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Page 20

by Dakota Brown

"I'll be right behind you." He didn't look, gaze intense, amber light flickering in his dark eyes.

  Allan grabbed my hand and pulled. We had to trust that Doc knew what he was doing, and we sprinted away.

  As soon as we were farther down the ridge, Doc dropped the shield. Spells crashed into the trees above us. Then I heard a few of the mages scream.

  I glanced behind me.

  Doc stood, tossing spells at the mages like he had magic to burn.

  "Gods, what did he do?" I let the werewolves drag me away, but the sight of Doc practically glowing with amber magic as he covered our escape was burned in my memory. I just hoped he managed to get away, too.

  People started shouting in confusion, and then I smelled smoke.

  Moments later, Doc caught up to us, panting. "Set their house on fire. Hopefully, that will keep them occupied for a few minutes."

  We raced downhill, Allan holding my hand to help me keep my balance, since I couldn't see as well as the others in the dark. We slowed when we reached the bottom, and I stumbled, falling. The adrenalin was keeping me going. My body wasn't going to cooperate for much longer.

  Doc put his arm around me and held tight. Allan let go of my hand, and Doc half carried me as we continued toward the road.

  "Is that Victoria's car?" I asked when we got close to a small turn off.

  "Thought it would be less obvious than my truck. Come on. We need to get out of here. Allan, I can barely see straight, can you drive?"

  "What's wrong?" He still dragged me along, and I couldn't tell if he was hurt or not.

  "The answer to your question about if I can cast magic if I drink a magic user's blood is yes. The problem is, this was a powerful magic user, and I drank a lot of his blood. My head is swimming," Doc replied.

  Allan opened the car doors, and Doc and I basically collapsed into the back seat. His chest heaved, and he felt like he was burning where our skin touched. Since he was normally cooler, that worried me.


  "Ash is apparently a lesser demon that the Andersons have enslaved. Doc did the whole, I'm going to bite you into submission thing because he didn't actually want to kill Ash, since it's really not his fault," Ed answered.

  I dropped the knife on the floor of Victoria's car, so I wouldn't accidently cut Doc or myself, and put my hand on his forehead. He clutched my arm, though he didn't speak.

  "He's shaking and sweating pretty badly. What do we do?"

  "He's hot? He's never hot." Ed twisted around from the passenger seat while Allan drove.

  "Burning, even warmer than you guys."

  Ed swore. "Is there anything you can do with magic? Like, maybe he's just not used to dealing with magic. Especially demon magic. Can you pull it out of him?"

  "He didn't have any problem with mine the other day," I said while I thought.

  "Well, you're not a demon," Ed pointed out.

  "Yeah, true. He told me I could take some of his powers if I drank some of his blood, right? Or at least he thought I could? That's how he thinks I can shift into a werewolf?"


  "Okay." I grabbed the knife from the floorboards and took Doc's arm. "Sorry," I whispered as I cut his arm. I dropped the knife again and grimaced as the blood welled on his skin. I tried not to think too hard about what I was doing as I put my lips to his skin and tasted his blood.

  Almost instantly, I could feel Ash's power pour into me through the connection Doc's blood gave us. It didn't take long before I forgot what I was doing was kind of gross, and instead, rode the wave of power that coursed through me, drawing it out of a body that wasn't really designed to handle that kind of magic and into mine.

  It burned through me–not quite compatible, but not completely foreign–as it filled me to bursting. I could tell why Doc was having problems. I had to funnel the magic somewhere.

  "Pull over," I gasped as I released Doc's arm.

  As soon as the car was stopped, I scrabbled at the door handle and practically fell onto the pavement when it opened. I crawled off the road and shoved my hands into the dirt, doing the one spell I was actually pretty good at.

  The extra energy poured out of me, into the ground, and up into the roots of all the plants nearby. I felt them grow. Once the magic left me, I collapsed to the ground, not able to move.

  "Sofia?" Allan crouched next to me.

  "Yeah?" I gasped.

  "You good?"

  "For the moment."

  "We have to get out of here."

