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HALO: Fallen Angel Series #1

Page 21

by Frank, Ella

  Can’t say I didn’t warn him, I thought, as I turned the key and shoved open the door. I stepped aside so Halo had to walk by me to get in, and as he went, I took in a deep inhale, the scent of him intoxicating every single one of my senses. I couldn’t wait to strip him down and get all up on him. I wanted to taste, touch, and fuck every single inch of him. But I also knew I had to play this just right. This was a first for Halo, and while he had given every indication that he wanted it, I needed him out of his mind begging for it before we got there.

  I shut the door and made sure to engage the lock—the last thing I needed was a midnight visit from one of the guys if the mood struck them—and when I turned back to find Halo standing at the foot of my bed, I told myself to calm down.

  “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were nervous,” Halo said as he looked around the room.

  “But since you know that’s a fuckin’ lie, what is it that you think I am?”

  Halo looked over his shoulder to the messy bed that took up most of the living space in the guesthouse and said, “Tense,” and when he brought his eyes back to mine, he added, “Charged. Wound up tight.”

  “I’m trying to be…polite.”

  “Who asked you to be polite?”

  That was it—fuck standing by the door. If ever I’d been given a green light, it was right then, and I made my way over to Halo, took his chin in my hand, and said, “I hope like hell you mean that, ’cause that was about as polite as I can be.”

  When Halo’s eyes sparked and his lips morphed into a grin just this side of triumphant, the sound that left my throat was close to feral as I reached for the back of his neck, tangled my fingers through his hair, and then crushed my lips over the top of his. Halo’s mouth opened under the assault in an instant, and his hands came up to grab at my shirt as his tongue found mine and he groaned at the contact.

  He tasted like whiskey and sex as he trailed his hands down my stomach to the bottom of my shirt, and when he slipped them under the black material, I wound an arm around his waist to grab at his ass.

  I hauled Halo’s body in as close as I could get him, and as I ground my hips up against his, he yanked his mouth away from me and said, “If I’m gonna use you, you need to take this off.”

  It took my brain a second to realize what exactly he wanted off, but when he began to shove my shirt up my torso, I smirked. “You seem to be doing a good job. Why don’t you take it off?”

  Letting go of him, I looked down to where his hands had stopped, and then back to his flushed face, before I raised my arms above my head. Halo lowered his eyes to where his hands were balled in the material, then began to slowly inch my shirt up my body. When he got to mid-chest, he glanced at me from under his heavy lids, and whatever he saw there had him bending down to put his lips to the center of my sternum.

  At the touch of his warm breath on my skin and the—fuck me—wet flick of his curious tongue, I dropped my arms down so I could slide my fingers into his hair. Halo made a low hum in his throat as he kissed his way over to my left nipple, shoving the material up higher, out of his way, and then the angel became bolder, tracing his tongue around the flat surface he’d found.

  “Christ.” I tightened my fingers in his hair and tugged his head back so he was forced to look up at me, and the smile that slid across Halo’s mouth made my cock jerk behind the zipper of my jeans.

  “I’ve wanted to see you again with your shirt off ever since that night at your place,” Halo said as he straightened, and I released my hold to let him take the fucking thing off. When he tossed it on the ground, Halo’s eyes ran down over me, and his scorching gaze was a tangible thing as my skin heated everywhere those hungry eyes touched.

  “You made me nervous that night. I was so confused about you.” Halo reached out and traced a finger from the base of my neck down between my pecs, and when I grabbed his wrist, halting him, he grinned.

  Tugging Halo close, I pressed a rough kiss to his mouth and said, “And are you still confused?”

  Halo took my other hand and drew it to the front of his jeans, where he thrust his hips forward. “Do I feel confused to you?”

  No, he fucking didn’t. He felt like a man who knew exactly what he wanted, especially when I squeezed the outline of his cock through his pants, gliding my hand up and down his thick length.

