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Omertà Anthology - A Very Merry Mafioso Christmas

Page 34

by V. Domino

  “Where are we?”

  “We’re at a safe house. You need to keep quiet while I think what I can do with you.”

  “What you can do with me? What the hell is that supposed to mean?” I’m panicking now. I think my adrenaline has spiked and is now making me feel sick. I grab hold of his arm and bend over and puke on the ground.

  “What the fuck? Oh my god that’s gross.” He says as he dances around my puke.

  I think I must be the worst hostage he’s ever had.

  What the fuck did I do? Why did I take this woman as a hostage? Why did I take a hostage at all? Why didn’t I just leave her at the side of the road when I jumped on my bike? I could have easily done that then I wouldn’t have to worry about her now. Fuck I’m so stupid. But hell, how could I leave her with hardly any clothes on for any pervert to see.

  After she puked on the floor I was thinking that maybe I should have left her there. “God, that’s disgusting.” I grab her hand and pull her into the house, making sure the garage door is shut behind us. I take her straight upstairs and into my bedroom. As I rifle through the drawers for something for her to wear she looks around.

  “I’m not that kind of girl you know. Just because I’m wearing lingerie does not mean I’m a prostitute.” Her indignation makes me laugh.

  I throw a t-shirt and some shorts to her, “I was finding you something else to wear. You’re very... “ I look her up and down and find it hard to control my cock. “You’re very distracting in hardly anything. I need to concentrate so that I can work out what happens now.” I open the door to the bathroom. “You can have a shower and then come straight downstairs. Don’t try and run out of the front door, it's locked and you won’t get very far.” I run my fingers over my gun that is tucked into the waist of my trousers. I smile at her and leave to go back downstairs to think about what we are going to do.

  I know why I didn’t leave her there. She’s gorgeous and I just couldn’t resist looking at her for another little while. I know I have to let her go, I don’t want any hostages. There is no need for a hostage. I need to ring my father and sort this mess out. He needs to know what I’ve done and he needs to help me. This is his fault after all. I’ve really fucked up and I know it. But I just couldn’t leave her there.

  In the kitchen I grab a tumbler and the bottle of whiskey and I pour myself two fingers. I throw them back and reach for another one, but I stop myself, I need to keep a clear head so that I can fix this situation.

  When she comes downstairs wearing my shorts I have to say it was hot. I can see the outline of her Mrs Claus outfit under the white t-shirt. Yes, I gave her a white one specifically to see the red through it. Bite me.

  “Is there any of that for me or do you just like to drink alone?” She reaches out for my glass and pours herself a few fingers. She throws it back like I did and I smirk. My kind of girl.

  She licks her lips and looks at me. “So, what happens now? Are you going to tie me up? Are you going to beat me? I don’t know anyone who has any money and I don’t know anyone who would pay a ransom to get me back.”

  I can’t help but laugh, this girl is funny. “That’s sad that no one would pay the ransom. You need to find someone who would pay any amount of money for you.” She looks at me.

  “So?” I realise she is waiting for me to answer her question.

  “I don’t know what happens next. I didn’t need to take you, I could have gone out of that door and left you there. I could have left you at the side of the road when I got on my bike. I could have done a lot of things and I didn’t.”

  “That’s it? You could have but you didn’t! So, why did you take me?”

  He closes in on me and pushes me against the wall. “I couldn’t resist you. When I saw you standing in that cubicle in that Mrs Claus lingerie I stopped thinking with my brain and started thinking with my cock. You do something to me and I can’t resist you any longer.” I slam my mouth down on hers, expecting her to push me away, but she doesn’t. Instead she wraps her hands around my neck as I grasp her ass cheeks in my hands, she jumps up and wraps them around me. It would be so easy to just take my cock out and slide inside her.

  When I pull away and look at her, she has lust filled eyes. “Why did you stop? I know what you want to do, so do it.” She grinds against me and I can’t think of anything else. I let her down and pull my shorts down and that’s when I notice she still has the red, sexy lingerie on.

