), 416, 417, 428
chemical factories, 432
Chicago, OWH’s trips to, 217, 259, 321
Chicago Board of Trade, 199
Chicago Record-Herald, 273, 273
child labor, 291, 362–63, 362, 458–59
childbed fever, 36
Childs, Marquis, 357
China, S.S., 143
Choate, Joseph H., 336
Christie, Loring, 328, 329
Churchill, Winston, 3, 9, 218
cigar factories, 291
Circuit Court of Appeals, U.S., 369, 377, 402
civil law, Roman, 169
civil rights, see free speech; peonage laws; search and seizure; segregation; trial, right to fair; voting rights
Civil War
beginning of, 70–76
casualties, 72, 93, 94, 103, 105, 476n59
Colored Regiments, 68, 109, 111
effects of, 127–34
immigrants in, 76–79, 89–90, 132–33
infantry tactics, 94
and understanding of the Constitution, 447
Union strategy, 91, 100, 115, 118
see also names of specific battles, officers, and units
Clapp, Horace B., 186–87
Clark, Austin H., 215, 480n70
Clarke, Justice John Hessin, 401, 406–7, 411, 466
“clear and present danger” test, 384, 385, 391
clerks, law, see secretaries (law clerks), OWH’s
Cleveland, Grover, 217
Clifford, Lucy, 218–19, 250, 283, 424
Clifford, William K., 219
coal mining, 411
Codman, Anna K.
literary works, 209
long friendship with OWH, 18, 209, 211, 239, 280, 442
observations about OWH, 18, 219
OWH’s remarks to: unconduciveness of Washington to flirtations, 279–80; reluctance to employ a secretary, 313–14
visit to OWH in hospital, 408
Cohen, Morris R.
on constitutional “fetishism,” 460
and OWH’s observations on Darwin and religion, 33–34, 62, 170–71
on OWH’s world view, 63, 400, 461
sabbatical subsidized by OWH, 398
Cold Harbor (Va.), 116
Cold Harbor, Battle of, 123–25,124
Collier, Rosemary, 496n24
Collins, Ronald K. L., 460–61
collusive lawsuits, 415, 429–30
Columbia Broadcasting System, 446
Columbian Artillery, 77, 133
Coman, Katharine, 332
Commentaries on American Law (Kent), 47, 153, 163–67, 485–86n40
Commentaries on the Laws of England, see Blackstone (Commentaries on the Laws of England)
Commerce Clause
and child labor, 362–63, 459
and “current of commerce” theory, 301
Supreme Court’s narrow reading of, 268, 301, 459
commercial law, 164, 172, 198–200
commercial speech, 440–41
commodity trading, 199
common carriers, 340
common law
adaptability of, 10–11, 64, 170, 172
external standards in, 21, 170, 175–76, 229, 232–33
fault and negligence in, 173–76, 232–33
federal, 436–38, 459
moral fault and terminology in, 165, 170, 175, 233, 397
origins of, 169
OWH’s mastery of, 165–66, 406
as policymaking, 170, 172–74, 242–43
privilege under, 174, 230
as reflection of community, 172, 175–76, 233
repurposing old forms in, 170–73
and sovereign power, 435–38
/> see also contracts; libel; torts and tort law
Common Law, The (Holmes)
influence and reception, 10–11, 21, 177–78, 232
key ideas in, 14, 21, 168–76, 244, 292, 435
and Lowell Lectures, 168, 176–77
OWH celebrates publication, 177
Communist Party, 387
competition, economic, 198–99, 241–42
Compromise of 1850, 66, 67
Concord River (Mass.), 198
Confederate veterans, 238, 270, 273–74, 278, 344
Congress, U.S.
handling of OWH’s bequest, 453–55, 522n1
and jurisdiction of the Court, 402, 405
power to regulate business, 301, 302, 458–59
see also legislation
conservation, 301, 447
in Boston business establishment, 62, 63, 254, 388, 394, 426
constitutional theories, 21–22, 270, 409, 459–60
and free speech, 388, 393, 426, 460
opposition to social and economic legislation, 223, 288–91, 335, 337, 343, 404–5, 409–10, 412, 459
Constantinople, 280
Constitution, California, 272
Constitution, Massachusetts, 25–26, 222, 225
Constitution, U.S.
