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Peace in Flames: A Peace Series Novella

Page 8

by Caroline Andrus

  "So... now what?" JoJo asked.

  "Now we track down Liam and give him the good news."

  Valerie and JoJo were camped out in the lawn chairs outside of Liam's trailer. He wasn't home or answering his phone. They did manage to get a hold of Dray again and were told that Liam was being released from police custody. They expected him home soon.

  "This past week has been hell," Valerie admitted. She picked at the remnants of her fingernail polish from the dance.

  "You should have told me sooner," JoJo said. She was leaning back, her eyes closed. The temperature had grown colder, but the sun beat down on them, adding a bit of warmth to the fall day.

  "I know. I wish I had. I promise to never keep something big like this from you again, okay?"

  The sound of a car pulling up interrupted them before JoJo could reply. Valerie scrambled to her feet as the same Dodge Stratus Liam had driven her home in only nights before pulled to a stop in front of the trailer. Liam slumped against the passenger side window. A woman was behind the wheel; she looked like the woman Valerie had seen in the photograph on Liam's dresser. She was obviously his mother.

  The woman stepped out of the car, Her attention turned to Valerie and JoJo standing near her lawn chairs.

  "Liam? Friends of yours?"

  Liam stepped out of the car. Valerie was so happy to see him out of police custody she ran to him and threw her arms around his neck.

  "Uh, hi," he said, awkwardly patting her back. She didn't care that the PDA was clearly making him uncomfortable. She clung to him like they’d been apart for years, not hours. He was okay. He wasn't going to prison. Finally, she released her hold on him.

  "I'm so sorry," she said. Though she'd released him from her embrace, she still clutched the sleeve of his jacket.

  "For what?" He sounded confused.

  She shook her head. For what? Was he serious right now? "If I'd listened to you in the first place none of this would have happened. You wouldn't have been arrested and Chris wouldn't have started those fires and Katie..." Her voice caught in her throat. Poor Katie. She hoped with every fiber of her being that Katie would be okay.

  Liam pulled her close to him once more and hugged her tightly to his chest. She’d noticed how uncomfortable public displays of affection made him, so the gesture meant that much more.

  "What's going on?" his mother asked.

  Liam and Valerie exchanged a look.

  "Your son saved my life last week, then kept it a secret to protect me."

  She shook her head. "Why don't we step inside. I have a feeling this is going to be a long story." She turned and made the short walk to the trailer's door. Unlocking it, she gestured for the three teens to enter first. Liam held Valerie's hand and led her to the couch. JoJo followed and perched on the sofa next to Valerie. Liam's mom brought up the rear and took a seat on an old rocking chair.

  "From the beginning."

  Valerie and Liam explained everything—with JoJo jumping in when she could, starting with the dance and ending with the confession from Chris only hours earlier.

  "It's not your fault," Liam said to Valerie once their tale was told. She was as distraught as ever at having to relive it all again.

  "But it is. If I hadn't made you promise not to tell, then none of this would have happened. Dray would have arrested Chris the night of the dance. He wouldn't have had a chance to hurt anyone else."

  Liam's mother, who had introduced herself as Melissa, jumped into the conversation. "Keeping what happened to you a secret wasn't the best idea, that's true. But it's also understandable. However, it sounds like this Chris fellow is a real piece of work. Chances are he would have been released and done what he did anyway. Always remember that we are only responsible for our own actions, not those of others. You didn't make Chris do anything. He made his choices on his own."

  Valerie sniffled and said to Liam, "I like your mom."

  Liam wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close for comfort. "Yeah, me too."

  Once Melissa was up to speed, Valerie knew she'd have to tell her own parents. If she didn't, Dray would. With a parting hug from Liam, Valerie joined JoJo in the car and they drove home.

  "I'm not looking forward to this," she admitted.

  JoJo reached out and grabbed her best friends hand. "I know. I'll be right there with you if you want me to."

  Valerie shook her head. "Thanks for the offer. I think I should probably do this on my own though."

  "If you change your mind just send a text. I'll be at your house in seconds."

  "You're the best."

  "I know."

  JoJo parked the car in her driveway. They both remained seated for far too long.

  "I guess this is it." Valerie's voice was resigned.

  "You're not walking to your execution. It's just your parents. They'll understand."

  Valerie nodded, wondering if she'd be more or less apprehensive if she was walking to her own execution. "Here goes nothing."

  The chat with her parents went better than she expected. They were shocked and angry. They weren't disappointed in her for not telling them right away—or if they were they didn't let on. They were angry with Chris and proud of Valerie for standing up to her attacker. Though they also told her she should never have done that on her own, with just JoJo, that it was far too dangerous. But what was done was done.

  "I know you may feel like you have some closure with Chris locked up for the time being," her mom said slowly once the story was out. "But I think you need to talk to someone."


  "Just hear me out." Her mother held up a hand. "You were assaulted in the worst way possible." Valerie was about to interrupt but her mother hushed her and carried on. "He may not have succeeded in his ultimate goal, but you were hurt. You were kidnapped and physically assaulted. Your bodily injuries will heal, but you will always carry an emotional scar from this ordeal. I'd like to set up an appointment with Barbara Redman at Redman Holistic Counselling on Main Street."

