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Planet of the Valkyries

Page 32

by Callista Hawkes

“Only too happy to help, Captain.” You smile, stepping forward and shaking her hand.

  “Shall I take a look?” Morrison asks, nodding towards the navigation station.

  “Please.” She replies. She glances at Tyrana behind you. You glance over your shoulder and see her seem to nod in acknowledgement. Morrison sits at the navigation station and brings up a diagnostic screen, scratching his head as he studies it before turning around in his chair.

  “Commander, the navigation computer seems to be operating perfectly.” He tells you, his brow furrowed. “I can’t detect any errors or anomalies at all.” You feel the muzzle of a blaster pressed into the small of your back. Tyrana.

  “Sorry, Commander.” Captain Patel tells you. “I’m afraid I’ve got you here under false pretences. Helm, engage hyperdrive.” You hear the hum of the hyperdrive engines building as they spool up. You know as it engages, the whole ship will jerk forward. You may be able to use that to your advantage.


  Go quietly

  As the vessel lurches forward, everyone is momentarily off-balance. You swing your elbow back, catching Tyrana in the stomach. She doubles over, gasping in pain and surprise as you try to wrestle the blaster from her hand.

  “Son of a bitch!” She spits, throwing a surprisingly powerful punch that catches you in the jaw. Losing your grasp on the blaster, you reel away and Tyrana swings a foot at your head. You only partially block it and stagger away dazed. You are dimly aware of the other bridge crew subduing Morrison as you throw yourself back towards the Vixian.

  “Enough!” You hear Captain Patel call out, but you barely hear her as you grasp Tyrana by the throat. The look in her eyes changes from anger to fear as you tighten your grip. Then you hear the sound of a blaster pistol and smell the foul stench of burnt flesh. Your grip loosens and you drop down to the floor, a blackened scorch mark in your stomach, Tyrana glancing from you to the blaster in her hand.

  “Goddamn it, Tyrana, he’s no good to us now.” You hear the captain growl as you gaze in disbelief at what you know is a fatal wound.

  “We’ve got the other one.” Tyrana shrugs.

  “Yes, but still… it’s a damn shame.” Captain Patel grumbles as everything fades to black.


  Go back a few moments and rethink your actions

  Realising that any efforts would be futile, you reluctantly raise your hands, watching powerlessly as the familiar shape of the Ranger sitting alongside the Alcatraz disappears from the forward view screen to be replaced by the swirling crimson vortex of hyperspace.

  “What’s this about, Captain?” You growl as Morrison is hoisted up out of his chair and pulled over to stand alongside you.

  “Not very bright are you?” She smiles. “I’m not Captain Patel. My name is Anaya Varma.”

  “Shit.” Morrison breathes. “The butcher of Bacchus III.” He glances at you. “She was an assassin for the Astra Nostra crime syndicate. She got her name for the crime she was finally convicted of. She murdered an entire rival crime family on Bacchus III in one night.”

  “I did the galaxy a favour.” She shrugs. “They were themselves killers and unlike the Astra Nostra, had no code at all.”

  “So what happened here?” You demand. “Where’s the real captain and crew?”

  “You’ve already seen them.” Tyrana smirks behind you.

  “The mad dogs.” You groan as the pieces drop into place. “So what do you want with us, Varma?”

  “Please, call me Anaya.” She smiles. “You are our guests. While I’ve given your vessel the slip, I’m under no illusions that the Ranger will pursue and catch us. I know we are no match for the pride of the Galactic Navy, but now I have acquired a pair of bargaining chips.”

  “Our lives for your freedom.” You sigh.

  “Sounds a fair trade to me.” Anaya replies. Shaking your head in disgust, you look around the bridge at the rest of the crew. While they are all wearing the drab grey uniforms of the Interplanetary Penal Alliance, you begin to notice little details that betray their true criminal nature: Jagged scars, rough prison tattoos and a cold, flinty gaze. Their eyes flick furtively towards you and Morrison.

  “You’ll have to forgive my crew.” Anaya chuckles. “None of them have even seen a man in months and they’re all kinda antsy. As am I for that matter.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.” You reply, your words dripping with bitter sarcasm.

