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Secrets of the Heart (Brie's Submission Book 20)

Page 15

by Red Phoenix

  “Have you been stalking my wife?” Sir demanded.

  Darius glared at him, refusing to answer until Baron shook him.

  “Look, I have no idea what he’s talking about,” Darius growled at Brie.

  “Darius, I saw you at Holloway’s Christmas party.”

  He frowned. “Well, I didn’t see you there.”

  “What were you doing at the party?” she challenged.

  “I got an invite from Greg Holloway, so I dropped by. But I never saw you there,” he insisted.

  Brie actually believed him.

  “I truly hope you have broken the cycle of violence, Darius.”

  He nodded. “So, does that mean we’re good then?”

  Brie’s eyes narrowed. “No, Darius. What happened in the past stays in the past, where it belongs. I don’t ever want to speak to you again.”

  He looked confused. “But I was hoping to reconcile with you today. That’s the reason I agreed to this gig.”

  “Was that why you mentioned my name in the press? You were hoping to smooth things over with me?”

  He shrugged uneasily.

  Brie was offended. “So you were hoping this would help further your acting career?”

  “I figured you and I can help each other.”

  Brie sat back in her chair in disgust. “That’s never going to happen.”

  Looking at Sir, she said, “I’m done here. I’ve said what I came to say.”

  “She is finished with you,” Sir stated, staring hard at Darius.

  Her heart skipped a beat when she heard him say that.

  It was true. She was finished with Darius in every sense of the word.

  “Goodbye, Darius.”

  Brie watched with great satisfaction as Baron escorted him out of the room—and out of her life forever.

  Bosom Buddies

  To celebrate Lea recovery from the flu, Brie decided a little “girl time” was in order.

  For old time’s sake, she had Lea and Mary meet her at the bar where they’d hung out together for the first time after a session at the Submissive Training Center. It was a casual bar close to the Center, with a laid-back atmosphere and cheap drinks.

  Brie was tickled to see that the bartender John still worked at the joint. “Long time, no see.”

  Looking up from scrubbing the bar, he chuckled. “It’s been ages since I’ve seen you around these parts. How’s life been treating you?”

  “Great, actually. I’m looking at getting my second documentary released this year.”

  “Is it going to be as hot as the first one?”

  Brie smiled. “Even hotter!”

  John pulled at the collar of his shirt as if he was burning up. “Oh, hell.”

  “Yeah, it’s a real scorcher,” she stated proudly.

  “When is it coming out?”

  “We’re still negotiating the details, but I guarantee this one is going to be even bigger than the first.”

  “I can’t wait to see it. So, what’ll you have to drink?”

  “I’m actually going to wait for my friends before I order.”

  “Sure thing. Give me a shout when you’re ready.” He grinned at her before going to clean the other side of the bar. “It’s real good to see you, Brie.”

  “Same here, John.”

  The door opened and the dim bar instantly lit up as sunlight poured in. When Brie saw who it was, she let out a happy cry. “Lea!”

  “Oh, my goodness, this place brings back memories.” Lea giggled as she sat down next to Brie at the bar.

  “It sure does,” Brie agreed. “I think it’s good to be reminded of where you came from, don’t you?”

  “Absolutely. That reminds me of a joke—”

  Mary came waltzing in and one of the patrons immediately greeted her with a catcall.

  Lea elbowed Brie. “Some things never change…”

  Brie laughed. She was right. No matter where they were, Mary was the one whom men instantly responded to. Of course, it didn’t hurt that she was now a rising star in Hollywood.

  “Wow, this is an honor, Miss Wilson,” John said, walking over to her from behind the bar. “What’ll you have? Whatever it is, it’s on the house.”

  “Aren’t you sweet?” Mary cooed. “Do you know what I used to order?”

  “Rum and Coke, and make it a double,” he repeated from memory.

  She gave him a flirtatious wink. “I’m impressed, hot cheeks.”

  He laughed and went to go make her drink. And, just like that, Mary had a free drink.

  “I see you haven’t lost your feminine wiles,” Brie said when Mary walked over to them.

