Secrets Worth Keeping (Finding my Home Book 2)

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Secrets Worth Keeping (Finding my Home Book 2) Page 27

by Nikita Parmenter

  “Just wait, she’s hilarious” Trick says but I’m too focused on the game to make a comeback.

  “Die fucker, die!!” I yell suddenly, and someone snickers as someone else mutters damn. I ignore them. “Think you can sneak up on me! Well jokes on you dickface” I grin as I shoot the fucker in several spots, “now you’ll bleed out slowly” I chuckle.

  “Well fuck me Angel, I really do love it when you get all blood thirsty” Jensen says a dreamy quality to his voice that has me smirking. He must've said that at least twice in the last couple of day's.

  “Don’t think I didn’t notice that, that was the same guy that killed Luc a couple of rounds back” Riot chuckles darkly and my smirk just widens as I continue to focus on the game.

  “So fucking hot” Atlas mutters.

  “Damn straight” Trick chuckles from behind me.

  “God damn it, stupid ass motherfucking cuntcake!” I yell huffing and thrusting the controller to the side for someone else to have a go since the bastard just killed me.

  No one takes it off me though all of them too busy laughing their asses off, I huff as I grin. It’s not that funny. Eventually they calm down and we spend the rest of the day playing games apart from a brief break for lunch. Before long it’s time to get ready go and I stand up and stretch. I’ve ended up sitting with each of them throughout the afternoon and although it’s been fun I am really excited to get out and do something.

  “How’re we getting down there?” I ask, “will we all fit in the truck?”

  “Yeah we should do, it’ll be a squeeze though. You might have to sit in the very back with Jensen since you two are the smallest” he adds.

  “Dude Jensen is hardly small” I reply with a scoff looking over Jensen’s five foot eleven, well-muscled frame appreciatively.

  “No but he is the smallest of us” Trick chuckles at my obvious reaction to Jensen whilst Jensen starts to pull some ridiculous poses that have me in fits of laugher.

  “Right I’m going to get changed before he pulls a pose that ends up in him falling on his ass” I chuckle harder as I walk up the stairs and he yells up behind me pretending to be offended.

  Everyone soon follows me and I step into my room closing my door behind me. I rummage through my suitcase and decide to wear my long sleeved V neck Henley and top it off with my leather jacket, not my bike one. I pull on my new snow boots that go surprisingly well with my outfit. They’re black suede and faux fur mukluk style boots that reach my knee and have leather cords wrapped around them. They’re ridiculous toasty. I put a quick swipe of mascara and eyeliner on, adding a coat of lip gloss for good measure.

  Grabbing my jacket I make my way downstairs and I’m mildly surprised that I’m the only one down here. Before I can ponder it for too long though there’s a noise on the stairs and I automatically turn to look.

  “Oh my god” I mutter as my jaw drops.

  Standing on a step each the guys are all wearing plaid shirts in various colours, Jensen and Cash have their shirts still open revealing delicious abs and Atlas and Trick have an axe and the chainsaw casually resting on their shoulders which confuses me momentarily until Jensen speaks up.

  “What do you think Ever, are we sexy lumberjacks?” he tries to ask with a straight face but a smirk breaks through.

  I burst out laughing realising what they’re referring too.

  “You little shits, am I ever going to live that comment down?” I groan still chuckling.

  “Nope” Atty replies grinning.

  “In that case, yes you all look like deliciously sexy lumberjacks and I’d like to climb you all one at a time or maybe a few at once” I smirk as I’m greeted by a mixture of shocked sounds and turned on growls. “Unfortunately we’ve got to go, come on boys” I grin as I walk towards the door.

  “Wait we’ve got to change” Riot calls out.

  “Out of everything that she just said that’s the bit you focus on!?” Atlas asks incredulously and I chuckle.

  “My brains sort of short circuited, there’s not a lot of blood getting to it right now” he defends seriously and I hear several grunts of agreement before the sound of my laughter drowns them out.

  “No changing. You guys wanted to be my sexy lumberjacks so your going to be my sexy lumberjacks for everyone to see” I grin turning back to face them as I open the front door.

