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Alex Opalstone and the Window of Heaven's View: Life 101 Part 2

Page 31

by T. M. Meek

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  [Note: There are those that continue to aggressively legislate to do away with the tax deductible benefits of tithing. Such legislation efforts to end tax deductibility of charitable donations can thus potentially destroy churches and other non-profits financially when people don't donate as much or at all due to changes in deductions. If you are like most people then you won't want an end to charitable tax deductions and calling your congressman to let them know may, with any hope, keep charitable donations tax deductible.]

  Why give away the first ten percent of your gross income to a church or charity of your choosing?

  "Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat [welfare; to care for the poor] in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of Hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it." – Malachi 3:10 King James Version of the Holy Bible.

  Give away the first ten percent as a means of putting God first out of sincere care for having the right relationship with God more than caring for material things (see first commandment of ten commandments) and test Him to see if He won't bless you in generous ways––so much so that you won't have room enough to hold all of the blessings. (Note: Give away from the gross amount of all of your earnings and get "gross" blessings. Give away from the net and get only "net" blessings. Gross giving is best.)

  Can we each individually really afford to give away ten percent of our earnings? The fact is, we can't afford not to be charitable. But we do have to do some math to make sure we can also provide for ourselves and those we love in the process. (See images on next page.)

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