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Guarding Danger: Sinclair and Raven Series

Page 12

by Vella, Wendy

  “Come away now, Maddie. Harry sleeps, and we will talk,” Rory said.

  “I will stay with him. I want to get a tonic into him now, to help with the recovery,” Essie said. “Dorrie and Somer will keep me company.”

  The young ladies nodded their agreement.

  Maddie tried to ease her skirt from the unconscious Harry, but his fingers wouldn’t release her.

  “Take off your scarf,” Wolf said, coming to her side.

  Maddie did as he asked, then watched as he leaned over Harry. Wolf pried open Harry’s fingers and removed her skirts. Harry protested, mumbling something, and Wolf put her scarf in his hands.

  “Tell him you are here, Maddie.”

  “I’m here, Harry. Rest easy,” she whispered in his ear. He stopped moving, and his fingers gripped her scarf once more.

  When she climbed off the bed, she saw that everyone still left in the room was focused on her, and the look in their eyes had her uneasy.


  No one answered.

  “Come, there is much we need to tell you,” James said, taking her hand. “But we all need sustenance to do so.”

  “Amen,” Cam sighed. “This business always takes it out of me.”

  She let James lead her away from Harry. Maddie didn’t want to go. In fact, she wanted to get back on that bed and watch over him, which was enough reason to leave.

  “Will he be all right?”

  “He will. Lilly has ensured that, and Essie will do the rest. Come away now, and we will talk about what you saw.”

  “What did I see, James?”

  “Well now, sister, that is going to take some time to explain. Will you come and listen as we try?”

  She nodded, her hand gripping his as they walked.

  “Sit, you look like a ghost.” Samantha took her other hand when she entered the parlor and led her to a sofa. She then sat at Maddie’s side. “There is nothing to fear, Maddie, I promise you.”

  “I felt something in there.”

  “Yes, we all do, but it is those of Sinclair blood who are the magic among us.”

  “Darling, only you make it sound something wonderful.” Cam smiled.

  “But it is wonderful, Cam, and such a gift.”

  “Have you noticed Cam looks like a dog sometimes, Maddie?” Eden asked, interrupting them.

  “He sniffs the air,” Maddie said. “I have seen it. I wondered if he had allergies. Jacques sometimes sniffed a great deal at certain times of the year.”

  “If only it was allergies.” Cam sighed.

  “He can smell better than anyone,” Eden added, “and that’s why he will often press a handkerchief to his nose if a scent is particularly foul. He’s not just being pathetic… although he does do that also.”

  “Rarely am I pathetic,” Cam said around a mouthful of cheese.

  “What you saw and we are about to explain will be hard to comprehend, and yet we want you to try, as you are family, and with you we are stronger,” Dev said.

  Maddie didn’t speak. She couldn’t, as she had no idea what to say or what they would tell her.

  “Don’t attempt to do anything you have no wish for anyone to see with Dev, Wolf, or Harry nearby,” Eden said.


  “The eldest sons of the three Sinclair brothers all have the heightened gift of sight,” Dorrie added. “’Tis most vexing, as we can get away with very little.”

  “One wonders when you will actually realize that fact,” Dev drawled.

  “As you can imagine, life was not easy for us as children. No one could do anything without someone knowing,” Somer added.

  “I don’t understand. Are you telling me you see better than others?”

  “We do,” Wolf added. “We see a great distance, and at night. We also see in colors.”

  They talked. She listened and still could not take it in. Surely it could not be true, and yet she’d seen it with her own eyes.


  “Is now sleeping, as healing takes a great deal out of her,” Dev said. “But she and Nicholas carry both Sinclair and Raven blood from many generations ago. That is why they are different.”

  “Odd, some would say,” Cam added.

  “We’re odd,” Nicholas scoffed. “There is no one odder than you.”

  “You saw Harry and the blood, Nicholas, when you did not know who was hurt earlier.”

  “I did. I have visions. They usually tell me what is about to be or what needs to be done.”

  “I don’t know what to say.” Maddie looked around the room.

  “Their strength grows with each new family member, and that includes those of us with Raven blood. We make them stronger,” James said.

  “You make us stronger, Maddie,” Dev said.

  It was almost too much to grasp, and yet grasp it she must if she was to be part of this. So much had changed in her life, and now this. Looking around the room, she saw they were all waiting for her to speak. Waiting to hear what she would say about what she’d just learned.

  “It will take some time to understand, but thank you for telling me, and of course I would never share any of this.”

  “No one would believe you if you tried,” Rory said. “They’d lock you up and throw away the key.”

  “What you know about us should only make you feel safer to stay,” Dev said. “You are family, and as such we will protect you should it be needed,” he added solemnly.

  “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “We are very handy people to have around if there is a threat of danger.”

  “Our mother is a danger,” Maddie said before she could stop herself. “But as she is in France, it’s my hope that is where she will stay.”

  Rory moved to her side, dropping down before her.

  “She will not hurt you again, Maddie.”

  “I know. I am stronger now that I am here and coming to the realization that I am not alone.” She looked at the people around her. They had accepted her without question; perhaps it was time to accept them.

