Secrets Worth Keeping (Finding my Home Book 2)

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Secrets Worth Keeping (Finding my Home Book 2) Page 28

by Nikita Parmenter

  “Was he innocent?” I ask, well aware I have all of the guys attention now.

  “No, not only did he hit you but Quinn warned me that he’s been slipping things into girls drinks” he growls harshly.

  My eyes widen as what he leaves unsaid sinks in and red taints my vision, I push Atlas back and his expression falls before he catches sight of my face and he looks truly shocked by the level of rage I’m carrying right now.

  I hop down from the bar, grabbing a drink from the table as I pass it on the way towards the worthless piece of shit passed out on the floor.

  “Angel, what are you . . .” Jensen starts to ask, I interrupt him with a quick kiss before my rage propels me forward.

  I throw the drink over the battered face of the asshole on the floor and he splutters and groans as he comes round.

  “Sweetheart what did you do that for?” Trick asks sounding confused.

  The door behind the bar opens and Quinn eyes the scene curiously but stays quiet.

  “I wanted him to be awake for this. You guys might want to turn around” I warn them.

  “What, Why?” Cash starts to question.

  I don’t answer instead I bring my leg up and slam my booted foot down on his dick as hard as I possibly can. He screams in pain before he tilts his head to the side and throws up, curling into a ball with tears streaming down his pathetic features.

  I wait until he’s finished before I crouch down in front of him, he looks up fearfully.

  “You are fucking lucky I don’t have my knife on me or I’d fucking castrate you myself you pathetic excuse for a fucking man. If you ever lay another finger on a woman, I’ll make good on my fucking promise. Understand?” I threaten my voice hard.

  He nods furiously and I smile coldly in satisfaction, I stand up and kick him in the face knocking him out again. Turning to face the room I brace myself. The guys haven’t seen this side of me before and I’m slightly worried about how they’re going to react. The room is silent as I walk back towards Atlas without really looking at the others. Before I can get there, Jensen’s arms wrap around me and he pulls me close his lips landing on mine in a brutal and passionate kiss, leaving me gasping for breath.

  “You’re like a savage avenging Angel” Jensen growls, “I love it.”

  I’m pulled into Trick’s arms before I can reply to Jensen and his lips land on mine. This was not the reaction I was expecting from them as they each give me a quick kiss. I finally dazedly make my way towards Atlas and a smirking Quinn.

  “I like her. She fit’s with you and she’s more than strong enough” Quinn says ignoring the warning look Atlas gives him. “Lyric would love you. I can’t wait for you two to meet. I have a feeling you’ve got quite a lot in common and to talk about” he glances meaningfully between me and the guys.

  He says it like it’s a foregone conclusion that me and this Lyric person will meet and my mind spins with questions.

  “Enough, Quinn” Atlas snaps and Quinn smirks but does as he’s told.

  Considering Quinn is at least five years older than him I’m finding it truly fascinating the amount of pull Atlas holds over him and I am practically itching to know more.

  Trick opens his mouth most likely to voice what we all want answered, what the flying monkey balls is going on!?

  “Not now” Atlas growls, his eyes connecting with Trick’s. “Please brother?”

  Trick nods and claps him on the back before turning to Quinn.

  “Where are your guys parking?” he asks.

  “Back alley, through there” Quinn answers pointing to the door behind the bar.

  “Come on guys, let’s get this done” Trick orders and they all grab someone unconscious and drag them through the door.

  I turn my attention back to Atlas.

  “Atty?” I ask and he focuses on me his eyes cautious. “I’d be scared if he was innocent and you wanted to kill him. I’m a little fucked up though so after hearing what he did to those girls I probably would’ve fucking helped you” I admit, completely serious.

  He wraps me in his arms pulling me close like he almost lost me.

  “I don’t know what I ever did without you” he mutters.

