Alpha's Claim

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Alpha's Claim Page 24

by Amelia Hutchins

  “Amen,” I snorted, wondering if he was playing for the other team.

  He was hot enough to be. The men down the bar shouted at the one at the jukebox, forcing my attention to them. One of the men studied me, his burning gaze sliding over my face before lowering to my midriff. Swallowing down the uneasiness I felt, I saw Jackson move toward them.

  “I got this one, Brianna,” he muttered, heading for the men. “Gentlemen, what will be your poison tonight?”

  Sliding the glass of beer toward Cole, I wiped my hands on the cloth, turning as Whoever Broke Your Heart, by Murphy Elmore, began to play. Cole tapped the bar with his knuckles, nodding.

  I watched as a dark shadow moved beside Cole, my heart leaping into my throat as Eryx sat beside him. My stomach clenched, and my heartbeat thundered in my ears. I turned, staring at the back exit, only to find Bowen leaning against the wall beside it. Fear churned through me as I turned to the main door, watching Saint enter the bar with a smirk on his mouth. Toralei was beside me a moment later, taking in the scene.

  They’d blocked the exits, and Saint was moving in with alphas and his crew all flocking around him. Exhaling, I watched as he shuffled out of his jacket and smiled at me. He sat beside Cole, slowly rolling up his shirt sleeves before he rested his elbows on the bar, placing his chin onto his folded hands.

  “Hey, gorgeous,” he rumbled, lowering his eyes to my pregnant belly. “I think you left with something of mine.”

  “How did you find me?” I asked, trembling with both anger and fear.

  “Problem, Brianna?” Jackson asked, his eyes moving between Saint and me.

  “No,” I whispered, shaking my head. “No problem, Jackson. Just an old acquaintance from my past,” I admitted, watching the sparkle play in Saint’s eyes. “There’s a one-drink minimum. If you’re not ordering, you all need to leave.”

  I turned on my heel, moving away from the bar to stop the anxiety spiking through me from reaching the shifters at the other end of the bar. Toralei followed me, her panic driving mine as my mind raced with what it meant. There was no way I could fight off Saint and his men. There was also no way they would leave without us, especially now that he knew I carried his child.

  “How the hell did they find us?” she whispered, her eyes roving over the men crowding the bar as Jackson took their orders. “He brought his entire crew, and they’ve blocked all the exits in and out of this place.”

  “Thanks for pointing out the obvious,” I grunted, grabbing a soda to open it, downing it smoothly before wiping off my mouth. “Three and a half months. That’s how long we lasted out here.” I snorted, shaking my head while she nodded.

  “Tell me what to do, and we’ll do it, Brae. Say the words, and we will fight our way out of here.”

  “I love that you think that’s an option. We both know it’s not,” I admitted, sighing heavily, shifting my attention to where Saint sat, watching me. “We’d have more luck escaping from the apartment than here.”

  “It’s a box with no windows,” she muttered.

  “Exactly my point,” I returned, tossing the soda into the trash. “I don’t think they’re going to leave, either.” I smiled tightly at Tora, moving back to where Saint waited with his men and Cole. He’d probably been sent in to survey the bar for any hidden threats before Saint, and his men arrived.

  “Did you miss me, Braelyn,” Saint asked, and Jackson turned, peering at me with narrowing eyes. “I’ve missed you. You look good and healthy. Been to see a doctor yet?”

  “Your daughter is healthy,” I muttered, watching his eyes drop to my stomach. “She’s healthy, Saint. Don’t pretend you give two shits about me, asshole.”

  “It’s a girl? You’re sure?” he asked, his gaze slowly moving back up to mine.

  “Disappointed?” I asked, unable to hide the anger that laced my tone.

  “Surprised, but not disappointed, Brat,” he said softly. “Don’t put me into the same category as your father. I am pleased with whatever you carry because it’s our child.”

  “So he’s the dad?” Jackson asked, his tone stern. “And you’re not Brianna Kingston?”

  Saint’s lips twitched as I opened my mouth to reply, but he beat me to it. “I’m the daddy and her mate. She’s my world, and she damn well knows it.”

  “I’m not your world, Saint Kingsley.”

