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Reaper of Water (The Artifact Reaper Saga Book 4)

Page 13

by Jen L. Grey

  "You aren't going up there." Dax throws me over his shoulder and marches me back over to where I was standing

  Oh, hell no. This is the wrong direction. I kick his stomach and claw at his back, trying to get away. He's manhandling me, and I don't like it. "I know you don't like him, but I've got to save him." The purple strand of the Flame flairs and pulses through me.

  "Shit." Dax flinches, and soon I'm slipping off of his shoulder. He groans and stumbles back a step. "You just burned me."

  I glance up at the balcony again, and it's bare. Not even Charlie is there anymore. Where the hell did he go? "I've got to get to Charlie. I can't wait much longer. He needs to be healed." I take off toward the door again, but someone grabs my arm.

  "Stop it." Dax tugs me to him and grabs my face with his hands. "He's dead. You can't save him. Don't go in there and sacrifice yourself when there isn't anything you can do."

  A bright light glares in my eyes, and I blink a few times. Once it clears, my heart breaks. Shit, Dax is splintering too. There is a large crack now. No wonder his personality is changing. No... everyone I brought back is chipping away.

  A sob racks my body, and I fall onto the ground. I can't get any air. My world fades to gray, and Charlie's face haunts my vision. Just this morning, we were cutting up and kissing, and now he’s been taken away in the blink of an eye.

  What have I done to deserve all of this? I'm doing the best I can, but it doesn't seem to be enough. It seems every step of the way, I'm losing someone. Why did I have to be the one able to touch these damn artifacts? Why not someone else? Charlie's life was worth more than all of them put together.

  At the end of the day, I could bring him back, but what's the point if he's going to be fractured? I can't watch him turn into a stranger, but isn't that better than not having him at all?

  Maybe I can find a way to fix him, but hell, even Dax is fractured, and Luke brought him back.

  "Chris, please stop." Melody's scream pierces my ear, and something hard crosses my face.

  Oh, no. Are they after her? My cheek stings from the contact, and I focus back on my surroundings.

  Melody is now next to Dax and her hair is blowing wildly. She bends down and places her hands on my shoulders. "You need to stop."

  "How? I lost him." As soon as the words leave, I want to lay on the ground and just cry.

  "But you're going to hurt a lot more people if you don't get it together." Her hands quiver despite her firm grasp, and her eyes crinkle. "Look at what's going on." She looks around, emphasizing our surroundings.

  The ground is shaking, and the wind is now spiraling out of control and filled with lightning. A section of houses have now been leveled, and another tornado has formed just a few feet away.

  Lightning crashes down and then catches another section of houses on fire. It blazes within seconds, syncing with my wrath and pain within. I glance at the balcony where Charlie was killed, and it's on fire, blazing high with revenge.

  "You're going to hurt innocent people." Melody shakes her head, and a tear falls from her eyes. "Be better than them."

  A bitter laugh escapes me. "Innocent?" I stand and push her hands off of me, and the ground cracks next to me. "They had guns and were going to attack me. They let her kill Charlie."

  "But they don't have a choice." Her eyes plead for understanding, and she faces off with me. "Ria gives the illusion of freedom, but it's a lie. If we don't follow her, she makes our life hell so we can't survive."

  "So they let mine become that way instead?" Why are they more important than Charlie? He didn't get to survive.

  "Chris, this isn't your way." Dax's voice is soft, and his eyes reflect fear.

  "Maybe I should change." It feels as if my heart doesn't beat anymore, like it died with him. My hands catch fire, and I close my eyes, relishing the chaos of my magic. I hadn't noticed it until now, but my power is going crazy, and it's pushing through my body. Maybe I'll be with Charlie soon, the pressure is building, and this has to be the end of me.

  "Don't you want to get even with Ria?" Melody stumbles a few step backs, trying to stay clear of me. "You can't do it if you implode."

  "I'm going to take her house down with me." The tornado begins moving, and lightning strikes every few seconds, torching the ground. That witch is going to pay for what she did.

  "No, I mean really get back at her." She glances behind her, and her eyes widen. "The best way to hurt her is take the Water Artifact from her."