  Mary shrugged one shoulder. “What can I say? It just comes naturally.”

  Sitting on the other side of Brie, Mary nodded to Lea. “Did you ever have that date you were going on and on about at the Christmas party?”

  Lea answered with a huge grin, “I’ve actually had five since.”

  “Fill us in, girlfriend!” Brie insisted, bumping shoulders with her.


  John came up with Mary’s drink, unknowingly interrupting Lea. “Just give me a nod when you want another, Miss Wilson.”

  When Mary saw Lea roll her eyes, she smirked. “Hey, do you mind getting their drinks, too?” She took a sip through her straw as she looked up at him seductively. “You can put in on my tab.”

  John actually blushed, then smiled sheepishly at Brie as he took their orders.

  “You see what I did there?” Mary asked smugly. “I just got you girls free drinks, too.”

  “You didn’t have to do that,” Brie told her. “It’s not like the drinks here are expensive or anything.”

  “Hey, I always say if a guy wants to treat you, let him.” Taking another sip of her drink, she told Brie nonchalantly, “Look, if you feel bad, just leave him a nice tip.”

  “I was planning to anyway.”

  Mary reached out and pinched her cheek. “Aren’t you just the cutest little goody-two-shoes?”

  “Anyway…” Lea huffed.

  “Yeah, yeah. I can see you chomping at the bit to tell us about your dream date,” Mary said.

  “Dates,” Lea corrected, wiggling in her seat excitedly. “The first one—”

  John came back and slid the drinks to both of them. “Enjoy, ladies.”

  Beckoning him closer with one finger, Brie told him, “I’m paying for mine and Lea’s drinks.”

  John glanced at Mary and smiled. “Don’t worry about it.”

  When Mary winked at him, he blushed again.

  Brie turned to her after he left. “You’re incorrigible.”

  “Do you girls want to hear about my dates with Hunter or not?” Lea pouted.

  Turning to face Lea, Brie grinned. “Of course. I’m all ears. Tell me all about your sexy dates with Hunter.”

  Lea sighed impatiently. “Fine…if you insist.” Looking at Mary, she smirked. “But first a joke.”

  When Mary opened her mouth to protest, Lea put her finger on Mary’s lips. “Oh, no. You earned this one. Take it like a good little subbie.”

  Sitting up in her chair, looking proud, Lea asked, “Did you know that I’m a good debater?”

  Mary rolled her eyes, mumbling, “Well, that’s debatable…”

  Brie giggled.

  “No stealing the spotlight, Mary,” Lea admonished.

  Turning her attention to Brie, Lea said, “I’m such a damn good debater, they call me the masturbater.”

  Brie threw back her head and laughed.

  Even Mary was struggling hard not to.

  “So, now that I have your full attention, let me tell you all about Hunter. He’s a dream to scene with.” Rubbing her arm, Lea said, “I literally get goosebumps just thinking about it.”

  “Oh, Lea, I’m so happy for you,” Brie told her, giving her a hug.

  “So what’s the big deal about this guy? Everyone has been going on and on about him,” Mary griped.

Lea gave her a superior look. “You totally missed out when you skipped his scene on Kinky Eve.”

  Mary frowned, grumbling irritably, “So I’ve been told by multiple people. But I don’t get it. He’s just another Dom.”

  “Like Rytsar’s just another Russian,” Brie teased.

  Mary grunted, finishing off her drink and waving at John for another one.

  “As you know, Brie,” Lea said, ignoring Mary, “Hunter invited me to another session with the violet wand.” Lea had a dreamy look on her face when she confessed, “I think I came like twenty-five times.”

  “Right…” Mary scoffed.

  Lea raised an eyebrow. “You think I’m kidding?”

  “What, you were being serious?”

  “Completely. I mean, I could almost come when he gives me a command. That voice is so…masculine and powerful.”

  “So, basically, you’re telling me you’ve got the hots for the guy’s voice?”

  “Not just his voice,” Lea said, her eyes twinkling with delight. “Hunter’s body is all kinds of sexy. Toned and firm…”

  “So, the guy has a nice body and voice,” Mary stated, clearly unimpressed.