  I couldn't force myself to move, so Allan picked me up and awkwardly shoved me into the backseat with Doc.

  The vampire had cooled and rested normally now. I sprawled on top of him, trying to remain conscious long enough to make sure he was okay.

  The next thing I knew, someone was shaking me.

  "Sofia, wake up."

  I groaned. My head ached, and my stomach clenched. I was starving.

  "Oh shit, what did we do to her?"

  Chapter 26


  "What?" My mouth felt funny, and I couldn't quite get my words to form properly.

  "We didn't turn her into a vampire, did we?" That was Ed.

  "No, it's temporary. I've never heard of this happening, but I guess it's possible. Especially with the demon magic mixed in," Doc said.

  They leaned over me in the back seat of Victoria's car.


  "How do you feel?" Doc brushed some hair out of my face.


  "I was afraid of that. I'm going to carry you. Try not to do anything until we get you someplace safe."

  What was he talking about? What was I going to do?

  "We can't take her back to the cabin like this. Her little grove should be okay. I'll carry her. You two go back to the cabin and let them know everything is okay."

  "Them who?" I slurred.

  "Doc, I'm going with you," Allan insisted. "You might need backup."

  Doc pulled me out of the back of the car. My entire body tingled. I clutched at Doc's arms, not quite sure what I needed, but knowing he could provide it. What was wrong with me?

  He carried me into the woods, Allan right behind us. I heard Victoria's car start up and head on down the road.

  Though it wasn't swimming the way it had earlier, I felt faint, as if I hadn't eaten in hours. Which, to be fair, I hadn't. I considered asking Allan if he had a protein bar or something. Thinking about solid food turned my stomach.

  Before long, the energy changed, and I knew we were in my grove.

  "Sofia, can you seal the pathway?"

  I glanced behind us and didn't even have to think before we were cut off from the outside world.

  Doc knelt, still holding me. I looked into his obsidian eyes and all I could think about was the coppery tang I could smell from the blood smeared on his arm.

  "I'm not sure what you need," Doc said. "I think you'll be okay in a couple of hours."

  Allan sat next to him. "You sure? You can access our powers for longer than just a couple of hours, and if we don't get her back, they'll call the cops."

  Doc sighed. "Allan, she's not going to have any control, and she's not actually a vampire, so I don't know what drinking more blood is going to do to her."

  "You're sure we didn't turn her into one?"

  Doc nodded. "Among other things, she still has a heartbeat."

  "What is going on?" My stomach cramped, and I cried out as I convulsed in Doc's arms.

  "Guess she needs blood." Doc sighed. "Allan, just, uh, be careful, okay?"

  At his suggestion, my gaze locked onto Doc's neck. Blood sounded fantastic.

  "Sofia, you're going..."

  I didn't let him finish. I lunged, sinking my teeth into Doc's neck and moaning as hot coppery liquid coated my throat.


  I ignored Allan. Doc clutched me, gasping.

  "I'm okay, just hurts."

  "Hurts?" Allan sounded confused, and the distant part of me that was vaguely hor
rified that I somehow had fangs and was latched onto Doc's neck, was also confused. It felt good, didn't it?

  "Making it pleasurable takes a little effort," Doc ground out.

  Oh. Like that?

  He gasped and collapsed to the ground. "Think she figured it out." His fingers dug into my back as he shuddered.

  I kept drinking, not satisfied, starving, needing more.

  "Sofia, you're going to hurt him for real," Allan said, trying to tug me away.

  I growled.

  "Sorry," Doc whispered, and he shoved hard at my throat.

  I choked and fell back. Doc's lips met mine before I could go for his throat again. Slowly, I came back to myself as Doc dug his hands into my hips, pulling me against him. I tangled my hands in his hair, almost going for his neck again. He buried a hand in my hair and jerked my head back, planting his lips on mine until I finally sagged against him, coming completely back to myself.

  "Holy shit, Doc, what the hell?" I gasped.

  He lay back, chest heaving, and I collapsed against his chest. My mind still reeled. At least I wasn't about to sink my teeth into him again.