  "She's right." Dax, for once, seems to be at a loss. He's not reacting to things going on around him either. This might have affected him more than I realized.

  It is true that the most important thing to Ria is the artifact. Yes, destroying the city as I go down may leave an impression, but she'll still take it as a win. I can't let that happen. "Okay."

  "What does that mean?" She glances from me to Dax.

  I lift my hands up and stare at them, wiggling my fingers. It's so strange that they are scorching with red and blue flames, but it doesn't hurt at all. I better get a handle on it because right now I'm a ticking time bomb.

  "I have no clue." Dax takes a step closer and stares as the fire dances on my fingertips. "She's kind of scaring me."

  Not able to speak any longer now that I'm trying to contain the raging inferno inside me, I close my eyes and focus. Holy shit, I didn't realize how bad it's gotten. I'd been so focused on my grief that the artifacts have taken over inside of me.

  My power is swirling so fast inside me the colors seem to blend into one, and I can't separate them from one another. All right, the first thing I need to do is calm down. My ears are ringing from how loud my heart is beating right now. Taking deep, calming breaths, I try to quiet the adrenaline rushing through me. If we're going to make it out alive, I've got to contain this. I can't believe I've put so many people I care about at risk.

  Charlie's passing could be all for nothing if I don’t get this under control. I can't let that happen; I need to get all of the artifacts and put Ria in her place... for him if nothing else. I imagine a cool blanket in my mind, and cover the chaotic mess inside my core.

  "Oh thank heavens." Melody releases a heavy sigh. "She seems to be calming down."

  The artifacts flare against the blanket, but I make sure the blanket doesn't slip off and keep it in place over them. I push them down, trying to extinguish the magic further and hoping that this will do the trick. I'm not sure what else I could come up with at such short notice.

  After a moment, the ground stops shaking, and the crash of lightning stops echoing throughout the village.

  Thank God this is working. I pull the darkness tighter almost as if I'm swaddling the magic inside.

  "You're doing it." Dax's tone isn't as tense, and he whistles. "I was worried there for a minute."

  I open my eyes and take in my surroundings. The tornado is now gone, but there is a bunch of debris left in its wake. The balcony is no longer on fire, but pieces are falling down as it cools. The ground is streaked from lightning strikes. This once-put-together town now seems as if it's falling apart.

  Brad and the other agents are standing off near the building we had originally hid behind. He's frowning and staring at the balcony where Charlie died. It's almost as if he feels my eyes on him because he turns his head in my direction. His shoulders are slumped, and his face is lined in pain. "I'm so sorry."

  At least I'm not the only one grieving right now. I can't answer him, but I nod in reply. I'm afraid if I try to speak, I'll break down all over again. I'm not sure I could come back from it a second time.

  The middle door of the building swings open, and after a few moments, Ria steps through with Tide following behind carrying Charlie.

  My heart breaks all over again. Charlie's head is drooping, and it bobs with every step Tide takes. His whole body is limp, and there is no sign of life whatsoever. I'm about to pinch myself again, but when I reach for my arm, it's sticky with blood.

  With each st
ep, Ria stares into my eyes, making sure they never waver. "Just know, we used some of the healing waters and restored his body to what it was. This is a sign of good faith."

  Good faith? Seriously? She shot my boyfriend in the head, and by removing the damage, that shows good faith?

  "Oh, how kind." Dax's tone is low and menacing. He takes a step toward them and scowls. "You shot him, but hiding what you've done is so much appreciated."

  "You better watch what you say." She lifts her chin and snarls. "That could be you just as easily."

  "Can you stop with the threats?" I'm tired of this song and dance. At least now, she's letting her true colors show. "What the hell are you doing here?"

  "We're giving you his body so you can do whatever your world does for him to rest." She motions for Tide to hand Charlie over to Dax. He takes Charlie’s body and holds him close so he doesn’t bobble. I’m glad he’s taking care of Charlie.

  Ria continues her little tirade. "But you need to leave with all your little cronies and soon. I will not tolerate you destroying our world." She turns her head and arches an eyebrow at Melody. "And you, I’ll deal with you later."