  “Come now,” She chuckles, stepping towards you, “I intend you no ill will. You can spend the next few hours caged like animals, or…” She runs her hand over your chest, “We could all have a little fun instead. What do you say, Commander?” She purrs. “You wanna help a girl out?” You glance at Morrison, who shrugs. While he appears open to the idea, he obviously intends to defer the decision to the ranking officer.


  Refuse to submit

  “We are officers of the Galactic Navy.” You reply stiffly. “Under the codes of the Geneva Convention of 2187, I am required to give you only my name, rank and number.”

  “How disappointing.” Anaya sighs. “No matter. I guess we’ve all had to make do for the past few months, so we can survive a little longer.” She turns to Tyrana. “Lock them both in the cell block with the others until we have need of them.”

  “Do you prefer males?” Tyrana growls at you as she escorts you both back along the corridor towards the cell block.

  “No, I just prefer my females not to be murderers and thieves.” You reply.

  “Good girls, eh? How dull.” She sighs as the blast doors open to the now familiar raucous roar of the cell block. She shoves you towards the cells containing the so-called mad dogs and operates the door control.

  “Get in.” She growls, gesturing with her blaster. Morrison follows you inside and the door closes behind you. The heads of perhaps twenty ‘inmates’ turn towards you while a woman of Indian descent steps forward.

  “The real Captain Patel I presume?” You sigh. She’s a little older and shorter than her imposter, but Anaya is a pretty close match. She nods and you shake her hand. “I’m Commander Kyle Chase of the United Earth Ship Ranger. Sorry we couldn’t have been more help.”

  “I’m sorry we lost the ship in the first place.” She grimaces.

  “The Ranger will be in pursuit.” You assure her. “This scum will be dealt with soon enough.”

  A couple of hours later, you feel the deck tremble beneath your feet.

  “We’ve dropped out of hyperspace.” Captain Patel murmurs.

  “The Ranger!” Morrison grins. Moments later the hull judders again, silencing the baying cacophony of the convicts. You see several faces gazing pensively out from behind the bars.

  “Laser blasts.” You comment.

  “What is your captain doing?” Captain Patel growls.

  “Saving our arses.” You grin. A few minutes later, a squad of the Ranger’s marines step into the cell block, weapons ready. Anaya, Tyrana and the others are led in in handcuffs and glower as they are shoved towards your cell. The door is opened and you file out with the crew of the Alcatraz.

  “We’ve kept it warm for you.” You grin as you pass Anaya.

  “Fuck you.” She snarls as she steps inside.

  “You won’t be fucking anyone after this little stunt.” Captain Patel tells her. “I’ll make sure you and the others are sent to Super-Max for this. You’ll be cryogenically frozen indefinitely.” As the door slides shut, Anaya thumps the clear walls of the cell, snarling and cursing with a murderous look in her eyes, but her threats are impotent within the soundproofed enclosure.

  A few hours later, you are back at your own captain’s side on the bridge of the Ranger.

  “We’re about to cross into the demilitarised zone.” The navigator calls out to the captain.

  “Understood.” Captain Madison replies pensively, gazing at the swirling crimson hyperspace vortex on the view screen ahead. You notice the other bridge officers cast a furtive g
lance towards her and share a few meaningful looks with each other.

  “Captain.” You murmur. “Some words of encouragement for the crew perhaps?” She arches an eyebrow before smiling.

  “You’re right.” She replies. “Though you’re quite the orator. Perhaps you should give them the pep talk.”

  Give them a speech

  Suggest it would be better coming from the Ranger’s captain

  “I guess it is a little cruel to deny a woman her basic carnal needs.” You concede with a smirk. Anaya’s dark eyes glint and her lips curl into a lascivious smile.

  “I’m glad to hear that.” She purrs, looping her arms around your neck and gently pulling you towards her. “No tricks though, Commander. Katya can kill a man with her bare hands,” She nods towards the lithe but muscular tattooed redhead at the helm, “And don’t let Mei-Li’s size fool you.” She adds as her gaze flicks to the communication station where a petite Chinese woman sits, her beautiful opal shaped face spoiled by a long scar down her left cheek. “She is a kung fu master.”

