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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 10

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by Nikhil Parekh

  Every of my jubilantly intricate eyelashes fell on her poignantly venerated forehead; and each rousing eyelash of hers too; fell more magnetically than ever before; on mine.

  Every of my harmoniously crimson blood drop fell on her irrefutably royal destiny lines; and each blossoming blood drop of hers too; fell more unassailably than ever before; on mine.

  Every of my spectacularly fertile ingredient fell on her magically barren crevices of love; and each Omnipotent fertile ingredient of hers too; fell more vociferously than ever before; on mine.

  Every of my unshakably everlasting embrace fell on her splendidly redolent hips; and each timeless embrace of hers too; fell more infallibly than ever before; on mine.

  Every of my brazenly dancing hair fell on her enigmatically bountiful neck; and each vivacious hair of hers too; fell more poignantly than ever before; on mine.

  Every of my impeccably heartfelt ideology fell on her synergistically emancipating soul; and each unflinching ideology of hers too; fell more unsurpassably than

  ever before; on mine.

  Every of my inevitably irrevocable destiny line fell on her fabulously quavering chest; and each spell binding destiny line of hers too; fell more euphorically than

  ever before; on mine.

  Every of my unabashedly humanitarian element fell on her innocuously divine feet; and each benign humanitarian element of hers too; fell more unbeatably than

  ever before; on mine.

  Every of my incredulously enchanting shadow fell on her blessedly rejuvenating countenance; and each vivid shadow of hers too; fell more tenaciously than

  ever before; on mine.

  Every of my immortally truthful heartbeat fell on her pricelessly inimitable bosom; and each subliming heartbeat of hers too; fell more faithfully than ever before; on mine. 

  And as all this blissfully unfurled; there insuperably sparked such a perpetually rekindling electricity in even the most dreariest speck of this Universe; that

  every true lover on this altruistic earth; heaven or hell; was perennially gifted by the Omniscient Lord; an infinite more compassionate lives and lifetimes .



  Our physical forms might inevitably evaporate one day; but the unbelievable melody of our united breath; would immortally transcend and conquer even the most

  infinitesimal speck of this Universe; for times immemorial,

  Our physical forms might inevitably diminish one day; but the rhapsodically unfettered essence of our divinely childhood; would immortally transcend and

  conquer even the most obfuscated iota of this Universe; for times immemorial,

  Our physical forms might inevitably disappear one day; but those uninhibitedly mischievous glances that we cast at each other as if the Sun had just risen from

  behind the hills; would immortally transcend and conquer even the most inconspicuous trace of this Universe; for times immemorial,

  Our physical forms might inevitably collapse one day; but our bounteously unflinching camaraderie in good times and diabolically evil; would immortally

  transcend and conquer even the most parsimonious cranny of this Universe; for times immemorial,

  Our physical forms might inevitably asphyxiate one day; but the unsurpassable magnetism in our eyes for each other; would immortally transcend and conquer

  even the most feckless fragment of this Universe; for times immemorial,

  Our physical forms might inevitably surrender one day; but the unlimitedly ecstatic desire for each other in every pore of our skins; would immortally transcend and conquer even the most oblivious parchment of this Universe; for times immemorial,

  Our physical forms might inevitably shatter one day; but those infallible promises which we’d committed to never ever let go our grip; would immortally transcend

  and conquer even the most evanescent rooftop of this Universe; for times immemorial,

  Our physical forms might inevitably massacre one day; but each of those sensuously reinvigorating kisses which ignited us till realms beyond infinite infinity; would immortally transcend and conquer even the most transient figment of this

  Universe; for times immemorial,

  Our physical forms might inevitably behead one day; but every of those symbiotically melaning fantasies that we’d dreamt together; would immortally transcend and conquer even the most invisible space of this Universe; for times immemorial,

  Our physical forms might inevitably deteriorate one day; but every song of pricelessly inimitable righteousness that we’d sung in unabashed unison; would immortally transcend and conquer even the most fugitive fabric of this Universe; for times


  Our physical forms might inevitably subjugate one day; but every alphabet of the redolent poetry that we’d penned on each other; would immortally transcend and

  conquer even the most wavering firmament of this Universe; for times immemorial,

  Our physical forms might inevitably crumble one day; but the indelibly unfailing mantra that we’d always harbored to triumph over the devil; would immortally

  transcend and conquer even the most nonchalant arena of this Universe; for times immemorial,

  Our physical forms might inevitably vanquish one day; but the unrelenting ardor that reigned supreme in our souls to save and exist only for each other; would immortally transcend and conquer even the most lugubrious corridor of this Universe; for times


  Our physical forms might inevitably bury one day; but every of those iridescently heart-rendering cisterns that we’d traced on each other’s flesh; would immortally transcend and conquer even the most fleeting molecule of this Universe; for times