as experiment, 354, 392
as framework of government, 22, 224–25, 288, 293, 296, 342
as “living Constitution,” 64, 447–48, 460
see also Commerce Clause; constitutional law; First Amendment; Fourth Amendment; Fifth Amendment; Thirteenth Amendment; Fourteenth Amendment; Due Process Clause; Equal Protection Clause; free speech; Privileges or Immunities Clause
Constitution (frigate), 35
constitutional law
literalism and scholasticism, 21–22, 288, 342
originalism, 21, 447–48
as politics, 22, 223, 287–88, 294, 405 (see also Fourteenth Amendment)
prohibitions vs. powers, 225
and sovereign power, 435–38
standards for overruling legislation, 224–25, 287–88, 293, 295, 409–10, 459
contempt of court
and freedom of the press, 363, 380
in Supreme Court lynching case, 417
meaning of words in, 233
nuptial, 192, 232
in restraint of trade, 198–99, 298, 437
wagering, 199, 415
yellow-dog, 302, 348, 458
see also “liberty of contract”
convict leasing, 414
copper smelters, pollution from, 301
Copperheads, 78, 111 (see also Twentieth Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry: pro-southern sympathies in)
copyright cases, 272, 273, 273, 277
Corcoran, Thomas G. (“Tommy”)
and Fanny Holmes, 203, 204, 423
New Deal career, 320
and ninety-second birthday lunch for OWH, 449
and OWH’s contribution to Harvard Law fund, 397
OWH’s remarks to: denial of extramarital affairs, 210; frugality, 227–28
on OWH’s vigor in old age, 424
and threats to OWH during Sacco-Vanzetti case, 427
Corey Hill Hospital, 407
Cornhill Magazine, 140–41
Cornish (N.H.), 366, 367
Court of Appeals, U.S., 369, 377, 402
Court of Arches, 140
Court of Chancery, 140, 184
Cowper, Henry, 218
Craig, John, 261
Cranworth, Robert Rolfe, Lord, 140
“criminal anarchy,” 441
criminal law
and attempted crimes, 233, 383–84, 393
external standard in, 232–33, 383–84, 397
and government wrongdoing, 434
and right to fair trial, 290, 350–51, 418–19, 459
Croly, Herbert, 354, 384, 393, 400
Culpeper (Va.), 113, 116
Cunard Line, 132, 143, 250
Curtis, Charles P., 209, 389
Curtis, Charles P., Jr. (“Charlie”)
on Fanny Holmes’s “studied” plainness, 216
on Laski’s fabulations, 373
on Mark Howe’s difficulty writing OWH biography, 457
and OWH’s enjoyment of young people, 2
rejects idea OWH had extramarital affairs, 210
Curtis, Ellen (Mrs. Charles P. Curtis)
appearance and background, 209, 210
correspondence and talks with OWH, 211, 239, 424
OWH’s observations to: wishing to write every decision, 7; wounded at Ball’s Bluff, 85; fault of obscurity in his prose, 177; hating “justice,” 189; dislikes stag dinners, 208; “mad with work” on SJC, 253; absorption of cases on Supreme Court, 264–65; Harlan a “great engine,” 270; Fuller hard hit by wife’s death, 271; everyone “smiled and lied” at White House reception, 275; Fanny’s success in Washington society, 276; felicitous phrase in copyright case contributed by Fanny, 277; “profoundly happy” with work, 281; no desire to be TR’s tool, 299; surprise eightieth birthday party, 399; “close shave” in prostate operation, 409; Dewey’s praise in book on pragmatism, 424; receiving ABA medal, 447; “old hulk going to pieces,” 448
OWH sees after wife’s death, 442
photograph in OWH’s library, 308
“providential” visit to OWH in hospital, 407
Curtis, Laurence, II, 320, 406, 454
custody, child, 188–89
Cutting, Mrs. Bayard (Olivia Murray), 482–83n56
Dalton, Henry R., 117
Dante, 8, 332
Darwin, Charles, 23, 62, 170–71, 486n49
Davis, Jefferson, 105
Davis, John W., 340
Day, Justice William R., 269, 338, 397
De Legibus (Suarez), 326
Debs, Eugene V., 378, 379, 383, 384, 386
Delaware River, 447
as experiment, 392, 461
and free speech, 369, 392, 460, 461
and judicial restraint, 296
and nongovernmental institutions, 375
