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Planet of the Valkyries

Page 39

by Callista Hawkes

  “Let’s get you home, sir.” One of the soldiers tells you. “You’re in for one hell of a reception!”


  “I won’t sacrifice the Ranger.” You tell Tobis. “I can’t.” Cresilla nods and smiles while Tobis shakes his head.

  “So be it, Earthman.” The Aurigan replies, his amber eyes narrowing. Ignoring him, you reach for your communicator.

  “Captain, we’ve been lured here under false pretences by a race conquered by the Aurigan Empire.” You tell her.

  “What?!” Captain Madison gasps. “Why?”

  “They believe that our presence in Aurigan space will be considered an act of war.” You tell her. “By engineering a conflict between the Earth Alliance and the Aurigan Empire, they hope that all the subjugated races will rise up against their oppressors and gain their freedom.”

  “Goddamn it!” The Captain growls. “We’ll contact the Aurigan Empire and explain our presence.”

  “There’s no time, Captain!” You tell her earnestly. “We have intelligence suggesting that they are already aware of the Ranger crossing the demilitarised zone and will have a battle group inbound. You need to leave immediately!”

  “We can’t leave you down there!” She replies.

  “They could drop out of hyperspace at any moment.” You tell her. “You know just as well as I do that there will be no negotiation, no quarter given, just brutal overwhelming force. The Ranger will be destroyed!”

  “You’re right.” You hear the captain sigh. “And you? You’re safe?”

  “The indigenous population will protect us.” You tell her.

  “Understood.” She replies. “We’ll be back for you, Kyle, I promise. Good luck!”

  “And you, Captain.” You reply before switching off the communicator and glancing up at the sky. Moments later, your see a tiny flash of red as the Ranger enters hyperspace. Then, just moments after that, a dozen more flashes of red herald the arrival of the Aurigan battle group.

  “The Ranger may have escaped, but the incursion by an Earth Alliance vessel in Aurigan space will mean war.” Tobis spits. “The blood of millions is on your hands, Earthman.”

  “If it ends the tyranny of the Aurigan Empire, it will be worth it.” Cresilla tells him combatively.

  “Easy for you to say.” He replies. “It’s not your people who will be sacrificed.”

  “My people have suffered under Aurigan rule for generations.” Cresilla growls. “Don’t talk to me about sacrifice.” She turns to her guards. “Get this creature out of my sight.” They nod and step forward, escorting Tobis away, leaving you and Cresilla alone. Letting out a deep sigh, you lean on a timber railing at the edge of the walkway, the purple treetops stretching out before you. You hear Cresilla’s footsteps approach as she joins you.

  “Tobis is right about one thing.” You sigh. “Many of my people will die in the war to come.”

  “I know.” Cresilla replies quietly. “I also know that couldn’t have been an easy decision. Sometimes conflict and violence is necessary to bring about a change for the better. The Aurigan Empire is a brutal and oppressive regime and only the Earth Alliance and her allies have the strength to overcome them.”

  “For the greater good.” You smile humourlessly, glancing at the tall Valkyrie.

  “Yes.” She replies gently. “My people owe you a great debt of gratitude.” She moves closer, her eyes meeting yours. “I owe you a debt of gratitude.” You feel your pulse quicken, again struck at the Valkyrie’s ethereal beauty. You shake your head, trying to clear such thoughts. Cresilla smiles and almost in slow motion, she leans in, her lips finding yours. She kisses you and just for a moment, you kiss her back before pulling away.

  “We shouldn’t be doing this.” You tell her weakly.

  “Why not?” Cresilla replies, gazing into your eyes. “You’ve done your duty and saved your ship and crew. Whatever happens in the future is not your doing and not your fault. If anything, you have helped set in motion a series of events which will make the galaxy a better place. While you will probably have a long stay on this planet, I’d like to make sure it’s as pleasant for you as possible.” She reaches for you again.

  Give in to your lust

  No, this isn’t right

  “No.” You tell her again, more firmly this time as you draw on all your willpower as you take a step back. “I’ve just plunged the galaxy into war. Cities will burn, fleets will be destroyed and I am the one responsible. I can’t do this. I won’t do this.”