  In fact, my mouth felt normal. I ran my tongue over my teeth and was glad to feel I no longer had fangs.

  "Sorry about that," he said. "Though, you may have saved my life. No more demon blood for me." His voice sounded weak, and he didn't move when I finally rolled off of him.

  "You're sorry? Did I hurt you?"

  "Not permanently."


  "I'm okay. Just lost a lot of blood."

  I stared at Allan, wide eyed, and wiped at my chin. Doc and I both had his blood on our faces. I knew as a human, I shouldn't have been able to take so much from him without getting sick. Apparently, whatever drinking his blood laced with demon magic had done to me, it had allowed me to absorb it without issues. I actually felt great. No aches or pains from racing through the woods. Leftover injuries were healed. I looked at my hand where the knife had burned me. Nothing.

  "I feel better than I have in a long time," I said softly.

  Doc laughed. "I imagine you do."

  "Should we get back to the cabin?" Allan said hesitantly.

  "I can't be around people until I've recovered. It's taking everything I have to not jump one of you. You'll have to go without me."

  "Doc, that's why I came," Allan offered. "Let's get you taken care of, so we don't have to answer any questions as to why you're not with us."

  "Allan, I'm pretty hungry."

  "And I'm a werewolf with potent blood and the ability to heal faster than just about anything except a vampire."

  Doc shifted his attention from the sky to Allan.

  Allan swallowed, and I could tell he was nervous. I could almost smell it. Lingering borrowed powers probably. I would have been nervous if Doc fixed that hungry gaze on me.

  Allan held out his hand. I almost didn't see Doc move, he was on the werewolf so fast.

  I think he normally fed from their wrists. This time he latched on to Allan's neck.

  I leaned back against the trees and watched as Allan's hands crept up Doc's back, fingers digging in. They were both breathing heavily when Doc finally let go of Allan's neck. Allan growled, not letting go of Doc when the vampire leaned back.

  I raised my eyebrows when Allan kissed him. I wasn't sure if Allan was actually into guys, or if he was just caught up in what Doc's bite did to him. Doc didn't push him away, and my mouth fell open. I whimpered as a wave of lust washed over me.

  After they had thoroughly kissed each other, Allan finally leaned back, eyes a little glassy.

  "Sorry," he slurred, sounding a little drugged.

  "For what?" Doc hugged Allan before stepping back.

  "Well, you're not into guys." Allan stared at the ground.

  "Seems to be a day for exploration," Doc replied.

  "Yeah, Ed told me you were totally making out with Ash, too."

  "What?" I blurted, laughing.

  "It's been that kind of day. We should try to make ourselves presentable and get back to the cabin. Ed really doesn't need to be left alone with your parents for longer than he has to." Doc sighed.

  "Wait, what? My parents?" My stomach clenched, and I thought I might be sick. They were here? Not that I didn't want to see them, but not like this.

  "Yeah. It's been a crazy day." Doc sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, staring at the ground.

  "I think we all have blood on our faces," I said. I ran my hand through my hair to straighten it, and then did the same for Allan. Doc's had half come loose from his ponytail, and he pulled the band out. I did my magic hair trick, and he smiled before putting it back up.

  Allan pulled off his shirt and turned it inside out, before rubbing at the blood on my face with it.

  Doc somehow got himself clean, and Allan scrubbed at his face before putting his shirt back on, hiding the blood, though we could all still smell it.

  "Good?" Allan asked.

  We looked each other over before shrugging. "I guess." I opened a doorway in the trees on the side away from the cabin. I took a deep breath, and we headed for the door.

  Ed must have been watching for us, or heard us, because he opened the door before we could knock. He looked desperate, eyes wide and imploring. A puppy begging for his friends to come home and save him.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  "Sofia!" Both of my parents rushed forward, folding me in a hug the moment I was in the door.

  Allan headed straight for the kitchen. He had to be starving.

  Victoria hugged me once my parents were done and then gave Doc a quick hug, too.

