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Planet of the Valkyries

Page 36

by Callista Hawkes

  “What the fuck are you doing?” You ask her, your eyes widening.

  “I’m going to massage your prostate.” She replies matter-of-factly.

  “That’s not necessary!” You gasp, your gaze fixed on her glistening gloved finger.

  “It will quicken things along.” She replies. “I haven’t got all day, you know.”

  Allow her to continue


  “Just get it over with.” You sigh, drawing your knees up and feeling utterly exposed. She bites her lower lip and you know she is suppressing a smile as you watch her reach behind your balls. You flinch as you feel her lubricated fingertip press against your puckered arsehole.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle.” Lorelei tells you as you feel her apply pressure. “Just relax.” You gasp as she penetrates the tight ring of muscle and slowly thrusts her finger into your arse. Her other hand returns to your shaft and resumes pumping you while she gazes curiously into your eyes, perhaps gauging your reaction.

  “This was your plan all along wasn’t it?” You grunt as her slender finger probes inside you. “You just wanted to humiliate me.”

  “I’m just carrying out a medical procedure.” Lorelei smirks, not even trying to disguise her glee. “What was your excuse that night we drank all that Albireon wine?”

  “You asked me to do that!” You object. “Besides, they could hear you on the other side of the ship when you came!” She shrugs and nods as she concedes the point. Her hand and finger are working in tandem now and your cock is swollen and rigid in her fist. You stifle a moan, surprised at how good the sensation feels. You glance fearfully up into Lorelei’s eyes, wondering if she realises, but her eyes are fixed on your groin, absorbed in her manipulation of you. Pre-come is weeping from the straining tip and you are ashamed to feel the tension rapidly building in your balls.

  “Your scrotum is tightening.” She murmurs. “You’re getting close aren’t you?” She glances up into your eyes. You nod and feel your face flush with shame. A broad smile crosses her face as her hand pumps you faster, her lubricated finger moving back and forth inside your arsehole.

  “I’m going to... uhh!” Your orgasm catches you by surprise, your sphincter clenching tightly around Lorelei’s finger as you feel a blissful surge of pleasure, your shaft twitching in her hand as your thick seed spurts from the tip of your cock and splashes across your chest.

  “Oh!” Lorelei squeals as she continues to stroke your erupting length as ropes of your come spatter onto your midriff before finally dripping down onto your stomach.

  “I don’t remember you ever having an orgasm that intense.” Lorelei comments, gently withdrawing her finger from between your buttocks and releasing your sensitive shaft from her grasp. “I think you enjoyed that a little more than you’d care to admit.” She adds with a glint in her eye. She reaches for a cup and drags the lip across your midriff, collecting a sample of the cloudy white fluid.

  “Don’t flatter yourself.” You growl, but her smirk tells you that you’re not fooling anyone.

  “You may get dressed now, Commander.” She tells you in an officious manner. “I shall test the sample immediately.”

  Half an hour later, she steps back inside the quarantine chamber.

  “You are free to go.” Lorelei tells you.

  “About goddamn time.” You spit, brushing past her and making your way back to the bridge.

  “I’ve been cleared for duty, Captain.” You announce to Captain Madison as you step onto the bridge.

  “Good.” She smiles, swivelling towards you. “The last thing I needed on this mission is my first officer in quarantine for three days.”

  “We have an unidentified contact to port.” The navigation officer interrupts. “Slow moving and on a parallel course.”

  “We’re passing through the outer fringes of Earth Alliance space.” Captain Madison murmurs. “There shouldn’t be anyone this close to the demilitarised zone.”

  “Could be a scout from the Aurigan Empire.” The navigator suggests.

  “That’s just conjecture, lieutenant.” The captain chides her, but glances meaningfully towards you. Clearly it’s a suspicion she shares.

  Recommend you intercept the vessel and fire a warning shot

  Scan the mysterious vessel

  “No way, you sick demented bitch.” You snap.

