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a heartwarming WW1 saga about love and friendship (The West End Girls Book 1)

Page 20

by Elaine Roberts

  ‘Maybe I shouldn’t have done. After all, a man like Matthew Harris deserves all he gets.’ Rose turned her attention to Peter. ‘But, as he said, he has a lot of influence here and Annie won’t appreciate you getting her the sack.’ She paused. ‘We need to find another way of dealing with him, especially if you like her.’

  The tightness of his anger began to fade from his body. ‘I don’t consider myself a violent man but I wanted to knock his block off.’ Peter turned back to see Matthew had moved but he now had his arm resting on the shoulders of another young girl. He shook his head. ‘We need to do something about him. We need to tell someone what he’s up to.’

  Rose nodded. ‘I couldn’t agree with you more, but I think you’ll find everyone here knows what he’s like. Unfortunately, I don’t think he’s breaking any laws.’


  Annie knocked on the door and turned the handle of Kitty’s dressing room door, the grating of it drowned out by the cast of the show as they passed by chatting and laughing with excitement. She took a deep breath and walked in. ‘I’m sorry I got held up, Kitty, I should have been here when you got off stage.’

  Kitty watched her through the reflection of the dressing table mirror. ‘Are you all right? You look a little pale.’

  Annie painted on her best smile. ‘I’m fine, just a little tired. I’ll put the kettle on.’

  ‘I think I deserve a small brandy tonight.’ Kitty opened the drawer next to her and pulled out a small bottle, which was under the photo frame. ‘Only for medicinal purposes, you understand.’

  Annie nodded. ‘You’re right, I’ll pour some into a cup so no one will know if they come in before you’ve drunk it.’ She took the half empty bottle from Kitty and unscrewed the lid. ‘It all went magnificently tonight. I stood in the wings for the whole show. You must be exhausted.’

  Kitty laughed as she took off the veil to her costume and laid it across her lap. ‘The audience loved it and that’s the main thing. Without the audience we have no show.’

  Annie passed the cup to Kitty, who peered inside it. ‘Don’t be too generous, will you?’

  Annie laughed. ‘I’m here to look after you.’

  Kitty gave a hearty laugh. ‘Yes, but you’re not my mother, God bless her.’ She put the cup to her lips and knocked the brandy back in one gulp. She shuddered as the warm liquid moved down her body and licked her lips before passing the cup back to Annie. ‘I don’t suppose I can have any more?’

  ‘Just a splash, then I’ll make you a coffee in the same cup so you’ll still be able to taste the brandy.’

  Kitty grinned. ‘You are too kind to me.’

  Annie took the veil from the star’s lap and hung it over the hanging rail in the corner of the room. ‘It’s true what you said about the audience. I for one love watching it every night.’

  ‘I know, I can sometimes see you mouthing the lines. You must know it inside out.’

  Annie quickly returned to Kitty’s aid. ‘If you stand up, I’ll undo all the buttons so you can step out of the gown.’

  Kitty did as Annie instructed.

  Annie removed the chair and began to undo the many buttons that ran down the back of the wedding dress. ‘Good job you have to get into this dress on stage, we’d never get you in it on time otherwise.’

  A few minutes later Kitty was stepping out of the magnificent lace gown and Annie was passing her a thick dressing gown to wrap around her. ‘This wedding dress is beautiful but so heavy with all the petticoats underneath it.’ She heaved it up onto a coat hanger and began doing up the buttons so it wouldn’t fall off again.

  Kitty sat back down again, pulling the chair nearer to the table. She studied her face before a sigh escaped from her. ‘I don’t know how long I can get away with playing these young roles, the wrinkles are beginning to show.’ She picked up a jar and unscrewed the lid before liberally applying a layer of white cream all over her face.

  ‘I think you do a wonderful job, and they are lucky to have you in the role.’

  Kitty laughed. ‘Bless you, child, you are good for my soul.’ She picked up a warm flannel to wipe away the cream and make-up from her face.

  Annie laughed. ‘I mean it. Would you like me to get you something to eat? I can pop out and get something.’

  ‘No, thank you.’ Kitty stopped what she was doing and stared at her dresser. ‘What was Matthew talking to you about?’

