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Two Wrongs, One Right

Page 11

by Katee Robert

  “I’m coming to get you. Just stop walking.” He crossed the distance between them at a run and scooped her into his arms. Though he half expected her to fight him, she went limp and laid her head against his shoulder. Something swelled in his chest, something so potent he knew he was screwed in the worst way possible. Because he wouldn’t take back telling her he loved her, and he couldn’t break his word to give her a divorce if she really wanted one.

  He only had a day left to convince her she didn’t want one. “I’ve got you, baby. I’ve got you.”


  Chelsea should have made Nathan set her down, but she couldn’t work up the effort. Though she couldn’t have been more than a mile away from the hotel, walking back barefooted, picking her way through pine needles and gravel, had taken its toll. For that reason alone, she would have let him carry her up to their room, but she couldn’t deny how safe having his arms around her made her feel.

  If that didn’t answer most of the questions she had about their relationship, she didn’t know what would.

  He set her gently on the bed and took a step back. “You look like you’ve been rolling around in the dirt.”

  “I wanted some time to think.”

  Nathan raised his eyebrow. “So you took off wearing that shirt and no shoes?”

  “I have shoes.” She held them up.“They’re just not appropriate hiking footwear.”When he just stared, she dropped them on the ground, feeling like a fool. “It’s irrelevant now.”

  “Maybe. Don’t move.”

  Since every time she moved, more muscles protested, Chelsea had no intention of going anywhere. How her back hurt as a result of a few blisters was beyond her, but she wasn’t in the mood to be forgiving. If she’d put a little thought in before fleeing the hotel, she wouldn’t be in this position in the first place. She glared at her phone where it sat next to her on the bed. Instead of making an ill-thought-out attempt at hiking, she should have gone to her car to call Danielle. She already knew she had cell service there.

  The sound of water running made her glance at the bathroom. “What are you doing?”

  Instead of answering, he asked his own question. “Did you figure out anything during your pretty sad attempt at hiking?”

  So many things, all of them terrifying in their own way.“It appears all the answers to the universe weren’t hiding beneath a rock out there.”

  He stepped into sight, and oh what a sight it was. Nathan might present a gorgeous picture in slacks and a dress shirt, but he was meant to wear jeans and a T-shirt. He looked so comfortable, so tousled, that she wanted to run her fingers through his hair. He pointed at her. “Up.”

  “That’s really not—”

  He pulled her to her feet and stripped off her shirt in one efficient move. “I said up.” After unhooking her bra and tossing it aside, he unbuttoned her shorts and pulled both them and her panties down. Chelsea steadied herself on his shoulder as she stepped out of her clothing, so she didn’t miss the way he went still when he saw her feet. “Jesus.”

  “It’s nothing. Just a few blisters.”

  “Don’t try that martyr shit with me.” He stood and scooped her into his arms again.

  “Nathan, put me down.” She was more than capable of walking the three feet to the bathroom, which was obviously where he intended her to be. But he ignored her, since he apparently didn’t like what she had to say. Instead, he carefully set her into the hot water. She hissed out a breath when her toes dipped below the surface, but the quick pain passed to a dull throbbing.

  He sat on the edge of the tub near her feet. “We’re going to have to get you cleaned up so your cuts don’t get infected.”

  She opened her mouth to inform him that she could, in fact, take care of herself, but stopped. Hadn’t she decided to give this opportunity with Nathan a try? That meant not digging in her heels over every little thing. It’d make him feel better to help her and, quite frankly, it’d make her feel better to let him take care of her. “Okay.”

  “Okay?” His eyebrow went up. “Did you hit your head while you were wandering through the woods?”

  “As surprising as it might be, no.”

  Nathan soaked a washcloth in the water and then motioned. “Foot.”

  “You’re going to get your jeans wet.”

  When he stared, she sighed and lifted her foot and sat it on the edge of the tub. He muttered something under his breath and ran the washcloth over her skin, careful to avoid the painful areas.

  “You’re going to have to tell me eventually,” he said.

  She shifted under the water, wishing there was a layer of bubbles to shield her from his gaze. Here, with him running his thumbs up the sole of her foot, it was hard to remember why she’d fought so hard against this in the first place.

  Oh yes, because her father was up for Senate and she was terrified of being the reason he failed.

  She was tired of letting fear run her life. Besides, if they were actually married, that couldn’t hurt her father’s campaign. All they had to do was keep things somewhat quiet until after the election had passed, and everything would be fine.

  “Nathan…” She licked her lips. “I was telling the truth last night. I’ve missed you.”

  His dark eyes didn’t leave her face, giving her nowhere to go and no illusion of hiding everything she felt. “I was telling the truth last night, too. I still love you.”

  How many times had they exchanged those words? Countless, until they were just as natural as breathing. It shouldn’t be so difficult to let them free now, but Chelsea couldn’t quite make herself say them aloud. I never stopped loving you, either. Not a single day, no matter how hard I tried. “I want to try again.”

  He went still. “Actually try? Not punish me for various things while I force your hand?”

  “Yes.” She made herself meet his gaze. “I think we should set the divorce papers aside and take things slowly. I don’t… I don’t know how long it will take to get back what we had or if we ever will, but I’m willing to try if you are.”

