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Secrets of the Heart (Brie's Submission Book 20)

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by Red Phoenix

  Copyright © 2020 Red Phoenix

  Kindle Edition

  Secrets of the Heart: Brie’s Submission

  20th Book of the Brie Series

  Cover by Shanoff Designs

  Formatted by BB Books

  Phoenix symbol by Nicole Delfs

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.


  Passion burns both ways…

  A sexy island getaway gives Brie a chance to reach new heights of pleasure. Entranced by the throes of submissive bliss, she has no idea the storm that is brewing.

  She is about to encounter secrets that will threaten her career but could also tear her family apart. Will the love of a condor save her?

  Secrets of the Heart is a whirlwind of powerful emotions, dangerous secrets, and provocative seduction that will leave you breathless!

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  Title Page

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  Coming Next

  About the Author


  Join My Friends of Red Phoenix Group

  A Little Tease


  Rytsar’s Fantasy

  The Russian’s Secret

  His Belt

  Chance Meeting


  Bella Donna


  Family Secrets

  The Cottage

  Yellow Ribbon

  Flying in Rope

  Confronting Her Past

  Bosom Buddies

  Standing Her Ground

  Mary’s Truth

  Late Night Action

  Pain and Pleasure

  Other Red Phoenix Books

  Connect with Red on Substance B

  A Little Tease

  Brie glanced up at the calendar as she finished packing for her trip to the Isle. She was thrilled to be ringing in the new year with Rytsar and Sir.

  January 1st marked the start of an important year for her. She was gearing up to have a successful release of her second BDSM documentary and she had also made a vow to herself. This was the year she would face Darius—the bully who had assaulted her when she was a child.

  The cruelty she’d experienced under his hands had left scars so deep that she’d never truly healed from them. This year she would change that!

  But, as determined as she felt, her heart still raced every time she thought about confronting Darius in person. Brie shuddered involuntarily.

  Shaking it off, she quickly zipped up her suitcase.

  You’re not allowed to think about it until you return.

  She didn’t want anything to ruin this time on the Isle. No, she planned to thoroughly enjoy her Christmas gift from the sexy Russian.

  After all the kinky fun the three of them had experienced on the small Fiji island the last time, Brie couldn’t wait to find out what the two had in store for her this trip!

  She left the bedroom, rolling her luggage behind her, and found Sir waiting for her in the foyer. He was holding Hope as he talked to Brie’s parents. They had insisted on watching Hope while Brie and Sir were traveling.

  Rytsar stood beside Sir, staring at Brie with a lustful glint in his eye as she walked up, rolling her large piece of luggage. “Let me help you with that, radost moya.”

  Her heart skipped a beat when he gave her a private wink and took the luggage, heading outside to put it in the vehicle.

  Glancing at Sir, Brie noticed Shadow sitting at his feet. Brie loved that the huge black cat was never far from Hope’s side.

  “Don’t worry about a thing,” Brie’s mother assured Sir, taking Hope from his arms. “Bill and I know a thing or two about taking care of a baby.”

  “Yes, you do,” Brie agreed, leaning over to kiss Hope on the top of her head. “We’re not worried about that.”

  Looking at her daughter with concern, Brie confessed, “I’m just afraid our little girl might be teething.”

  “Believe it or not, we can handle that, too,” her father answered, giving her a teasing grin. “Just look at how you turned out.”

  Brie giggled. “I did turn out okay, didn’t I?”

  Her father said with pride, “Better than okay, I’d say.”

  Brie smiled and kissed her dad’s cheek.

  Sir briefly glanced over at Rytsar and nodded. Turning to Brie, he asked, “Do you have your passport, babygirl?”

  “I do.” She pulled it out of her purse to show him.

  “Good.” Sir reached into his breast pocket and handed Hope’s passport to Brie’s father. “Please give this to Titov when he comes for her.”

  Her father frowned at Sir as he took it. “I don’t understand why you’re letting a servant travel with Hope when we would be perfectly happy to.”

  Brie saw Rytsar bristle. He was obviously offended by her father’s words, but Sir quickly defused the unintended slight. “Titov is a part of our family.”

  Her father looked at him oddly.

  Brie put her hand on her dad’s arm, smiling while she carefully considered her reply. Her parents knew nothing about the attempted kidnapping, and they had no idea about Titov’s role in protecting her and Hope. “Actually, Daddy, Titov no longer works for Rytsar. But we’ve all become close friends.”

  Her father huffed. “Well, you must be if you’re willing to entrust Hope’s care to him. I assume he has children of his own?”

  Rytsar smirked. “Actually, Titov is slacking in that department but swears to me he’s working on it.”

  Brie could clearly see the concern on her father’s face and assured him, “Daddy, Titov lost his sister when he was young and Hope reminds him of her. He feels very protective of our little girl because of that.”

  Her father’s brows furrowed as he sputtered, “I’m…sorry to hear of his loss.”

  Brie nodded and glanced at Rytsar. Her father was unaware that Tatianna was not only Titov’s sister but also Rytsar’s true love.