  “Thank fucking God,” I murmured against his mouth as I flicked open the button of his jeans and then slid the zipper down. “If you were just a tease after all this, I’d throw myself off a bridge.”

  A low chuckle left Halo’s throat as he felt his way up my chest, exploring the contours of my body. “So different,” he said, his fingertips moving down to curl around the waist of my jeans. He had my pants undone in a hot second, his hand trailing underneath my boxer briefs to wrap around my dick like a second skin. “Mmm. I like the way you feel.”

  Shit. There was no hesitation in Halo’s voice now, only a sense of wonder, like he was surprised to find how much he liked the way another man felt. Goddamn, he’d barely touched me, and I was desperate for more.

  I let out a groan as he began to stroke my cock, my lips slamming onto his, my tongue urging his on in a way that said, More…harder…faster…

  “Oh fuck,” Halo said, ripping his mouth away to look down at where he gripped my dick, no longer stroking, but fingering the curved barbell that pierced the head of my shaft.

  I held my breath, waiting to see what he’d do, and the angel didn’t disappoint. He let go of his hold on me to tug my boxer briefs and jeans all the way down to the floor, and then he looked up.

  I gripped the base of my dick, pointing it in Halo’s direction so he could have a better look. “See something you like, Angel?”

  He wet his lips, his eyes going from the piercing up to my face and back again. “Will it hurt?”

  Such an honest question coming from those wide, curious light eyes. “It’ll feel so fucking good you’ll never want me to leave.”

  Halo’s gaze fell back to my cock. “Really…” Then, before I knew he was going to do it, his tongue came out to lick a path along my slit, and my hips bucked up from the surprise. He glanced up at me and asked, “Is this okay?”

  “Angel, anything you want to do to me is more than fucking okay.” I barely got the words out again before Halo repeated the move, this time also teasing the barbell with his tongue in a way that made my eyes nearly roll back in my head. But I forced them to stay open, to stay focused on the man on his knees tasting, experimenting, and damn near tongue-fucking my cock.

  One of Halo’s hands replaced the hold I had on my dick, gripping the base to hold my erection steady as he teased, while his other hand gripped the back of my thigh.

  It was a perfect image, one I wanted to burn into my mind for all time. The only thing that could possibly top this was getting inside the angel, all that silky skin naked and beneath me, covered in sweat.

  He was driving me out of my mind, and it was all I could do to put my hand on his arm and pull him up to his feet, but that was what needed to happen if he wanted me to come deep inside him and not down his throat.

  “As good as that feels, I need you naked. Now.” As I gripped Halo’s linen shirt and hauled him toward me so I could taste myself on his lips, the thin material ripped, and it took me all of two seconds to decide to hell with it. It didn’t take much for the shirt to tear apart easily in my hands, and I tossed the remains on the ground as Halo stared at me, a mixture of lust and amusement on his lips. “Unless you want me doing the same to your pants, I’d suggest you get them the fuck off.”

  Slivers of moonlight peered in around the closed slats of the blinds, but even in the low light, I could make out every naked inch of Halo as he stepped out of his jeans and kicked them away. I crooked my finger at him, and he followed my command, walking forward until we were toe to toe, both of us naked, our bodies humming with anticipation. Damn. I was finally about to get what I’d been dying for.

“Get on my bed, Angel.”



  AT VIPER’S REQUEST, my heart pounded, all the blood rushing straight to my cock. Every nerve ending in my body was alive with awareness, even without Viper touching me, and, feeling brave from the slight buzz of alcohol running through my veins—and horny as hell—I let my fingers brush against his erection before walking to the California king that was front and center in the room. It was as if it’d known who its owner would be and had made sure to be the focal point as soon as you walked inside.

  A growl left Viper’s throat as I climbed onto the bed, giving him a prime view of the ass I knew he was dying to get inside. Fuck, I wanted that too. I wanted Viper however I could get him, and after the way he’d worked me up at the concert, not to mention all the foreplay over the past few weeks, all I’d been able to think about was what it’d feel like to have him penetrate me there. In the place no one had ever been inside. I wanted Viper to be the one I let into my body, because a. I’d never been so turned on by anyone in my life, and b. because I knew Viper would make it fucking amazing.