  Annie turned her back on Kitty. Turning on the cold tap she held the kettle under it. The water rattled as it bounced off the side of the old battered container.

  ‘Annie, I’m not going to leave it, so put the kettle down and tell me what he was talking to you about.’

  Annie did as she was bid and turned round. ‘Only my singing lessons, I’ve missed a couple, that’s all.’ She picked up the empty cup. ‘Let’s get this coffee made.’

  ‘Has he promised you anything?’

  Annie had no desire to talk about Matthew. She had a strange feeling everything was not as it first appeared. ‘No, he just said he had a lot of influence so might be able to help me but I had to take all the singing lessons seriously…’ A loud rap at the door stopped Annie in her tracks and she breathed a sigh of relief. She walked over and opened it. ‘Mr Harris, Miss Smythe isn’t dressed yet—’

  ‘Well timed, let him in.’

  Annie stepped back and Matthew walked across the threshold.

  Kitty smiled at Annie. ‘You might as well go home, I can manage here now plus Matthew and I have things to talk about.’

  Annie frowned. ‘Are you sure? I can wait until you are ready to leave.’

  Kitty shook her head. ‘No, it’s fine, off you go.’

  ‘Thank you.’ Annie gave the room the once-over and knew she would have to come in early the following day.

  Matthew watched Annie as she reached for her coat. ‘Perhaps I should walk you home.’

  ‘Thank you, Mr Harris, but that won’t be necessary; my friends are here to meet me.’ Annie didn’t wait for any response; she flung her coat over her arm and rushed out the door.

  ‘Don’t you mess with Annie, she’s a good girl.’ Kitty’s voice followed Annie as she trotted along the corridor.

  Bert’s voice was soon within Annie’s earshot as he said goodnight to everyone.

  ‘I shouldn’t think Annie will be much longer, it must take a while to get Kitty out of that wedding dress.’ Rose chuckled.

  Bert grinned. ‘Are you and Annie going to start knitting for the soldiers?’

  Rose frowned. ‘What?’

  Bert picked up his newspaper, unfolded it and started to thumb through the pages. The paper rustled as he turned the pages over and scanned each one before turning to look at the next. ‘The newspapers are advertising Woman At War knitting patterns for a penny, they are asking women to knit socks, gloves and balaclavas.’

  Peter smiled. ‘Can you knit, Rose?’

  ‘Of course I can. Whether I can understand the pattern is a different question. Annie can knit as well. Perhaps we’ll give it a go, tomorrow one of us can go shopping for the patterns and some wool.’

  Bert smiled. ‘You’re good girls.’

  Rose chuckled. ‘Perhaps you could pay a visit to the village I come from and tell the shopkeepers there.’

  ‘I can’t believe anyone could think you were trouble.’

  Peter shook his head before grinning. ‘Oh, I can and I’ve only known you a short time.’

  Rose gasped as she looked at him in feign shock. ‘What? How could you say such a thing?’

  They all laughed.

  Peter waved his hand at Rose. ‘You’re the one that should be on the stage.’

  Rose giggled. ‘Oh no, that’s not my thing, that’s Annie’s dream.’

  Peter nodded. ‘Does Annie like being a dresser?’

  ‘Why don’t you ask me yourself?’

  Peter swung round to see Annie smiling at him. ‘Well, do you?’

  ‘Actually, I do, it’s not what
I wanted to do but as I need a job while I try and get stage work, it’s as good as it gets.’ Annie smiled up at the older man standing at the door. ‘Hello, Bert! I think Miss Smythe may be a while, Mr Harris has just gone in to see her.’

  ‘Thank you, Annie. I have plenty of time, there’s nothing to rush home for. My wife’s taken my daughter to visit ’er relatives in Kent somewhere for a few weeks, so Miss Smythe can take as long as she likes.’

  Annie and Rose both frowned as they looked at him.

  Rose reached out and touched his arm. ‘That sounds quite sad, you should have said. We could bring you in some food.’

  Bert laughed. ‘Don’t you girls start worrying about me. I like being on my own, especially after being ’ere all day. There’s no peace at ’ome either with the neighbours in and out all day long.’

  Annie laughed. ‘Now, that I can understand.’ She looked at Rose and Peter while thrusting her arms into the sleeves of her coat. ‘Come on, let’s get going, I could murder a cup of tea.’

