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Maid For The Untamed Billionaire (Mills & Boon Modern) (Housekeeper Brides for Billionaires, Book 1)

Page 9

by Miranda Lee


  ABBY SHOULD HAVE been thrilled with this last compliment. But she wasn’t. And the reason was mortifying. Because it was him she wanted the chance to fight off, not other men.

  Not that she would fight Jake off. Abby knew if he ever made the slightest pass at her, she would be a goner. But he wasn’t about to do that, was he? For pity’s sake, when was she going to get it through her silly female head that he was just her boss, plus the rather reluctant trustee of his uncle’s dying wishes?

  If she was brutally honest, it had always been painfully obvious that Jake hadn’t wanted to do any of it. Not the car or the money. Or taking her to the grave. But he had, out of a sense of duty, and decency. She meant nothing to him on a personal basis. She was just the person who looked after his house who’d been lucky enough to score a generous legacy from his very kind and thoughtful uncle.

  The hurt this realisation brought was very telling, reminding Abby of the various warnings Megan had given her about Jake. But Megan had been wrong. It wasn’t Jake she had to worry about but her own silly self. Somewhere along the line she’d started caring about what he thought of her. Started caring for him. Which was a total waste of time.

  It annoyed Abby that she’d turned into some kind of infatuated fool who fantasised about a man who was way out of her league. As a teenager she’d never had crushes on movie stars or rock stars, and she wasn’t about to start now with a television star.

  ‘I’ll go get my entree,’ she said, and hurried from the room, returning to find that her two guests had waited for her.

  The dish was a success, as was the main course, judging by the many compliments she received, plus the evidence of empty plates. Hers weren’t quite so empty, her appetite deserting her, as it did when she was emotionally upset over something. She tried not to look at Jake too much or too often, lest he see her feelings for him in her eyes. In the main, she looked at and talked to Sophie, who was quite the conversationalist, one of those women who liked to ask questions, mostly about Abby’s likes and dislikes where fashion was concerned. During dessert, however, their conversation turned more personal.

  ‘Jake told me about your husband’s death,’ Sophie said. ‘How tragic for you. He must have been quite young. After all, you’re only—what? Mid-twenties?’

  ‘I’m twenty-seven. And, yes, Wayne was only twenty-five when he died. We were the same age.’

  ‘How dreadful for you. And how long had you been married at the time?’

  ‘Four years.’

  Sophie’s eyebrows arched. ‘But no children?’

  It was a question which used to cause Abby unbearable pain. It still hurt, but she’d grown to accept that she would never become a mother.

  ‘We were trying,’ she said. ‘But it just didn’t happen.’ No way was she going to talk about her three miscarriages. That was way too private. And, yes, way too painful.

  ‘Perhaps it was all for the best,’ Sophie said, ‘under the circumstances.’

  ‘Perhaps,’ Abby choked out.

  Jake frowned, having picked up on the raw emotion vibrating in Abby’s reply. He recalled he’d said something similar when he’d interviewed her. Suddenly, he saw that it was a tactless remark. He tried to catch Sophie’s eye, but she was oblivious to his attempt to put a stop to her queries.

  ‘So, Abby, Jake tells me you want to travel,’ his sister continued in her usual blunt fashion.

  ‘Yes. I do.’

  ‘Alone? Or with a friend?’

  ‘Sophie, for pity’s sake,’ Jake jumped in. ‘Stop giving Abby the third degree.’

  Sophie gave him a mock innocent look. ‘I’m just talking. Okay, change of subject. Jake, how about letting me live in Craig’s apartment for a while? Or are you going to sell it?’

  ‘No,’ Jake replied slowly. ‘I’m not going to sell it. Not yet, anyway. Why do you want to stay there?’

  Sophie sighed. ‘My flatmate wants to move her boyfriend in and I can’t stand him.’

  ‘I see. Well, of course you can stay in Craig’s place. I’ll give you the keys before you leave.’

  ‘I’ll pay you rent,’ she offered.

  ‘I don’t want any rent. Just pay the electricity bill when it comes in. And don’t sublet it to anyone else.’

