The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature
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guns, 311
Guns, Germs, and Steel (Diamond), 68
Guns of August, The (Tuchman), 324, 334
Gur, Batya, 246
Gur, Raquel, 342
Gypsies, 154
habit system, 40
Hacking, Ian, 202
Hadley, Robert, 80
Haidt, Jonathan, 270, 272, 273
Haldane, J.B.S., 153
Halpern, Diane, 121, 342
Hamilton, Alexander, 287, 297
Hamilton, William, 108, 109, 111, 244, 255
Harris, Judith Rich, viii, 320, 381, 385, 390, 395–99
Harris, Marvin, 63–64
“Harrison Bergeron” (Vonnegut), 424–25
Harvey, William, 30
Hatch, Orrin, 226
Hausman, Patti, 352, 353
Hawaiian language, 14–15
Hawkes, Kristen, 342
Hayek, Friedrich, 151, 287, 291, 292
Healey, Bernadine, 314
Hebb, D.O., 92
Hegel, G.W.F., 284
Heisenberg, Werner, 410
Hepburn, Katharine, 163
heritability, 45–47, 49–51, 373–78
of intelligence, 47, 146–47, 150, 297, 374–75, 376–78
of political attitudes, 47, 283
Hernadi, Paul, 417
Herrnstein, Richard, viii, 106, 146–47, 302
Hillel, 193
Hillenbrand, Lynne, 358
Himmelfarb, Gertrude, 130
Hinduism, 272
Hines, Melissa, 342
Hirshleifer, Jack, 259
Hitchcock, Alfred, 402
Hitler, Adolf, 153–55, 157, 189
Hobbes, Thomas, 7–8, 33, 35, 56, 193, 285, 287, 296, 18–19, 322–24, 325, 329–30, 332, 335
Hoffer, Eric, 63
Hogan, Patrick, 417
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr., 181, 287, 291
homosexuality, 44, 46, 93–94, 154, 164, 201–2
honor, violent behavior and, 326–29, 428–31
Horace, 406
Horowitz, Donald, 333
How the Mind Works (Pinker), 80, 393
Hrdy, Sarah Blaffer, 250, 342
Hubel, David, 97, 108
Huckleberry Finn, The Adventures of (Twain), 428–31
Human Genome Project, xi, 74, 75–78, 135, 377
humanities, 6, 31, 60, 68, 69–72, 75, 134, 285, 356, 400–420
Human Universals (Brown), 435–39
Humboldt, Alexander von, 301
Hume, David, 79, 178, 180, 279, 296, 408
Hummel, John, 80
Hunt, Morton, 128
hunter-gatherer societies, 53, 63, 68, 233–34, 294, 306–7, 316
Hurtado, Magdalena, 342
Huston, Anjelica, 432
hyperreality, 214
identity politics, 206–7
Ifaluk, 38–39
imagery, see psychology, of imagery
images, 213–18
imitation, 60–62, 63–65
immigration, 17, 391
inequality, 141–58, 304
infanticide, 227, 248–49
information, 31–34, 238
Inge, Dean, 287
Inherit the Wind, 130
Inquisition, 137
insanity defense, 183–84
intellectual property, 238
intelligence, 33, 44, 106–7, 238, 375
denials of, 149–50
heritability of, 47, 146–47, 150, 297, 374–75, 376–78
multiple, 219
intelligence quotient (IQ) tests, viii, 106–7, 134–35, 145, 146–47, 201, 301–2, 378
behavioral genetics and, 373, 379
Intelligent Design, 130, 133
interest, lending at, 234–35
intuitive psychology, see theory of mind
Iroquois Federation, 296
Israel, 246, 257, 311
It Takes a Village (Clinton), 394
Jackson, Andrew, 328
James, Oliver, 393
James, William, 19, 56, 203, 417–18
Japan, 310, 369, 408
Japanese-Americans, 312
Japanese language, 37–38, 71
Jefferson, Thomas, 145
Jensen, Arthur, 107
Jespersen, Otto, 14–15, 22
Jesus Christ, 193
Jews, 16, 17, 22, 66, 130, 141, 143, 152, 154, 201, 204, 217, 235, 251, 274, 431–32
Jivaro, 117–18
John Paul II, Pope, 130, 186, 224
Johnson, Lyndon, 286, 292, 298, 308, 313
Johnson, Philip, 130
Johnson, Samuel, 30, 137, 142, 418
Jones, Owen, 165, 176, 367, 371