  Bert opened the stage door for them. Cold air immediately rushed in.

  ‘It feels like it’s freezing out there.’ Annie pulled up the collar of her coat.

  Bert laughed. ‘And it’s now freezing in ’ere too.’

  The three of them laughed. ‘Goodnight, Bert.’

  As they walked through the doorway, Bert’s voice followed them. ‘Take care going ’ome and I’ll see you tomorrow, ladies.’

  They all turned and waved before Annie and Rose linked arms to walk down the road.


  Rose gave Annie a sideways look. ‘It was a good show then?’

  They weaved in and out of the people milling around outside the theatre. The aroma of food wafted up from The Strand.

  ‘It might be easier to walk up the road to avoid the crowds in The Strand.’ Peter guided them through the people milling about, many laughing and chatting about the show.

  Annie was bursting with pride as her gaze switched between Rose and Peter. ‘It was perfect. They are all so talented. I love being part of it, even if it is only in a small way.’

  Rose nodded. ‘I know what you mean. We may not be on the stage but we all help to make it work.’

  Peter thrust his clenched hands deep into his coat pockets. ‘What about this Matthew Harris?’

  Rose scowled across at Peter. He was just like her brothers, always jumping in feet first without thinking things through. Didn’t he know they needed a plan?

  Annie frowned. ‘What about him?’

  Rose shook her head. ‘We heard his conversation with you.’

  Annie blushed. ‘Oh, he was just flirting with me, that’s all. I expect he does it with all the girls. It doesn’t mean anything.’

  ‘It sounded and looked more than that to me,’ Peter snapped. ‘He’s a dangerous man so you need to be careful.’

  ‘Of course he isn’t, he’s been very kind and encouraging. He’s only helping me with my singing.’

  Peter turned to face Annie. ‘And at what price? Or doesn’t the price matter as long as you get your dream?’

  Rose touched Peter’s arm and he turned away from them both. ‘We didn’t just hear the conversation, we saw the pair of you as well. You looked very uncomfortable.’

  Annie could feel her frustration bubbling up to the surface. ‘It’s nothing I can’t handle, and anyway, Peter, what makes you an expert on Matthew Harris?’

  Peter turned round. ‘My mother has theatre people staying at her home all the time. I hear stories, and, I might add, not just about him.’

  Annie shook her head. ‘I expect they’re just people that haven’t made it on the stage. People should be careful what they gossip about, they can ruin a man’s reputation like that.’

  The three stood in silence for a moment. People stepped out into the road to walk around the three of them.

  Rose shook her head. ‘Come on, it’s too cold to be standing around and we’re blocking the pavement. Let’s not forget Joyce might still be waiting for us at the café.’

  Annie glanced at Rose, glad of the change in conversation. ‘What is she doing at the café? Surely she isn’t still working? They shut hours ago, didn’t they?’

  Peter stepped into the road to avoid a woman rushing towards him. ‘We were coming to meet you when we noticed the light was on, so we looked in the window and Simon was sitting there surrounded by paperwork.’

  Rose nodded. ‘He looked quite miserable so I don’t know if he has problems, but we left Joyce with him. I’m hoping she will have spoken to him about doing some cooking for the café, even if it’s only in a small way.’

  ‘I don’t suppose she will, she’s not as brave as you.’ Annie smiled. ‘I don’t think any of us are as brave as you.’

  Peter nodded, remembering Rose mimicking Kitty’s voice at the theatre. He turned to Annie. ‘I’m sorry for speaking out of turn about Matthew, I just don’t want you to get hurt, and I was just trying to look out for you in my own way.’

  Annie put her arm through Peter’s and squeezed it. ‘There’s nothing for you to apologise for; I’m lucky to have such caring friends. I don’t want you all worrying about me though, I’ll be fine.’

  Peter and Rose exchanged glances.

  ‘What? I will.’ Annie tightened her lips for a moment. ‘Look, if it gets to a situation I can’t handle, I promise I will let you both know.’

  ‘That’s good.’ Rose smiled. ‘But make sure you do, and don’t leave it too late.’

  Peter put his hand over Annie’s. ‘It’s important you know we’re here for you.’

  Annie gave a little shiver and her heart beat a little faster.