  Lea gave her a mischievous smile. “His tongue is magical, too.”

  “Gotta love a guy who knows how to excite the kitty cat,” Brie said, giggling.

  Lea blushed a cute shade of pink when she told them, “Our second date was completely vanilla.”

  “Do tell,” Mary said sarcastically. “How many orgasms did you have when he ordered his meal?”

  Lea gave her an exasperated look. “Very funny, Mary.”

  Brie was interested and asked, “Where did he take you?”

  Her eyes lit up. “You know that super nice restaurant on the pier?”

  “The one you’ve always wanted to go to?”

  “Yep. He took me there. I felt so classy, sitting on the balcony with Hunter, drinking expensive wine while I enjoyed the ocean breeze.”

  “Sounds divine,” Brie purred.

  Mary shrugged. “So, the guy took you out to a nice place. Big whoop.”

  “Why are you being such a negative Nancy?” Lea complained. “I thought you’d be happy for me, especially after Liam.”

  Mary leaned toward her. “You’re right. I’m being a bitch. I just…” Mary sighed and looked away. Picking up her drink, she downed it quickly.

  “Don’t you think you should slow down?” Brie cautioned.

  Mary glared at her. “Don’t try and mother me.” She mumbled angrily to herself before calling out. “Hot cheeks! Drink. Here. Now.”

  Brie shot Lea a nervous look. It was like Mary was reverting into the Blonde Nemesis from years ago. Brie suddenly wondered if coming here had been such a great idea, after all.

  Instead of getting irritated, Lea asked Mary, “Is everything okay?”

  Mary turned to her and frowned. “No, Lea, it’s not. I think we established that the last time we did one of these girlie pow wows.”

  “Do you want to talk about it?” Brie asked.

  The look Mary gave her sent a chill down her spine. “Do I look like I want to talk about it, idiot?”

  Brie didn’t take offense despite Mary’s condescending tone. She knew something was definitely wrong. Nodding to Lea, she reminded Mary, “We both care about you.”

  “For Christ’s sake, Brie,” she said in an exasperated voice. “Would you let poor Lea finish telling us about her fabulous new man already?”

  “I don’t appreciate the sarcasm in your voice,” Lea grumbled.

  “Look, we’ve already established that I’m a bitch. But I mean it. I want to hear more about your new man.”


  Mary gave her a half-smile. “Yeah.”

  Lea broke out in a grin, clapping her hands. “Because our last date was…” She let out a long, contented sigh. “…pure magic.”

  “Oh, like his tongue?” Brie teased.

  Lea giggled. “I’m still flying on cloud nine, woman. He took me to a party hosted by one of his friends. The interesting thing is, they aren’t kinksters which kind of surprised me, but they know what he does and are totally cool with it.”

  “How did Hunter introduce you to his friends?” Brie asked, curious what she would say.

  Lea squeaked. “He called me his girlfriend!”

  “Whoa!” Mary exclaimed. “That seems a little presumptuous on his part.”

  “Well, I thought it was romantic. I mean, he introduced me to his friends. You don’t do that unless you’re serious about a girl.”

  “It does sound like he’s smitten with you,” Brie agreed.

  Mary looked at Lea with concern. “I just don’t want to see you getting hurt.”

  Lea gushed, “That’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.”

  Rolling her eyes, Mary took a sip of her drink.

  “I’m serious, Mary. I could just hug you right now.”

  “Please don’t,” she replied drolly.

  “Too bad!” Lea jumped out of her chair and gave Mary a squishy hug.

  “Those giant boobs are going to give me bruises, woman,” Mary complained.

  Lea giggled. “Just consider them marks of my affection and wear them proudly.”

  Brie loved seeing Lea so giddy. After what happened with Liam, Lea deserved to be this happy.

  “So, Brie. Are you ready to meet with Greg?” Mary asked after Lea had released her from the hug.

  “Definitely. The sooner, the better.”

