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The Outcry

Page 8

by Henry James


  Hugh Crimble had come back from his voyage of discovery, and it wasvisible as he stood there flushed and quite radiant that he had caughtin his approach Lord Theign's last inquiry and Mr. Bender's reply to it.You would have imputed to him on the spot the lively possession of a newidea, the sustaining sense of a message important enough to justify hisirruption. He looked from one to the other of the three men, scattereda little by the sight of him, but attached eyes of recognition thento Lord Theign's, whom he remained an instant longer communicativelysmiling at. After which, as you might have gathered, he all confidentlyplunged, taking up the talk where the others had left it. "I should say,Lord Theign, if you'll allow me, in regard to what you appear to havebeen discussing, that it depends a good deal on just that question--ofwhat your Moretto, at any rate, may be presumed or proved to 'be.' Letme thank you," he cheerfully went on, "for your kind leave to go overyour treasures."

  The personage he so addressed was, as we know, nothing if not generallyaffable; yet if that was just then apparent it was through a shade ofcoolness for the slightly heated familiarity of so plain, or at leastso free, a young man in eye-glasses, now for the first time definitelyapprehended. "Oh, I've scarcely 'treasures'--but I've some things ofinterest."

  Hugh, however, entering the opulent circle, as it were, clearly tookaccount of no breath of a chill. "I think possible, my lord, thatyou've a great treasure--if you've really so high a rarity as a splendidManto-vano."

  "A 'Mantovano'?" You wouldn't have been sure that his lordship didn'tpronounce the word for the first time in his life.

  "There have been supposed to be only _seven_ real examples about theworld; so that if by an extraordinary chance you find yourself thepossessor of a magnificent eighth----"

  But Lord John had already broken in. "Why, there you _are_, Mr. Bender!"

  "Oh, Mr. Bender, with whom I've made acquaintance," Hugh returned, "wasthere as it began to work in me--"

  "That your Moretto, Lord Theign"--Mr. Bender took their informantup--"isn't, after all, a Moretto at all." And he continued amusedly toHugh: "It began to work in you, sir, like very strong drink!"

  "Do I understand you to suggest," Lord Theign asked of the startlingyoung man, "that my precious picture isn't genuine?"

  Well, Hugh knew exactly what he suggested. "As a picture, Lord Theign,as a great portrait, one of the most genuine things in Europe. But itstrikes me as probable that from far back--for reasons!--there hasbeen a wrong attribution; that the work has been, in other words,traditionally, obstinately miscalled. It has passed for a Moretto, andat first I quite took it for one; but I suddenly, as I looked and lookedand saw and saw, began to doubt, and now I know _why_ I doubted."

  Lord Theign had during this speech kept his eyes on the ground; but heraised them to Mr. Crimble's almost palpitating presence for the remark:"I'm bound to say that I hope you've some very good grounds!"

  "I've three or four, Lord Theign; they seem to me of the best--as yet.They made me wonder and wonder--and then light splendidly broke."

  His lordship didn't stint his attention. "Reflected, you mean, from_other_ Mantovanos--that I don't know?"

  "I mean from those I know myself," said Hugh; "and I mean from fineanalogies with one in particular."

  "Analogies that in all these years, these centuries, have so remarkablynot been noticed?"

  "Well," Hugh competently explained, "they're a sort of thing the verysense of, the value and meaning of, are a highly modern--in fact a quiterecent growth."

  Lord John at this professed with cordiality that he at least quiteunderstood. "Oh, we know a lot more about our pictures and things thanever our ancestors did!"

  "Well, I guess it's enough for _me_," Mr. Bender contributed, "that yourancestors knew enough to get 'em!"

  "Ah, that doesn't go so far," cried Hugh, "unless we ourselves knowenough to keep 'em!"

  The words appeared to quicken in a manner Lord Theign's view of thespeaker. "Were _your_ ancestors, Mr. Crimble, great collectors?"

  Arrested, it might be, in his general assurance, Hugh wondered andsmiled. "Mine--collectors? Oh, I'm afraid I haven't any--to speak of.Only it has seemed to me for a long time," he added, "that on that headwe should all feel together."

  Lord Theign looked for a moment as if these were rather largepresumptions; then he put them in their place a little curtly. "It's onething to keep our possessions for ourselves--it's another to keep themfor other people."