  “I’ll consider myself warned.” You smirk, taking Anaya into your arms and pressing your lips to hers. Your tongues meet and she kisses you urgently, as if after the months of forced abstinence, the moment might yet be snatched away. Perhaps sensing that their leader has claimed you for herself, the other three women close in on Morrison, whose eyes widen in surprise. Your hands slide down Anaya’s back and a low moan escapes her lips as you squeeze her buttocks through her uniform.

  “Mmm yesss.” She smiles, breaking the kiss. You grin before glancing over her shoulder at Morrison who is being swiftly stripped of his uniform by Tyrana and Mei-Li while a half-naked and heavily tattooed Katya has dropped to her knees before him, her head gently bobbing back and forth. The combination of the redhead’s hand and mouth has his cock rapidly swelling between her lips. You feel Anaya’s hand slide down to cup the growing bulge in the front of your trousers.

  “You want me to do that to you?” She whispers, following your gaze.


  Suggest you both join the others

  “That sounds good, but maybe we should join the others.” You reply. Anaya’s eyes narrow, but she reluctantly nods.

  “I guess so.” She sighs. “Though with one condition, Commander.”

  “Name it.” You reply.

  “I want you first.” She tells you firmly.

  “It would be my pleasure.” You grin.

  “Just make sure it’s my pleasure too.” Anaya growls. You cross the bridge to join the others. Mei-Li has dropped to her knees next to Katya and is vying for Morrison’s now rigid cock. Tyrana has stripped off and is sitting and watching from the navigation station, one long, blue leg hoisted up on the control console, her fingers working furiously between her open thighs while her other hand squeezes and massages her generous breasts.

  “You are a dirty bitch.” Anaya chuckles at her.

  “If it brings pleasure, why deny yourself.” Tyrana shrugs. “Earthwomen are so sexually repressed.”

  “I’m not sure I agree with you.” Morrison groans as Katya slurps at his balls while Mei-Li’s lips glide up and down his cock, the dark shaft glistening with her saliva. Moving towards the masturbating Vixian, you drop to your knees before her. A smile crosses her face and she holds out her fingers which are coated with her juices. You eagerly take them into your mouth and suck her sweet essence from them.

  “There’s plenty more where that came from.” Tyrana smirks, spreading her legs wider. Your gaze drops to the thatch of purple curls between her thighs and the puffy blue tinged labia just beneath. You lower your head between her thighs and bury your face into her folds. You’d never had sex with a Vixian before, but you had heard rumours of the exotic sweetness of their juices. As the unusual flavour hits your taste buds, you are glad to find it was no exaggeration. You moan into her pussy as you eagerly probe her furrow with your tongue.

  “He’s enjoying that.” Anaya comments, a subtle note of envy in her voice.

  “He’s not the only one.” Tyrana moans, her fingers in your hair. “He’s surprisingly good for an Earthman. Makes me wonder if he’s as adept with his cock.” While you are too preoccupied to glance at Anaya’s face, you can imagine her scowling at the Vixian.

  “Just remember your promise, Commander.” Anaya warns you. “I want you inside me first.”

  “I’d listen to her.” You hear Katya call out from behind you. “I heard she spaced the last man who disappointed her.”

  “I haven’t forgotten.” You reply, reluctantly pulling your face from between Tyrana’s thighs.

  “Good.” Anaya smiles, quickly stripping off her clothes. The drab grey uniform had done her no favours, but out of it you admire her figure. She has a swimmer’s physique: muscular and toned but still feminine. While her breasts are small, her dark nipples jut proudly from them. You barely notice Tyrana’s fingers at your waist, unfastening your trousers and yanking them down. A broad smile crosses Anaya’s face as your hard cock springs free.

  “How’d you want to do this?” You ask her as Tyrana continues to undress you.

  “However you want.” Anaya replies, her voice distracted, her brown eyes fixed on your rigid shaft swaying before her. “As long as that thing is balls deep inside me, I don’t give a shit.”

  Tell her to ride you while Tyrana sits on your face

  Suggest she might enjoy Morrison’s cock as well as your own

  “Ride me.” You tell her, lying back on the deck. The deck plates are hard and cold, but you barely notice as Anaya moves to stand astride you. As she drops to her knees, you notice Morrison sitting at the helm station while Katya sits on his lap, his cock buried deep inside her. Mei-Li is on her knees before them, lapping at her clitoris and his balls as the tattooed redhead moans with pleasure. As Anaya grasps your shaft, your attention is instantly drawn back to the convict leader. She presses the tip of your cock to her moist slit and sinks down onto you.