  “Are you sure?” He still hadn’t moved, and his face gave nothing away. “Really sure?”

  “Yes.” It was barely more than a whisper. She slid down until the water lapped against her chin and closed her eyes. It was the only way she had to veil herself at this point. Why did he insist on having this conversation while she was naked and he was dressed? It put her at even more of a disadvantage than she’d been at before.

  If he rejected her now, it was nothing more than she deserved.

  “Baby, look at me.”

  Wishing she wasn’t in such a vulnerable position, she opened her eyes. There wasn’t cruel amusement on Nathan’s face as she’d feared. No, he grinned the same way he had during their first Christmas together when she’d gotten him a pottery wheel. He’d swept her into his arms and spun her about the room, both of them laughing like fools. It might not have been the medium he’d eventually gone with, but it was part of his journey.

  She was part of his journey.

  For the first time in as long as she could remember, Chelsea allowed herself to hope that her part in Nathan’s life wasn’t over yet.

  Nathan could barely credit the words coming out of Chelsea’s mouth. She hadn’t exactly professed undying love, but she wanted to shelve the divorce papers and give them a chance. That was a million times better than anything he’d dared hope.

  Though every part of him wanted to mark her as his, he resisted the urge. There was no telling how far she’d walked, but her feet were torn up and her eyelids drooped now that they’d moved past this emotional land mine. What she needed was to rest a bit. He set her foot back into the water and picked up her other one. “The rehearsal is in a few hours, but we can relax before that.”

  She eyed him.“Are you going to let me walk to the bedroom?”

  He didn’t want to. Nathan wanted to hold her close and never let her go, but he recognized a losing battle when he saw it. Arguing ove
r something stupid wasn’t worth it right now. “I’ll consider it.”

  “That’s very kind of you.”

  Once her foot was clean, he pulled the drain from the bottom of the tub and grabbed a towel. She let him wrap it around her and help her out of the tub.

  “Don’t bother getting dressed.” When she shot him a look over her shoulder, he held up his hands in mock surrender. “I’m giving you a massage.”

  “A massage?”

  “Yep.” He motioned at the bed and, with one final look at him, she laid facedown on the comforter. Since there wasn’t a whole lot he could do about her feet, he wanted to give her something else to take care of her and to make her feel good.

  He also wanted a chance to just talk.

  Nathan pressed his thumbs into the muscles lining her spine, working his way slowly up to her neck. “You’re carrying a lot of tension here.”

  “I’m carrying a lot of tension everywhere.”

  Though he wasn’t sure if he wanted the answer, he had to ask. “Is it all because of me?”

  The bedspread muffled Chelsea’s laugh. “Hardly. Deciding to come this weekend has just been the cherry on top. Dad running for Senate has turned the spotlight on the entire family. Carrie, of course, is perfect, but as usual, I leave a lot to be desired.”

  He worked a particularly large knot, trying to decide how to answer that. He’d never met her sister, but from what Chelsea said, the woman never made a misstep. It was impossible to say if that was actually true or if it was just her perspective. “I don’t see how. You’re a successful artist and business owner. Most people would kill to be living their dream like you are.” And he was so damn proud of her for doing it. It would have been easier if she submitted to her parents’ plan for her rather than fighting them to pursue what she wanted.

  “You might think so, but apparently Dad and his publicists don’t. They find my work shocking and vulgar.” She moaned as he moved back down her spine. “That feels so good.”

  A comfortable silence fell, broken only by Chelsea’s occasional moan or whimper. He fully intended to keep this up until there wasn’t a line of tension in her body. It was the least he could do.

  After a while she spoke, obviously hesitant. “Will you tell me about your tattoos?”

  He opened his mouth, but no sound came out. Even now, so many years later, he didn’t talk about the meaning of his tattoos. Not even with Gabe. Chelsea must have sensed his reluctance, because she hitched a breath. “Never mind. You don’t have to.”

  He couldn’t not, especially when this fragile trust lay between them. As he stroked a hand through her hair, he realized he wanted to tell her. This was something he’d never shared with anyone else, and she’d understand. “No, I want to tell you.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes.” He slid off her and propped himself up on his elbow. This position allowed him to trail his fingers over her back, while still being able to see her face. “They’re for your mom, aren’t they?” She traced the birds just below his collarbone.

  “They were her favorite birds. Gabe has his own way of paying tribute, but…this is mine.”

  “They’re beautiful.” She traced farther down to the one covering his chest, over the rose that cupped the anatomically correct heart. There was a hard, jagged line through the middle of it. She didn’t ask, apparently willing to wait him out.

  He gathered her to his chest. “That one’s you, baby.”

  Roses had always been her favorite flower, though he’d kept this one in black and gray instead of leaning toward the yellow she preferred.The broken heart was his—had always been his. It wasn’t beyond repair, but she’d definitely left her mark when she’d disappeared.

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  With her head tucked against his chest, he couldn’t read her expression. Nathan wasn’t sure he wanted to. “Losing you might’ve broken my heart, but that changes nothing. It’s always been yours—always will be.”