  "Well," Hugh good-humouredly returned, "I'm perhaps not so absolutelysure of myself, if you press me, as that I sha'n't be glad of a higherand wiser opinion--I mean than my own. It would be awfully interesting,if you'll allow me to say so, to have the judgment of one or two of thegreat men."

  "You're not yourself, Mr. Crimble, one of the great men?" his host askedwith tempered irony.

  "Well, I guess he's going to be, anyhow," Mr. Bender cordially struckin; "and this remarkable exhibition of intelligence may just let himloose on the world, mayn't it?"

  "Thank you, Mr. Bender!"--and Hugh obviously tried to look neitherelated nor snubbed. "I've too much still to learn, but I'm learningevery day, and I shall have learnt immensely this afternoon."

  "Pretty well at my expense, however," Lord Theign laughed, "if youdemolish a name we've held for generations so dear."

  "You may have held the name dear, my lord," his young critic answered;"but my whole point is that, if I'm right, you've held the pictureitself cheap."

  "Because a Mantovano," said Lord John, "is so much greater a value?"

  Hugh met his eyes a moment "Are you talking of values pecuniary?"

  "What values are _not_ pecuniary?"

  Hugh might, during his hesitation, have been imagined to stand off alittle from the question. "Well, some things have in a higher degreethat one, and some have the associational or the factitious, and somethe clear artistic."

  "And some," Mr. Bender opined, "have them _all_--in the highest degree.But what you mean," he went on, "is that a Mantovano would come higherunder the hammer than a Moretto?"

  "Why, sir," the young man returned, "there aren't any, as I've juststated, _to_ 'come.' I account--or I easily can--for every one of thevery small number."

  "Then do you consider that you account for this one?"

  "I believe I shall if you'll give me time."

  "Oh, time!" Mr. Bender impatiently sighed. "But we'll give you all we'vegot--only I guess it isn't much." And he appeared freely to invite theircompanions to join in this estimate. They listened to him, however, theywatched him, for the moment, but in silence, and with the next he hadgone on: "How much higher--if your idea is correct about it--would LordTheign's picture come?"

  Hugh turned to that nobleman. "Does Mr. Bender mean come to _him_, mylord?"

  Lord Theign looked again hard at Hugh, and then harder than he had doneyet at his other invader. "I don't know _what_ Mr. Bender means!" Withwhich he turned off.

  "Well, I guess I mean that it would come higher to me than to any one!But how _much_ higher?" the American continued to Hugh.

  "How much higher to _you?_"

  "Oh, I can size _that_. How much higher as a Mantovano?"

  Unmistakably--for us at least--our young man was gaining time; he hadthe instinct of circumspection and delay. "To any one?"

  "To any one."

  "Than as a Moretto?" Hugh continued.

  It even acted on Lord John's nerves. "That's what we're talkingabout--really!"

  But Hugh still took his ease; as if, with his eyes first on Benderand then on Lord Theign, whose back was practically presented, he werecovertly studying signs. "Well," he presently said, "in view of the verygreat interest combined with the very great rarity, more than--ah morethan can be estimated off-hand."

  It made Lord Theign turn round. "But a fine Moretto has a very greatrarity and a very great interest."

  "Yes--but not on the whole the same amount of either."

  "No, not on the whole the same amount of eithe
r!"--Mr. Benderjudiciously echoed it. "But how," he freely pursued, "are you going tofind out?"

  "Have I your permission, Lord Theign," Hugh brightly asked, "to attemptto find out?"

  The question produced on his lordship's part a visible, a naturalanxiety. "What would it be your idea then to _do_ with my property?"

  "Nothing at all here--it could all be done, I think, at Verona. Whatbesets, what quite haunts me," Hugh explained, "is the vivid image of aMantovano--one of the glories of the short list--in a private collectionin that place. The conviction grows in me that the two portraits mustbe of the same original. In fact I'll bet my head," the young man quiteardently wound up, "that the wonderful subject of the Verona picture, avery great person clearly, is none other than the very great person ofyours."

  Lord Theign had listened with interest. "Mayn't he be that and yet fromanother hand?"

  "It isn't another hand"--oh Hugh was quite positive. "It's the hand ofthe very same painter."

  "How can you prove it's the same?"