  “Fine.” Lorelei shrugs, turning to leave. “Then I guess I’ll see you again in three days.”

  “No, wait!” You call out, but she is already stepping through the doorway, the transparent doors sighing shut behind her. She turns and waves, a smirk on her face before disappearing from view, leaving you alone with your impotent rage.

  The three days cooped up on your own feel like three months, but finally Lorelei returns and releases you from your confinement.

  “Guess you are human after all.” She smiles sweetly. You glare at her as you push past her and make your way back to the bridge.

  “Ah, good to have you back, Commander.” Captain Madison smiles as you step onto the bridge. “The good doctor told me that she had cleared you for duty.”

  “Glad to be back, Captain.” You reply. “What have I missed?”

  “Nothing whatsoever.” She sighs. “Just three days of uneventful hyperspace. We’ve only just dropped into normal space again.”

  “We have an unidentified contact to port.” The navigation officer interrupts. “Slow moving and on a parallel course.”

  “We’re passing through the outer fringes of Earth Alliance space.” Captain Madison murmurs. “There shouldn’t be anyone this close to the demilitarised zone.”

  “Could be a scout from the Aurigan Empire.” The navigator suggests.

  “That’s just conjecture, lieutenant.” The captain chides her, but glances meaningfully towards you. Clearly it’s a suspicion she shares.

  Recommend you intercept the vessel and fire a warning shot

  Scan the mysterious vessel

  “I think on a momentous occasion such as this, the crew would rather hear from their captain.” You reply. Captain Madison arches an eyebrow before sighing.

  “You’re right, of course.” She nods, before glancing at the communications officer. “Stand by for ship-wide transmission.” The communications officer presses a button on her station and nods back at the captain.

  “Crew of the Ranger, this is the captain.” Captain Madison announces grandly. “We stand on the brink of a historic moment where the Earth Alliance and the Aurigan Empire may finally be able to resolve their differences and enter a new era of lasting peace. Such things are never easy. We are about to enter Aurigan space where so many before have faltered. While this time we have been invited, I am under no illusions that it is a fragile truce, so we will be on a constant state of alert. I know I can count on each and every one of you to do your duty. The Ranger is a fine ship and her crew the finest I have ever had the privilege to serve with. Thank you.” The communications officer ends the transmission and the captain glances towards you.

  “Nice speech.” You grin.

  “Shut up.” She grumbles good-naturedly as she sits back down in her chair.

  “Estimate one hour until we reach our destination, Captain.” The navigator announces.

  “Time for our esteemed passenger to prove her worth.” The captain murmurs before turning to the communications officer. “Inform the ambassador and tell the marines to stand by.” She glances at you. “Please ask Ambassador Hathaway to join us and check in on the marines if you have time.”

  “Aye, Captain.” You nod before turning and stepping into the turbolift.

  Go to Ambassador Hathaway’s quarters

  Visit the marine dormitory

  “Of course, Captain.” You reply, wishing you’d anticipated this and had a chance to think of something to say. You glance at the communications officer. “Ship-wide transmission.” She leans forward and presses a button before giving you a curt nod.

  “Men and w
omen of the Ranger,” You begin solemnly. “We are about to enter Aurigan space on a mission of peace. While we are on a diplomatic mission, I’m sure we are all aware what happened the last time a ship of the Galactic Navy crossed into their territory. This time things will be different. We are serving aboard the Ranger, the flagship of the fleet and the pride of the Navy. Her crew are well trained and the finest officers and crewmen it has been my honour to serve with. I have complete confidence in each and every one of you and know that when the moment comes, you will all carry out your duties with distinction. Thank you, that is all.” The communications officer smiles and ends the transmission.

  “Well done, Kyle.” Captain Madison tells you. “I’ve almost got a tear in my eye.” She adds sardonically. Despite the gentle mockery of her words, you can tell the sentiment is sincere.

  “Estimate we will reach our destination within the hour, Captain.” The navigator announces.