  “You are, and so is that little girl you’re carrying. You’re coming home where you’re safe and protected. Don’t make this harder than it has to be. Things have changed since you left, Brae. Shit got twisted, and we need you home.” His words echoed through me, forcing questions to run through my head.

  “The others?” I demanded as my heart clenched with fear for the pack.

  “They’re okay. But we need you to come back so that we can fix what we did. I messed up, Brat.” His eyes studied my face, but a commotion sounded beside him. I gasped as one of the shifters growled, lunging toward me. Saint didn’t let him reach me, slamming him down onto the bar by his throat, still holding my stare. “As I was saying, you’re not safe out here. I need to know you and my child are protected. If you can’t accept me, I get it. You’re above me, Brae. You’ve always been above me. You, you’re a fighter, and you’ve been fighting your entire life. I didn’t see it before, but my eyes are open now.”

  “Did you do drugs?” I asked, sliding my stare to Eryx, who looked at me with guilt wafting from him. Saint’s men moved in, grabbing the shifter and his friends as Jackson, Tora, and I all watched it unfolding.

  “No, Brat,” he grunted. “You’re not hearing me. I fucked up.”

  “That much was a given, Kingsley. You fucked up by ignoring the fact that she wouldn’t ever sell her own people,” Tora snarled.

  “What the fuck is happening?” Jackson asked, forcing all eyes to swing to him. “Who sold people? I don’t have any idea what the fuck is happening, but you all need to leave.”

  “Jackson, it wasn’t like that.” I watched as he lifted his hands, staring at me as if he didn’t know me at all.

  “I don’t fucking care, Brianna. You came here for a job, and I asked you to be honest with me. I gave you a chance to get your shit out in the open. I don’t employ liars, and I sure as shit don’t employ anyone who could be involved in human trafficking. Get out of my bar, now. All of you, get the fuck out before I call the cops.”

  Tears burned my eyes, but I wouldn’t argue that it wasn’t what it looked like anymore. Saint had come in once again, ruining the only thing I had for a second time.

  “I’m sorry, Jackson. We’ll leave,” I stated, grabbing for my purse and coat from beneath the bar. I didn’t wait to see if the men followed me out, knowing they would. Outside, a long line of black SUVs awaited us. Men stood against the vehicles, watching as we exited the bar. “You just can’t let me have anything, can you?” I whispered, watching as Saint turned, peering at me.

  “I came to bring you home. If I hadn’t been here tonight, those shifters would have attacked you. That man in there, he’s human, Brae. He can’t protect you, and neither could Tora against six alphas scenting easy pussy. They wouldn’t care that you’re with child, either. They would have raped you to get what they wanted. I’m a bastard, and I’ll be your fucking villain, but I’m not leaving here without you. I suggest you give me directions to your house so we can collect your things. You’re coming home with me. It’s not up for discussion.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  It took less than ten minutes to pack up our measly belongings. Saint stared at the apartment in horror. His men tried to pile inside, only to figure out it wouldn’t allow more than three into the front room. I entered my bedroom with Saint close on my heels. The moment I’d spun around to tell him that there wasn’t enough room to pack my bag with him inside the room, he kissed me.

  His hand snaked around, grabbing my throat as he crushed his mouth against mine. It was a soul-destroying kiss that left me spinning. H
e didn’t release me, holding me in his embrace even after he’d ended the kiss. There was no burning animosity, and it ached. My emotions were already fucked from the pregnancy, and I hadn’t been able to get the herbs to calm the churning anger and pain that drove me.

  “What the hell is up with you? Why aren’t you gloating or bragging that I didn’t escape you?” I demanded, stepping back and almost ending up sprawled on the floor, but he caught me, righting me.

  “You did escape me, Brat. You hid for three and a half fucking months. Do you have any idea how worried I was? You’ve never been off that fucking mountain, and then you were just gone. I found the tunnels and spent days inside of them trying to figure out which direction you’d gone. I discovered the raft, ripped up and torn to shit on the bank of that river, and fuck me if I didn’t pray to the gods that you’d escaped it, and me.”

  “Couldn’t lose your heir, right?” I snorted, pushing him away to grab my things, shoving them into the green army bag.