  I felt the bed dip behind me, and I looked over my shoulder to see Viper with one knee on the bed and his hands braced on the mattress. His eyes were on me, all over me, and it was then that a ripple of nerves coursed through my body. But as soon as they’d come, they were quickly driven away when he leaned forward and licked a path along one of my ass cheeks. My head dropped forward as he repeated the move on the other side. His teeth grazed along the wet path, nipping at my skin, and I found myself pushing back toward him, wanting more of his mouth on me.

  Viper’s tongue disappeared, but only for a moment, because then he was hovering over me, licking his way up my spine, leaving goosebumps in its path.

  “Damn delicious,” he murmured, as his mouth moved to my right shoulder, and as I felt him bite into the skin there, his left hand reached under me to grab a hold of my cock. The sensation of pleasure chasing away the pain was a new one, and I thrust into Viper’s hand, wanting the friction of his strong grip to take the edge off the ache he’d been building in me all night.

  “Is this how you imagined it?” Viper said, his teeth sinking into a spot above the last one.

  “Fuck yes,” I said. Only in my dream, I hadn’t dared imagine it happening in Viper’s bed, but here I was, facedown, his cock trailing along the crack of my ass, giving me the slightest hint of what was to come.

  With my dick hard and heavy in his hand, and after hours of pent-up sexual frustration, it didn’t take long before I could feel my orgasm threatening. But as I tensed, Viper backed off completely, his mouth and hands gone, his erection no longer sliding between my cheeks.

  I must’ve groaned in irritation at the loss of him, because Viper let out a low chuckle as he walked to the nightstand and opened the drawer.

  “Feeling a little needy, Angel?”

  “I never took you for a fuckin’ tease,” I grumbled, rolling to my side to watch him and taking matters into my own hands by gripping my cock. Viper tossed a condom on the bed and took out a bottle of lube before closing the drawer.

  “Did I tell you to move?” he said.

  “You left.”

  “I’m not goin’ anywhere. On your hands and knees, Angel.”

  God, the sight of Viper standing beside the bed, body fully on display and his Prince Albert piercing catching the moonlight, made me want to do anything but turn away from him. In that moment, with the power radiating off Viper, and those defined muscles tensed beneath his olive skin, he embodied the part of the bad boy, the sex god come to take what he wanted—and that just so happened to be me.

  My cock jerked in my palm as my eyes roamed over him, and then, hungry for what he would give, I got back on my hands and knees. Viper flipped open the bottle of lube as he climbed up on the bed, and I reached for my dick to give it a firm stroke, because while this was all completely new to me, the thought of what and where he was about to put his slicked-up fingers had my toes curling before he’d even touched me.

  “Don’t even think about making yourself come,” Viper said from behind me. “I get to do that tonight.”

  My body trembled at his words, which sounded like both a promise and a threat, but either way, I pinched the head of my cock in an effort to quell the climax that was threatening to explode.

  Viper must’ve caught the move, because a low laugh met my ears at the same time cool fingers teased the top of my crack. “See, you are good. You even take orders.”

  I opened my mouth to say God only knew what in return, but Viper chose that moment to stroke his slippery finger between my ass cheeks, making them flex, as I grabbed the duvet beneath me instead.

  Okay, that felt—when Viper did it again, but this time pushed the pad of his finger over my hole, I automatically shoved back—really damn good.

  “You like that, Angel?”

  My white knuckles and throbbing dick seemed to indicate yes, and when I looked over my shoulder to see Viper staring at me, I realized he was waiting for an answer.

  I nodded. “Yes.”

  When he repeated the move, he kept his eyes locked on mine until the pressure against my entrance felt so damn good I had to squeeze my eyes shut.

  My cock was leaking all over my hand, as my head fell down and I tried to calm my body. But Viper was hellbent on keeping me on edge as he continued to massage me in a place no one had ever touched me before.