  Atlas and Rafe grin proudly at me as they make their way towards me, the others hovering on the stairs before I raise my eyebrow and they sigh almost as one as they make their way down and grab their boots and coats. Jensen immediately starts bouncing on his toes as he makes his way over to me. He surprises me with a quick kiss as he nips my lip and pulls back tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear.

  “Smart move, Angel” he murmurs and I grin.

  “Oh I know” I reply.

  Once everyone is bundled up we make our way through the door under the stairs and down to the end of the hallway and to the garage. All bundling into the truck which is even more of a squeeze than it would’ve been anyway since we all have coats on. After some clever manoeuvring and some bruises on the guys, given mostly by an overexcited Jensen, we’re finally settled in and buckled up. Jensen ends up sat in the back next to me with his knees practically up around his ears. He still has a massive grin on his face though so he can’t be too uncomfortable.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  The drive down the mountain is fairly straight forward although I am more than aware that if we were in any other vehicle we would’ve either slid out or gotten stuck by now. When we pull up to the bar in town I realise just how small this town is since it’s the only bar and it’s jam packed. We find a space and all practically fall out of the confines of the car, except Trick, that bastard gets out all calm and collected.

  I must send him a glare because he just smirks. I’m about to retaliate when I get distracted as the once lightly falling, barely there snow, starts to fall heavier the flakes getting bigger.

  “It’s so freaking pretty” I say as I stick my tongue out trying to catch a piece.

  “Fuck it’s cold” Riot says shivering as he puts his hands into his jacket pockets and hunches his shoulders, Rafe throws and arm around him and tucks him in close.

  “Well yeah that’s kind of what happens when it snows, it gets cold” Luc grins as Riot flips him the finger.

  “Fuck off” he grumbles.

  “It might have to be a quick one Luc we don’t want to get stuck in the snow going back up” Trick says thoughtfully, ignoring the bickering.

  “That’s good with me” he shrugs, and then turns to me grinning as he holds his hand out for me, “come here, Firecracker.”

  I take his hand and we take the lead, as we enter the bar all heads turn towards us, but they soon lose interest which I’m grateful for. We all make our way to the large bar, the décor in here has definitely seen better days but everything is as clean as can be expected. The massive gloss wood bar spans the entire length down one side, with tables dotted around the dance floor that sits in front of it. It seems that this bar is the only form of nightlife this town seems to have, which means there’s an eclectic mix of patrons ranging from the old regulars propping up the bar. People having a quick drink after work and the odd couple obviously out on a date night, since this bar doesn’t seem to card, I’m unsurprised to see quite a few people our own age mixed in as well.

  What is surprising though is that the music playing isn’t that bad and there are a fair few people from various different age groups making use of the dance floor.

  As we all approach the bar, the burly, bearded and if I wasn’t used to my guys I’d call him slightly intimidating guy, glances over us as he polishes a glass in such a typical bartender pose that it has me smirking. I have to admit that he’s quite good looking for an older guy. As his gaze lands on Atlas though his eyes widen slightly and his posture straightens instantly. I look between them curiously but although the reaction is slightly odd I just figure it’
s because the guys have been coming here for a while so they know each other. A quick look at the other’s though shows me that they’re all subtly doing the same, clearly as confused as I am.

  Which makes me infinitely more curious.

  “Atlas” the bartender nods respectfully reaching across the bar to shake Atlas’s hand.

  “Quinn, nice to see you man” Atlas grins at him.

  “You too. So these must be the guys?” he asks running a critical eye over them. He gives Atlas a questioning look and Atlas shakes his head no.

  “Guy’s this is Quinn, Quinn this is, Trick, Riot, Rafe, Jensen, Cash, Luc and Ever” Atlas introduces quickly.

  We all say polite hello’s but I can tell the guy’s are just as curious as I am about how Atlas knows him.

  “Drinks are on the house” Quinn says.

  We thank him and the guys all ask for beers, I opt for whiskey.