  In response she kissed him, her lips gentle against his. When Chelsea moved back, her eyes were shining with unshed tears. “I am so very sorry that I hurt you.”

  “I’m sorry, too. If I’d handled things differently, you wouldn’t have left in the first place.” He tucked her back against his chest and rested his chin on her head. Right now, in this moment, he simply held her and enjoyed the way she fit so perfectly against him. He stroked a hand over her hair and closed his eyes, letting the sound of her breathing wash over him.

  It seemed like only moments passed when Chelsea shook him awake. “Your phone is ringing.”

  Nathan glanced at the clock beside the bed and cursed. “That will be Gabe.” Or, worse, Roxanne. The woman had already proven herself to be a pain in the ass during the early planning stages. Now that the wedding itself was upon them, she was damn near unbearable. He accepted the phone she passed over and answered. “Yeah?”

  “Roxanne says if you aren’t down here within ten minutes, she’s coming up there and dragging your ass out of the room, no matter how naked you might be.” Ian laughed, obviously enjoying this far more than necessary. “I wouldn’t call her bluff.”

  “I have no intention of doing so.” Chelsea was already off the bed and digging through her suitcase by the time he stood up. “We’ll be down in ten.”

  “Smart man. You know, Roxanne found a pair of vibrating panties in the amphitheater this morning. She was pretty pissed that someone was out there, desecrating the place where the ceremony is going to happen. You don’t know anything about that, do you?”


  He laughed again. “I didn’t think so. See you in a few.”

  Nathan dropped his phone on the bed and got dressed. It was only as he was putting on his shoes that he frowned at her. “You can’t wear heels.” The backs of them would tear up her feet even worse than they were right now.

  “It’ll be fine.”

  “Wear sandals instead.” At least that way she wouldn’t be suffering with every step she took.

  Chelsea shook her head. “Look at my feet. I can’t walk around with open sores, Nathan. It looks disgusting.”

  “You can’t be serious. You’re not going to be in pain just because you’re worried about how something looks.” When she opened her mouth, he lifted a hand and cut her off. “Wear the damn sandals. No one is going to think less of you. Hell, they probably won’t even notice.”

  When she still hesitated, Nathan sighed. He thought it a lost cause—these kinds of things always were when it came to Chelsea—but she dropped the shoes.

  “If you insist.”

  Barely able to believe she actually was willing to listen to reason, he nodded. “I do.”

  With another sigh, she grabbed a pair of sandals and stepped into them. “Are you happy now?”

  Nathan grinned and kissed her, reveling in his ability to do so. “Very.”


  Since Chelsea wasn’t actually part of the wedding party, she was herded over to the first row of chairs in the amphitheater to watch the rehearsal. A blond woman around her mother’s age sat next to her, but she didn’t seem all that interested in striking up a conversation, so Chelsea sat back and crossed her legs.

  Gabe stood at the altar next to the pastor, looking as relaxed and comfortable as he always did. In the time she’d known him, nothing seemed to ruffle the man. He caught her watching him and gave a half smile before turning his attention back to the aisle.

  The first couple walked down, Ian and one of Elle’s cousins. They parted ways and then it was Nathan and Roxanne’s turn. When he took his place next to Gabe, he turned his gaze directly on Chelsea.

  For just a moment she wondered what it would have been like to have a real wedding, and to actually walk down the aisle and into his arms. Would he look at her just this way? Would he smile or look shocked or something else entirely? She’d never had the chance to find out.

  To wish for something so small, despite the fact th
at she was actually married to the man, felt strange. All this time she’d been operating under the truth that she and Nathan were never meant to be. They’d gone their separate ways and moved on with their respective lives.

  She rubbed her finger, almost certain she could still feel the weight of the ring he’d given her. It wasn’t anything spectacular—a cheap plastic trinket from a vending machine, of all things—but it had been the ring he slipped on her finger the day they said, “I do.” Chelsea still had it, tucked away in her jewelry box at home. She’d never been able to throw it out, no matter how many times she’d been tempted over the years.

  She pulled herself back to the present as Elle reached the altar. The pastor went over how things would go tomorrow, waving his hands as he glossed over the exchanging of rings and vows.

  And then it was finished.

  Gabe swept Elle into his arms, bending her back for a kiss that had the woman next to Chelsea muttering under her breath. When she glanced over, she finally recognized the similarities between her and the bride. This must be Elle’s mother.

  Nathan stopped in front of her. “We’re heading to dinner.” He held out a hand. “Come on.”

  Drawn to him on a bone-deep level she couldn’t explain, much the same way she’d always been, she slipped her hand into his and let him pull her to her feet. What would a future with Nathan look like? Would he come home to her every night? Would they have children together?

  With the divorce set aside, she had the freedom to figure it out. Chelsea found herself smiling up at him. “Dinner would be delightful.”

  He maintained his grip on her hand while they made their way across the lawn. True to Roxanne’s word, it had been entirely transformed in preparation for tomorrow. There were several rows of white chairs on each of the amphitheater’s tiers, and the back lawn was now set up with tables and fainting chairs. The reception area was covered with white-tented canopies. Tomorrow there would also be tables with the cake and food set up.


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