  Melody startles and takes a few steps away from Ria, getting closer to me.

  Shit, they're going to punish her. How can they be so cruel, especially to one of their own? I'm so tired of all of these power-hungry, self-absorbed assholes. It ends now. "If you think I'm leaving without the Water Artifact, then you're insane." This jerk is going to get what she deserves, I'll make sure of it.

  Her eyes widen, and she pushes her finger into my chest. "You little..."

  I lift both hands up and ask for the flames to light my hands once more. It obliges now that I've removed the blanket from over them. Ria stumbles back when they blaze.

  "For a short time, I began to care for your world just like I did my own, but you ruined any piece of that now." I step toward her, and her mouth drops open. Good, she's afraid. "Getting the Water Artifact is the only way I can save my planet, so I don't give a damn about yours anymore. Not after you killed him."


  "Come on, Chris." Brad's hand touches my shoulder, and he squeezes. "Let's go. We don't have to stand here and take this. We need to take care of Charlie."

  He's right, and let's be real. I need to get Charlie's body some place safe, especially if I decide to chance bringing him back. It's hard not tearing Ria and Tide apart, though, especially when they are standing right in front of me.

  "Fine." I take in a deep breath and hold it for a moment. I want to make her worry while I'm gone. "But this isn't over. I'll be back, and you’d better be ready to fight me."

  "You need to leave and now." Ria's lavender eyes glow, and she squares her shoulders. "You will regret it if you don't."

  "Don't let her goad you." Dax stands on the other side of Brad where the three of us are united in front of her. "She's not worth it. Let's take care of Charlie."

  Shit, that's not fair. They are using my one weakness against me. "Fine, Melody, you coming with us?"

  "What? Really?" Melody's mouth drops open, and she blinks.

  "Of course. You're more than welcome to join us." Please come with us. I don't want Ria to punish you for helping us.

  A small smile fills her face, and she glances down. "Thank you, but I can't. This is my home."

  Ugh, I was afraid of that, but at the end of the day, it's her decision. I can't take that freedom away from her like it was done to me so many times. "Okay. Then, I guess we'll see you around." Unable to say another goodbye to someone I trust, I spin around and march back to the beach area where we had gathered earlier. I need to get back to Earth so Charlie's body is protected. I don't trust them here, and they could use him against me again.

  Dax and Brad fall in line beside me. It's surprising because even with Dax carrying Charlie, he seems to keep up with no problem.

  My hand aches to reach out to Charlie, but I force it to stay by my side. I don't have time for another melt down. I've got an artifact to find, but we need to a new plan. It's quiet as we make our way between the houses. There isn't a sound of anyone out and about like there normally is. I bet everyone was either playing guard or holed up in their house. I don't blame them; I did mess up their world.

  "You know I can just transport everyone here." Dax stops and readjusts Charlie in his arms. Unlike Tide, Dax is being respectful and taking care of Charlie’s body.

  That's a good point. I was thinking the beach because it's mostly vacant, but hell, what are we trying to hide from? "Okay."

  Brad glances at me and then holds out his arms toward Dax. "Here, let me take him while you do your thing."

  "Good idea." Dax hands Charlie to him and then closes his eyes. He doesn't ask for my help, but stays silent for a moment. Then he holds his hand out and circles the air. An opaque portal appears and glimmers in the suns' light. He motions to me. "Ladies first."

  Of course, he wants to make sure I go. I step through the portal without hesitation and appear on the other side right in Luke's office at the mansion. In the time that we were gone, his room got put back together. You'd never know that I had a spell here not too long ago.

  "Chris?" Luke drops his pen at the table and stands. "Oh thank God. What took you all so long?"

  Before I can even open my mouth, Brad steps through with Charlie in his arms.

  "What is he..." Luke trails off and takes a shaky step forward. "Is he dead?"

  Tears threaten my eyes, and I can't speak. If I have to tell him what happened, I'll have another melt down. Why didn't I think this part of the visit through?