  "Only by the most intimate internal evidence, I admit--and evidence thatof course has to be estimated."

  "Then who," Lord Theign asked, "is to estimate it?"

  "Well,"--Hugh was all ready--"will you let Pap-pendick, one of the firstauthorities in Europe, a good friend of mine, in fact more or less mymaster, and who is generally to be found at Brussels? I happen to knowhe knows your picture--he once spoke to me of it; and he'll go and lookagain at the Verona one, he'll go and judge our issue, if I apply tohim, in the light of certain new tips that I shall be able to give him."

  Lord Theign appeared to wonder. "If you 'apply' to him?"

  "Like a shot, I believe, if I ask it of him--as a service."

  "A service to _you?_ He'll be very obliging," his lordship smiled.

  "Well, I've obliged _him!_" Hugh readily retorted.

  "The obligation will be to we"--Lord Theign spoke more formally.

  "Well, the satisfaction," said Hugh, "will be to all of us. The thingsPappendick has seen he intensely, ineffaceably keeps in mind, to everydetail; so that he'll tell me--as no one else really can--if the Veronaman is _your_ man."

  "But then," asked Mr. Bender, "we've got to believe anyway what hesays?"

  "The market," said Lord John with emphasis, "would have to believeit--that's the point."

  "Oh," Hugh returned lightly, "the market will have nothing to do withit, I hope; but I think you'll feel when he has spoken that you reallyknow where you are."

  Mr. Bender couldn't doubt of that. "Oh, if he gives us a bigger thing wewon't complain. Only, how long will it take him to get there? I want himto start right away."

  "Well, as I'm sure he'll be deeply interested----"

  "We _may_"--Mr. Bender took it straight up--"get news next week?"

  Hugh addressed his reply to Lord Theign; it was already a little toomuch as if he and the American between them were snatching the case fromthat possessor's hands. "The day I hear from Pappendick you shall have afull report. And," he conscientiously added, "if I'm proved to have beenunfortunately wrong----!"

  His lordship easily pointed the moral. "You'll have caused me someinconvenience."

  "Of course I shall," the young man unreservedly agreed--"like a wantonmeddling ass!" His candour, his freedom had decidedly a note of theirown. "But my conviction, after those moments with your picture, was toostrong for me not to speak--and, since you allow it, I face the dangerand risk the test."

  "I allow it of course in the form of business." This produced in Hugh acertain blankness. "'Business'?" "If I consent to the inquiry I pay forthe inquiry." Hugh demurred. "Even if I turn out mistaken?" "You make mein any event your proper charge." The young man thought again, and thenas for vague accommodation: "Oh, my charge won't be high!"

  "Ah," Mr. Bender protested, "it ought to be handsome if the thing'smarked _up_!" After which he looked at his watch. "But I guess I've gotto go, Lord Theign, though your lovely old Duchess--for it's to _her_I've lost my heart--does cry out for me again."

  "You'll find her then still there," Lord John observed with emphasis,but with his eyes for the time on Lord Theign; "and if you want anotherlook at her I'll presently come and take one too."

  "I'll order your car to the garden-front," Lord Theign added to this;"you'll reach it from the saloon, but I'll see you again first."

  Mr. Bender glared as with the round full force of his pair of motorlamps. "Well, if you're ready to talk about anything, I am. Good-bye,Mr. Crimble."

  "Good-bye, Mr. Bender." But Hugh, addressing their host while hisfellow-guest returned to the saloon, broke into the familiarity ofconfidence. "As if you _could_ be ready to 'talk'!"

  This produced on the part of the others present a mute exchange thatcould only have denoted surprise at all the irrepressible young outsiderthus projected upon them took for granted. "I've an idea," said LordJohn to his friend, "that you're quite ready to talk with _me_."

  Hugh then, with his appetite so richly quickened, could but rejoice."Lady Grace spoke to me of things in the library."

  "You'll find it _that_ way"--Lord Theign gave the indication.

  "Thanks," said Hugh elatedly, and hastened away.

  Lord John, when he had gone, found relief in a quick comment. "Verysharp, no doubt--but he wants taking down."

  The master of Dedborough wouldn't have put it so crudely, but the youngexpert did bring certain things home. "The people my daughters, in theexercise of a wild freedom, do pick up----!"