  “As you wish.” Cresilla shrugs, gazing at you sadly for a moment before turning and walking away, her long feathery wings flexing behind her. “But when you are ready, I’ll be waiting.” With that, her wings unfold and sweep powerfully downwards, propelling her into the air. They beat gracefully as she soars up into the sky. As you watch her disappear into the clouds above, you wonder what to do next. While the safe option would be to remain in hiding amongst the Valkyrie, you still have the shuttle. It is only a short range vessel but perhaps you could make it to a nearby spaceport and secure passage on a freighter or with smugglers. It will be dangerous, but you may somehow get out of Aurigan space and back to the Ranger.

  Stay in hiding on the Valkyrie planet

  Take the shuttle and try to find your way out of Aurigan space and back to the Ranger

  While the others will be safe on the Valkyrie planet, you know if you suggest your plan, they would feel duty-bound to accompany you. Deciding not to risk their lives, you quietly make your way to the shuttle. As you slip into the pilot’s seat and fire up the engines, Ambassador Hathaway, the pilot and a couple of the marines come running out from the treeline, frantically waving their arms. You ignore their protestations, throttling up the thrusters, the shuttle rising steadily into the air. The treetops fall away beneath you and you pull back on the stick, aiming the nose at the sky. The shuttle climbs rapidly into the atmosphere and into space.

  You spend the next couple of days’ planet hopping across the system, avoiding Aurigan patrols until you find your way to a likely spaceport. As you step into a dive of a drinking hole, you gather from the double-takes and glares from a multitude of alien races that Earthmen are clearly not the most popular race amid rising tensions between the two intergalactic superpowers. Relieved to spot a pair of humans skulking in a corner of the bar, you make your way over to them.

  “Good to see I’m not the only human on this planet.” You grin, sitting down opposite a man and a voluptuous redheaded woman.

  “Please, join us.” The man growls sarcastically.

  “I’m looking for a way out of Aurigan space before everything goes to hell.” You press on, keeping your voice low. “Don’t suppose you could help me with that?” The man eyes you suspiciously for a moment, studying you before leaning back in his seat.

  “Maybe.” He finally replies. “If you’ve got the credits…”

  “How much?” You ask, your heart sinking.

  “Fifteen thousand.” He replies. You blink in surprise as the extortionate amount.

  “I… uh… I don’t have that sort of money.” You reply. The man rolls his eyes. “But I can get you it.” You swiftly add. “I’m an officer in the Galactic Navy. They will pay you.”

  “Forget it.” The man replies. “I don’t run a line of credit to space hobos.”

  “Trent, stop being an arsehole.” The redhead growls at him. “We’re getting the hell out of here anyway, so why not take a passenger? The Galactic Navy will pay out and if they don’t, you can always space him.” He looks from her to you before sighing deeply.

  “Okay, okay, I always was a sucker for a hard luck case.” He shrugs. “You just better be good for it.”

  “I am.” You assure him before glancing at the redhead. “Thank you, miss.” You tell her.

  “Vanessa.” She grins, her green eyes sparkling.

  After a circuitous route back across the galaxy, you are finally returned to the Ranger just as war breaks out. You
join Captain Madison on the bridge as the entire fleet is assembled.

  “We have the honour of leading the fleet into battle.” She smiles, swivelling in her chair.

  “The tip of the spear.” You grin. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  “Glad to have you back aboard, Commander.” She replies before glancing at the helmsman.

  “Take us into Aurigan space and prepare for battle. We have a war to win.” The helmsman nods and you listen to the rising hum of the engines as the star field ahead turns into the swirling crimson vortex of hyperspace.


  Isolated and in hiding amongst the Valkyrie, you and the other refugees from the Ranger hear only scant news and rumours of the war in the months that follow. The accounts suggest a particularly brutal and bloody conflict, but one in which the Earth Alliance is slowly but surely winning.

  Two years pass until the planet is finally liberated. The first you know of it is when an Earth Alliance shuttle drops from the heavens and sets down in the clearing next to your own shuttle which is now covered in purple leafed creepers as the jungle slowly claims it.