  Our physical forms might inevitably fade one day; but the brilliantly unstoppable virility that we’d experienced in our bodies everytime we were together; would immortally transcend and conquer even the most remote tunnel of this Universe; for times immemorial,

  Our physical forms might inevitably succumb one day; but our intrepidly exhilarating elixir to lead every stage of life as it unfurled; would immortally transcend and conquer even the most inane ounce of this Universe; for times immemorial,

  Our physical forms might inevitably obliterate one day; but the insuperably Omnipotent fire that rose to the ultimate apogee of the sky as our pulsating bodies

  met; would immortally transcend and conquer even the most faltering element of this Universe; for times immemorial,

  Our physical forms might inevitably extinguish one day; but the fervently maniacal longing in each of our breaths to celestially mélange irrespective of whatever; would immortally transcend and conquer even the most disassociated scaffolding of this Universe; for times immemorial,

  Our physical forms might inevitably char one day; but every of those ebulliently artistic dances that we’d performed on rainsoaked grass with our bodies entwined; would immortally transcend and conquer even the most orphaned patch of this Universe; for times immemorial,

  Our physical forms might inevitably dwindle one day; but every of those seeds that we’d sowed with the united amalgamation of our poignantly crimson blood;

  would immortally transcend and conquer even the most fugitive leaf of this Universe; for times immemorial,

  Our physical forms might inevitably disintegrate one day; but every word of Omnipresent truth that we uttered with our lips inseparably interlocked; would

  immortally transcend and conquer even the most lackadaisical filament of this Universe; for times immemorial,

  And Our physical forms might inevitably finish one day; but that heaven of unshakably Omniscient love which had impregnably imprisoned every beat of our

  throbbing heart; when we’d very first met; would immortally transcend and conquer even the most minuscule trajectory of this Universe; for times immemorial .



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  Until and Unless you don’t open your agglutinated eyes; you just wont be

  able to sight even an infinitesimal iota of Nature’s panoramically fathomless beauty; the mists of bewitching enchantment profusely inundating the atmosphere all around,

  Until and Unless you don’t open your Spartan lips; you just wont be able to

  utter even the most ethereally nonchalant of sound; flood the dolorously morbid ambience around; with unbelievably spell-binding melody,

  Until and Unless you don’t open your dogmatic stomach; you just wont be able to accommodate even the most obsoletely feckless ingredient of food; stupendously relish the unsurpassably pristine fruits of Nature divine,

  Until and Unless you don’t open your clenched fists; you just wont be able to profoundly enjoy the exuberantly drifting breeze; feel the untamed exhilaration of fantastically rhapsodic air upon your lines of inevitable destiny,

  Until and Unless you don’t open your incorrigble hips; you just wont be able

  to symbiotically defecate even a fugitive iota of the unfathomable trash; miserably asphyxiating and rotting in the walls of your holistic intestine,

  Until and Unless you don’t open your stony ears; you just wont be able to decipher even the most transiently conspicuous of voice; wholesomely shunting yourself from the fabulously blessed decibels of synergistic worldliness,

  Until and Unless you don’t open your intransigent cheeks; you just wont be able to blow the bountifully stupefying whistle; permeate every cranny of mother earth with incredulously ebullient sound,

  Until and Unless you don’t open your vindictive conscience; you just wont be

  able to assimilate even a globule of irrefutably infallible truth; holistically imbibe the unconquerably emollient principles of humanity,

  Until and Unless you don’t open your quagmire brain; you just wont be able to fantasize beyond the monotonously ordinary; uninhibitedly dance in the wisps of unbelievably ecstatic and silken paradise,

  Until and Unless you don’t open your indignant toes; you just wont be able to astoundingly relax; let even the most vespered of your senses blend with the winds of fantastically rejuvenating tranquility,

  Until and Unless you don’t open your incarcerated inhibitions; you just wont

  be able to perennially evolve; unassailably coalesce even the most the dwindling of your nerves with the heavens of miraculously ameliorating artistry,

  Until and Unless you don’t open your irrevocable veins; you just wont be able to ubiquitously mélange every droplet of your blessed blood; with every caste; creed; tribe and race effulgently alive,

  Until and Unless you don’t open your mechanized hair; you just wont be able

  to intrepidly adventure; let even the most forlornly livid of your wishes become an eternal petal of the exhilarating atmosphere,

  Until and Unless you don’t open your thwarted throat; you just wont be able to tantalizingly sip the most exotically ravishing sips of water; serenade the devastated crannies of your neck with the most vivacious elixir of life,