  Rose gave a mischievous smile. ‘What he means, Annie, is he’s here for you because you already know we are.’

  Peter laughed. ‘I don’t think I’m going to get anything past Rose.’ His laughter faded away. ‘All right, I want you to know you can rely on me too.’

  Rose nudged Annie. ‘What, you mean like Joyce can?’

  Peter squinted at Rose, torn between wanting to kill her and laughing at her outrageous comments. ‘Yes, like Joyce, we’re very good friends.’ He squeezed Annie’s hand and gazed lovingly at her. ‘But maybe one day we’ll be closer than that.’

  Annie’s head was swimming with Peter’s touch; she moved to pull away but changed her mind as warmth spread through her and her stomach did somersaults.

  Rose smiled. ‘What, you and Joyce?’

  Peter shook his head. ‘Rose, I ’ave to say I fink Bert is right about you.’

  Rose laughed. ‘Charming.’

  Annie glanced from one to the other. ‘All right you two, enough. I think a change of subject is required.’

  The three walked on in silence for a moment.

  Annie suddenly stopped dead in her tracks, yanking Peter to a halt as well. ‘You don’t think Simon is thinking of enlisting in the army, do you?’

  Rose and Peter looked alarmed as they stared at each other for a split second.

  ‘No, that wasn’t what I thought when I saw him.’ Peter reassured her. ‘He looked quite worried, but I thought it was more linked to his business than the war.’

  Annie sighed. ‘Thank goodness. I think Joyce is quite sweet on him and she’ll be devastated if he went off to fight.’

  Rose tugged at her arm to keep walking. ‘Come on it’s cold, let’s go and find Joyce and then we might find out more.’

  The three of them turned on to Shaftesbury Avenue and walked along to the café. The light streamed out through the large window. They stopped just short and peered in, hoping no one would notice.

  ‘They look happy.’ Rose relayed to them. ‘Joyce is laughing.’

  Annie glanced at her friend. ‘You realise we can see them as well.’

  Rose giggled. ‘Sorry, but she just looks so happy. She looks different.’ Rose paused.

  ‘You mean relaxed.’ Peter stood upright. ‘I feel like I’m peeping into something quite personal.’
br />   Annie moved to one side. ‘I know what you mean. Joyce obviously cares for him. I hope he doesn’t hurt her feelings.’

  Rose joined them. ‘Do you think we should leave them to it? They’re obviously enjoying themselves.’

  ‘Simon looks a lot happier than he did when we saw him earlier.’ Peter peered round the window again. ‘It might be good to give them some time together. I’m sure Simon will walk her home.’

  Annie frowned. ‘Do you know Simon?’

  ‘No, not at all.’ Peter stepped away from the window again. ‘But he strikes me as a nice bloke and he said earlier he would walk Joyce home if they were ready before we got back.’

  ‘That’s true he did.’

  Annie shook her head. ‘He could be another Jack the Ripper for all we know.’

  Rose put her hand on her chest, unable to contain the laughter bubbling inside her.

  Peter chuckled. ‘You are funny, Annie. Joyce wouldn’t fall for someone like Jack the Ripper.’

  Annie frowned. ‘I’m glad my worry has entertained you both but you do know murderers don’t go around with it stamped on their forehead, don’t you?’

  Peter took her hand. ‘Come on, let’s get you girls home. Some of us have an early start tomorrow.’

  Rose sighed as the last of her laughter faded away. ‘You should be a writer with your imagination.’


  Annie placed her teaspoon onto her tea plate next to the eggcup. Staring at her boiled egg with its top cut off, she picked up her cup and sipped the hot strong tea. She hadn’t realised before how different the yellow of the yolk was compared to the ones back home. She put down her cup and picked up her spoon again and delved into the small opening of the egg. Annie sighed. ‘Work again today. I feel that’s all I do, that and knit.’ She put a spoonful of the egg into her mouth.

  Joyce and Rose laughed.

  Annie licked her lips as the egg collected around her teeth before having another sip of tea.

  Arthur scowled. ‘What are yer moaning for? You’re the one that selfishly left yer family behind to chase something that’s not worth ’aving.’ He threw his napkin down onto the table.

  Annie’s eyes widened and her jaw dropped at his outburst.


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