Jong, Erica, 253, 254
Joshua, 137
judicial activism, 291
Jumpers (Stoppard), 321–22
Junger, Sebastian, 258
junk DNA, 78
Just Society, 286
Kagan, Jerome, 394–95
Kahneman, Daniel, 302
Kamin, Leon, 112, 113, 114, 122–23, 126, 378
Kaminer, Wendy, 342
Kant, Immanuel, 180, 193, 287, 301, 332–33
Kantor, J.R., 19–20
Karamazov, Dmitri, 85
Kasparov, Garry, 34
Kass, Leon, 130, 133, 274, 339–40
Katz, Lawrence, 97–98
Keegan, John, 333
Keeley, Lawrence, 56, 57
Keil, Frank, 230
Kelly, Alice, 382
Kennedy, Edward M., 289–90
Kennedy, John F., 334
Kennedy, Randall, 331
Kennedy, Robert F., 287–88, 289–90, 300
Kenrick, Douglas, 316
Kevles, Betty, 308
Kevles, Daniel, 308
Keynes, John Maynard, 153
Khmer Rouge, 152, 156
Khrushchev, Nikita, 334
kibbutzim, 246, 257, 346
Kimball, Roger, 130
Kimura, Doreen, 342
Kindlon, Dan, 309
Kleinfeld, Judith, 342, 353, 359
Klineberg, Otto, 27
Koch, Christof, 88
Koch, Robert, 154
Koertge, Noretta, 342
Kohlberg, Lawrence, 291
Kohn, Alfie, 309
Komar, Vitaly, 408–9
Koss, Mary, 369, 370
Kosslyn, Stephen, 215
Kristol, Irving, 130–31
Kroeber, Albert, 23, 28, 29, 31, 108, 156, 284
Kropotkin, Peter, 255
Kubrick, Stanley, 337
kulaks, 152, 158
!Kung San, 56
Laframboise, Donna, 342
laissez-faire economics, 303
Landers, Ann, 47
language, 22–23, 37–38, 48, 49, 60, 62–63, 168, 180, 221, 223, 236, 238, 391, 406, 410, 415, 417, 426
acquisition of, 38, 39, 53, 60, 62–63, 70–7, 391
brain and, 99
change in, 66, 71
levels of analysis of, 70–72
neural networks and, 81–83
thought and, 207–11, 426
Laski, Harold, 153, 183
Lawrence, D.H., 159
Lazarus, Richard, 39
learnability theory, 101
Le Corbusier, 170–71
Lefkowitz, Mary, 342
left-handedness, 121
Lehrman, Karen, 343, 353
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 34
Lenin, V.L, 152, 156, 158
Leo, John, 394
Lepowsky, Maria, 339
Lessing, Doris, 343
leviathan, 7–8, 318–319, 330–32
Leviathan (Hobbes), 7, 318–19
Levins, Richard, 126
Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 285
Levy, Jerre, 342
Lewinsky, Monica, 211
Lewontin, Richard, 109, 111, 112, 113–14, 122–23, 124, 126, 127, 128, 133, 255, 378
liberal arts, 401–20
liberalism, 5, 11, 103, 118, 153, 281, 283–305, 311, 331, 341, 3
42, 416
Lifelines: Biology Beyond Determinism (Rose), 115
Limits of Family Influence, The (Rowe), 381
Lincoln, Abraham, 145–46
Linguistic Determinism hypothesis, 207–8
linguistics, 14–15, 35–39, 154, 208, 390–91, 417
Lippmann, Walter, 201
Lipstick Lesbians, 343
living wills, 227
Lloyd, Alan, 264
Locke, John, 5–6, 12, 18, 19, 34–35, 79, 124, 193, 285, 286, 296, 301
logic, 221, 236
Lomax, Alan, Jr., 108
Lord of the Flies (Golding), 124
Lorenz, Konrad, 124, 324
Los Angeles Times, 211–12
Lott, John, 311
“Lottery in Babylon, The” (Borges), 59
Loury, Glenn, 206
Love Canal, 278
Low, Bobbie, 342
Lowie, Robert, 26, 28, 29, 31
Lubinski, David, 356
luck, life paths and, 396
Lutz, Catherine, 38
Lyell, Charles, 30
Lykken, David, 381
McCarthy, Joseph, 119
McClelland, James, 21, 35, 74
McClintock, Martha, 342
McElroy, Wendy, 342, 363, 364, 370
McGinnis, John, 296, 297, 298
McGue, Matt, 376
McGuinness, Diane, 342
Machiavelli, Niccolò, 285
Machiavellian traits, 259–60
MacKinnon, Catharine, 171, 365
McVeigh, Timothy, 309, 311
Madison, James, 287, 296, 297–98
Maeterlinck, Maurice, 287