  “Fuck,” I growl. I take my t-shirt off her and then I undo the zipper on my jeans. She wraps her hands around my neck and I lift her again. This time I can feel her heat on me as I guide my cock to her entrance and slide in. She is wet for me.

  She feels so good wrapped around me and I can’t get enough of her. As I’m pumping in and out of her as she is squashed against the wall, I kiss her again. Her lips are so plump and ripe for my picking. She is clenching her muscles around my rock hard cock and I can’t get enough of her. I want this woman like I’ve never wanted one before. She’s driving me wild.

  I rub her clit and she explodes making me cum inside her and it’s only when I pull out that I realise I didn’t wear a condom. “Shit, sorry babe.” I watch my cum dribble down her leg. Fuck, so hot.

  I let her down gently and she gets dressed. “Sit down, I think we need to talk.”

  “We need to talk? We just fucked it doesn’t mean we are getting married,” I say as I pull out the chair and sit down.

  He laughs. “Not quite what I had in mind. What’s your name? I didn’t get chance to ask.”

  “No you were too busy being a neanderthal. It’s Tilly. What about you?”

  “I’m Silas.” He looks at me and a small smile comes on his face. “I’m sorry for taking you from that shop. I’ll take you home and drop you off. Just tell the police or whoever comes knocking that I dropped you off earlier and it took you a while to get home.”

  “Whoever comes knocking? Does that mean you think some bad people are coming for me? No thank you - for some reason I think I’m safer staying with you.”

  He looks me up and down and I can see the cogs in his brain working. “Okay. But we need to go and see my parents. They’ll know what to do.”

  “Your parents? I’ve only just met you. I don’t think it’s time to meet the parents yet.”

  He starts laughing. “Tilly I’ve never met a woman like you before. You’re refreshing.”

  “Refreshing? That sounds like I’m a long drink or something.” I don’t know what it is about him, but he makes me want to say really stupid things and fight him.

  “I’m sure I could drink you up all day, Tilly.” His eyes are darkened with lust and I just want to lay down over this kitchen table and spread my legs for him. What is he doing to me?

  “How will we get to your parents? They’ll be looking for your bike.”

  “They sure will, so we’ll go in the chopper.”

  “The chopper? Are you freaking serious right now? Who the hell are you - Batman?”

  He laughs and suddenly leans across the table and kisses me, making sure he spends a long time thrusting his tongue in and out of my mouth. Then he sucks my tongue and nips my bottom lip. Pulling back he smiles. “Are you going to be my Robin?” He sits back and crosses his arm.

  “Ha ha, bloody ha.”

  “I’m going to ring my Dad and then we can leave - I just need to make sure they’re home.” He picks up his phone.

  “Hey, Dad. We’ve got a problem. You know I don’t want to be in the family business and now that my grandfather is dead, well some people have decided that I’m a hot commodity to either kill or use against you. I encountered a…” he looks at me, “a little problem and I need some help.”

  He doesn’t take his eyes off mine. “You remember what you did when you first met Mum, well take that and remember how you felt.” He pauses listening to his dad. “Yep, so we are both going to come over and see you. You need to help keep them off my back. I still don’t want to be in the fam
ily business, but if that’s what it takes to make them go away and leave me alone and don’t touch Tilly, then let’s do it.”

  He nods his head. “Yeah we’re leaving now. See you in a few.”

  He puts his phone down. “Right we are leaving straight away.”

  “Silas, what’s your family business?”

  He smiles. “It’s a surprise.”

  He takes my hand and walks me out the back of the house where there’s a helipad. He opens the door for me, straps me in and gives me a pair of headphones with a mic. Then he walks around the other side and gets in to fly the chopper. I can’t speak - this man is so… I can’t work him out.

  When he lands in the grounds of a big house by the Thames I feel like I’ve arrived at Buckingham Palace or something. Someone comes out and opens the door and helps me down, just as Silas comes around my side and hands the chopper over to them before taking my hand and walking me toward the house.

