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Doc Marshall

Page 12

by Jessie Cooke

  “Can I finish?” Hawk snapped. Abril nodded and tried to control the anxiety that threatened to rip her apart.

  “Your second choice is that you and I can stop by your apartment and you can pick up what you need…and I’ll take you to Texas. Doc will pay for your first month’s rent in an apartment there, but after that, you’ll have to figure it out on your own.”

  Her head was spinning. Doc knew how badly she wanted to go to Texas, and he was offering to move her there…but alone. “I want to talk to Doc,” she said. “I won’t do anything until I talk to him.”

  “Then I drop you at your place and go on my way,” Hawk said. “Both deals expire today.”

  “I’ll go to jail! How can he just turn his back on me like this?” Hawk didn’t answer her and there was no sympathy for her in his eyes. She got the feeling he didn’t like her, or women in general. “I don’t want to go to jail.”

  “Get on the bike. You can let me know what you want to do when we get to your place.” Hawk climbed on his Harley and put on his gloves and bandanna. Abril stood there shaking for several long seconds before finally climbing on behind him. He handed her a helmet and she slipped it on and then with shaky hands, she held onto his waist as he took off out of the parking lot. The ride to her apartment took almost an hour and by the time they got there, she knew what she had to do. Hawk turned off the bike and she climbed off and said:

  “I’ll pack my bag.” She had no idea what she’d do for money. Being on the run would make it impossible for her to get a legitimate job. Her father wasn’t going to help her now either. But she wasn’t going to jail. If she went to jail, she was sure Doc would be completely out of her life by the time she got out…and keeping him was all that mattered to her. She’d go to Texas, and she’d figure something out when she got there…and then she’d call Doc…and somehow figure out a way to make him come.

  “Fucking Dick Tracy was here again,” Doc said as he poured the sweet amber liquid out of the half-drunk bottle and into his glass. He slammed the bottle down and Hawk said:

  “What did he want today?”

  “They arrested Tommy Two Tone with a pound of heroin. The little fucker told him he was moving it for the club.”

  “Fucking little rat,” Hawk said. “We got anyone in county right now?”

  “Gregorio is still there.” Gregorio was one of their best car thieves. He only got caught because he tried to boost a car that belonged to a pistol-packing old woman and she shot him in the leg and called the cops. He’d been in county jail for over a year. Their attorney kept coming up with one motion after the other to put off his jury trial. The longer they could drag it out, the more time served he’d have before sentencing. County time was a hell of a lot more comfortable than prison. “But we can’t touch Tommy,” Doc went on. “Brady will be all over it if something happens to Tommy, and we’ve already got enough trouble with him snooping around here all the time.” Doc sighed and poured himself another drink. “I’m thinking about getting out of the guns and drugs, Hawk.”

  Hawk laughed and when Doc didn’t smile he said, “What the fuck? You’re serious?”

  “Do you ever watch the news? You do know our new president built his entire campaign on fighting drugs. The new DEA agency that was formed by the last administration is over in Colombia and down in Mexico breaking up cartels and the police here are forming taskforces. One big bust is all it would take to shut this club down. You were there. You saw how easily I walked in and took this club away from Carlisle. If I end up in prison, and you too maybe, some other ambitious young man is going to do the same to us.”

  “So, what are you suggesting, boss? What will we do for money? Grow vegetables?”

  “The car business is booming and we’ve moved the weed underground thanks to Dallas’s ideas, so I’m confident that’s safe. We have plenty of money right now and I’m thinking if we take that money and start making investments…”

  “Investments? Shit, you might as well have gone to medical school and lived like your old man.”

  Doc narrowed his eyes. “Do you know how much money I got from that estate when he died?”

  “Nope. That was your business, not mine.”

  “True. But every penny of that money went into this club’s coffers and will be used to make this club bigger and stronger. I walked away from my parents’ deaths with close to three million dollars.” Hawk choked on his drink. Doc waited for him to catch his breath and said, “First off, don’t ever assume that I don’t already have a solid plan before I open my mouth; second, don’t ever compare me to my old man…and third, I’m bouncing this shit off of you, but don’t ever make the mistake of thinking anyone in this club besides me, you included, makes the final decisions. I’m not spending the rest of my life in a cage, and if you’re not too stupid to know that’s exactly where we are all going to end up if changes aren’t made, then you know where we keep the fucking door.” He slammed down his glass and got up, leaving Hawk sitting there to stew on all of it. Not even knowing where he was going or what he was planning to do, Doc stepped onto the steps leading upstairs and there was Jamie, coming down. He didn’t say a word, he just grabbed her by the arm and propelled her on up with him.