  ‘I won’t. I’m like you, Jake. I like my own space. I should never have shared a flat in the first place. I should have bought one. But I’m just too extravagant to save the deposit. All my money goes on clothes,’ she directed at Abby. ‘And hair,’ she added, patting the chic red bob which flattered her square face.

  Jake frowned. ‘Craig left you enough for a deposit on a flat, I would have thought.’

  ‘Yes, well, I know he did. But I have other plans for that money. Business plans. So, Abby, you do realise that my brother is going to be shattered when you leave him? He thinks you’re the most incredible housekeeper. He never stops raving about you.’



  ‘I’m sure he won’t have any trouble finding someone else,’ she said.

  When her head turned his way, Jake had to use all of his willpower to douse the surge of desire which threatened to unravel him. But he was doomed to failure. He could not stop his eyes from dropping to her mouth, her extremely delicious mouth. How he wanted that mouth; how he wanted her!

  Abby frowned. Why was Jake staring at her mouth like that? Perhaps she had some food on her lips. When she lifted her napkin from her lap to dab at them, he continued to stare, Abby glimpsing something in his glittering blue eyes which shocked her to the core. It was the way Wayne used to look at her when he wanted sex.

  But what shocked Abby the most—aside from the fact that this was Jake lusting after her—was the intensity of her own physical response. Instantly her heart began to race, her belly and nipples tightening in a manner which was both perturbing and insidiously exciting. There was another tightening as well, deep inside her.

  When an embarrassing heat threatened to turn her face and neck bright red, Abby quickly stood up.

  ‘I’ll go and put the coffee on,’ she said, and fled the room.

  ‘Well, well…’ Sophie murmured. ‘Those weren’t the actions of a girl who doesn’t fancy you. She’s got the hots for you almost as much as you have for her.’

  Jake didn’t say a word, having been rendered speechless. Because if Sophie was right about Abby then nothing would stop him now. Not his conscience, or anything.

  But maybe Sophie was wrong. Maybe Abby had seen the lust in his eyes just now and fled the room in panic.

  ‘I have to get going soon,’ Sophie said suddenly. ‘I have an early start in the morning.’

  Jake gave his sister a narrow-eyed look. ‘Doing what?’

  ‘Spending two hours in the gym working off the calories I’ve consumed tonight. Overweight stylists don’t get much work, you know. And don’t make a fuss. I’m leaving the path clear for you to finish the evening the way you’ve been living it in your head for hours. Not that I blame you. She’s utterly gorgeous. But possibly a bit fragile after her husband’s death. So be careful, Jake. Abby’s not your usual type.’

  ‘You think I don’t know that?’ he snapped. ‘Why do you think I’ve been giving her a wide berth?’

  Sophie tipped her head on one side. ‘You really care about her, don’t you?’

  Did he? Jake supposed he did, otherwise he wouldn’t have controlled himself this long. But the main reason for that control no longer existed and the dogs of desire he’d been trying to rein in had finally been let loose.

  ‘Do me a favour, will you?’ he said abruptly.

  ‘Anything, within reason.’

  ‘Go and tell Abby that you don’t want coffee because you have to go home. Tell her you suffer from migraines and you can feel one coming on.’

hie shook her head at him as she stood up. ‘I suppose there’s a slim chance she might knock you back. But I doubt it,’ she added laughingly, then went to do as he’d asked.


  BY THE TIME Jake walked into the kitchen after seeing Sophie off, Abby had achieved a measure of control over her wayward body, mostly by busying herself clearing the table and stacking the dishwasher. Unfortunately, as soon as she glanced up at him, things started tipping out of control again.

  If only he would stop looking at her like that!

  Okay, so Megan had warned her that Jake might fancy her if she dolled herself up. But she hadn’t really believed her. Until now.

  For a long moment Abby just stood there next to the dishwasher, staring at Jake and thinking that if she let him seduce her—she could see in his eyes that was what he meant to do—she would be thrown into a world she was not equipped to handle. She wasn’t like Megan. She’d never slept with a guy just for the sex. She’d never wanted to. That was what worried her the most. How much she wanted to sleep with Jake.