  I’m nervous, his parents are obviously influential people. They wouldn’t have a house on the Thames if they weren’t. He opens the door and invites me inside.

  I follow him as he guides me to a room, which looks lived in and could be a lounge area. There’s a man and a woman on one of the couches and they both stand when we walk in. The woman comes over and hugs Silas.

  “Silas, it’s been a while since you’ve been home. It’s good to see you.” She moves away from him and looks at me.

  “Hey, and welcome. I’m Tatiana, Silas’ mother. Sorry if you’ve been dragged into this unexpectedly.” She has a slight foreign accent, she’s beautiful. She hugs me, which throws me a little.

  “Thanks.” I don’t know what else to say.

  His dad comes over and hugs Silas. “You got away from them Silas. That’s your training. I just wish you’d change your mind and join us.”

  “Dad, I’m not ready to talk about it. Let’s just fix this mess and then I’ll think about it.”

  His dad looks at me. He reaches out his hand. “I’m Wyatt. Sorry about this mix up. We’ll do everything to make sure you’re safe.” I shake his hand and then I am guided over to the other couch and I’m delighted when Silas sits next to me.

  “So, Dad. What am I going to do? This is because Granddad died, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, son I’m sorry it is. As you know Konstantin was a very powerful man. When we went into business together we upset a lot of people. For the first few years we had to assert our authority over everyone and only then were we accepted as the top of the ladder.”

  “Sorry,” I interrupt. “Are you talking about Konstantin Petrova?” I know my voice is squeaky and unusually high, but this is big news and I’m worried for the first time that I might not make it out of here alive.

  Wyaltt looks at me and smiles. “You’ve heard of him?”

  “Fuck, yeah.” I look at Tatiana who has a smirk on her face. “Everyone knows who he is and you too. Why the fuck am I here? I didn’t ask to get involved in the russian mafia.” I stand up and try to leave the room, but I feel some strong arms around my chest, pulling my arms in and stopping me from walking out.

  “Tilly, we are not going to hurt you. If you leave someone else is going to hurt you - I can guarantee you that. Please just stay while we try to fix this problem, then when I know it’s safe, you can go home and never have to see me or my family again.” Silas talks in my ear. My body reacting to him and melting into his hold.

  “Okay, but tell me what the fuck is going on.” Silas chuckles at my change of mind.

  “We are trying to, but you just tried to run off. Sit down next to me and just listen.” He looks up at me. “Please?”

  I sit down and clasp my hands together.

  His dad continues. “Since Konstantin died there have been rumblings and we don’t know where they are coming from. But the only thing to keep you safe, Silas, is for you to move in here for the short term. I know you hate it here but it’s the only thing that will keep you safe.” He looks at me. “Both of you.”

  “Then you need to make sure I’m trained to defend myself and Tilly. I know I’ve done a lot of work with you over the years, but when I decided not to work with you, I kind of took my finger off the pulse.”

  “I’ll help you both as much as I can. We can’t let them get away with this though, when we find out who is behind it, we will destroy them.”

  I gasp. I’m not sure what is going on but these are part of the Russian mob and they are talking about killing people just as if they were talking about buying some coffee.

  What the hell did I get myself into? Why am I not scared? Why am I drawn to Silas even though he kidnapped me? Do I have Stockholm Syndrome? I think that takes longer to get so it’s not that. It’s because he’s gorgeous and he fucks like a god. He’s funny and I think I could get used to being around him.

  I’ve never wanted anything to do with the mafia. I’ve seen how it tears families apart. Growing up I had to train hard, learnt how to shoot, use knives, fly choppers and drive fast cars. I was taught to be aware of everything around me, but having lived on my own for months and then the loss of my grandfather was still new in my mind, I had missed that I was being followed. How the fuck did I miss it? I’ve been trained to notice anything that goes on around me.