  “Commander Kyle Chase?” A pilot calls out from the door. “Ambassador Charlotte Hathaway?” He recites a roll call of the remaining refugees until you all slowly emerge from the treeline.

  “I’m Chase.” You announce, pulling on your uniform jacket which is in a sorry state. You subconsciously reach up and scratch the thick beard you had cultivated during your stay.

  “We’re here to extract you, Commander.” The pilot grins. “Sorry for the delay!”

  Within a few minutes, you are soaring into the atmosphere, the others chatting excitedly around you. You sit and gaze pensively out of the window as the haze clears to be replaced by the familiar starry blackness of space. You smile as you recognise the familiar shape of the Ranger. As you close in, your smile fades. The flawless, clean lines of the vessel have been replaced by a scorched and pock marked hull, a patchwork of plates welded in place over the worst of the battle damage. If she was a boxer, the towel would have been thrown in long ago. The pilot manoeuvres the shuttle into the hanger bay and as you step out onto the deck, you see Captain Madison waiting for you. Other than a few strands of grey amongst her rich auburn hair and a few more lines around her eyes, she looks much the same as when you last saw her.

  “Permission to come aboard, Captain.” You snap off a crisp salute.

  “Granted, Commander.” She smiles with an answering salute. “I told you I’d be back for you.”

  “I never doubted it.” You grin. “Though I’d expected you a little earlier.”

  “Apologies, Kyle, just the small matter of a war to win.” She laughs.

  “How goes it?” You ask.

  “The Aurigan navy has been crushed and the Empress imprisoned.” She replies. “We’re still liberating the individual systems, but it’s only a matter of time. It’s been a long and bloody conflict, but the totalitarian and oppressive regime of the Aurigan Empire is over and the galaxy will be a much better place for it. So, ready to resume your post, Commander?”

  “Of course.” You grin.

  “You remember the way to your quarters?” She arches an eyebrow.

  “I think so.”

  “Good, because I think you need a shower and a fresh uniform.” She smiles, turning to leave before pausing. “And Kyle?”

  “Yes, ma’am?”

  “Lose the beard, eh?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” You grin.


  You allow Cresilla to draw you into her embrace. She is a little taller than you and you find yourself in the unusual position of tilting your head back slightly as your lips seek hers. As you kiss, the tip of her tongue slips into your mouth. It flicks delicately at your own and you feel rather than hear a low murmur of pleasure deep in her throat. You slide your arms around her, feeling the soft feathery touch of her folded wings against the back of your hands as you caress her buttocks.

  “I’ve never done this with a Valkyrie before.” You grin, breaking the kiss.

  “A Valkyrie?” Cresilla raises an eyebrow.

  “A winged warrior woman.” You reply. “But mythical on my world.”

  “Then I hope I can live up to the legends.” She chuckles. “Come Earthman, help me with my armour.” You nod and slide your hands up her back, feeling the leather straps and buckles holding her breastplate in place.

  “Sorry.” You grin ruefully as you fumble with the buckles until finally you manage to unfasten them. The breastplate clatters to the floor leaving her in just her boots, bracelets, her loincloth and a rudimentary bra, her large breasts threatening to spill out of it. Her own hands have already unfastened your jacket and trousers and you pull them off along with your boots and t-shirt, leaving you in just your underpants, the bulge in the front already swelling.

  “I’m pleased to see you share my excitement.” Cresilla purrs with a sly grin as she reaches behind her back and unfastens her bra freeing her generous breasts. You grunt as her hand cups the bulge, her eyes gleaming salaciously before she grasps the waistband and tears them down. With your excitement building, you untie the string of the loincloth at her hips which falls away to her feet. You both gaze down between your bodies, examining each other.

  “And I was almost expecting feathers.” You grin, seeing the reassuringly familiar thatch of pubic curls between her thighs. Cresilla chuckles sexily before raising her gaze, her eyes meeting yours.

  “Come Earthman, let’s find somewhere a little more private.” With that, she tightens her embrace, her wings unfold and sweep down powerfully.