  “Time for our esteemed passenger to prove her worth.” The captain murmurs before turning to the communications officer. “Inform the ambassador and tell the marines to stand by.” She glances at you. “Please ask Ambassador Hathaway to join us and check in on the marines if you have time.”

  “Aye, Captain.” You nod before turning and stepping into the turbolift.

  Go to Ambassador Hathaway’s quarters

  Visit the marine dormitory

  You step out of the turbolift and make your way to the marine barracks, the doors sliding open as you approach. The room is a long dormitory with ten bunk beds arranged along either side.

  “Officer on deck.” A marine sergeant barks, the marines snapping to attention at the foot of their bunks.

  “At ease.” You tell them, the marines standing easy but remaining rooted to the spot, eyes gazing straight ahead into the middle distance. The marines are rarely seen outside their barracks and training area, preferring to socialise only amongst themselves. The rest of the crew might see them as aloof almost to the point of arrogance, yet despite their self-imposed exclusion, they are a professional and well trained outfit and a credit to the Galactic Navy.

  “I need your four best marines, sergeant.” You tell the craggy faced marine.

  “They are all my best marines, Commander.” He tells you proudly.

  “I’m sure they are.” You reply impatiently before changing tack. “We need four marines as an escort for the ambassador, so I shall leave the selection in your hands, sergeant. Have them assemble in the hanger bay in ten minutes.”

  “Understood, sir.” He replies stiffly. You nod and leave, the door sliding shut behind you. Making your way back to the turbolift, you wonder if you should return immediately to the bridge or check in on the ambassador.

  Go to Ambassador Hathaway’s quarters

  Return to the bridge

  You descend to E Deck before hurrying along the corridor to Ambassador Hathaway’s quarters.

  “Ah, Commander.” She smiles as the door slides open. “I understand we are nearly at our destination.” She is dressed in an elegant and business-like trouser suit, her hair tied neatly in a bun and looking every bit the renowned and dignified ambassador.

  “Yes, your Excellency.” You tell her. “The captain has requested your presence on the bridge.” She nods.

  “Twenty years ago, I failed to broker an alliance between the Earth Alliance and the Aurigan Empire.” She tells you. “You don’t often get second chances in life and I’m determined to grasp this opportunity.”

  “You’re too hard on yourself.” You tell her. “We were on the brink of war and you were instrumental in preventing that and agreeing the demilitarised zone between our territories.”

  “Thank you, Commander.” She smiles. “I have appreciated your counsel these past few days. Please give me a few minutes to compose myself and I will join you on the bridge.”

  “As you wish, your Excellency.” You reply, nodding politely. You step back out into the corridor and make your way back to the turbolift. As you step inside, you wonder if you should return immediately to the bridge or check in on the marines.

  Visit the marine dormitory

  Return to the bridge

  As you step out of the turbolift and back onto the bridge, Captain Madison swivels in her chair towards you.

  “Just in time.” She smiles, nodding towards the view screen which shows a purple tinged planet. “We’ve reached our destination.” She glances over at the helmsman. “Put us in a high orbit.” The helmsman nods, his face tight and resolute. There is a palpable sense of tension on the bridge as the gravity of the mission demands their focus. You hear the sigh of the turbolift door behind you and glance over your shoulder as Ambassador Hathaway steps onto the bridge.

  “Incoming transmission, Captain.” The communications officer announces, drawing your attention back to the captain.

  “On screen.” The captain growls. The view of the planet is instantly replaced by an Aurigan male. You’d never seen an Aurigan before, but he certainly has a feline quality with pointed swept back ears protruding through his dark brown hair, while his amber eyes with long oval shaped pupils shine brightly.

  “Greetings.” He smiles, revealing sharp canine teeth.

  “Tobis.” Ambassador Hathaway steps forward and smiles in recognition.

  “Hello old friend.” Tobis smiles. “I had hoped the Earth Alliance would send my counterpart from our previous meeting. It’s good to see you after all these years.”

  “And you.” The ambassador replies. “I look forward to meeting you again in person.”

