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Secrets of the Heart (Brie's Submission Book 20)

Page 9

by Red Phoenix

  Looking at a painting of a Tuscan hillside with the sun setting in the background, Brie could almost feel the light caress of an evening breeze. “Can you imagine living with all of this talent from the past around you? How could you not be inspired?”

  Dante chuckled lightly. “It is impressive, sì. However, I find my inspiration in my daily life in Venezia.”

  Her eyes lit up at the mention of Venice. “I agree that it is a magical city.”

  A woman walked into the room carrying a tray with two covered plates. “I apologize for the delay, Signora Davis. I needed to warm up the dinner I had prepared. I hope it will still be to your liking.”

  She served Brie first, taking the lid off with a flourish.

  Brie’s eyes widened when she saw the size of the Fiorentina steak in front of her. Beside the huge steak were healthy portions of roasted vegetables and parmesan-crusted potatoes. Brie had expected a snack, not a complete meal.

  Knowing the care that the cook had put into the dish, she looked up at the woman and smiled. “It looks delicious.”

  She nodded to Brie and went to serve Dante. After pouring them both a glass of red wine, she bowed slightly before leaving.

  “What am I going to do?” Brie asked Dante. “I can’t eat all of this.”

  Dante grinned at her as he picked up his fork and knife. “Do not worry, Signora Davis. This meal was prepared for you. Eat what you like.”

  Brie picked up her fork and stabbed at a small potato. When she took a bite, she moaned in pleasure. “How is it that Italians can make the simplest dish taste like heaven?”

  Admiring his bite of steak before consuming it, he answered, “We respect the food.”

  Brie couldn’t agree more as she took a bite of roasted vegetables. The simple addition of olive oil, fresh oregano, basil and garlic was a delight to her palate, and she suddenly found she was actually hungry.

  The distance between the two of them made it impossible to talk, so Brie picked up her plate and glass of wine and moved closer to Dante.

  The two took their time as they enjoyed their late-night feast. Taking a sip of her wine, Brie admitted, “Even though I feel a close connection to you because of that night in Venice…” She smiled, blushing slightly as she remembered their unusual encounter. “…I don’t really know anything about you.”

  He held up his glass, taking a drink before asking, “What would you like to know, signora?”

  “I’m curious about what you do for a living.”

  His smile was captivating when he told her, “I design masks.”

  “Like the ones at the party?” she asked, leaning close to him, intrigued.

  “Those were all my masks,” he informed her with a glint in his eye, taking another drink of wine.

  “All of them?” she said, surprised, recalling how exquisite and unique each one was. “I can’t think of a better place to live for a mask designer than Venice.”


  “I’ve never forgotten the mask I wore that night,” Brie said wistfully. “That mask was elegant with a thousand tiny white gems designed to look like ivy, and the small darker stones set around my upper eye to mimic long lashes.” She sighed as she thought about the beauty of the mask.

  “I felt like a goddess.”

  “You were, Signora Davis.”

  Brie blushed again, taking another sip of wine. “You should be a world-renowned designer based on that mask alone.”

  He winked at her.

  “Are you?” she asked, stunned.

  He simply nodded, cutting another piece of his steak.

  Brie shook her head, amazed by the revelation. She never would have suspected it, based on his humble demeanor.

  Dante’s modesty was endearing.

  “So, how long have you been designing masks?”

  “When I was a child. Signore Mancini took notice of my talent and set up my first apprenticeship when I was twelve. He gave me the opportunity to work under the best designers around the globe. He explained that it was important I study the different aesthetics of each culture so that my talent and imagination would not be limited.”

  “That is quite a gift.”

  “It is, signora.”

  Brie was fascinated by the idea and asked, “How many apprenticeships did you serve under?”


  “Wow, so many!” she exclaimed, stunned. “That must have been difficult on you and your family.”

  Dante shrugged off her concern. “Sacrifice is a part of art.”

  “It must have been particularly hard on your mother. I only say that being a mother myself.”

  He looked at her incredulously. “No, signora…I find it hard to believe you are a mother.”

  Brie laughed lightly. “I am, and I have a beautiful daughter named Hope to prove it.”

  Dante tilted his head. “Why is she not here with you?”

  “She’s being spoiled by her great aunt.”

  Dante chuckled. “I can only imagine the amount of spoiling.”

  Brie grinned. “It’s wonderful to know there are so many people who genuinely love her.”

  He sat back and looked at her. “Based on your glow, motherhood suits you.”

  Her smile grew bigger. “I had no idea how much I would love being a mother.”

  “How many do you plan to have, signora. Four or five?”

  Brie burst out laughing. “I’d be happy with two.”

  “It’s a shame,” he lamented, taking a drink of wine. “As beautiful as you are, I’m sure your daughter will be just as stunning.”

  “With Sir as her father, there was never a doubt that she would be.”

  He chuckled. “Your modesty is beguiling, Signora Davis.”

  Brie decided Dante must be a natural flirt because his compliments were genuine and unforced, which prompted her to ask, “Do you have a girlfriend?”