  Quinn smirks as he hands me the glass, clearly expecting me to cough or choke when I take a sip, since I ordered it straight. I take a sip and raise my eyebrow at him, he tilts his head as his grin turns genuine and I chuckle. We spend a few minutes at the bar getting to know Quinn, turns out he’s actually a really decent guy and took over when the previous owner got too sick to run it. From the look that him and Atlas share I get a sense that there’s more to the story than he’s telling us and that the mystery surrounding Atlas is even more complicated than we thought.

  “Come on, Firecracker. It’s my birthday, I get to dance with you first” Luc says distracting me from my thoughts by grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the dance floor.

  It’s a lot easier to relax and enjoy myself here than it was at the Winter Formal but then again, I have no stalker after me and I’m finally feeling like myself again. Me and Luc dance for a few songs, I’d feel self-conscious about how close we’re dancing but we aren’t the only ones and honestly I just couldn’t give a fuck.

  I glance over at the door when it opens, letting in a blast of cold air. Fan-fucking-tastic it’s the assholes that we ran into after we went to see Luc’s aunt. I keep my eye on them as I dance with Luc just in case but I’m seriously hoping that after Luc knocked the fucker out he’ll be smart and just stay away, but when it comes to men, pride is always their downfall.

  Him and his little group of friends end up stood at the bar just a bit further down from my guys. From the surly look Quinn gives them as he serves them I’m guessing they’ve caused trouble here before. They take their drinks and turn to look out at the room.

  My earlier point is proven when as soon as the mouthy dickhead from before spots me, he smirks, says something to the guys he’s with and then saunters over to me. Rudely pushing past people like he owns the fucking place and making my rage simmer, well hello old friend, I’ve missed you.

  I decide to give him the benefit of the doubt before I react though just in case he’s he’s about to do the highly unlikely thing and apologise. I stop dancing and Luc is so into the song that it takes him a second notice, when he does he raises his eyebrow in question and starts to open his mouth.

  “Oh look guys it’s scar face and her abusive boyfriend” the dickhead from earlier calls out loud enough for the surrounding people to stop and stare.

  Luc tenses and steps to the side turning around to face them his anger clear to read on his face. I take a second to reign in my own anger as Luc tries to control his. My eyes land on Jensen and I let a savage grin cover my features his eyes widen as he nudges Atlas and says something to the others that makes them all start to make their way over to us. I turn my attention back to the dickhead’s in front of me, my grin still in place and my stance casual. They bulk at my lack of reaction to their leaders words obviously expecting me to be a blubbering mess.

  “Say that again” I goad as I let my darkness come out to play in my eyes, turning them from warm navy blue to hard, cold and almost black.

  They exchange a wary look but as predicted, are stupid as fuck because the leader steps forward, Luc goes to move me and I place my hand on his chest pausing him in his advances, he looks down at me but I don’t take my eyes off the guy in front of me.

  “It’s scar face and her abusive boyfriend” he sneers as he repeats his words.

  Without warning my fist shoots out catching one of his ribs, I put enough force behind it that I feel something give, he bellows in pain. When he bends forward to grab his ribs I throw a powerful uppercut, made all that more painful since he was already bending down, blood spurts from his nose. My foot flies out and pushes him backwards so he lands on the floor in a groaning heap.

  The bar is silent, everyone frozen, standing in shock and staring at my grinning face, even my guys. Then all hell breaks loose, I can’t help my quiet chuckle, damn I’ve missed this.

  I duck as a fist comes flying towards my face as the more sensible patrons make for the exits. I kick out at the guys knee, feeling it crunch under my foot before he crumbles to the floor. A quick glance shows that the guys had more friends in the crowd but my own guys aren’t even breaking a sweat as they fight. I chuckle as I watch in awe as Jensen fights a big fuck off guy, but still has his beer in his hand and is still drinking between jabs and ducking. His grin is infectious. Out of curiosity I search for Atlas as I aim a kick at some guy coming for me getting him right in the dick, I put a lot of power behind that kick and the asshole passes out, whoops. Atlas looks bored as hell, this fight obviously not enough for him but as two guys start to circle him at once his eyes light up with feral enjoyment. He fights lethally and I know it’s taking him a lot not to kill the fuckers.