  “I couldn’t lose you, Braelyn. I never wanted you hurt. I wanted you to know how I felt when you threw me away. Never were my intentions for you to be in physical pain.”

  “You failed on that accord,” I growled, turning to look at him with my bag held in front of me. Saint grabbed the bag, peering down at my baby bump. His forehead furrowed as he tightened his fist, continuing to gaze at it.

  Warmth washed over me, and I grabbed his hand as I lifted the shirt, pressing his palm against our daughter. His eyes narrowed until she kicked, forcing them to open wide. I’d be over six months, closer to seven months, and entering the late-term pregnancy if I were human, but shifters have short gestation periods. Saint’s lips parted, and he smiled as our daughter continued assaulting me from within.

  “Does it hurt you?” he asked, his eyes filled with wonder as she continually moved within me.

  “No, it feels like wings fluttering. She’s stronger, though. It’s a weird feeling. She is very active, but mostly at night.”

  “And you’re certain it is a girl?” he asked, studying me.

  “Yeah, we had an ultrasound done last week. They said she was small for her gestation age, but then I didn’t come out and say she was a wolf pup. I think that doctor might have shit herself or had me locked up had I done so.”

  “Have you named her?” he asked, dropping his hand as I fixed my shirt.

  “No, because it felt wrong to pick out a name without you,” I admitted, wringing my hands in front of my stomach, feeling her fluttering actively. “I mean, I would have done so obviously. Eventually, because I’d have to call her something,” I rambled, my eyes holding his stare prisoner.

  “We should go before we end up stuck here. This place is too small to hold us all, and there’s a storm coming. I’d prefer to have you two on the mountain and in the safety of the pack before the weather is too bad to fly through.”

  “Fly?” I asked, swallowing past the lump in my throat. I hadn’t even questioned how he’d gotten off the mountain before spring had thawed the roads. Of course, he’d flown because he had an entire arsenal of hunters and people helping him rip apart my world.

  “I’ll hold your hand if you’re a nervous flyer, Brat.”

  “I have never flown before,” I admitted.

  He smiled, grabbing my hand as he started from the room. I looked back over my shoulder, staring at the tiny space. Saint’s hand tightened on mine as we stepped out into the front room, overly crowded with his men. Or two of them. Eryx and Bowen looked like giants standing beside the two small chairs we’d bought to lounge in front of the tiny, sixteen-inch TV we’d bought with our first paycheck.

  “You couldn’t find something better than this shitty place?” Eryx asked, staring pointedly at me.

  “Did you think to look for us in this tiny place?” I countered, and his brows creased on his forehead before he nodded in agreement. “It wasn’t like we could afford much better, either. It is actually a lot bigger without you ogres in it,” I grumbled.

  “No, it isn’t,” he snorted, heading for the door. “It was a strategic move, Princess. I’ll give you that, but it’s an utter shithole that is unfit for my niece to be born in.”

  “Who said she would be born here?” I asked, grumbling.

  “You’d have had her at the hospital then?” Eryx countered, turning to lift a brow in question as he entered the hallway. “Didn’t think so. They’d have freaked out when you had the pup.”

  “We’re close enough to humans that they wouldn’t have noticed.” I followed behind Saint, who still hadn’t released my hand.

  “They’d have known,” Saint laughed. “She’d have come early, and they’d notice her teeth were already formed, along with other things human babes wouldn’t have. Things like claws and glowing pretty blue eyes like her momma’s.”

  I stared at Saint’s back, not trusting the fact that he and his men didn’t seem upset. They seemed friendly, which made everything within me want to scream with fear. I was already worried about getting onto a plane, let alone flying back to a pack that hated me. Returning home in my condition didn’t feel safe. It left me filled with anxiety and worry that the pack would aim their anger and hatred at my child.

  “How is Chaos?” I asked, moving down the stairs as the men walked painstakingly slow.

  “He misses you. He wanted to come with me to get you back,” he admitted, which caused my heart to tighten. “Chaos wants his momma back, and I promised him I’d come to get her.”

  “I’m not his mother,” I argued, hating that I wasn’t.