  “I have several, actually,” he answered, his eyes sparkling. “Each in a different country. However, I suspect that the one I will settle down with is one I have yet to find in Venezia.”

  “Why do you think that?”

  He looked at her thoughtfully. “Even though I left, I always knew I would return to my home. No matter where I was, my heart has always remained in Venezia.”

  “That’s beautiful.”

  “Simply the truth, signora. I determined before I left at twelve that I would take my God-given talent and give back to the people of my city. It was my driving force during those years away.”

  “You are a true inspiration,” Brie said with sincerity.

  He shook his head. “The people of Venezia are the inspiration. I am but a conduit.”

  Once again, Brie was charmed by how modest Dante was.

  “Every day I take a walk through the city. I now have hundreds of visions of masks in my head and must decide which one to focus on when I start on a new design.” He snorted. “The muses are very demanding.”


  Brie suddenly felt the effects of the wine and a full belly kicking in, making her yawn.

  “I think it’s time you head off to bed. You’ve had a long day.” Dante stood up and held out his arm to her. “Let me do the honor of escorting you to your bedroom.”

  “No,” she giggled. “That’s not necessary.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Do you know where your room is, signora?”

  Brie laughed. “No, I haven’t a clue.”

  He smiled at her. “Then let me assist you.”

  Brie took his arm and walked out of the dining room, nodding to the woman who had served them. “Thank you for the lovely meal.”

  The servant offered a small smile as she bowed her head.

  Dante escorted her to the west wing of the mansion. “Great artists throughout the centuries have slept in the room you will be staying. Gino Mancini must think very highly of you. Even I have not had such an honor.”

  Brie was surprised to hear that Gino had denied his own
godson access to the room, but she realized it had everything to do with Gino’s relationship with Alonzo. Because of that close friendship, he was letting her stay in the room to honor his longtime friend.

  “I hope all the concentrated talent in that room will manifest itself in my dreams and inspire me to even greater things,” Brie told him.

  “I am certain it will,” he agreed.

  When they stopped at the door, he went to give her the customary kisses on the cheek but hesitated for a moment after glancing at her collar. Changing his mind, he pulled away and simply said, “Goodnight, Signora Davis.”

  Brie realized that Dante wanted to be respectful of Sir as her Master, and she admired him all the more for it.

  “Sleep well, Dante.”

  As he walked away, she called out. “Would you be up for helping me tomorrow?”

  He turned and nodded. “Of course, signora.”

  Brie entered her bedroom and immediately stopped in her tracks. The bed alone was magnificent with tall wooden posters covered in intricate carvings and luxurious bed curtains of red and gold tied back with golden tassels. The bed itself was so tall that it had its own set of stairs.

  But, the bed alone didn’t just impress Brie. Every piece of furniture was an antique work of art. Although she was tired after the long day, Brie couldn’t help but explore the room.

  Running her hands over the large dresser, she smiled to herself, marveling at the craftsmanship. Every inch of it had been crafted with a higher calling. It wasn’t just a piece of furniture; it was an expression of love using wood as the medium. Even the full-length mirror had exquisitely etched glass decorating the borders.

  Moving over to the writing desk, she saw a note addressed to her. She opened it up and realized it was a handwritten note from Gino.


  Thank you for coming. It has been a long time since I have gone through Alonzo’s things. I look forward to hearing what you uncover.

  If you have any questions, I am at your service.

  Sleep well,


  Brie still wondered about his abrupt exit. Was it possible she had insulted the powerful man without even knowing it? She sincerely hoped that wasn’t the case.

  After undressing, she climbed the stairs to the bed. Brie settled down in the middle of the expansive mattress. She could hardly believe she was surrounded by such great talent.

  Remembering her phone, she looked at her messages and noticed she had a text from Sir. He’d left it around the same time she’d been watching Alonzo’s video, which explained why she hadn’t noticed it. Knowing how late it was, she was almost hesitant to text him back.

  Just got to bed, Sir. Sorry I didn’t text until now. Been a long but wonderful day of research. How are you and Nonna?

  A few seconds later, he texted back.

  We are well, babygirl. I checked on Hope. Aunt Fortuna says she’s the center of attention. I haven’t worried about you, knowing how you are when it comes to your work. Go to bed, get some much-needed rest, and we will speak in the morning.

  She smiled as she typed. I will, Sir.

  He ended the conversation with three simple words that melted her heart.

  You are missed.

  Damn, if she wasn’t falling even more hopelessly in love with the man. She thought she loved him the day she kneeled to receive his collar, but she had no idea how deep she would fall.

  Brie turned off the lamp by her bedside and smiled in the darkness.

  To all you painters and sculptors, musicians and poets, who slept in this bed, I applaud your fearless passion.

  With a full heart, she drifted off to sleep, wondering what secrets awaited her in those boxes.

  Family Secrets

  Brie didn’t wake up until she heard a knock on the door. From the other side, she heard, “Signora Davis, would you like breakfast before you begin your day?”

  Grabbing her robe, Brie walked up to the door and opened it.

  “Pardon me. I apologize if I woke you,” the servant said when he saw her state of dress.