  Doc opened the door to the room he still sometimes used at the club, and when he stepped in and closed and locked the door behind him, he pulled off his shirt. Jamie had a self-satisfied smirk on her face and for some reason that pissed him off…it was like she thought she knew he’d come back to her someday. He was frustrated, though, and horny. With Dallas still in prison and Abril in San Antonio, his balls were blue again. Jamie pulled off her blouse as his hands went to his belt. He’d gotten his belt undone and was working on unzipping his jeans when there was a pounding on his door.

  “Go the fuck away or I’ll shoot whoever you are through the door,” he growled. The pounding stopped and he heard footsteps leading away from the door. He pushed down his pants and grabbed Jamie, pushing her down to her knees. She grabbed his shorts…and then “Bam!” the sound of a gunshot sent them both scrambling toward the floor. Doc could smell the gunpowder as he scrambled for the gun he kept under the bed. The bedroom door was hanging open when he turned over on his back, holding his own gun…and Dallas was standing in the doorway. “Motherfucker!” Doc shouted. “What the fuck are you doing?”

  Dallas still had the gun in her hands that she’d used to shoot the door open. “Funny,” she said, looking from him to a very frightened Jamie. “I was about to ask the two of you the same question.”

  Jamie proved that she was stupider than Doc thought she was then. She sat up, tits hanging out, and with that smirk on her face she said, “You’ve been gone too long if you can’t figure out what’s happening here. I was about to satisfy your man…again.” Doc was surprised when Dallas dropped the gun. At least she was still thinking rationally and didn’t want to go back to prison for murder.

  “Dallas,” he started. She didn’t even look at him. She walked over toward Jamie, who suddenly looked like she realized maybe her mouth had done her in. She started scooting backwards on her butt, but all that red hair was flowing, and Dallas grabbed a handful of it. Jamie screamed.

  “What are you doing? You crazy bitch!”

  “Taking out the trash,” Dallas said as she dragged the other woman by her hair across the floor. Doc was still sitting in the floor, holding his gun, watching it unfold. He supposed maybe he should do something…but shamefully he had to admit the whole thing was entertaining to watch. Of course, when Dallas was finished with Jamie, it was going to be his turn…but he was sure he could handle her, or at least he hoped.

  Dallas dragged Jamie out of the room. The redhead was twisting and turning by then and trying to get to her feet. When they disappeared around the corner, Doc got to his feet and followed them. Dallas dragged her over to the top of the stairs and Doc watched in an alcohol- and shock-fueled fog as his old lady proceeded to drag the topless woman down the stairs on her as
s. He cautiously followed and he heard the hush of everyone in the great room when Jamie’s ass hit the bottom step.

  “Listen up!” Dallas said, at the top of her lungs. “I am Doc Marshall’s old lady. I’m back to stay and this bitch is getting thrown out like the trash she is…any of the rest of you want the same treatment, touch my man.” She used both hands to drag Jamie to the door. Everyone just watched, even as Jamie screamed at them to help. When Dallas got to the door, Coyote opened it from the other direction, coming in. He looked at Dallas and then down at Jamie. “Move,” Dallas told him.

  “Coyote! Help me! This bitch is crazy!” Jamie screamed. Coyote always seemed to have a soft spot for Dallas. Even though he and Jamie were hot and heavy at times, Doc wasn’t surprised when he ignored the redhead, stepped back out, and held the door open for Dallas. Once outside, Dallas let go of Jamie’s hair and started to dust off her hands. Everyone was still watching through the open door as Jamie scrambled to her feet with her claws out. Coyote grabbed her around the waist before she was able to scratch out Dallas’s pretty light blue eyes. The door swung shut then and you could have still heard a pin drop until Dallas opened it again, alone, and walked back inside. She surveyed the crowd quietly, her eyes lingering on a few of the other club girls that Doc had used regularly before Dallas, and even after he first moved her in, before he promised to be faithful. In a controlled, almost quiet voice she said:

  “Is anyone else here confused about who I am, or what’s going to happen to them if they touch anything that’s mine from here on out?” Dallas was always a spitfire, but even Doc was surprised at what a few years in prison had done for her. Every woman in the crowd and even a few of the guys were shaking their heads in answer to her question. He couldn’t help but smile. That was, until those blue eyes filled with fire landed on his face and fell to his naked chest and down to his unzipped jeans. He had a feeling that it was going to be a long, fucking night.


  “I want to make a baby.” Dallas had been home for two weeks. The first few days had been like walking through the fires of hell. First, Doc had to convince her that the thing with Jamie had been a fluke and not ongoing…and then she wanted to talk about Abril. That motherfucking pastor had told her about Doc and his daughter. Doc’s only defense was that she’d told him to do it, just as long as it was away from the ranch. He spent hours reassuring her that Abril was out of his life and two thousand miles away. She finally settled down after a couple of days and the next week was filled with wild, passionate sex. They had just woken up after a night of not much sleep after sex in every position and those were the first words out of her mouth.

  “Excuse me?”

  “A baby. I want a baby.”