  She nodded and stared at her hands folded in her lap. Her mother was right. She was still blaming herself for Katie's injuries, though the words of wisdom Liam's mom had shared helped a bit.

  "Okay," she said. "I'll see someone."

  Snow fell in Peace as Valerie stepped out of JoJo's car in the high school parking lot. She tipped her head back and with eyes closed, she opened her mouth to catch snowflakes on her tongue.

  It had been six weeks since she had confronted Chris in the bus depot parking lot and coerced a confession out of him.

  It had been four weeks since Katie had succumbed to her wounds and passed away. The school held a memorial service for her. Valerie skipped school that day, the emotional weight too much for her to bear.

  Valerie started as a pair of arms wrapped around her from behind. She relaxed when Liam's lips brushed her neck and he whispered, "Good morning," in her ear. Liam had come a long way in his aversion to PDA’s.

  "Ew. Get a room," JoJo grumbled. She slammed the driver’s side door and headed into the school without them.

  Liam released Valerie from his hold and she turned to face him.

  "Good morning," she echoed.

  "How was therapy yesterday?" He clasped her hand in his and together they walked toward the school.

  She shrugged. "I'm a work in progress."

  Gently pulling her close to his side, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "I'm proud of you."

  "For what?" She paused and stared up into his brown eyes.

  "It takes a lot of courage to go through all that you have and still remain standing."

  "Chris has taken too much from me—from this town—I refuse to let him have any more."

  Liam placed a kiss on her forehead. Together they walked into homeroom and slid into their usual seats, Valerie next to JoJo, and Liam behind Valerie, ever her protector, always watching her back.

  Valerie's eyes slid across the room to the empty seat that Chris used to oc
cupy. He was being charged with arson and manslaughter. The confession JoJo had recorded was the nail in his coffin, but she knew there was still a lengthy trial to endure.

  Liam's hand squeezed her shoulder. Every day was the same, she stared at that empty desk, and Liam, so in tune to her, would reach out and comfort her.

  She turned around in her seat and gave him a smile. She still wasn't over everything that had happened, but surrounded by the people who loved her, she knew, someday, she would be.

  The End

  * * *

  Don’t miss the rest of the Peace Novella Series!

  For the full list of titles,


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  Want more of Valerie and JoJo?

  Don’t miss JoJo’s story

  Summer of Peace

  Available April 2018

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  Thank you, reader, for taking the time to pick up Peace in Flames and read Valerie’s story. I had a lot of fun getting to know these characters while writing this story and I can’t properly express my gratitude to you for reading. I hope over the course of the story you grew to love them as much as I did, because it’s not over yet. In just a few short months I’ll be back with JoJo’s story in Summer of Peace.

  On a more serious note, Peace in Flames dealt with a topic I never set out to write. Sexual assault. Valerie is a very smart, driven, and strong willed young woman and I hated that she had to experience the assault that takes place in these pages. Sexual assault can happen to anyone. I wanted to take a moment to remind readers that nobody experiences and reacts to a situation or trauma the same, so while one victim of abuse may shun any and all touch, another might cling to their savior, as Valerie did with Liam.

  Finally, for anyone out there who has been a victim of assault, I want to remind you that it’s not your fault. You are strong and brave and beautiful. You will overcome. And if you can’t do it on your own, that’s okay. There is no shame in asking for help.

  National Sexual Assault Hotline:

  1-80-656-HOPE (4673)

  Read More

  * * *

  Previous book:

  “Peace and Comfort” by Jeanetta Sneed

  Kayley White wants to start a new life, one where nobody knows her or her daughter, Chelsea. The small town of Peace, Montana offers exactly what she needs, and more—the perfect opportunity to follow her dream of owning a veterinary clinic. When Carter Armstrong comes knocking at her door, she's more than blessed to have help stretching her tight budget.

  Unfortunately, Carter is exactly the kind of man she should avoid, and Kayley refuses to get involved with him on any other level. But as long days turn to even longer nights, the two spend increasingly more time together. While they make her dreams a reality, Carter begins to grow on her.

  Is Kayley's resolve strong enough to stay away from him, or will she eventually give in?

  * * *

  Next Up:

  "Peace, Love and Misunderstanding" by Mila Waters

  When it rains, it pours, at least that's how it feels to Paige York. Death threats from her ex are forcing her to leave everything behind, close her business, and drive across the country to be closer to family.

  When her car breaks down, stranding her in Peace, Montana, she writes it off to more bad luck. But strange things keep happening whenever she's around Galen Dunn, the owner of the town's auto body shop. Why can't he just fix her car so she can be on her way?

  Each misunderstanding pushes Paige closer to shutting down completely. Can Galen be the answer to mending her fragile heart or will a lifetime of wrong choices keep her from the love of a lifetime?

  Summer of Peace preview

  Summer of Peace is JoJo’s story and takes place approximately eight months after the events in Peace in Flames.