  Chapter 14

  He knew she was still there with him because he could smell her scent. Fire burned down his side when he moved, but because he could feel it, Harry took that as good sign that he may just live.

  “Rest easy, Harry.”

  A soft hand pressed to his forehead, and he forced his eyes open but saw only the room bathed in a glow from the fire.

  “Are you in pain?”

  “Some.” The word sounded rusty, and his throat was parched as he searched for her, Madeline. She was standing at his bedside, a gentle smile on her face.

  “Here, let me help you. Essie said you should drink this when you woke.”

  “Where am I, and why are you here?”

  Harry felt a hand slip under his shoulders, and then he was eased upright with surprising strength. He tried to help, but the breath hissed from his throat as pain seared through him.

  “You are in Max and Essie’s home, and I was checking on you.”

  She held the cup to his lips, and he gulped the cool, sweet liquid down. Madeline then lowered him back to the bed gently after plumping his pillows.

  “What time is it?”

  “2:00 a.m.”

  “Go to bed. I need no one watching over me.” He gripped her hand as she tidied his covers. “I am not a child. You have no need to stay up and watch over me.” He certainly sounded testy like a child.

  “I offered to come and check on you, as I do not sleep a great deal and thought to let Essie get a good night’s rest.”

  She didn’t back away even though her pulse was now racing beneath his fingers.

  “Why do you not sleep?”

  She tried to tug her hand free, but Harry wouldn’t release her. So she held her other palm to his forehead once more.

  “You have no fever, which is pleasing.”

  She wore a shawl around her shoulders, and Harry couldn’t be sure, but thought underneath was her nightdress. H
er hair hung in a long braid, the ends tied with a piece of wool.

  “Why is your hair tied up with wool when your brothers have as much money as they do? Surely they can afford a few ribbons for their sister?”

  “They can, but as string does the job admirably and always has, I saw no reason to change. Now release me, please, Harry.”

  He didn’t.

  The firelight flickered over her face. She was incredibly beautiful and extremely dangerous to his peace of mind, Harry thought.

  “Why do you not sleep, Maddie?”

  He tightened his grip as she tried to pull away again.

  “Don’t strain, you’ll open the wound!”

  “Tell me why you don’t sleep, and I won’t have to strain.”

  “It doesn’t matter why. Now, I need to check your wound. Essie said as long as there is no blood seeping through the bandage then I need not wake her.”

  Harry let her go and braced himself to feel her hands on his body.

  “My hands may be cold, perhaps I should—”

  “Just do it, Maddie.”

  She eased the covers slowly down to his waist. He wore no shirt, and when her fingers brushed his ribs, he could do nothing to stop the hiss of breath.

  “I’m sorry!”

  “It’s all right. Just look at it,” he gritted out.

  She did, then raised the covers to his chest.

  “There is no blood, so if there is nothing you require, I will retire.”

  “Tell me why you do not sleep.”

  “It is no concern of yours.” She gathered the edges of her shawl closer, as if they would protect her from something.


  “What you took will help you sleep now.”

  “Excellent, but before I do, tell me what I want to know.”

  She looked to the fire, and Harry thought she would leave. He didn’t want her to go.

  “It started when I was a child. I have no notion as to why.”

  “Yes, you do.”

  She looked down at him.

  “Why were you shot, Harry?”

  “I wasn’t thinking clearly and walked into a situation I should not have.”

  “Why weren’t you thinking clearly?”

  “What happened in your childhood to stop you sleeping?” he asked instead of answering her question.

  Her sigh came from the soles of her feet.

  “I was always scared, even with Rory and Max there. I couldn’t sleep because of that, and now it’s a habit.”

  “What were you scared of?”

  Her laugh held no humor. “Noises, her and her friends, and so many things I could not recount them all or I would be here all night.”

  He wanted her to stay with him all night. Wanted to wake with her at his side so he could look at the firelight playing over her lovely face.

  “When I was shot, I was thinking about them, Maddie.”


  “The Sinclairs.”

  “They are good people, Harry.”

  “I know that, but they can be nothing to me.”


  What the hell was wrong with him? He never spoke like this. Shared his innermost thoughts.

  Harry released her wrist. “I’m tired now. Please leave.”

  She didn’t move immediately, instead standing there and watching him. Then a soft hand touched his where it lay on the bed. The door closed quietly behind her seconds later; only then did he exhale slowly.

  His chest had felt heavy when she told him she’d hadn’t slept as a child. The fear of sleeping when there was danger had made her stay awake. What was the danger, and who was the “her” she mentioned?

  Harry didn’t feel things for people—well, maybe his grandmother, but no one else. He didn’t want to feel when Maddie was near or his family. The hell of it was, he did.

  Closing his eyes, he tried to remember what had happened when they’d brought him here today. He knew Maddie had been there and that he’d anchored her to him, he just wasn’t sure why he’d felt the need to do so. All he’d thought was that if she was close, he was safe.

  Moving so he was comfortable, Harry thought the pain in his side was more a dull ache than the searing pain of before. He’d been shot, so it should have been a great deal worse. Had Lilly healed him?

  How had they known he needed them today?