  “It’s okay,” she assured him. “I needed to get up anyway. What time is it?”

  “Ten, signora.”

  Brie was surprised to hear how late it was, knowing how much work she still had in front of her. Making a quick decision, she told him, “If you could send a small breakfast to the study, that would be lovely.”

  Before she shut the door, she asked, “Could you please ask Dante to meet me there?”

  The servant bowed his head lower. “Certainly, Signora Davis.”

  Knowing time was short, Brie hustled to get dressed. She’d already lost three hours that she’d planned for the day. After freshening up, she picked up her phone to call Sir.

  After ringing several times, the phone sent her to voicemail. “I’m sorry to call so late, Sir, but I slept longer than I expected. Give me a call when you are free. I love you.”

  When Brie left the room, she was surprised to see a servant waiting at the door. “Can I help you?”

  “No. Signore Mancini wanted me to encourage you to explore the mansion in your free time.”

  “Is he back?”

  “No, Signora Davis.”

  “Do you know when Gino is expected to return?”

  “I do not. Would you like me to escort you to the study?”

  “There’s no need for that.” Brie smiled at him, then looked right and left unsure which direction to take.

  The servant discreetly pointed to the right.

  She giggled as she headed down the hallway. Brie took a few extra minutes to admire the paintings in the halls and the sculptures placed in recesses in the walls.

  Once again, she was reminded of the Vatican, but the difference was that she could study the art up close. And, with Gino’s permission, she could even touch it.

  She passed one painting that made her stop in her tracks. The little girl in the painting looked the way she imagined Hope would at the age of three. The innocent joy reflected in her face, along with the flowers in her hand, made the painting absolutely enchanting.

  Brie continued on, but the image of the painting stayed with her and made her miss her little girl. She wanted to be reunited with her husband and child as soon as possible. So, while walking to the study, Brie came up with a plan to efficiently record the materials she needed. When she entered it, she found Dante waiting for her.

  He stood up. “Good morning, signora. Are you feeling all right?”

  She laughed. “I think I slept a little too well in that bed.”

  “That is good. I assume that you have a task for me?”

  “Yes, I do. Thank you for coming.”

  “Come sit and have breakfast while you explain how I can help.”

  Brie thought it was sweet that Dante was making sure she ate, because left on her own, she honestly wouldn’t have gotten to the breakfast until later, after the coffee was cold.

  Looking at the boxes, she felt reinvigorated.

  While he poured them both a cup of coffee, Brie pointed to the box of letters. “To save time, I’d like you to scan all the letters while I take photos of the pictures. That way, I won’t have to go through all of it now and can look over it at my leisure when I return home.”


  She picked up a slice of fresh bread and spread jam on it, taking a bite before noticing that Dante wasn’t eating. “Aren’t you hungry?”

  “I ate two hours ago, signora,” he said with a wink, finishing his cup. “I will inquire about a scanner while you finish eating.”

  “That would be wonderful.”

  As he was leaving, she called out, “Thank you, Dante. I deeply appreciate your help with this.”

  “My pleasure, Signora Davis.”

  After he left, Brie snagged another slice of bread. She found the yeasty flavor of the bread and the sweet and tangy jam too tasty not to indulge in them. She stared at the boxes from where she sat, feeling as if th
ey were calling to her.

  With the second slice half-eaten, she got up and answered the call. “Okay, Alonzo, tell me all your secrets.”

  Even though the letters had her curiosity piqued, Brie started with the box of videotapes. She picked up the black journal and started taking pictures of each page which had the date and place of every event.

  After she was done taking pictures of the journal, her eyes drifted back to the letters.

  Dante walked into the study looking distressed.

  “What’s wrong?” she immediately asked.

  “I am sorry, Signora Davis, but you are not allowed to scan or make copies of anything without Gino Mancini’s express permission.”

  “Okay…” Brie said, taken by surprise. “Then I’d better phone him.”

  Getting his number from Dante, Brie immediately called the man.

  “Signore Mancini, I’m sorry to bother—”

  He interrupted, reminding her, “It’s Gino to you.”

  “Yes, Gino,” she corrected herself, laughing nervously. “I wanted to ask you if I could make copies of the letters and videos.”


  Brie was stunned by his refusal. “I don’t understand.”

  He said in a somber tone, “I am giving you free access to everything I have, Brianna. You have my permission to take notes on whatever you discover, but these are my private things.”

  “How can I use it for the film if I can’t record it?”

  “I am not an unreasonable man. After you have finished your research, you and I can discuss which items you need to copy for the film.”

  Although it was not an unreasonable request, it was terribly inconvenient. Brie looked back at the boxes, realizing what a huge project it was.

  It could take weeks…

  “You must understand, Brianna. When Ruth made it her mission to destroy Alonzo’s reputation after his death, I vowed to protect it at all costs.”

  “I feel the same way,” she assured him.

  “I’m certain you do, but I have no control over what happens to digital copies. I do, however, have complete control over the physical copies and I am not willing to give that up.”

  Brie realized she was at an impasse with Gino and groaned silently.


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