  Tucking the passport in his pocket, her father told Sir, “I’ll make sure Titov gets it when he comes for our granddaughter.”

  Brie’s mother grinned at Hope. “I hate to see you go, but I’m thrilled that we get this little sweetie all to ourselves.”

  Although Rytsar was slowly winning her father over, her dad looked at the Russian with some suspicion. “I realize you’re rich, but it seems indecent to spend all that money to fly the three of you across the globe just to ring in a new year.”

  Brie felt the heat rise to her cheeks.

  If my father only knew…

  “I’m a man who appreciates experiences,” Rytsar stated, putting his arm around Sir’s shoulders. “However, I find them much more enjoyable when shared with my comrade.”

  Her father nodded curtly. “I suppose that’s understandable.”

  Her mother beamed at Brie. “How lucky that you get to join them! I’ve always wanted to spend a year traveling around the globe.”

  “Now, now, Marcy…” Her father chuckled. “We’re simple folk from Nebraska, not world travelers like Mr. Durov.”

  Her mother laughed softly. “I know, Bill. Bu
t a girl can still dream, can’t she?”

  “Of course you can,” Brie insisted. “No harm in dreaming big, Mom. You taught me that.” She looked over at Sir. “And I say the bigger the better, because you never know where it may lead you.”

  “So, just to be clear, little girl,” her father stated, “you’re headed out to Fiji for three days, then you’ll be flying to Italy to stay for a week with the grandparents?”

  “Yes, Daddy.” Brie’s smile grew as she thought about Nonna. “Sir’s grandmother doesn’t even know we’re coming. This is a big surprise for her. Won’t that be fun?”

  “That’s the best kind of surprise,” her mother agreed and turned to Sir. “Please take pictures and give both your grandparents our love.”

  “I will,” Sir assured her.

  Rytsar cleared his throat as he looked down at his watch.

  Knowing they needed to get going, Brie asked them, “Is there anything else you need from us before we head off?”

  “Not a thing, sweetheart,” her mother assured her, cuddling Hope. “You just go and enjoy yourselves.”

  Sir told her father, “You have our numbers, but keep in mind that we will be out of range in Fiji. If you need to reach us, Maxim will remain on the main island and can deliver your message to us.”

  Her father nodded. “Good. It’s important to be prepared should anything happen.” Patting Sir on the back, her father added, “Fair warning—we’ll be spoiling Hope rotten while you’re gone.”

  When Brie opened her mouth to protest, her father raised his eyebrows. “It’s the right of every grandparent, young lady. Don’t you dare say differently.”

  Sir chuckled good-naturedly. “The way I see it, you’re allowed to spoil her twice as much since my father isn’t here to.”

  “I like the way you think,” her dad stated, adding, “You know, you’re growing on me more and more, son.”

  Sir smiled hesitantly. “Glad to hear it…Dad.”

  Brie heard the slight elevation in his tone when he said “Dad”. Although he’d called him that before, there were still occasions when it seemed to strike Sir more profoundly. She always wondered what he was thinking whenever it happened.

  Rytsar looked at his watch again and tsked. “Hurry it up, comrade, or we’ll be late.”

  After giving the three a quick goodbye, Brie jumped into the car and they pulled out of the driveway. Brie unrolled the window to wave at their baby daughter. “Bye-bye, Hope!”

  Brie squealed in surprise when Hope waved back. Turning to Sir, she gushed, “Did you see that?”

  “I did,” he said proudly.

  Brie yelled for the driver to stop the vehicle. She jumped out and ran up to Hope to give her an extra hug and a kiss.

  Knowing they were running behind, Brie hurried back to the vehicle, unable to contain her excitement. “I can’t believe Hope just waved.”

  “Of course, she did,” Rytsar stated proudly. “She’s smart like her mama.”

  Brie looked back and continued to wave until they were out of sight. Sitting back in the seat, she couldn’t stop smiling.

  “We are about to experience so many firsts with her…I can’t wait!” she told Sir.

  He put his hand on her knee and squeezed. “This is going to be an extraordinary year for many reasons.”

  “Which is why I insist on greeting it in grand style, radost moya,” Rytsar told her.

  Brie felt the butterflies start when she saw the lust return to his eyes. To be alone on an island for three days with these two men was both exhilarating…and a little scary.

  As a submissive, it was intimidating to be challenged both physically and mentally during a scene, but Brie also found it exhilarating because Sir and Rytsar knew her well, and their sexual appetites were…substantial.

  No matter what they asked of her, Brie was certain she would love every second on the Isle. These two men not only cared about her growth and well-being but also the depth of her pleasure.

  The driver took them straight to Rytsar’s private jet, where the pilot was standing outside the plane to greet them.

  Rytsar nodded to the pilot and gestured for Brie to climb the stairs first. When she entered the private jet, Brie immediately smiled, remembering the oversized, white leather seats, plush carpeting, and the mahogany bar. It was the epitome of luxury.

  A stewardess motioned Brie to her seat before handing Rytsar a bundle of red rope.

  When Rytsar went to bind her wrists to the chair, Sir intervened. “Not yet, old friend.”