  I can’t enjoy the show for any longer though as yet another guy comes for me. It feels fucking good to use my body like this again and I feel like all the shit that’s happened to me over the last couple of weeks is finally done with and I’m me again. Blood splatters my face as I break his nose. He gets a lucky hit in but it was sloppy and only glances off my jaw. I chuckle as I advance on him again but I’m forced to stop in shock as a knife appears wedged in his shoulder and Atlas quickly follows after it. The room stills once again as the guys stop playing with their opponents and knock them out. Fortunately everyone else has left thanks to the fight.

  I watch as Atlas reigns punches down on the guy his body vibrating with rage.

  “You dare to fucking touch her!!” he bellows, the guy beneath him screeching in agony as Atlas’s blows strike him with precision.

  “Atlas, you’re going to kill him” Trick warns but not seeming as concerned as he should be.

  “There were witness’s” Jensen tries to reason just as calmly as he drains the last of his beer and smashes the guy he was fighting over the head with it. He does it so casually that I can’t help the inappropriate chuckle that escapes me, despite the seriousness of the current situation. Jensen smirks and winks at me.

  “Dude this is sloppy, that’s not you” Rafe adds, completely serious but again seemingly unconcerned about the murder aspect more about the witnesses side of it. Still Atlas doesn’t let up as his hand wraps around the guys throat cutting off his air supply.

  “Atlas, I’m fine. The weak ass motherfucker barely glanced me” I try and he loosens his grip slightly at my words as his lips tip up in a barely there smirk.

  “Atlas. Not fucking here!” Quinn bellows urgently, “If you kill him, the whole fucking thing falls apart!”

  That vague as fuck statement seems to finally get through to him and he reluctantly lets the idiot go.

  “Call, Dom and Ren. I don’t care what the fuck they do to him but he and his little buddies are not step foot in this town again” Atlas orders harshly as he yanks his knife out of the guys shoulder making him howl in pain. I inhale sharply, exactly what the fuck is going on here.

  “On it. They’re fairly new to town anyway so won’t be hard to get rid of them. Want me to call in Rage?”

  “Nah but let him know what’s going on. Tell him to cover it up there though and I’ll be back soon” h
e orders finally, turning his back to Quinn and looking directly at me, his body still shaking with barely controlled rage but I see the panic in his eyes, he genuinely thought I had been seriously hurt and he doesn’t know how to process that. Still on a high from the fight I do the first thing that comes to my mind, I run at him.

  It seems to be my go to reaction.

  “Someone fucking stop her!” Quinn shouts panicked.

  I just grin as I jump and Atlas catches me effortlessly. I grab his face between my hands and stare into his beautiful blue eyes before I can say anything I’m interrupted by Quinn.

  “What the fuck!” he exclaims, “how is that happening right now! He didn’t freeze or get violent or anything.”

  “That’s Ever for you man, wait until you hear what she calls him. We were threatened with bodily harm if we even attempted it” Riot tells him as he helps himself to another beer.

  “Unbelievable” Quinn mutters.

  “Atty,” I say for good measure and hear Quinn choke behind me, Atlas watches me warily, “I’m ok really. I can handle myself. That was pretty fucking hot though” I add, the guys chuckle behind me as Quinn sputters again and Atlas’s eyes widen, he looks so damn cute that I can’t help myself and I lean forward kissing him thoroughly.

  “How are you not running in fear from me right now? I nearly killed him and you have to understand Princess,” he starts before he gets interrupted.

  “Holy fucking shit Atlas, Princess?” Quinn says and I feel like I’m definitely missing something, Atlas shoots him a harsh glare which has Quinn raising his hands in defence and backing through a door behind the bar no doubt to do as Atlas asked and call Dom and Ren.

  Whoever the fuck they are.

  “I would have killed him if there wasn’t something bigger going on here” Atlas continues as if the interruption had never happened.

  I study his features carefully taking my time to answer as he rests my ass on the bar, I don’t let him step back from me though when he tries and he glances at me in question.


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