  For pity’s sake, at least be honest, she castigated herself. You don’t want to do any sleeping with Jake. You want to have sex with him. But only after you’ve explored his naked body first, then kissed him all over. You want to do all the things you’ve read about but never experienced, or even wanted before.

  When some shockingly wanton images filled her mind, panic wasn’t far behind.

  ‘I… I think I should go home,’ she stammered, her cheeks burning with shame.

  He shook his head then began walking slowly towards her, closing the dishwasher on the way.

  ‘You can’t,’ he returned, his voice cool but his eyes still hot. ‘You’re over the limit.’

  He was close now, close enough to reach out and touch her. He softly traced down her nose with one fingertip before slowly encircling her mouth. For a few fraught seconds, Abby held her breath, wide eyes clinging to his, pleading with him not to do this. Or that was what she thought her eyes were doing.

  All Jake saw was the dilation of excitement. When her lips finally gasped apart, he smiled. It was a wicked smile, full of satisfaction and arrogance and erotic intent. He meant to have her tonight, and he knew she didn’t want to say no.

  ‘Abby, Abby…’ he murmured, his voice husky. ‘Do you have any idea how much I want you?’

  Abby wondered dazedly if he said that to all his women. She had to admit that it was very effective. She shuddered when he pulled her into his arms, squeezing her eyes tightly shut as his head started to descend. The feel of his lips on hers brought a low moan from deep in her throat. When he stopped kissing her, her eyelids fluttered open to find his narrowed eyes scanning hers with concern.

  ‘Tell me you want this too, Abby,’ he said. ‘Don’t go along with me because of gratitude, or because you think you might lose your job if you don’t.’

  Such thoughts had never entered her head. Nothing much was entering her head at this moment. Nothing but the urgent desire for him to continue. Her lips remained parted as she struggled for breath, her body flushing with a heat which might have been embarrassing if it hadn’t been so exciting.

  ‘Tell me you want me to make love to you,’ he repeated harshly. ‘Say it.’

  Abby swallowed, then licked her lips in an effort to get some moisture into her mouth.

  ‘Yes,’ she croaked out.

  ‘Yes, what?’ he persisted.

  ‘Yes, I… I want you to make love to me.’

  He groaned then pulled her even tighter against him, his mouth crashing down on hers with a wild passion which surpassed anything she’d experienced in her marriage. Where Wayne had been gentle and tentative, Jake simply took, invading her mouth with his tongue whilst his hands roved hungrily up and down her spine, one slipping under her hair to capture the back of her neck whilst the other splayed over her bottom. She moaned at the feel of his erection pressing into the soft swell of her stomach, how hard it felt, and her insides contracted in anticipation. She wanted him, not gently, but roughly. Demandingly. She wanted him to fill her. She wanted to come with him inside her.

  With a cry of naked need, Abby reefed her mouth from under his, her eyes wide and wild.

  ‘What’s wrong?’ a stunned Jake asked her.

  ‘Nothing. Everything. Oh, just don’t stop, Jake. Please, I… I can’t wait.’

  Jake didn’t need telling twice. He hoisted her up on to the stone counter, ignoring her startled gasp as he reached up under her skirt to remove her panties.

  ‘Lie back,’ he commanded as he drew her skirt up and eased her legs apart.

  Abby’s face flamed with a mad mixture of shame and arousal, sucking in sharply when she felt his hands slide up under her dress to take a firm grasp of her hips, gasping when he slid her forward so that she was right on the edge. She didn’t dare look at him, keeping her dilated eyes firmly on the ceiling. But she could feel him, pushing against her hot wet flesh, searching for entry into her oh, so needy body. And then he was there, taking her breath away as yes, he filled her totally. Her head swam when he started up a powerful rhythm, each forward surge of his body bringing her both pleasure and even more frustration. She closed her eyes but nothing could shut out the sounds she started making, moans and pants. Just as she thought she could not bear another moment of such exquisite torment, Abby came, her flesh contracting around his with an electric pleasure that was as stunning as it was violent. Spasm followed spasm, evoking a raw cry from Jake. Then he came too, flooding her for an incredibly long time.