  “I agree. I’ve been buttering up the bastard nonstop, so it should be an easy pitch. But don’t you dare let him touch Marquis’ scene. If he gives you any flak, stick to your guns. He knows you’ve got a real winner, so be sure to hit him up about donating a portion of his earnings. The bastard makes enough as it is. It’s not like he’ll even miss it. Besides, it’ll be great publicity for him, and we all know how much he loves having his ego stroked.”

  Laughing harshly, Mary snarled, “I can’t wait to play him like a puppet.”

  “Hey, Mary…” Brie said hesitantly, unsure how she would respond. “I’ve been thinking a lot about this and I believe it would be a mistake to have you at the meeting.”

  Mary frowned. “Why the hell not?”

  “It’s important for me to meet with him one-on-one.”

  Mary obviously thought it was a bad idea based on her sour expression. “I can read him better than anyone else. It would be a mistake not to have me there.”

  Brie explained, “I have poured my soul into this project. No one feels more passionately about this film than I do, and if I can’t negotiate a deal on my own, then I don’t really deserve to call myself a director.”

  Mary shrugged. “Well, if you feel that strongly about it…”

  “I do.”

  She looked at Brie with a smug smile. “I’ve got to hand it to you, Stinks. You’ve really changed.”

  “It’s going to be amazing, Brie!” Lea exclaimed. “I seriously can’t wait to see my scene with Tono on the big screen.”

  “It’s going to blow people away,” Brie agreed.

  “I don’t think I have ever been so excited about the future than I am right now,” Lea said, beaming. She held up her drink to make a toast. “Here’s to the Three Musketeers of Submission!”

  “Hear, hear!” Brie giggled.

  Mary’s eyes flashed with a hint of rebellion as she clinked glasses with them. “I can’t wait to see how the year plays out.”

  “I’ve got another joke for you guys, but it’s kind of naughty.”

  “Seriously?” Mary grimaced, taking another drink.

  “What did the leper say to the prostitute after they had sex?”

  Brie just shook her head.

  With a huge grin, she said, “You can keep the tip.”

  “Eww…” Brie cried.

  Mary spit out the drink she was about to swallow, which made everyone laugh.

  As for Lea, she looked pleased as punch

  Standing Her Ground

  Before Brie left for her meeting with Mr. Holloway, Sir gave her some welcomed advice. “If you start feeling anxious, I encourage you to embrace the passion you feel for the film and carry that into the meeting. No matter what he says, remember that you are in control of your future and this film. No one else.”

  Brie smiled up at him. “That’s exactly what I needed to hear. Sir. Thank you.”

  “Hope and I will be waiting right here for you to celebrate.”

  She kissed him first, then gave Hope a peck on the cheek before blurting, “I can’t believe this is finally happening!”

  “Knock ’em dead, babygirl.”

  As Brie headed downtown, she played with the flower in her hair. She’d always worn Tono’s flower whenever she filmed, so he had been with her in spirit for every scene in this documentary. Touching it, she could feel his comforting presence now and smiled to herself.

  There was no reason to be anxious.

  Although Holloway had intimidated Brie in the past, she wasn’t the same person she was then. She’d faced one of her greatest fears when Sir’s plane crashed. Compared to that, this would be a cakewalk.

  Mary had insisted on meeting Brie outside the building just before her scheduled appointment. As soon as she saw Brie, she jumped out of the new convertible that Holloway had just bought her and hurried across the street.

  Brie immediately noticed her worried expression. “Are you still sure you don’t want me in there?”

  “Absolutely,” Brie answered with confidence. “As much as I appreciate everything you’ve done to get me to this point, I need to deal with Holloway on my own. Anything less and he won’t respect me.”

  Mary played with a lock of her hair. “Look at you, Stinks, all ready to dominate the world.”

  “One film at a time…” Brie agreed, laughing.

  Brie walked into his office bursting with confidence, certain that she would not only be leaving with a contract but an option for her third film. Walking up to the receptionist, Brie held out her hand.

  “I’m Brie Davis. I have an appointment with Mr. Holloway.”

  A young woman with short, curly, brunette hair smiled from behind the desk. She stood up to shake Brie’s hand. “Please take a seat. I will let him know you’re here.”


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