  "Why didn't you tell us the black market was after you?" My father demanded as soon as everyone had reassured themselves that I was okay.

  Doc perched on the arm of the couch, probably too on edge to actually sit. I sank onto the couch next to him, and Victoria sat next to me. Her parents took the loveseat, and my parents found chairs. Ed joined Allan in the kitchen. I wished I could go hide, too.

  "I wasn't sure we hadn't already handled the situation," I answered. "Besides, what could you have done? The only people who can help are here, and it's not like we could call the police."

  "Is it handled now?" Dad glared at Doc.

  I frowned, wondering what he had done to get the angry stare from my dad.

  "Momentarily," Doc replied tightly.

  "So, what now? You think you can keep her safe? Do we take her back to Nebraska? Try a different college?" He continued to glare.

  Ed and Allan both hovered in the doorway to the kitchen, eating sandwiches.

  "I don't want to leave. I can learn to defend myself. Once I actually know how to use magic, I'll be safe enough. As safe as any magic user in this world, anyway."

  "So, what, Doc teaches you then?"

  Oh, shit. I had no idea what to say to that.

  "Yeah, I think that's the plan," Doc replied, saving me from having to figure out what they knew before I answered.

  "You know, we actually tried to find someone to teach her when she was younger. You know what they told us? They said that if she didn't have family to teach her, she'd have to find someone willing to take her in as family when she was a child, or wait until she was old enough for consent, because something about the magic training process meant that they usually ended up together."

  I hadn't known any of that. Doc remained impassive. I was pretty sure he hadn't known, either. That would make finding someone to train me a lot more difficult if it was actually true, since I wasn't giving up the guys.

  "So, you're going to date our daughter then?"

  "I'm already dating your daughter," Doc replied. "We had not really discussed magical training, but it's obvious it's necessary."

  I was a little alarmed when Dad turned red. My mom put her hand on his arm. I don't think he noticed.

  "You've known her two weeks, and you're already dating?"

  "Not seriously, we've been hanging out, dating a little, seeing wh
ere it goes. I think that's how you're supposed to do it, or am I mistaken?" Doc's voice lowered dangerously.

  "Seriously, why is this even a problem?" I glared at them. "I mean, it's not like he tried to kidnap me. The other guy I was thinking about dating actually did. So, seems like I made the right choice."

  "But..." Dad couldn't quite seem to say what was on his mind.

  I had no idea what his problem was, unless he was upset that Doc was supposed to be a mage.

  I shot Mom a confused look.

  "Dan, relax. She's safe for now. We're all tired. Let's talk later." She tugged on his arm until he followed her outside.

  Everyone took a deep breath, and I glanced at Victoria and her parents. "I'm sorry. I have no idea what Dad's problem is."

  Doc touched my shoulder and tilted his head, listening. After a minute his eyebrows went up. He finally shook his head and sighed. "Guess your dad doesn't like native people."

  "What...that's ridiculous. Seriously?"

  "How do you know?" Victoria's mother asked.

  "I can hear them arguing."

  "I've never seen him act like he doesn't like someone just because of their race. There's all sorts of people who work in the oil fields with him," I grumbled.

  Doc glanced at me and winked. "Yeah, but they're not dating his daughter."

  I groaned. "Well, he's going to have to fucking deal." I got up and stomped toward the door.

  "Sofia!" Doc grabbed for my arm. I was out of his range before he realized what I was doing.

  "I'm still juiced up enough that I'm pretty sure I can deck his sorry ass if he doesn't get over his shit." I stormed out of the house.

  Mom and Dad were standing by Doc's truck, still arguing. I stomped over to them.


  They stopped and turned to me.

  "Your big problem with Doc is so stupid, it's not even worth mentioning, except that obviously, we need to talk about it." I narrowed my eyes.

  "How do you know what my problem is?" Dad glared at me.

  At one point, I would have flinched away. Not now. I stared him down.

  "Because, Dad, we're mages. We have magic, we were listening," I growled. "Who cares if Doc is half native? He's nice. He cares about me. He just risked his life to save mine. What's the problem?"


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