Secrets Worth Keeping (Finding my Home Book 2)

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Secrets Worth Keeping (Finding my Home Book 2) Page 26

by Nikita Parmenter

  “Happy birthday, Luci” I smile, his smile turns into a grin and twines our fingers together as we turn back to the table.

  The guys smirk but don’t comment as they all dig into their breakfasts. For the record breakfast burritos are fucking awesome. Once everyone is sat back doing more talking than eating Trick pulls out a present he must’ve had by his seat and hands it over to Luc. One by one everyone gives him their gifts. He gets a mix of serious gifts like a new part for a car he’s apparently doing up from Atlas.

  “We haven’t worked on it since you left” Luc tells him.

  “I didn’t want to leave” Atlas admits sadly.

  “We know. Thanks man” Luc replies.

  He also gets a gag gift from Jensen which is basically those giant padded sumo suit things but instead of sumo suits they’re boobs. I probably find it funnier than I should and I can’t wait to try it out later. I wait until the others have given him their presents and then pull the gift card out of my pocket.

  “I took a gamble and assumed you still liked tattoos as much as when we were younger. I won’t be offended at all if you don’t though” I tell him as I hand it over.

  “Wow thank you Ever it’s perfect” he says sincerely as he leans forward and kisses me softly.

  “You’re welcome, Luci” I grin.

  “Alright fuckers, everyone slept in and me and Ever need to get the curry in. You guy’s can clear the table” Rafe says taking control and the guys groan.

  “But it’s my birthday” Luc whines exaggeratedly making me grin.

  I get up and take my plate and coffee mug to the kitchen.

  “Wow, way to make us look bad, Il mio Cuore” Cash chuckles.

  I finish putting my plate in the dishwasher and then turn round and stick my tongue out at him not realising that he’s followed me and is stood so close behind me.

  I catch a brief glimpse of his wicked grin before he lunges forward, gripping my wrists and gently tugging them behind my back so my chest pushes out as he sucks my tongue into his mouth. Holy hotness I never thought I’d like that but damn. Our tongues start to battle for dominance but I yield quickly, I love that he loves to take control. Without breaking the kiss he lifts me up, letting go of my hands and my legs wrap around his waist as he places me on the counter. My hands dip underneath his loose shirt and explore the ridges of stomach before I dip them just inside his pants and run my nails lightly across before running my hands back up, making him shudder and groan. I smirk against his lips and he pulls back. Kissing me softly once before he steps back.

  “Damn it” I groan.

  “What’s wrong Firecracker” Luc smirks still sat at the table.

  “You know perfectly well what” I grumble and if I was unsure if the others were listening or not I’d have no doubt after the hyenas all burst into laughter.

  I try to suppress my amusement and remain stern as I point out of the kitchen.

  “That’s it everyone out of my kitchen except for Rafe. I’ve got the girl version of blue balls and I’m going to distract myself by making this damn curry” I smirk when they just stand and stare at me, “out!” I yell and they all burst into action before realising that they just did as they were told.

  I giggle, still sat on the counter as Trick sends me an amused look before he follows the others upstairs presumably to get showered and dressed and in Riot at Atlas’s case do fuck knows what. Once they’ve disappeared I turn to Rafe and my easy grin drops immediately as my thighs clench.

  “Want me to help get rid of that case of lady blue balls?” He asks, smirking.

  “Fuck yes” I reply instantly, “we’ve got to be quick though, they’ll be back down in a minute” I smirk.

  I don’t really care about them seeing us but the threat of getting caught is hot.

  “You got it Baby” Rafe growls, reaching into a drawer and pulling out a condom, I grin.

  Of course there’d be condoms in the kitchen drawer.

  “Next time though, I’m taking my time and giving every inch of you the attention it deserves” he promises walking up to me.

  My core clenches.

  “Deal” I say my lips a millimetre from his and close the distance in a heated kiss that has my blood roaring and my nipples pebbling.

  “Get off the counter, turn around and hold on Baby” he orders when I pull back, his voice filled with need.