  Harry let the thoughts come and go as whatever Maddie had given him took hold, and soon he was relieved for the reprieve from his thoughts as sleep dragged him under once again.


  The next time Harry opened his eyes, he saw the light around the edges of the curtains. He remembered Madeline coming to visit him last night and telling him the reasons she did not sleep, as he’d told her that he’d been thinking about the Sinclairs when he’d walked into that warehouse and ended up being shot.

  “Hello, Harry. How do you feel?” Warwick Sinclair appeared at his bedside.

  “Sore and thirsty.”

  “I can fix the second, and my sister will likely be able to ease the first. I’ll just let some light in now you’re awake.”

  Warwick disappeared, and seconds later he saw the early morning light filtering into the room.

  Harry tried to rise, and his side gave a vicious tug of pain.

  “Let me help you.” Warwick slipped his arm under Harry’s shoulders, and between them, they got him up and resting on the pillows.

  “Why are you here, Warwick? I thought this was Max and Essie’s house.”

  “I slept the night so I would hear if you called out.”

  “I had no wish to put anyone out.”

  “It is what we do for family, Harry.” The young man smiled down at him, and he saw his eldest brother in him.

  “You have my thanks then.” Harry’s words came out gruff, but Warwick did not seem to mind.

  “How about that drink?”

  Harry drank deep from the cup Warwick handed him, the liquid feeling wonderful sliding down his dry throat.

  “If you will be all right, I shall go and tell Essie you are awake. She wishes to look at your wound.”

  “Of course, and thank you, Warwick. Really, I am grateful.”

  The green eyes studied him in that way Sinclairs had. “I would have done it even if you were not grateful, Harry. Watching over family is not a choice, it is part of who we are.” Warwick left the room, quietly closing the door as Maddie had done last night.

  Harry closed his eyes and fought against what he felt. He was weak; that was why those simple words had touched something deep inside him.

  “I need to get out of here.” He pushed himself upright, but the pain forced him back down to the pillows. In a single day, he had lost his strength.

  The door swung open suddenly, yet he could see no one. Harry heard the sound of running feet and eased slowly to the side of the bed. Looking over the edge, he saw Fleur with big sad eyes staring up at him. At her side was a large, shaggy hound.

  “Bonjour, Harry.”

  “Bonjour, Fleur.”

  She scrambled up onto the chair beside his bed to look at him.

  “Harry is sore.”

  “Harry is sore.”

  Her little face screwed up tight as she studied him.

  “I’m all right, Fleur, I promise. Who is this with you?”

  “He is Uncle Max, Uncle Rory, and Mama’s dog, Bran.”

  The dog came closer, raising his nose to sniff the air. Harry reached out a hand and scratched the shaggy head.

  “I will sit with you.”

  “Will your mother not be worried where you are?”

  “No.” She did not elaborate. He watched as Fleur climbed off the chair and pushed it closer to the bed. Once again, she climbed up. She then made shooing motions with her hands, which Harry thought meant he should make room, so he did, slowly edging across the bed.

  She climbed onto the mattress and settled down beside him, resting her head on the pillow he leaned agains

  “Story, Harry?”

  “I don’t know that many children’s stories, Fleur.”

  She smiled up at him, then patted his cheek, which he had no idea how to interpret, but thought perhaps it was that she trusted him to tell her something she would enjoy.

  Searching his memory, he remembered a story his grandmère used to tell him.

  “A long time ago, there was a hen called Camille who had two brothers and two sisters.”

  He adapted it slightly, as his memory was a little vague, and even managed a credible chicken voice, or what he thought they’d speak like. It was as he was drawing to the end of the tale that he looked at Fleur and saw she was sleeping.

  Her lashes rested on her soft cheeks, and one of her hands lay on top of his. He’d never been this close to a child as they slept. It was a wonderful thing. Peaceful, Harry thought.

  He rested there beside her, wondering when her mother would appear, as surely she would, looking for her daughter. Harry already knew she was protective of the child; he’d witnessed it that day in Calais.

  The door opened, and there she was. This dress was in the palest peach, and unlike last night, today she wore no shawl. The material seemed to float around her body as she moved closer. No longer hampered by ugly, ill-fitting garments, he was able to see her lovely figure and wished fervently he did not.

  “Oh, that’s a relief.” She pressed a hand to her chest. “I was just informed she was not resting in her bed where I’d left her. Essie’s nanny is running about looking for her also.”

  “Perhaps you should have sat with her, as clearly no one had a close eye on her.”

  “There is little harm for her here. She slipped by the maid, and neither of us are quite sure how.”

  “She could have fallen down the stairs.”

  “And yet she did not. I will take her back to bed and am sorry if she has disturbed you.” Her French accent was stronger when she was being excruciatingly polite.

  His behavior was ill-mannered; he knew it, just as she did. Yet Harry didn’t seem able to stop, which annoyed him. His head seemed to be all over the place.

  Essie entered the room carrying a tray.

  “I see you found Fleur.”

  “Yes, she and Bran made their way to Harry’s room.”

  “Bran is a lovely boy and loves everyone in the family, but his special people are the Huntington siblings and their children,” Essie said. “How do you feel, Harry?”


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