Mahabharata, 193
Mailer, Norman, 261–62
Mallon, Ron, 38
Malthus, Thomas, 236, 238
Man and Aggression (Montagu), 124
Mansfield, Harvey, 339
Man Who Came to Dinner, The, 403
Mao Zedong, 11, 65, 126–27, 156, 158
Mapplethorpe, Robert, 414
March of Folly, The: From Troy to Vietnam (Tuchman), 324
Marcos, Ferdinand, 56
Marcus, Gary, 80
Margaret Mead and Samoa (Freeman), 115
Marr, David, 70, 405
Martindale, Colin, 412
Marx, Karl, 127, 131, 155, 157, 161, 255, 284, 295, 299, 301
Marx Brothers, 402
Marxism, 106, 123, 126, 155–58, 170, 284, 285, 286–87, 296, 299, 303, 341, 411, 427
Masters, Roger, 164, 284, 286
materialism, 123, 126, 187
Mating Mind, The (Miller), 407
Matrix, The, 215
Mayr, Ernst, 146, 231
Mazursky, Paul, 432
Mead, Margaret, 25, 26, 56, 108, 359, 422
Mealey, Linda, 261, 342
images in, 213–18
stereotypes in, 201, 204–6
violence and, 311
Mehler, Barry, 378
Melamid, Alexander, 408–9
Melzack, Ronald, 98
memory, 32, 40, 42, 203, 209–10, 214–16
Mencken, H.L., 26, 276
Mendel, Gregor, 30, 305
Mengele, Josef, 378
Menninger, Karl, 181
metaphor, 11, 209, 273, 313, 317
Mill, John Stuart, 18, 79
Miller, Geoffrey, 366, 407, 408
Miller, J. Hillis, 208
Miller, Kristen, 178
Milne, A. A., 175
as complex system, 39–40, 55
computational theory of, 31–34
concept of 9–10, 31–34
dualism and, 8–9, 10, 223–27
East Pole–West Pole debate over, 35–36, 75, 84, 219–20
in Judeo-Christian theory of human nature, 1
levels of analysis of, 70–71
limits of, 239
modules of, 39–41, 101, 123, 166, 219–22
theory of, see theory of mind
universal mechanisms in, 37–39
mind-matter divide, 8–11, 31–48
behavioral genetics and, 45–51
cognitive science and, 31–34
evolutionary psychology and, 51–58
neuroscience and, 41–45
mind-matter divide (continued) see also dualism; Ghost in the Machine; soul
Minogue, Kenneth, 170
Minsky, Marvin, 80
“Misbehavior of Organisms, The” (Breland and Breland), 20
Mismeasure of Man, The (Gould), 149
M’Naughten rule, 183–84
modernism, 170–71, 409–13, 417–18
Money, John, 349
Montagu, Ashley, 24, 26, 27, 124, 134, 258, 307
Monty Python’s Flying Circus, 72
Moore, G.E., 150
moralistic fallacy, 162–63, 178, 313
moralization 275–77
morality, 269–80
basis of, 168–69, 187–90, 192–93, 224, 274–75
cross-cultural differences in, 166–69, 271–75
emotions and, 271–72, 279
religion and, 186–90
science and, 103–4, 138–39
self-deception and, 264–66
universality of, 168–69, 187–88, 193, 271–75
Moral Majority, 276
moral progress, 166–68
Mount, Ferdinand, 246
Muller, Hermann, 153
Murdoch, Iris, 343, 418–19
Murdock, George, 24
Murray, Charles, viii, 302
music, 402, 403, 405, 409, 410, 417
Mutual Assured Destruction, 325
mutualism, 242
Myth of the First Three Years, The (Bruer), 386–87
Napoleon I, emperor of France, 295
National Center for Science Education, 129
National Endowment for the Arts, 401
National Institute of Mental Health, 312
National Institutes of Health, 314
National Public Radio, 166
National Science Foundation, 359
Native Americans, 6, 12, 22–23, 57, 115–19, 124, 212, 296, 298, 332
Natural Classicism, 417
natural history, intuitive, 220
Natural History of Rape, A (Thornhill and Palmer), viii, 161, 359–69
naturalistic fallacy, 150, 162–63, 164
natural selection, 28, 50, 51–52, 54, 55, 83, 101, 142, 231, 249