  “I know you aren’t ready to let them in on whatever the fuck is going on with you and what’s going on with Quinn but don’t keep it from them for much longer or they’re going to take it into their own hands. I haven’t even seen half of what they’re capable of, but even I can tell that they are more than capable of handling whatever it is you’ve got going on” I say firmly, kissing him softly once before leaving him to think it over and going to stand near Luc.

  He automatically puts his arm around my shoulder.

  “You ok, Dragonfly?”

  “Yeah, I’m sorry your birthday got ruined” I grimace.

  “Nah don’t worry about it. It was fun. Anyway we still have the curry you and Rafe made, to try when we get home.”

  “Fuck, we were supposed to have it before we left and I completely fucking forgot” I curse.

  “It should be ok, Baby. The ovens on low and we haven’t been gone that long” Rafe reassures me dropping a kiss on my temple as he walks past carrying a chair as they all help try to right the bar.

  “Whilst I really appreciate the help, the snows getting heavier out there and a storm warning’s just come in” Quinn says pushing through from the back hallway where the guys dumped the unconscious guys. He turns to Atlas, “if you don’t want them involved yet then I suggest you get going before there’s no option. I’ll take care of shit here.”

  Atlas sighs heavily but reluctantly nods.

  “Seriously what the fuck!” Jensen says dramatically throwing his arms up in the air. Trick sends him a warning look and Jensen groans. “Fine, come on Angel” he smirks as he pulls me outside.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  “Fucking hell” I grumble as we step outside and get blasted in the face by freezing cold air. The snow now falling rapidly in fat flakes.

  Quinn’s right we need to leave now.

  “Come on guys. I don’t want to get stuck!” I yell back into the bar gaining all of their attention as they say goodbye to Quinn and start to follow me and Jensen out.

  Every one of them shooting Atlas searching and curious looks. That whole situation was beyond bizarre and it’s obvious that there is a hell of a lot more going on, that even the guys don’t know about. It has to fit in with why he left and where he’s been all this time. I can’t help but think that it ties in with his illusive past as well.

  “I’m getting fed up of not having all the information now. I know he’s in some shit and we should be standing beside him not left in the fucking dark” Jensen grumbles quietly, the others still too far away to hear as me and him climb back into the truck.

  “I know it’s shitty, but give him a little more time. You guys are, from what I’ve guessed, the only family he has and he’s got some really shitty things in his past. He’s terrified to lose you all or put you in danger and it’s going to take him a second to get over that and accept that you guys are here to stay” I try to explain it to him and he wraps an arm around me pulling me close so my head rests on his chest.

  “Doesn’t he get that, that goes for him too though? We hate that he’s obviously in danger and he won’t give us the information to help.”

  “I know” I say quietly, as everyone gets in.

  Everyone’s fairly subdued as we slowly pull out of the parking lot, the snow really is coming down heavily now and we probably shouldn’t be driving in it but if any car can make it up there it’s this one.

  “Soo, that was fun” I say into the silence.

  There’s a slight pause before everyone starts laughing as the tension breaks.

  “One hell of birthday” Luc agrees. “Are you really ok? I lost sight of you for second” he finishes and the guys tense.

  “Oh yeah I’m fine. I wasn’t lying when I said he punched like a weak-assed bitch. I had loads fu
n. It’s been a long time since I got to play” I chuckle at the looks they give me. “Are you guys all ok?” I ask.

  “Yeah we’re all good” Trick says as everyone makes affirmative noises. “It’s been a while since we got to play too” he grins wickedly as he glances in the mirror at me and shoots me a wink that has my body heating.

  Damn I love how dangerous my guys are.

  Thank fuck they aren’t normal, we wouldn’t work nearly as well if they were.

  “Would you really have castrated him Sunshine?” Riot asks curiously pulling me from my thoughts and the car falls silent as everyone but Trick turns to look at me.

  “Yes” I say simply and truthfully, no guy who takes a girls choice away from her deserves to keep his dick as far as I’m concerned.

  “Whoa, fuck! Hold on” Trick suddenly calls out as the backend of the car starts to slide.