  Until and Unless you don’t open your entrapped muscles; you just wont be unflinchingly defend your diminutively impoverished persona; blossom into a

  wall of righteously fortified self-defense,

  Until and Unless you don’t open your robotic shoulders; you just wont be able to wonderfully reach out to every echelon of humanity; timelessly mitigate and altruistically hoist countless deprived orphans towards their ultimate destination in life,

  Until and Unless you don’t open your strangulated armpits; you just wont be

  able to feel the redolent trail of perseverance dribble down your body; golden globules of your hard-earned sweat make you feel more invincibly closer to the most humanitarianly blessed mission in life,

  Until and Unless you don’t open your imprisoned nostrils; you just wont be

  able to lead even an obfuscated trifle of enigmatic life; eternally rejoice in the Omnipotent supremacy of undefeatably charismatic creation,

  But irrespective of whether you opened your heart the slightest in your chest or not; the true love of your destiny inevitably comes searching for you from even the most dying realms of infinite infinity; to unabashedly and immortally bond with every beat of your Omnipresently blessed existence .



  The most perfect day for “Cricket” was; when the Sun blazed indefatigably from fathomless sky; with brilliantly invincible streams of light and air transcending everything else in the atmosphere,

  The most perfect day for “Adventuring” was; when the mists of unparalleled

  sensuousness dribbled from every conceivable leaf of the forest; when every ingredient of soil on which you tread was engulfed with tantalizingly fresh

  globules of rain,

  The most perfect day for “ War ” was; when your battalion of soldiers were consummately equipped and armed; and more so when the desire to win for their impoverished motherland reigned the most supreme in their hearts,

  The most perfect day for “ Chess” was; when you stretched the corridors of

  your imagination even beyond the uncannily extraordinary; interminably concentrating every unfurling instant; like the mid-day Sun,

  The most perfect day for “ Hunting” was; when stony silence overruled every

  trajectory of the boundless forests; fomenting you to surreptitiously approach your hedonistically man-eater prey,

  The most perfect day for “ Fantasizing” was; when an unsurpassable cradle of

  voluptuously enchanting clouds embellished every bit of barren sky; enamoring even the most fecklessly stagnating pore of your skin with unceasingly blessed rhapsody,

  The most perfect day for “ Dancing” was; when every blade of hair on your

  fantastically virile skin; stood up in effulgent exhilaration towards the astounding semi-crescent of the pearly Moon,

  The most perfect day for “ Kite-Flying” was; when uninhibitedly triumphant

  draughts of wind inundated every cranny of the atmosphere; unbelievably transported holistic thread and paper to serenaded heights of blue sky,

  The most perfect day for “ Football” was; when millions of fans cheered in

  ecstatic unison; everytime the ball headed towards the goal post under the

  flamboyantly sweltering rays of the mid-day Sun,

  The most perfect day for “ Skating” was; when even the most inconspicuous

  portion of soil that you tread; metamorphosed into beautifully untainted

  white ice,

  The most perfect day for “ Whistling” was; when even the most weirdest of

  your dreams; your every earnestly philanthropic effort in the chapter of

  vibrant life; seemed to be fructifying into the most blissfully unconquerable of reality,

  The most perfect day for “ Bathing” was; when the ravishingly shimmering waterfall ardently invited you; to feast upon its perpetually reinvigorating spray as it cascaded victoriously and freely into the valley of bewitchingly untamed wilderness,

  The most perfect day for “ Wrestling” was; when even the most dolorously

  dying muscle of your body; insatiably urged to punch its way; to fight for its very own symbiotic right; through the fabric of this endless Universe,

  The most perfect day for “ Examination” was; when the person you loved; adored and worshipped the most; inexhaustibly stood by your side as your most unflinching mate; even as the planet commenced to wholesomely extinguish and subside,

  The most perfect day for “ Driving” was; when you felt the benign spirit of your soul blend with your car and road; when whichever trail you chose to go took you towards an epitome higher than the skies,

  The most perfect day for “ Partying” was; when people of all caste; creed; tribe; color and race; invincibly melanged as the most celestially endowed gathering under the Sun; united in waves of symbiotic brotherhood for times

  The most perfect day for “ Swimming” was; when each wave of the sea glistened in spell-binding harmony with impregnably golden sunshine; when the shores became your ultimate abode and the majestic sea your only savior,

  The most perfect day for “Living” was; when the nostrils were not just greedy for inhaling and solely flooding their individual lungs with unprecedented euphoria; but wanted to bestow happiness on countless other lives as well; altruistically exhaling out the same,

  Whist the most perfect day for “Love” is every unfurling moment; every sensuous night; every blazing day; irrespective of any circumstance; situation; belonging or activity; so start to fall in love; replenish with love; blossom into love; make priceless love every beat of your immortally palpitating heart; this very moment today .




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