  “Yessss, I’ve missed this.” She moans, a broad smile stretching across her face as she allows her weight to impale herself on your rigid shaft. “There’s no substitute for the feeling of a nice thick cock slipping inside you.” She leans forward, her hands on your chest, strands of her long black hair dangling in your face.

  “Glad I could be of assistance.” You grin as she begins to rock back and forth on you, your cock moving deep inside her. You glance at Tyrana who has returned to sit at the navigation station and resumed masturbating while she watches her fellow convicts sate their carnal desires. “You want me to finish what I started?” You smile up at her. The Vixian’s red eyes widen while her blue lips curl into a smile as she eagerly nods and rises from the chair. She stands astride your head and you gaze up between her long legs as she lowers herself down onto your face, her slit glistening with her juices. As her aroma fills your nostrils, you salivate at the thought of once again tasting her sweet juices. You reach up and grasp her thighs, pulling your face into her folds and pressing your tongue deep inside her sodden furrow.

  “Uhhh, yes!” Tyrana moans thickly as she firmly presses her pussy against your face. Anaya too is grunting with pleasure as she rocks back and forth, your rigid shaft slipping in and out of her long neglected opening. As you hear a shrill cry of pleasure ring out, you find yourself wondering whether it was Mei-Li or Katya.

  “Fuck, that feels so good.” Anaya gasps. Your glow of pride at being the source of her pleasure is short-lived:

  “You like that, huh?” Tyrana breathes. “You like me touching you like that?” While your ego is a little bruised, you content yourself with the incredible sensations radiating out from your groin and the wonderfully exotic taste of the Vixian’s sweet juices. While you grip Tyrana’s thighs, pulling your face tightly into her wet folds, you are otherwise quite passive. Anaya continues to vigorously ride you while Tyrana rolls her hips as she grinds her pussy against your probing tongue. Both women are moaning thickly and you wish yo
u could see the expressions on their faces as they each ride you towards their orgasms. The Vixian is the first to come. You feel her stiffen, the muscles in her thighs tensing up before she lets out a throaty cry of ecstasy. As she floods your face with her exotic tasting juices, you continue to lap at her until with a deep, shuddering sigh, she finally relaxes. She climbs off you before stooping to kiss you.

  “That was pretty damn good, Earthman.” Tyrana grins before stepping away. You glance up at Anaya who is riding you frantically now, her eyes squeezed shut and her mouth open, her laboured breathing betraying her imminent climax. You glance towards Morrison, who is moaning with pleasure as he thrusts into Katya, the redhead now bent over the helm console. Tyrana embraces Mei-Li, the two women kissing passionately while their hands delve between each other’s thighs. As you glance towards them, you notice the Vixian’s discarded uniform lying on the deck, her gun belt visible beneath and her blaster just within your reach…

  Snatch the blaster

  Too risky. Continue to pleasure Anaya

  “You strike me as a woman of voracious carnal appetites.” You grin. “I’m not sure one man would be enough for you.” You glance pointedly at Morrison who has also been stripped of his uniform and is now driving into Mei-Li from behind while she in turn has her face buried between Katya’s thighs.

  “That’s a tempting proposition.” Anaya grins, her gaze lingering on Morrison’s muscular physique.

  “Lieutenant.” You call across. “Captain Varma is pulling rank.” He nods and reluctantly withdraws from Mei-Li, who glares malevolently at her leader. Katya pulls her towards her and kisses her hard, the petite Chinese convict melting into her embrace, her fury cooling. Anaya throws herself down in the captain’s chair and hooks her legs over the arms, her pussy lewdly displayed to you both. As you step between her legs, she smiles up at Morrison.

  “You look good enough to eat.” She purrs, beckoning to him. He grins and steps to her side, his thick shaft glistening with Mei-Li’s juices. As she reaches for his cock, she glances at you. “Well, what are you waiting for? A written goddamn invitation?” You blink in surprise and guide your cock to her opening, dragging the swollen head up and down her juicy slit. Anaya moans with delight as she begins to stroke Morrison’s length. You apply pressure, your grunt joining her moans as you enter her.


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