  “We’re going to have to go up at the slowest speed possible there’s too much snow” Atlas comments.

  I watch the guys share a look and this time I can guess what they’re communicating about.

  “So why aren’t we staying down at the bar with Quinn?” Cash asks. “It didn’t seem like he would’ve minded.”

  “Fuck” Atlas curses scrubbing a hand over his face in frustration. “Ok, look I know you guys know something is going on but I can’t bring you in yet. Especially now I need to make sure that I have enough control that it’s safe for Ever. I can’t bring you guys in without her and I wouldn’t want to but I have to make sure certain things are in place. Just give me a bit more time ok, I’m so close” he tells us.

  Although he’s asking, I know from his tone of voice that he isn’t going to budge on this but it’s the most information we’ve gotten from him so I’ll take it. I am curious about how I fit in to it though and why it changes things. I know there’s no point asking him about it now and the guys seem somewhat satisfied if a bit frustrated by his answer so they all drop it.

  The snow outside is somehow falling heavier and we can barely see anything.

  “Does anyone else live up here?” I ask, worried that we might run into someone else on the road. With visibility as shit as it is we won’t be able to see them until they’re right on top of us.

  “No, Il mio Cuore. It’s just us up here, we own the road and most of the surrounding land” he says offhandedly.

  “Wow how much land is that?” I say slightly in awe.

  “About one hundred and sixty five hectares” Rafe says distractedly his eyes on the snowy landscape surrounding us.

  “Holy mother of wow, that’s a lot of land” I reply and his mouth tips up into a smirk as Luc chuckles.

  “I do love the random shit that comes out of your mouth, Firecracker” he says turning back to face me and chuckling harder when I stick my tongue out at him and flip him the bird.

  The truck is moving less than ten miles an hour as Trick slowly picks his way up the mountain track. Finally he makes the turn to the cabin and I honestly have no idea how he saw it. Everything just looks white to me. We forgot to shut the garage door when we left so we pull straight in and everyone breathes a sigh of relief, that got pretty fucking dicey. The guys all start getting out of the truck to grab shovels so they can shovel out the snow that’s come in and we can shut the garage doors. When I get out Trick’s the last one still sat in the truck, his shoulders slumped and his head bowed forward.

  I pull open his door and he immediately turns to me. I step up on the edge of truck so I can reach better and his arm automatically wraps around me to steady to me. I place both my hands on his face and kiss him softly.

  “You did good. Thank you for always keeping us safe” I say, kissing him again as his arm tightens around me.

  “Thank you Sweetheart” he replies kissing me on the forehead before he sighs and pulls back, “come on we better go and help them before they start bitching” he chuckles and as soon as he’s finished Riot calls out to us.

  “Are you guys planning to help?” he snarks with no real heat.

  “Coming you fucker” Trick calls back and I chuckle as I hop down.

  “Actually me and Ever need to go and finish up the curry” Rafe grins as he hands the shovel to Trick and throws an arm around my shoulder.

  I turn my head, grinning cheekily at Trick, sticking my tongue out. The effect it has is instantaneous his eyes darken and he drops the shovel to the floor as he starts to make his way towards with a wicked grin on his face. Rafe chuckles quietly as he takes his arm from around my shoulder and steps back. I slowly start to back up, my heart pounding and a wicked grin of my own gracing my features. His smirk kicks up a notch and just as I’m about to make a break for it and run through the door he sprints the last couple of meters and scoops me up, my legs wrapping around his waist as he takes my mouth in a hard kiss as we fall against the door. His grip on my ass tightens as I weave my hands into his hair and tighten my thighs around him bring us closer together and giving me a teasing feel of his hard length hidden behind his jeans. We both groan at the contact and he deepens the kiss his tongue stroking against mine in a way that has my clit pulsing and once again wishing that I knew what that tongue bar felt elsewhere.

  His lips move from my mouth and trail across my jaw and down my neck as my head tilts back to give him better access, my breath coming out in short gasps. He buries his head in my neck as he tries to get his own breathing under control and groans as Rafe pulls me out from between Trick and the wall.