  Rytsar looked at him questioningly but nodded. Sitting down across from Brie, he swung the rope in his hand as he stared at her hungrily.

  Sir sat down beside her and rested his hand on her thigh as the jet engines began to rev up.

  The instant Sir’s hand touched her, Brie felt his tension and knew he was fighting the horrific memories he’d experienced during the plane crash.

  As the jet raced down the runway, Sir whispered, “I love you,” and pressed his lips against hers.

  Tears came to Brie’s eyes as she kissed him back, knowing that Sir wanted those to be the last words she heard if the plane went down.

  She admired his courage. She knew he would always be haunted by what happened that day, and yet…he still chose to fly.

  Once the jet had reached cruising altitude, Rytsar complimented him. “You did well, brother.”

  Sir nodded, clearing his throat. “You may bind téa now.”

  Rytsar chuckled wickedly as he unbuckled himself and walked over to her. With slow movements, he bound her wrists to the arms of the chair while Sir placed a blindfold over her eyes and secured it behind her head.

  She smiled, turned on by the fact that she was now bound and blindfolded.

  Rytsar leaned down and whispered in his sexy Russian accent, “We want you fully prepared for the Isle,” before giving her a teasing bite.

  Sir kissed Brie lightly on the lips before he left her side. The two men moved away, talking quietly to each other.

  Without the ability to move or see, Brie was forced to focus on her other senses. Turning her head toward their voices, she tried to hear what they were discussing so intently.

  She heard Rytsar’s low chuckle. “We are looking at you, radost moya.”

  She blushed and turned her head forward, pretending not to listen even though she leaned toward them more discreetly, hoping to catch a few words. Holding her breath, Brie tried to listen over the roar of the jet engines but only caught a few snippets of Rytsar saying the word “torture”.

  The word gave her goosebumps because he was a sadist, leaving her unsure if the torture he was speaking of would be pleasurable or painful.

  Brie jumped in her seat, giggling nervously when she felt Rytsar’s warm breath against her ear. “Da, we have wicked plans for you.”

  Her pussy contracted in pleasure, making her wet. Their last encounter on the Isle had been a submissive’s dream and she had no idea how they could improve on it. However, the two men always found new ways to delight her.

  Partway through the flight, she heard the distinctive sound of a drink being shaken. Sir returned to her and placed the glass against her lips, commanding, “Drink, téa.”

  Brie found the simple act intimate and romantic and smiled when she tasted the familiar tang of his expertly mixed martini. By the time she had finished the glass, the pleasant heat of the liquor had traveled to her nether regions and she purred with desire.

  “You’re irresistible,” Sir told her, kissing her wet lips.

  Her whole body tingled with pleasure. “Oh, Master…” she murmured after he broke the kiss.

  “I am anxious to challenge you, little sub.”

  She bit her lip when he left her, wondering what kind of challenge he had planned.

  “Open your legs, radost moya.”

  Brie obediently spread her legs wide on the soft leather seat.

  Lifting her dress, Rytsar caressed her pussy through the thin m
aterial of her lace panties. “Already wet,” he murmured with pride.

  Moving her panties to the side, Rytsar surprised her by slowly inserting an ice-cold device into her pussy. She gasped as it penetrated her warm depths, causing goosebumps to rise on her skin.

  Rytsar made sure one end of the toy was nestled snuggly against her clit while the other end rested against her G-spot.

  He chuckled huskily. “Enjoy my Russian treat.”

  She whimpered when the toy began to vibrate. Being a sadist, Rytsar chose the lowest setting, which was enough to stimulate her inside and out, but far too gentle to take her to the edge.

  He tilted her head to the side and bit down on her neck. “I look forward to eating that cold pussy.”

  Brie sat bound to the seat, her nipples aching because they were so hard. She was completely helpless, the cold chill making her shudder as the icy toy had its way with her. But the warmth of the alcohol seemed to mix with the freezing instrument, becoming a symphony of contrasting sensations—and she gave in to the delicious experience.

  Losing herself to it, her Master’s touch took her by surprise. “Open,” he commanded. Without hesitation, Brie opened her lips expecting to feel his hard cock.

  Instead, he placed a small piece of chocolate on her tongue.

  Brie purred in pleasure as the smooth chocolate melted in her mouth. Sir had given her the same chocolate on Christmas morning and it filled her heart with joy remembering his special gift of hot chocolate.

  Sir placed his finger under her chin, tilting it up to kiss her as he explored her mouth with his tongue. Brie was so mesmerized by the kiss that she failed to notice Rytsar had joined them—until the toy stopped vibrating.

  Pulling her panties down to her ankles, Rytsar spread her thighs wide and slowly took the toy out—but the ghost of its vibration continued. He growled like a bear as he buried his face between her legs and began licking her clit, his tongue burning hot against her skin.

  Brie squirmed, her clit swollen and sensitive after the constant vibration of the toy.

  “Stoy,” he commanded gruffly.

  Brie immediately became still, focusing all her attention on her Master’s kisses. Lost in submissive bliss, she indulged in the skill of both men’s tongues.


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