  Jesus. I’d known coming to Viper’s bed was going to change me in ways I’d never be able to come back from. Not only because he was a man, but because a simple touch from him gave me more pleasure than I’d ever experienced in my life.

  As if to emphasize that point, Viper teased me once, twice, and then he was pushing more firmly against me until his finger slipped inside, and my entire body clenched in response.

  “Fuckin’ hell,” he growled, as he massaged his other hand over my ass cheek, relaxing me, spreading me a little farther apart. “You okay?”

  Was I? I had no idea. My mind was spinning at the feeling of having something of him inside me, and when that thought hit, my cock pulsed in my hand and I had my answer.

  “Yeah, it’s just…different.”

  “Good different?” Viper slowly withdrew the digit but didn’t pull it free, before he slid it back inside. “Or bad different?”

  My eyes slammed shut as all the new sensations flooded over me and registered. “Good. It feels so good.”

  The sound Viper made was half groan, half growl, as he removed his hand and reached for the bottle beside him. When the cool liquid hit the heated skin of my crack, I cursed as the muscle there automatically flexed in response.

  “Christ. It’s taking every ounce of control I possess not to drill you through that fuckin’ mattress right now, Angel.”

  Those words and Viper’s tone should’ve probably shocked me, but as though my body was hard-wired for his, my balls tightened to the point where I had to clamp a fist around myself to stop my release.

  “You like that idea,” Viper said, as he stroked two fingers down the same path he’d taken a minute ago. “Get through tonight, Angel, and we can revisit it. Promise.”

  God, what would that be like? To have Viper… What did he say? Drill into me?

  But before I could think more about it, Viper was easing two fingers inside me and slowly twisting them, widening them until—“Ah, fuck”—he’d hit what had to be my prostate, because it felt unfuckingreal.

  I shoved back on him, wanting to feel it again, and the sinister laugh that came from over my shoulder told me that that was the exact reaction Viper had been aiming for. For the next few minutes, Viper continued to drive me out of my ever-loving mind. Teasing and tormenting me, bringing me right there to the brink, only to pull me back from the edge. Then finally, when I thought I might just kill him, Viper pulled his hand free.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him reach for the condom he’d tossed on the bed earlier.
As he snatched it up, my body trembled, my entire being now craving his in whatever way he wanted to give it—and when I heard the telltale sound of him ripping open the packet, I let go of my cock and braced my hands on the mattress.

  Oh my God, this is really about to happen. I’m about to have sex…with Viper, and if there’d been any doubt in my mind about who it was that had gotten me so wound up, the strong hands now gripping my hips made it crystal clear.

  As I stared at the pillow a few inches up the bed from me, I noticed the indentation in it from Viper’s head, and wondered if this is where he’d been last night when he’d called me up and came in my ear.

  The thought had me moving back into him, and when Viper’s fingers dug into my skin, I groaned.

  “You ready, Angel?” The question wasn’t one I could typically imagine Viper asking. But the fact he was taking the time to make sure I was still on board was exactly why I knew he wasn’t the asshole he’d said he was earlier.

  Viper cared enough to make sure that this was just as good for me as it was for him—if not, he would’ve been shoving his way inside me regardless of my response, and that only made him hotter.

  “Yes,” I said, though my voice sounded ragged even to my own ears. “So ready.”

  Viper smoothed a palm over one of my ass cheeks. “That’s the perfect fuckin’ answer.”

  It was the only answer. I’d told him earlier that I’d only be saying yes to him tonight, and one of these days, Viper was going to have to start realizing I meant what I said.

  As Viper spread me apart, I felt the head of his cock tease up and down the slippery strip of skin he’d worked over, allowing me to become familiar with having him there, feeling his presence in such a monumental way behind me. I rocked back against him, enjoying the sensation of having something hard to rub up and down against, and as my movements became faster, Viper’s fingers dug harder into my skin.


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