  “I’ve transmitted a set of coordinates.” Tobis tells her. “You are cleared to send a shuttle down.”

  “Put us in a geostationary orbit above the rendezvous coordinates.” Captain Madison tells the helmsman. “And prepare a shuttle for launch.”

  Half an hour later, you sit alongside the shuttle pilot as he guides the small craft towards the planet surface. The exterior of the cockpit window is aflame, a raging inferno engulfing the shuttle as it pierces the outer atmosphere. You glance over your shoulder at Ambassador Hathaway and four marines. They all sit in silence, their faces set and focussed. Gradually the firestorm outside clears and the shuttle descends down towards the surface. As you pass through the clouds, the haze clears and you can see an endless purple carpet of forest below.

  “Not what I was expecting.” The pilot muses. “I figured we’d be setting down at an outpost or perhaps even a city.”

  “You have the correct coordinates locked in?” You ask.

  “Checked and confirmed.” He replies, examining the instruments on the console before him. “There’s nothing but trees.” You lean forward, spotting a small break in the thick carpet of purple leafed trees.

  “Looks like you can set down there.” You tell him, pointing to the clearing. The pilot nods and guides the shuttle downwards until it hovers above the foliage before he slowly descends to the forest floor. As the shuttle lands with the slightest of jolts, you glance over your shoulder at the marines.

  “Secure the landing zone.” You tell them. They nod and climb out of their seats, drawing their blasters and assembling at the door. The door opens and they file out. You climb out of your own seat and reach for your blaster from the locker behind you.

  “This is a diplomatic mission, Commander.” Ambassador Hathaway reminds you as she gets to her feet. “We have the marines for protection. Leave your weapon here.” You glance across at her before reluctantly closing the locker and following the marines outside.

  “Landing zone secure, sir.” One of them tells you as you step down onto the soft ground, the purple vegetation up to your knees. Ambassador Hathaway steps down to join you.

  “Where are they?” She asks, glancing around at the tall trees surrounding the clearing, strange chirps and calls from the indigenous wildlife filling the air. “Are we at the correct coordinates?”

  “At this point, I’m wondering if we’re on the correct planet!” You repl

  “Should we wait here or try to find the Aurigan delegation?” She asks.


  Go deeper into the forest

  “These are the correct coordinates. We’ll wait for the Aurigans to rendezvous with us.” You tell the Ambassador. She nods and you lean against the side of the shuttle, your arms folded.

  As the minutes tick by, there is no sign of the Aurigans. Ambassador Hathaway paces impatiently while the four marines patrol a perimeter around the edge of the clearing.

  “Hurry up and wait.” You comment dryly.

  “What?” The ambassador growls.

  “It’s a common expression in the Galactic Navy.” You grin. “You soon learn patience in the military.”

  “Well, I’m not accustomed to…” She is abruptly interrupted by one of the marines who gestures frantically up at the sky.

  “Look!” He calls out. You glance upwards to see a flock of winged creatures filling the sky. They look far bigger than any bird-life you have ever seen. The marines aim their blasters at the creatures.

  “Hold your fire.” You bark. “This is a diplomatic mission, not a shooting gallery! Fire only if they pose a clear threat.” You watch as the flock circles overhead before gliding lower. As they fly closer, your eyes widen as you make them out. They’re unmistakeably humanoid and all female. Winged women like something out of Norse mythology! The Valkyrie-like women glide to the ground, alighting gracefully before you. They each stand tall and proud, their feathery wings folding neatly behind them. Each wears leather armour on their upper bodies, augmented with metallic plates which glint in the sunlight. Their tanned, toned midriffs are exposed and they wear long loincloths which just about cover their modesty. Their boots are secured in place with long leather straps which criss-cross their lower legs up to just below the knee. Long metallic bracelets cover their forearms while their hair is gathered together in braids. The low-tech appearance of their attire and the fact that several are armed with spears, suggests they are tribal in nature.


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