  Dad is pacing - he does that a lot while he’s thinking. Mum says that he’s always done it. She’s taken Tilly off to show her to a room, get her some women’s clothes and for her to have a shower. I think mum likes her which is good.

  Why is it good? I took her from a fucking lingerie shop without asking her. But when I told her she could leave she didn’t want to - maybe she likes me just a little bit. I’ve never been enamoured by someone as much as I am with Tilly. I want to know all about her and I don’t want any harm coming to her.

  “Dad, how did you get Mum to agree to the union between you and Grandad?”

  He laughs. “Your mum was more badass than I was. We spent the few days together and never looked back. That doesn’t mean you can just kidnap women off the streets, Silas.” He sounds stern, but when I look at him he has laughter in his eyes.

  “I didn’t just kidnap her off a street, it’s complicated. I told her I would sort this out then drop her home, but she wanted to stay until it was all sorted. I like her Dad. How fucked up is that?”

  Dad smiles at me and touches my shoulder. “Let’s see what happens once we assert our authority again. She might not want anything to do with after has been bloodshed. Come down to the office, let’s have a drink and make some plans. We need to get this sorted quickly before someone really misses this woman you took.”

  “She said there was no one to pay a ransom. So I doubt there’s anyone looking for her yet.”

  “I hope you’re right, Silas. We don’t need the old bill arriving on our doorstep as we prepare to go to war.”

  I cringe as his words. War sounds so bad, like a lot of people are going to die or something. I’m not sure I’m ready for this and I’m definitely not ready to bring Tilly into this mess. It’s a bit late for that though.

  I follow dad down to his office, that was once grandad’s and sit in the arm chair opposite the desk. He opens the drawer and takes out the whiskey and two glasses and then he pours us both a drink.

  Handing me mine he says, “I’m sorry this is happening to you Silas. I know you didn’t want to be part of the family business but I’m happy that we get a chance to work together. We need to make sure we get your brothers and sister home though. All of them could be targets.”

  Shit, I never thought about that. I was only worried about Tilly. “I think I need another drink before I see Alexei and Maxim. Annika will be okay though.”

  Dad laughs. “Yeah, Alexei is pissed that he wasn’t the first born and got as much attention as you did from your grandfather. He’s made up for it though, he’s loyal and he’s a good fighter. You won’t do better than having him on your side.”

  “Call them and get them here. Let’s get this o
ver and done with.” I sigh. I know they need to come in, but I’ll get a lot of grief, especially from Alexei and Maxim.

  Dad smiles and makes the call. “Alexei. We have a situation. I need you here, bring Maxim with you. I’m calling Annika. She’ll be here too.” He pauses. “Great, collect her on the way.” He puts his phone down and looks at me. “Looks like we are having a family reunion. What do you want to do with Tilly? Do you want her in on the conversations? I’m getting a vibe that there’s more to her than just someone you kidnapped.”

  “Urgh I didn’t mean to kidnap her, Dad. She was in the changing room of a lingerie shop and I ran in there to get away from whoever was shooting at me, she was hiding me and then the only way I could think to get out of there was by pretending she was a hostage. I was going to leave her in the lane to go back by herself. But she only wore a skimpy christmas lingerie set and I couldn’t leave her there so I gave her my jacket and put her on my bike and drove home.”

  “She’s gorgeous and I just couldn’t resist her. I didn’t want to let her go, but when I offered she said she wanted to stay so I think she likes me too. I can’t explain how I feel.”

  “It’s okay. I know exactly how you feel. It’s what happened to your mum and me. I took her away to hide her and keep her safe and then we fell in love. I didn’t want to let her get hurt and her father came and saved us both and that’s when we discussed bringing Ares down and taking over by joining forces. Women can get under our skin quickly, just make sure she’s okay with what we do. Even if you don’t want to stay and help with the family business after all this is over, she needs to know what to expect.”

  “I think I’d better go and talk to her. She might find it hard to understand. How long before the rest get her.”


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