  "Well, don't you see that all you've got to do--on the question we'redealing with--is to claim your very own wild freedom? Surely I'm rightin feeling you," Lord John further remarked, "to have jumped at onceto my idea that Bender is heaven-sent--and at what they call thepsychologic moment, don't they?--to point that moral. Why look anywhereelse for a sum of money that--smaller or greater--you can find withperfect ease in that extraordinarily bulging pocket?"

  Lord Theign, slowly pacing the hall again, threw up his hands. "Ah, with'perfect ease' can scarcely be said!"

  "Why not?--when he absolutely thrusts his dirty dollars down yourthroat."

  "Oh, I'm not talking of ease to _him_," Lord Theign returned--"I'mtalking of ease to myself. I shall have to make a sacrifice."

  "Why not then--for so great a convenience--gallantly make it?"

  "Ah, my dear chap, if you want me to sell my Sir Joshua----!"

  But the horror in the words said enough, and Lord John felt its chill."I don't make a point of that--God forbid! But there are other things towhich the objection wouldn't apply."

  "You see how it applies--in the case of the Moret-to--for _him_. A mereMoretto," said Lord Theign, "is too cheap--for a Yankee 'on the spend.'"

  "Then the Mantovano wouldn't be."

  "It remains to be proved that it _is_ a Mantovano."

  "Well," said Lord John, "go into it."

  "Hanged if I won't!" his friend broke out after a moment. "It _would_suit me. I mean"--the explanation came after a brief intensity ofthought--"the possible size of his cheque would."

  "Oh," said Lord John gaily, "I guess there's no limit to the possiblesize of his cheque!"

  "Yes, it would suit me, it would suit me!" the elder man, standingthere, audibly mused. But his air changed and a lighter question cameup to him as he saw his daughter reappear at the door from the terrace."Well, the infant horde?" he immediately put to her.

  Lady Grace came in, dutifully accounting for them. "They've marchedoff--in a huge procession."

  "Thank goodness! And our friends?"

  "All playing tennis," she said--"save those who are sitting it out." Towhich she added, as to explain her return: "Mr. Crimble has gone?"

  Lord John took upon him to say. "He's in the library, to which youaddressed him--making discoveries."

  "Not then, I hope," she smiled, "to our disadvantage!"

  "To your very great honour and glory." Lord John clearly valued theeffect he might produce.

  "Your Moretto of Brescia--
do you know what it really and spendidlyis?" And then as the girl, in her surprise, but wondered: "A Mantovano,neither more nor less. Ever so much more swagger."

  "A Mantovano?" Lady Grace echoed. "Why, how tremendously jolly!"

  Her father was struck. "Do you know the artist--of whom I had neverheard?"

  "Yes, something of the little that _is_ known." And she rejoiced as herknowledge came to her. "He's a tremendous swell, because, great as hewas, there are but seven proved examples----"

  "With this of yours," Lord John broke in, "there are eight."

  "Then why haven't I known about him?" Lord Theign put it as if so manyother people were guilty for this.

  His daughter was the first to plead for the vague body. "Why, I supposein order that you should have exactly this pleasure, father."

  "Oh, pleasures not desired are like acquaintances not sought--theyrather bore one!" Lord Theign sighed. With which he moved away from her.

  Her eyes followed him an instant--then she smiled at their guest. "Is hebored at having the higher prize--if you're sure it _is_ the higher?"

  "Mr. Crimble is sure--because if he isn't," Lord John added, "he's awretch."

  "Well," she returned, "as he's certainly not a wretch it must be true.And fancy," she exclaimed further, though as more particularly forherself, "our having suddenly incurred this immense debt to him!"

  "Oh, I shall pay Mr. Crimble!" said her father, who had turned round.

  The whole question appeared to have provoked in Lord John a rise ofspirits and a flush of humour. "Don't you let him stick it on."

  His host, however, bethinking himself, checked him. "Go _you_ to Mr.Bender straight!"

  Lord John saw the point. "Yes--till he leaves. But I shall find youhere, shan't I?" he asked with all earnestness of Lady Grace.

  She had an hesitation, but after a look at her father she assented."I'll wait for you."

  "Then _a tantot!_" It made him show for happy as, waving his hand ather, he proceeded to seek Mr. Bender in presence of the object that mostexcited that gentleman's appetite--to say nothing of the effect involvedon Lord John's own.


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