  “Whaaa!” You gasp, your eyes widening as you are both propelled into the air. You glance down, watching in alarm as the treetops fall away beneath your feet.

  “Relax, Earthman.” Cresilla chuckles, hooking her legs around yours, her enormous wings beating rhythmically as she soars into the sky. “I’ve got you. You’re perfectly safe.”

  “You’ll excuse me if I don’t take your word for it.” You reply, glancing down at the endless purple forest now far below, the carpet of flora interrupted only by a sparse covering of white cumulus clouds above it.

  “Then let me see if I can take your mind off it.” She grins, twisting her body slightly as she reaches down and grasps your now flaccid cock. She begins to stroke it and despite your anxiety, you feel your shaft begin to harden again.

  “What are you doing?” You gasp.

  “Continuing what we started.” Cresilla replies matter-of-factly. “Don’t any of the life forms on your world mate while airborne?”

  “Some birds and insects maybe.” You reply, clinging to the Valkyrie as she glides on the thermals while still gently pumping your cock.

  “Are you ready?” She grins.



  “Call me old fashioned, but I’d rather do this on the ground.” You tell Cresilla, glancing fearfully down at the forest far below.

  “As you wish.” She replies, her wings tilting as she glides downwards.

  As you near the ground, Cresilla veers away from the Valkyrie settlement. She swoops down through the leafy canopy of the treetops and sets you down gently on the soft forest floor. Sunbeams shine down through the gaps in the trees and the forest is alive with the chirping and calls of the local wildlife.

  “Is this more to your liking?” Cresilla asks, throwing herself down next to you.

  “Yes.” You grin, relieved to have solid ground beneath you once again.

  “Now, where were we?” She murmurs, rolling on top of you and pressing her lips to yours. Her hand slides down your stomach and you moan into her mouth as her fingers curl around your shaft. As she resumes stroking you, your cock swiftly returns to its swollen length. She pulls away, grinning broadly, her piercing blue eyes gleaming mischievously. She leans forward and kisses your lips before trailing her lips downwards, kissing her way down your chest and stomach. Your cock flexes in Cresilla’s grasp in a
nticipation as she shuffles lower in the thick undergrowth until you feel her warm breath on the swollen crown. She places a kiss on the tip, her eyes darting up to meet your gaze.

  “Please, do it.” You groan. She grins before engulfing the tip, her lips sliding down past the bulbous head. You gasp before moaning with pleasure as she gently sucks, her hand sliding up and down your length. You can already feel the blissful tingling in your balls beginning to build when she abruptly pulls you from her mouth. Stifling a groan of frustration, you watch as she scrambles up over your body and turns her back to you. Her wings stretch out wide as she kneels over your lap. Grasping your shaft, she guides it to her slit before sitting down on you, both of you gasping with pleasure as you slip deeply inside her.

  “Uhh, yes.” She moans thickly as she begins to gently rock back and forth. You groan with pleasure at the sensation of your throbbing cock moving inside her. Reaching out, you massage her buttocks for a moment before grasping her hips and beginning to thrust up into her. Her wings quiver as she gasps with delight and glances over her shoulder at you.

  “Yes, Earthman.” She smiles. “Fuck me!” You return her smile and drive deeply inside her slick pussy. She bends forward until you can feel her plump breasts pressed against the tops of your legs and see her pussy stretched around your shaft as it slips in and out. You feel her hand reach between her legs. Her moans intensify a moment later as her fingers find her clitoris.

  “Uhh, yes, harder!” She moans thickly. The excitement of having this beautiful Valkyrie riding you so enthusiastically has the pressure rapidly building in your balls.

  “Fuck.” You groan, feeling your orgasm rising.

  “No, not yet!” Cresilla tells you. “I’m so close!” You grit your teeth, staving off your climax while the Valkyrie’s moans become increasingly breathless as she rapidly closes in. She straightens, sitting up before falling silent. Her back arches, her wings expanding to her full wingspan and her head tilts back as she cries out in pure ecstasy. The forest seems to cry back, the chirps and calls of a hundred unseen animals answering her orgasmic shrieks. With a final shuddering sigh, she slumps forward, tendrils of her braided hair falling around your knees.


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