  “You raised my son, and you’re my mate. You accepted him, and many alpha females wouldn’t have done that. When Chaos was sick, you tended to him personally. When he needed comfort, you offered it. You’re his mother unless you intend to reject him now?” he asked, pausing his steps to look up at me.

  “Of course not!” I growled, glaring at him for even considering it.

  “Then as my mate and the woman who raised my son, who now carries my child, you’re his mother, Braelyn. We spoke about it, and he agreed that he wants you, too. He’s excited at the idea of siblings.”

  “Siblings?” I asked, faltering at his words. Saint paused and turned to steady me as he peered up at me, eyes sparkling with laughter at my shocked question.

  “You once promised me all the babies. I want you to keep that promise,” he whispered huskily, his hands coming up to grip my hips. “Once you’ve healed from this one, of course. You wanted my babies once, Brat. I can admit to using ulterior motives for this one, and I’ll allow nature to take its course from here on out. That doesn’t change that I want you to be the only mother to my children. You’re my mate, and Fenrir, himself, blessed us. So, yes, I want all the babies you promised me.”

  “I was a child and didn’t realize I’d have to be fat and awkward when I made that promise. Look at me, I waddle.”

  “You’re fucking gorgeous, Brae.”

  “You haven’t seen me naked yet, asshole. It’s not so cute when I’m naked.” His lips jerked into a roguish grin, but my hand covered his mouth, forcing both brows to hike up his forehead. “I am not stripping, so you can make that deduction. I have not forgiven you for turning my pack against me. There are a lot of things I can forgive, but that’s not one that is easily going to happen.”

  Saint’s lips tightened before he turned back, releasing me as we moved the rest of the way down the staircase in silence. Outside, men opened the car doors, and we were ushered into the waiting dark SUVs. I gazed over my shoulder, pushing past Saint to get back out of the car.

  “Where the hell do you think you’re going?” he demanded.

  “I need to tell Mrs. Peterson goodbye,” I snapped. “They will need to get their own groceries and shovel the walkway without standing outside, expecting us to come do it!”

  Saint exhaled a strangled sound. He slipped out of the back seat, watching me walk toward the lower apartment. I knocke
d on the door, digging out the cash from my pocket. Angela opened the door, staring out at me.

  “We’re leaving, but I want you to take this,” I stated, pushing the wad of hundreds into her hand. “For your kindness and letting us stay in the apartment.”

  Angela looked over my shoulder, staring down the long line of waiting cars that sat idle. “He finally came to claim you, did he? You’re a rare breed of woman, Brianna. You’re going to make an amazing mother to that little babe. I can’t accept this, though,” she said sadly, pushing the money away.

  “I won’t have any need for it where I am going. Money isn’t required in my world, Angela. Take it and hire the boy down the way to shovel this sidewalk. Besides, I owe you rent, and I won’t be here to pay it or the utilities. Consider it a thank you for knowing I was hiding and never questioning it.”

  “Is he good to you?” she asked, sliding her knowing gaze back to Saint, who stood at my back. “You are a gentle, broken soul, girl. It takes one to know one, and that was why I never questioned you or your past. You were running, and I’ve been there. Don’t ever let him hurt you. If he does, you make damn sure you keep him down. It took me severing the ligaments of old Tommy’s knees to ensure he would never hurt me again.”

  “Say what now?” I asked, watching her eyes sparkle. “Damn, that’s savage.”

  “I’m just playing with you, girl. But really, if that man hurts you, go for his balls. It’s their weakness. You go, I’ll be fine. If you ever need me, you know where I am,” she stated, hugging me tightly. “You’re going to be fine. The way he looks at you, it is how my Tommy used to look at me before his sight went to shit.” She backed up, cupping my face tightly. “Let him love you. Broken things need and deserve to be loved too. In fact, they’re often more passionate because they feel as if they don’t deserve it. You be happy. If not, give him hell until you are.”

  I smiled through unshed tears, nodding at her. Backing up, I watched her withdrawing the money I’d slipped into her pocket, and then I turned on my heel to climb back into the car. Saint entered behind me, issuing orders as my attention shifted to Cole, who smirked, holding his hands up.


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