Dawkins on, 318–19
sex ratios and, 343
see also evolution
Navajo language, 37
Nazism, 153–58, 180–81, 272–73
Neel, James, 115–19
Neill, A.S., 222
neologisms, 211–13
nepotism, 245–46, 253, 294
Nesse, Randolph, 264
neural development, 83–100, 227, 386–87, 396–97
neural networks, 21, 42, 78–83, 92
neural plasticity, 44–45, 74, 83–100, 384–87
brain damage and, 98–100
of cortex vs. subcortical structures, 89
developmental biology and, 90–100, 386–87, 396–97
primary sensory cortex and, 87–91, 93–94
neuroscience, 111, 131, 341–42, 386–87
cognitive, 41–45
commercial applications of, 87
and Ghost in the Machine, 42, 44, 129
mind-matter divide and, 41–45
see also brain
Newell, Alan, 105
New Formalism, 417
New Know-Nothings, The: The Political Foes of the Scientific Study of Human Nature (Hunt), 128
Newman, Barnett, 413
Newton, Huey, 111
Newton, Sir Isaac, 30
New Yorker, 46, 116, 179
New York Review of Books, 109, 262
New York Times, 86, 179, 339, 349, 414
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 131, 139, 207
nihilism, 269
religion concerns about, 186–9
secular concerns about, 190–94
Nim Chimpsky, 61
1984 (Orwell), 425–26
Nisbett, Richard, 327, 328
Nixon, Richard M., 180, 236, 298
Noble Savage, 6, 26–27, 31, 118, 119, 162, 261, 293, 381, 421
communalism and, 255
evolution and, 55–56
feminism and, 339
neuroscience and, 44
radical science defense of, 124–26, 134
rape and, 362
violence and, 312, 336
nonrival goods, 238
Non Sequitur (comic strip), 179
Not in Our Genes (Kamin), 112, 126
Nozick, Robert, 149, 151
nuclear weapons, 324, 325
number sense, 192, 209–10, 220, 223
Nurture Assumption, The (Harris), viii, 381, 392
Nussbaum, Martha, 172
Oakshott, Michael, 290
Ofili, Chris, 414
Oklahoma City bombing (1995), 309
olfactory (smell) system, 93
Onion, The, 414, 425
orangutans, 367
Ortega y Gasset, José, 24, 308
Orwell, George, 321, 425–28
Ozick, Cynthia, 343
Paddock, Paul, 236–37
Paddock, William, 236–37
Paglia, Camille, 342, 343, 369–70
Paine, Thomas, 288
Painted Word, The, 414
paleontology, 55, 306
Palmer, Craig, viii, 161, 176, 359–69
Papert, Seymour, 80
Parallel Distributed Processing (Rumelhart, McClelland et al.), 21
parenting, viii, ix, x, 164–65, 171–72, 378–99
behavioral genetics and, 378–87
conflicts in, 249–51
individualized, 387–90
sex differences in, 252–54, 345, 350, 357
stepparenting, 164–65
Parsons, Talcott, 285, 286
Pascal, Blaise, 419
Passmore, John, 159
Pasteur, Louis, 154
Patai, Daphne, 342
Paul, Elizabeth, 253
peers, 390–92, 395–96, 399
Percy, Walker, 209
perfectability, 27, 159–73
Perfect Storm, The (Junger), 258
Perry, Bruce, 171
personality, 46–51, 135, 373
socialization vs., 395
see also traits
Petitto, Laura, 61, 95
phantom limbs, 98
philosophy, 5–13, 18, 22, 23, 33, 34–35, 38–39, 64–65, 69–70, 101, 137–39, 145–48, 150–52, 159, 162, 164, 166–68, 169–70, 172, 174–78, 179–85, 187–89, 192–93, 207, 216, 227–29, 239–40, 274–75, 279–80, 287–88, 296–98, 318–32, 335–36, 337–38
Philosophy and Literature, 415
physical fallacy, 234
physics, 30, 137, 239
intuitive, 220, 223, 239
Picasso, Pablo, 409
Pindar, 287
Piss Christ (Serrano), 414
Plato, 192, 284, 285
Plomin, Robert, 381
Pocahontas, 12
politics, 283–305
see also convervatism; liberalism; radical science movement