  I waste no time in getting down stripping out of my sweatpants and panties. I bend over leaning my arms on the counter and spreading my legs. He immediately steps up behind me pressing close as he bends over me his chest to my back as he nips my neck. He groans as his hand trails around my hip and dips between my legs.

  “Fuck, Ever” he growls, his fingers dipping into my dripping core twice making me moan before he pulls back.

  I start to protest but it’s cut off with a loud moan as plunges inside me with one powerful thrust. I swear I see stars. He groans quietly as he’s fully sheathed inside me and his hand covers my mouth.

  “Shhh, or they’re going to hear us” he growls playing up to the getting caught fantasy. “Hard and fast Baby” he tells me and my only response is to moan.

  He starts to move his hips, standing up and pulling the band out of my hair and wrapping the long strands around his fist in a tight grip. His hips jerk at the sound of my quiet moan and I grip the counter desperately trying to stay quiet as he pounds into me with deep thrusts that somehow manage to hit the right spot every damn time. I’m so turned on that it takes mere minutes of his fast pace before I feel myself teetering on the edge, his hard length moving inside me, his pace quickens as that ledge into euphoria looms closer. He leans forward one hand still gripping my hip in an bruising grip that’s driving me wild. The other trails over my hip he circles my clit as he bites down on my neck and I explode falling of the edge as wave after wave of pleasure crashes over me, my core clenching, Rafe still’s as his own orgasm hits him.

  I slowly come back down, my whole body feeling like jelly. I turn my head and Rafe kisses me slowly both of us breathing hard. I’m about to drift into an orgasm induced nap when I hear voices and footsteps on the stairs.

  “Better get dressed quick Baby” Rafe chuckles.

  “You know I’m not really bothered” I ask.

  “I know it was fucking fun though.”

  “Fuck yes” I reply both of us groaning as he slowly pulls out.

  “Next time Baby. I’m taking my damn time, regardless of whether we’re about to be caught” he promises smirking when I nod in agreement a bit too enthusiastically.

  He disposes of the condom quickly as I pull my panties up, I’ve just settled them on my hips and he just pulled his sweatpants back up when the voices get louder and the guys start to appear at the bottom of the stairs.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Rafe winks at me as he continues to pull out the pots and pans we’ll need to make the curry and I start to get the ingredients out, deciding it will be funnier to see how long it takes the guys to notice that I’m not wearing pants anymore. Trick, Cash, Luc and Riot all drift over to the couch, setting up a game on one of the consoles and starting to play on the giant Tv. They each give me a smile as they walk to the couch but I’m stood behind the counter so they can’t see my pant-less legs.

  Atlas and Jensen make their way into the kitchen area, Jensen hopping up on the breakfast bar and facing into the kitchen, crossing his legs so he’s completely on the counter and looking like some giant elf. Atlas takes a seat at it like a normal person and looks into the kitchen. I smirk at Rafe as I walk across the room to stand next to him reaching up to grab the spices we’ll need for the curry.

  “The fuck” Atlas mutters and I chuckle quietly.

  “Angel, where are your pants?” Jensen says deliberately loud enough that it instantly gets the attention of the others, suddenly all eyes are on me and Rafe and I just smirk.

  “You still have lady blue balls?” Atlas asks smirking.

Nope” I say popping the ‘p’.

  “You lucky fucker” Riot chuckles, his eyes run up my legs. “Let me know when you want that sandwich” he smirks as he turns and walks back to the couch.

  The guys look between us for a second in confusion before they seem to get what he means, their reactions range from shocked and interested to downright horny as fuck. I smirk and continue to get all the ingredients out. Eventually the guys all disperse apart from Atlas and Jensen. Both of them smirking at me.

  I can practically see the wheels in their heads turning.

  “Where?” Jensen asks suddenly.

  I don’t reply to the nosey fucker, instead just raising my eyebrow at him but I can’t help the glance I give the counter.

  He smirks.