  * * *

  You never forget your first love.

  He was her best friend’s brother. The one that got away, and the only boy JoJo ever loved. With her heart in pieces, she tried to move on with her life and forget about Matt Todd and the single kiss they shared.

  Three years later, Matt is back, and all of JoJo’s old feelings spring to the surface. Sparks fly between them, and for a brief moment, JoJo thinks she might get her happily ever after.

  But when someone from Matt’s past comes to town with a secret, JoJo is left heartbroken once more.

  Will she find her happily ever after, or is she destined for a life of heartbreak?

  * * *

  Instant relief. The door of Generic Eric’s Sandwich Shoppe and Soda Fountain closed behind JoJo Johnson, and she took a moment to savor the heavenly air conditioning. As if ready to take flight, she closed her eyes and stood with her arms extended and head tipped back, her hair falling loose and brushing her shoulder blades. She could feel a light sheen of sweat drying on her skin.

  Though the walk from her job at The Craft Corner next door was short, the day’s summer heat in Peace, Montana was intense. Pulling her blonde hair off her neck, she looked around the diner for her best friend and lunch date, Valerie Todd.

  In the corner, next to the old jukebox, she spied her friend. Valerie sipped a milkshake and stared at her phone.

  "I think I'm melting," JoJo declared, sliding into the booth across from Valerie. "It's literally a thousand degrees outside." The red vinyl seat clung to the exposed skin on her legs and she adjusted the skirt of her sundress.

  Valerie rolled her hazel eyes, her lips curling up in amusement. "It is not literally a thousand degrees out."

  "Illiterately. Figuratively. Whatever. It's hot and I'm gross and sweaty."

  Valerie snorted—JoJo had a tendency to exaggerate—and shifted her attention to her phone once more.

  JoJo knew the source of Valerie’s distraction. "Where's lover boy this afternoon?"

  Valerie frowned. "He's doing a ride along with Dray, trying to get an edge on the other recruits."

  Valerie's boyfriend, Liam, was enrolled at the police academy in Helena. He wouldn't begin training until September, but he had been taken under the wing of local sheriff’s deputy, Dray Palmer.

  "It's cute that he has a mentor," JoJo said.

  Valerie sighed. "I know. It is. It's great actually. How many rookies have a seasoned professional showing them the ropes? But I miss him, and I'm leaving for New York soon, and then we really won't get to see each other."

  "Hey, cheer up. At least you have a boyfriend."

  Valerie shook her head. "JoJo, you'll never have a boyfriend if you keep turning all the boys down. Poor Rusty Hamilton has asked you out how many times now?"

  JoJo did get asked out fairly frequently—especially by Rusty. She knew boys found her attractive. With her blonde hair and blue eyes, she was the stereotypical girl next door.

  "I just know what I want... and it's not in Peace."

  What JoJo wanted was Valerie's brother, Matt. But she'd never admit it. When she was barely sixteen, and he had one foot out of Peace on his way to California for college, she had professed her love for him. It ended in tears. Hers.

  Their conversation was interrupted by Tammy, Eric's head waitress. She set a basket with a steaming grilled cheese sandwich and french fries in front of each of the girls. "I put in your usual order as soon as I saw Valerie walk in."

  "Are we really that predictable?" JoJo asked.

  Tammy raised an eyebrow, her red lips quirked in a half smile.

  "Okay, don't answer that."

  "I'll be back with your shake in a jiffy." Tammy winked and left.

  "So, I got some news today." Valerie had an excited gleam in her eyes.

  "Oh, yeah?" JoJo picked up a fry, dipped it in ketchup, and took a bite. The greasy, salty, treat was just wha
t she needed.

  "Matt's back!"

  JoJo nearly choked. "What?" Her heart thundered in her chest and her brain struggled to process what she'd heard. "I mean, that's great. Is he, um, in Peace now?"

  "My mom was picking him up from the airport in Billings. They should be here any minute." She beamed at JoJo.

  JoJo forced a smile on her face and hoped it was convincing. Matt Todd, back in Peace. Of course he'd been back for holidays since he'd left for college, but she had avoided him as much as possible. Their last encounter, the previous Christmas, made her realize she would never get over him and she vowed that as long as he didn't love her back, she'd try and keep her distance.

  But keeping one's distance in a town as small as Peace was no easy task.

  "How long is he staying?" JoJo asked. She kept her voice cool and controlled.

  "It sounds like he's back for good."

  JoJo's eyes widened. "But... what about his last year of college?"

  "I told you about his injury, right?"

  JoJo nodded. Matt had been injured on the football field during spring training. It had pulled him out of the game for the remainder of the year and sent him to physical therapy.

  "Apparently, his grades slipped while he was recovering, and he was put on academic probation. He lost his scholarship." Valerie's face fell. She and her brother were as close as a pair of siblings could be. It was obvious to JoJo that Valerie hurt because her brother hurt.

  "Wow. That really sucks."

  Tammy returned and set JoJo's shake down in front of her.

  "Thanks, Tammy."


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