  Jake shut his eyes as he wallowed in his glorious release, but it wasn’t long before the heat of the moment cooled, and the reality of what he’d just done sunk in, along with the possible consequences.

  Jake groaned at his stupidity. After all, the last thing he wanted to be confronted with was an unwanted pregnancy. Which was possible, given he hadn’t used a condom.

  He really didn’t want children, even with a girl like Abby. He enjoyed being free to do as he pleased whenever he pleased. Even one child would put an end to that. Okay, so it was probably selfish of him, but better to be selfish than miserable. He wanted his uncle’s lifestyle, not his father’s.

  When Jake finally opened his eyes, he encountered Abby staring up at him with glazed eyes. Her arms were flopped out wide in the form of a T, her breathing now slow and steady. He did note, however, that her lips remained softly parted as if they were waiting for him to kiss her some more.

  He wished he could. But there was no getting away from what he had to do first.

  With a sigh he scooped her up and held her close, his face buried into her hair. ‘I’m so sorry, Abby,’ he murmured with true regret in his voice.

  She pulled back a little and blinked up at him. ‘For what?’

  ‘I didn’t use a condom. But let me assure you,’ he raced on when her eyes widened, ‘that I’m no risk to you, healthwise. I’ve always practised safe sex. Till tonight, that is,’ he confessed ruefully.

  ‘It’s all right, Jake,’ she said. ‘I can’t get pregnant. I’m on the Pill.’

  ‘You are?’ He was genuinely surprised. Then relieved. Then curious.

  ‘Don’t think I’m not happy about that, but why?’ he asked.

  She shrugged. ‘It gives me control over my body. I don’t suffer PMT when I’m on the Pill.’

  ‘So it’s not just a birth control thing?’

  ‘No. Though it’s as well I am taking it, under the circumstances.’

  ‘I’ll say.’

  A frown formed on her pretty forehead. ‘Can I ask you why you didn’t use a condom this time when you say you always practise safe sex?’

  Jake didn’t want to tell her the truth: that he’d been so crazy with desire for her for so long that stopping to put a condom on would have been impossible, even if he’d thought of it.

He produced a wry little smile as he wrapped her legs around his waist.

  ‘Acute frustration,’ he said instead. ‘You can blame yourself. You looked so delicious in that dress that I’ve thought of nothing else but sex all night.’


  Gently, he cupped the back of her head and pulled it down against his chest. His hands stroked up and down her back as they had that day in this very kitchen. But this was hardly the same. Once again, she pulled back and lifted puzzled eyes to his.

  ‘Is…is it always like that for your women?’ she asked him.

  Jake was somewhat taken aback. What exactly did she mean? Did his lovers always come? Did they come the way she’d just come? Like a woman who hadn’t had a climax in years.

  ‘Not always,’ he said. ‘Not all people click, sexually.’

  She nodded at his answer. ‘But we do. Click sexually, I mean.’

  He smiled again. ‘Very much so. We’re going to have a great time together.’

  ‘But…what about your girlfriend?’ She needed to be sure he wasn’t cheating with her.

  ‘I broke up with Olivia some time ago.’

  ‘I see,’ she said thoughtfully. ‘Yes, I see.’

  Jake wasn’t sure what she saw. He wasn’t all that keen on the way women liked to analyse everything. He didn’t want to have a post-mortem of why the sex between them was so good. He wanted to get back to some serious lovemaking. In bed next time. He just wanted Abby naked in his bed where he could make slow love to her for hours.

  He didn’t withdraw. He just scooped her up from the breakfast bar, holding her tightly as he headed for the stairs, their fused and very wet flesh reminding Jake once more that he hadn’t used a condom. Walking up stairs while still inside her was doing things to him which should have been impossible, given he’d just had the most satisfying climax.

  And wow it felt good. She felt good. Maybe he’d just forget the condoms for tonight. After all, they’d already done it once. Might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb, as they said. From tomorrow he’d go back to being super careful. Tonight, however, he would indulge himself to the full.


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