  “We really do need to check the food now” he says chuckling as my eyes go wide I completely forgot.

  “Fuck” I curse as I turn on my heel and sprint through the door to the rest of the house the guys laughter echoing behind me.


  Fortunately when I get to the kitchen there’s no billowing black smoke yet so that’s slightly reassuring. I grab some oven mitts and carefully open the oven, still no smoke and the smell that billows out has my mouth watering. I check inside the pot whilst it’s still in the oven, since it’s too heavy for me to get out. Rafe had to put it in, in the first place. I breathe a sigh of relief when I lift the lid and none of it seems to be burnt or has even caught actually. I replace the lid and shut the oven door to keep it warm whilst I make the rice and naan breads but turn it off. It would be just my luck that I’d burn it now.

  I decide to make the naan breads myself, I found this recipe which is super easy and takes hardly any time at all. Rafe walks into the kitchen just as I’m getting a mixing bowl out of the bottom cupboard. I chuckle as he steps up behind me and grabs hold of my hips, glancing back and smirking at him from where I’m still bent over.

  “This seems familiar somehow” he comments with a dirty smirk.

  “Hmm, does it?” I grin standing up, “I wonder why?” I turn and give him a quick kiss.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I decided to make the naan breads, want to help?”

  “Sure but won’t that take ages?” he asks moving so he can see all the ingredients I’ve set out. “Doesn’t it need to prove for like an hour or something?”

  “Normally yes but I found a recipe where you only need to let it prove for twenty minutes and whilst we wait we can do the rice, set the table and make this yoghurt dip thing that I love. No idea what it’s called” I say making him chuckle.

  “Alright what do we do then” he asks as he washes his hands.

  I talk him through it and it takes no time at all before we have everything done and the table all set. I grin happily at the spread we’ve set out and the curry smells absolutely divine. Whatever extra things Rafe did to it has elevated to new heights and I can tell that without having even tasted it.

  “You might want to cover your ears” I say to him grinning when he raises his eyebrow but does as I ask.

  “Food!” I yell at the top of my lungs and chuckle when I hear the sounds of heavy footsteps from various places in the house.

  “Damn, Ever that’s a set of lungs
you’ve got on you!” Riot chuckles as he comes into the kitchen and kisses me before walking to Rafe and doing the same, making me smile.

  We all take seats and everyone tucks in.

  “This is the best curry I have ever had” I say and Jensen looks at me slightly confused.

  “Isn’t this your recipe?” he asks.

  “I made the base, which is where I normally stop and call it good but Rafe added loads of extra stuff to it after that and it has honestly never tasted this good” I look over to the adorably blushing man, “you are amazingly talented” I smile as his blush darkens, the others complimenting him too.

  Luc’s hand wraps around mine under the table and I turn to face him.

  “Thank you, beautiful. It was delicious” he smiles and kisses me.

  Before I can reply both our phones buzz from where they are on the table and I frown slightly as I reach forward and grab it, Luc doing the same with his. When I look at it, I see a message from Luc’s aunt.

  I quickly open it up and all of the air leaves me in a rush.

  All she’s sent is a photo that she took yesterday. I have no idea when, but what’s completely thrown me, is that the picture is of Luc holding one of the twins, with his arm around me as I look up at him and we look like a little family. He’s looking at me like I’m his entire world and I’m looking at him with all the feelings I thought I kept hidden on my face. A sense of yearning fills me, I want that in the future. My eyes fill and I glance up at Luc to find him already looking down at me. His own eyes swimming with emotion.

  “Are you ok?” he whispers softly, his eyes studying my features.

  My throats tight and I’m not really sure why I’m reacting like this but I shake my head no.

  He immediately stands up and pulls me up with him, turning us away from the table as he wraps his arm around me and I immediately burry my face in his chest.

  “We’ll be back in a minute guys” Luc calls over his shoulder.

  “Everything ok?” Cash asks concerned.


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