  “Right, curry” I say out loud trying to get my horny as fuck brain back on track and distract Jensen from what will no doubt be another inappropriate question.

  I know it might be hard to believe but I was seriously never this fucking horny before. I enjoyed sex, but I wasn’t particularly upset if I didn’t have someone to fuck for a while. It just never bothered me. I guess it’s because these guys are mine, yes I have fully given up lying to myself and pretending that they aren’t. How they feel about me claiming them is a whole other story though and my stomach churns at the thought of talking to them at the end of this trip. A part of me just wants to get it over with but I’m a wimp when it comes to this and there’s no chance I will tell them before I have to.

  Coward, thy name is Ever.

  “I’ve written down the recipe for the sauce, if you start on the base spice mix I’ll start picking the meat off the turkey” I tell a grinning Rafe, trying to ignore Jensen and Atlas whispering behind me. Why do I get the feeling that they’re planning something?

  “On it, Baby” Rafe replies.

  We spend the rest of the morning cooking together, Rafe asking me questions and really taking in everything I’m trying to teach him. He makes his own little tweaks to the recipe along the way and when it’s finally ready to put the meat in and stick it in the oven the sauce honestly tastes better than I could have ever made myself even though it needs to stew for a bit longer before it's ready.

  Rafe has serious talent when it comes to cooking and I hope he decides to follow his dream to become a chef.

  “Right that’s it for now. We can cook the rice and naan breads just before we eat” I say and Rafe nods walking over to me and pulling me into his arms as he gives me a soft kiss. I sigh happily. “Are we doing anything before we go out tonight?”

  “Nope, I think the guys just want to relax and play the game that Cash got Luc” Rafe explains.

  “Awesome, I’m going to go and have a bath then” I grin, reaching up on my tiptoes and kissing him softly.

  “I’ll make sure the hellions leave you be” he grins and I chuckle as I leave the kitchen grabbing my discarded pants as I go.

  I pause half way across the room when he calls out after me.

  “Let me know if you want any help Baby” he snickers and I can’t help but chuckle as I just carry on walking.

  As I get to the top landing, just outside my room Atlas appears from his room down the hall.

  “Hey” I call out, getting his attention as he walks towards me, when he’s closer I reach out and wrap my arms around him, “thank you for staying with me last night.”

  His arms grip me tighter as he rests his cheek on the top of my head and takes a deep breath.

  “Anytime Princess, I mean that and not just because that was the first night I’ve slept without nightmares for a really long time but because I liked being able to be there for you” he finishes quietly and my heart soars.

  “Trick told me some of your past, and I’m going to want names, Ever. I know you took care of it pretty damn fucking well but in my eyes they still got off fucking easily” he rasps out anger lacing his tone.

  I tilt my head up to see how serious he is, only to find his blue eyes hard as flint and as cold as ice. The man is very serious about exacting out a more severe revenge on the people who have hurt me in the past and I guess I should find that worrying or scary or something right? But nope fucked up little old me thinks it's one of the sweetest things someone has offered to do for me.

  His eyes cloud with worry for a second at my lack of immediate response. I let my dark side out to play, allowing my savage grin to grace my features.

  “Deal, but I want in. I’ve learnt a few things since they last fucked with me” my grin widens as his eyes do the same before heat blazes through them. I giggle as he picks me up and slams me against the wall by my bedroom door his lips connecting with mine in a brutal and heated kiss. When we finally part, my lips are swollen and both of us are breathing heavily, he smirks.

  “Deal, Princess. You’re a bit brutal aren’t you?” his grin widens.

  “Oh yeah, Dragonfly is actually a bloodthirsty little thing. Don’t let that stunning as fuck exterior fool you” Trick chuckles patting Atlas on the back as he walks past and winking at me.

  Atlas raises his eyebrow at me and I just pull my most innocent face and shrug. He leans in and kisses me softly.

  “Not falling for it, Princess” he rasps quietly as he puts me down and I reluctantly take a step back.