  Soon, the room is filled with Brad's comrades, and at last, Dax steps through, sealing the portal.

  "Yes, he died not too long ago." Brad's tone is low and filled with sorrow.

  Somehow, it breaks my heart further. "I can't listen to this." I step away and grab my head with my hands. I've got to get out of here. "I'm going to go back to my place and check on things. I need to change out of these clothes anyway." I close my eyes and picture my room and leave before anyone can protest.

  I transport to my apartment and take a deep breath. It's dark and quiet, and I'm all alone. I haven't had time to myself like this in a long time, and I don't like it. I miss Charlie and see him in every corner. Memories spill through my mind of the times we shared together.

  Dammit, I grab another outfit out of the closet and head to my bathroom to turn on the shower. I need time to decompress and make sure they get through the entire story of the water world. I don't want to catch any of that update and re-live his... I can't even think it.

  After peeling off my nasty clothes, I jump in and turn the water as hot as I can take it. At least there is comfort in knowing some things won't ever change. I grab some shampoo and breathe in the vanilla fragrance that reminds me so much of Beth. I'm about to lose myself all over again. I don't even have the peace of mind that he's with Beth since she's trapped in some damn room. The ground begins to shake.

  "Christina." The dark, condescending tone that I'm all too familiar fills my ears.

  What the hell is that demon doing here? I soap up and wash off as quickly as possible. I don't want that jackass to appear in here. I get out of the shower and put my clean jeans and t-shirt on before yanking the door open. "What do you think you're doing?"

  "Just be glad I appeared on this side of the door." He smirks. Damien is laying on my couch, his shoes on the leather.

  He is trying to get on my nerves, and it's working. "I don't have time for your sorry-ass games."

  "You used to be a lot more reserved." He looks up and taps his finger to his lips. "I think I miss it. It was more fun to control you. Now, I have to deal with a nagging, angry woman."

  "Look, I have a lot of important stuff to do. Just do us all a favor and go." This was supposed to be my time to think and try to put myself back together.

  "I would, but let's be real. You look like shit." He sits and puts his feet on the ground. "And I'm t
ired of you trying to ruin my plans."

  This isn't going to happen. I don't have to stand here and listen. I head back to the bathroom, grab a brush, and run it through my hair.

  "Hey, don't you want to know what my plans are?" His voice grows louder with a trace of frustration. "You aren't being any fun here."

  Yes, that's what I'm worried about, giving him his desired reaction. I get that he's a demon, but does he have to be such a freaking narcissistic? My power pulses inside me, and a flame erupts in my hand, burning the brush. "Crap." I drop it, and the smell of burnt plastic fills the air.

  Damien appears in the doorway and shakes his head. "I'm all for being passionate, but this is way too much." He picks up the brush and turns on the faucet, running it under water. "This is what I meant about you messing up my plans. Every time you have your little 'melt downs'," he says while fingering air quotes, "it's felt on all the freaking realms." He throws the brush, and it lands in the small trash can beside the shower. "This isn't going to work for me. In order to reign over all the realms, they have to be intact."

  He's more delusional than I thought. "That is never going to happen." Does he think I'm going to hand the artifacts over to him? Even if I could, I wouldn't. The air whips around the room even though the air conditioning isn't on.

  "Oh, sweet naive Christina." He backs away and heads back into the living room, letting his shadows separate and follow him. "You see, I've had something in my back pocket for so long."

  No, I can't handle any more shit today. I'm done. "Damien, just go away. I'm not falling for any of your tricks."

  "This isn't a trick." He pulls out a necklace and holds it up. It contains a square stone, and it's almost as if the stone is swirling. "See, I have Beth's soul right in here. She's trapped, neither going to the light nor dark. Stuck in a room with windows, but all she can see is her reflection."

  "You asshole." Even though everyone told me he kept her, for some reason, it's different when he's swinging her right in my face. Once again, I'm just a pawn in a chess match that I hadn't realized I was part of. However, I'm going to win it. I'm going to find the Water Artifact and kick everyone's ass who's ever betrayed me. Without saying a word, I stare straight into his fire-crackled blue eyes and vanish.


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