Democratic Party, 77, 100, 180
Denison, Winfred T., 328, 329
deposit insurance, 342
Derby, Augustin, 308, 314, 315, 317, 320, 398
Desborough, Lady (Ethel “Ettie,” née Grenfell), 218, 283
Descartes, René, 333
Devil’s Dictionary (Bierce), 244
Dewey, John, 424
Dicey, A. V., 324
Dickens, Charles, 7, 140, 333
Dictionary of National Biography (Stephen), 141
discrimination, racial, 269, 290 (see also mob-dominated trials; segregation; voting rights)
dissenting opinions
history of, 344
OWH’s view of, 222, 232, 345–47, 415–16
statistics on, 345, 403, 516n24
District Courts, U.S., 156, 401, 418–19
District of Columbia
minimum wage law, 412
rent control, 404
property assessments, 296–97
divorce cases, 187–89
Dixwell, Epes Sargent, 53–55, 54, 227
Dixwell, Fanny Bowditch, see Holmes, Fanny Dixwell
Dixwell, Mary Catherine (Mrs. George Wigglesworth), 203
Doherty, James, 331, 453
Doneraile Court, 235, 236–37, 237, 252, 283–84, 325, 423, 496n24
Doneraile Papers, 466
Donnellan, Annie Mary, 20, 448, 452, 453
Douglas, Stephen A., 77
Draper, Eben S., 254
Dreher, Capt. Ferdinand, 76–77, 87, 89, 104
Due Process Clause
and housing segregation, 416
and invalidation of economic and labor legislation, 268, 288, 289, 290–91, 409, 445, 459
and property rights, 288,
and racial discrimination, 416
and right to fair trial, 290, 350, 459
and taxation, 29
7, 445
see also Fourteenth Amendment
Dunker Church, 94, 101
Dürer, Albert, 60, 88
Early, Gen. Jubal, 2, 125
easements, 164
Edward I, 173
Ego (Castletown), 236
Einstein, Lewis
background and introduction to OWH, 280–81
extensive correspondence with OWH, 212, 281
on Fanny Holmes’s sympathy and strength, 203
OWH’s remarks to: feels as he did fifty years ago but much happier, 2; no good at games, 55; Pen Hallowell’s greatness, 71; increased respect for Lincoln, 102; his need to work hard, 129; every choice has cost, 131; an “imbecile” at running household, 202; Fanny’s reclusiveness, 203; lack of children, 206–7; irked by ignorant praise of labor decisions, 258; impressively unhappy minister he met in Illinois, 284; popularity only to be had by sacrifice of ideals, 323; pleasure at honorary degree from Berlin, 324; “strenuous vagueness” of Bull Moose manifesto, 330; feels “a good deal” about dissent in Leo Frank case, 351; would be shot for the cause but not lose sleep over it, 364; “To hell with improvement!” 376; “ignorant protests” over his decision in Debs case, 386; unconcerned over bomb plot, 387; average Democratic politician more odious than inferior Republican, 399; doggerel about retirement, 399–400; life “one damned thing after another,” 419; beset by genealogical cranks, 420–21; once dreamt of “final calm under old trees,” 425; world “cares more for red than black,” 428; done his best to destroy illuminating documents, 455
stepdaughter, 455
Elaine (Ark.), 417
of 1860, 69, 77
of 1864, 269
of 1882, 180
of 1904, 297
of 1912, 322, 329–30, 366, 399
of 1916, 353
primary, 433
see also voting rights
Eliot, Charles, 39, 137, 179, 181–82
Elsie Venner (Holmes Sr.) 131–32, 276
Emancipation Proclamation, 78, 100, 101–2
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
on “causes,” 60
co-founds Atlantic Monthly, 23
on effects of Civil War, 132
and Holmes Sr., 38, 43, 49
lyceum lectures, 26
mentor to OWH, 2, 58, 59, 60–61, 134, 152–53, 257
religious views, 30, 62, 66
and Saturday Club, 38, 144
Endicott, Justice William Crowninshield, 193
England, OWH’s visits to
1866, 138–41, 142–43, 147, 218
1874, 157–59, 158
1882, 217
1889, 217–19
1896, 234–38
1898, 249–51
1901, 252–53
1903, 252, 283–84, 287
1907, 252, 303–4
1909, 252, 323–24, 506n55
1913, 252, 325–26
Epictetus, 333
Equal Protection Clause, 296, 414