  I love the raspy quality he has to his voice, it has almost the same effect on me as Rafe’s deep, rough baritone and Cash’s singing voice. My eyes widen as a thought occurs to me.

  “What?” he asks suspiciously a smirk playing around the edge of his lips.

  “Do you sing?” I blurt out.

  He tenses slightly as his look turns calculating, he nods once.

  “I would absolutely love to hear you sing one day, Atty and I definitely want to hear you play something. The guys raved about how good you were” I say softly realising that although the guys told me about his gift with instruments they never said anything about his singing, meaning they don’t know and Atlas has just shared with me something extremely private that makes him feel vulnerable.

  “Thank you for sharing that with me Atty” I say softly, reaching up on tiptoes as he bends down, to give him a soft kiss, “I won’t say anything” I add to reassure him.

  “You’re so damn perfect, Ever” he replies making my heart pound.

  He turns me in his arms and gently nudges me towards the door, tapping my ass as I walk off. I glance over my shoulder smirking when he just grins innocently before walking back downstairs to join the others.

  Once back in my room with my heart back under control. I quickly gather yet another outfit but instead of putting more of my comfy’s on, I decided to put on the black, high waisted jeans I was planning to wear tonight to save me changing fully later. It’s too damn cold to wear a skirt or dress and would be a ridiculously stupid idea to wear high heels considering not only is there still snow on the ground and therefore ice but it’s also started snowing very lightly again. I will change my top before we go out though.

  I leave my change of clothes on my bed and walk through to the adjoining bathroom, decorated in soft cream and sage it’s really pretty. I set the taps running choosing some bubble bath from the already stocked shelfs, which makes curious, especially since it’s all in my favourite scents. The guys must of picked the stuff up for me when we first arrived whilst we were at the store.

  They’re so damn sweet.

  Before I sink into the bath I grab my phone to see if I’ve gotten a reply from Rylie yet. I’m starting to worry that somethings wrong. I’m actually surprised when I see a reply from her.

  Rylie: I’m all good. Darcy invited me up to her lake house with her family and reception is really bad so I’m sorry if I don’t reply. I can’t wait to hear all about your trip when we get back. Love ya girl!

  I send her a quick reply relieved to hear from her and glad she’s ok. Feeling a weight lift now that I’ve heard from her I head back into the bathroom.

  I let out a sigh of relief as I sink into the warm
water the sweet smelling bubbles instantly relaxing me. I was slightly worried that I might freak out again but since Trick helped me with my last freak out in the bath and I know that they are all downstairs, a panic attack doesn't even threaten to emerge. I can hear the guys cheering and goading each other from here and I clear my mind as best I can. Letting all thoughts and complicated feelings just be for a while as I recharge. I must drift to sleep slightly at some point because when I wake, the water is starting to turn cold. When I emerge from the now lukewarm water and wrap a giant fluffy towel around myself, I realise that I feel more myself than I have for a while. I didn’t know how desperately I needed to recharge and just be, without the threat of my father or the stalker or anything like that.

  I feel stronger, my soul lighter.

  I dress quickly feeling a confidence in my step that wasn’t there before but that I hadn’t noticed was missing. Wow baths are like magic. When they don't cause panic attacks they are anyway.

  As I make my way downstairs and back into the sitting room, Trick glances over at me his soft smile turning into a grin filled with happiness, I walk over to him and sit down on his lap feeling almost giddy with happiness.

  “Hey, Sweetheart. It’s good to see your spark back” he whispers quietly dropping a kiss to my temple as his arms tighten around me.

  “Yeah I really needed that bath, to just decompress” I reply snuggling in.

  I sit and watch the guys play the new game, similar to the zombie game but the enemy are just the normal human kind. After a couple of rounds I think I’ve got the idea down and Jensen offers me the controller, smirking. He finds it disproportionately amusing how invested I get in video games, especially the fighting ones. I turn on Trick’s lap and he opens his legs so I’m sat on the couch between them.

  Smart man, I move all over the place and get super into it when I play, I’d probably end up hurting him if I stayed sat on his lap.


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