  “I guess I heard that. Really? You want a kid?”

  “Don’t you think I’d make a good mother?” Doc pictured her dragging Jamie out of the club by her hair and tried to keep a straight face as he said:

  “Of course, baby. You’re all mama bear. I guess I just never thought about it…the baby thing.”

  “Seriously? You’re building a legacy here. Who are you going to leave it to?”

  “I’ve been so busy building the legacy that I didn’t think about it.”

  “Well, think about it while I go shower and take out my diaphragm.” She was already out of bed before he processed that.

  “Wait…today? You want to do this today?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Well, there’s no guarantee it will happen the first time, and of course you know it takes nine months to cook one.”

  “Yes, I know,” he said, sarcastically. “I just meant, don’t you want to talk more about it before we just jump elbows-deep into diapers and formula?”

  She snorted. “We? You plan on changing diapers, do you?”

  “I’m not sure what the right answer to that is,” he said with a grin. She rolled her eyes again, but she was smiling.

  “Don’t worry, big guy, I won’t soil your badass reputation by expecting you to change a diaper. I’ll be right back.” She went into the bathroom and he lay there in bed and tried to imagine the two of them with a kid. He thought about his temper, and hers, and he thought about his own relationship with his father. He might not admit it to Dallas, but he was almost afraid they’d spawn a demon and he wouldn’t be able to love it. He was picturing a kid with red eyes and a head spinning around on his shoulders when his gorgeous old lady stepped out of the bathroom. She was still completely naked, but now her hair was wet and hanging down over her shoulders, brushing against her nipples. His cock was already getting hard as the visions of the demon child receded. She came over next to the bed and said, “I took it out, so if you think you don’t want a baby with me, you’d best find a condom.” Doc had no idea what he might do with a kid. But his little head was suddenly in charge. He reached up for her and brought her down on top of him in the bed. Their mouths joined in a kiss with the kind of passion fueled by years of not being able to taste each other. Every time he made love to her now, he appreciated it more…because now he knew how easily it could be taken away. Dallas broke the kiss first and breathlessly said, “Does that mean you want to be a daddy?”

  “It means I’m willing to give you whatever you want. I don’t have the first clue how to be a daddy. I’ll need a hell of a lot of help.”

  “Trust me,” she said with a wink, “I’ll be watching you closely.”

  She lowered her mouth back down to his and this time he began to nibble and then suck at her lips. She moaned into him and brought her tongue out to trace his lips. Doc reached up and put his hands on either side of her face, holding her head in place while they both poured their hearts and souls into the kiss. When he broke it, he pulled her head back slightly so he could look into her pretty eyes. They were glazed over with lust. “Jesus, you’re so beautiful, Dallas.”

  She smiled and said, “Back at you, Prez.” Doc rolled her off him and raised himself up on his elbow so he could look down at her body. His eyes lingered on her full breasts and then stopped of their own accord on her flat stomach. “You afraid of what will happen to my body if I have a baby?”

  He shook his head. “No, baby. I love you, not just your body.” Doc didn’t even realize as the words came out of his mouth that was the first time he’d ever said it out loud. He’d thought it a million times. He’d said, “Love ya,” but “I love you” was new. He saw from the look on Dallas’s face she realized it too.

  “About damn time,” she said.

  Doc chuckled. “You’re such a romantic, baby.”

  “Fuck romance. I want passion. I love you too, Doc…now put a baby in me.”

  He laughed again but lowered his mouth to one of her breasts and drew her nipple into the wet heat of his mouth. He loved having their own house. He didn’t have to even think about how much noise she made…and Dallas was a noisy lover. The sounds she made, and the curses she yelled out, only served to make him hornier. He used his tongue, swirling it around the hard peak, and used his other hand to play with the other at the same time. He sucked hard and then bit down, causing her to cry out.

  “Kind of hard,” she said. He looked up at her with the breast still in his mouth and bit it again.

  “Damn it!” She pushed against his face and smiling he said:

  “It’s mine. I can bite it if I want to.”

  “Just not so hard,” she said. He reached down between her legs and felt how wet she was. As he played between her folds and her face flushed hotter he said:

  “You didn’t like it?”

  “No,” she breathed out.

  “Then why are you so wet?”

  “From the shower.” He laughed and sucked the nipple back in between his lips. This time he opened his mouth wider so that he wasn’t just covering the outside of the nipple, but some of the soft white flesh around it as well. He began to suck hard and this time instead of complaining, Dallas wrapped her fingers up in his hair and arched her back. He let the breast go after
a while with a pop and moved his mouth down lower, sucking in another piece, hard. “You’re going to leave marks,” she said, breathlessly.

  He let go of her breast again and said, “Anyone else going to see them?”

  “No, but…” He didn’t wait for her to finish. He sucked another piece of the delicate skin into his mouth and set about leaving a mark. Dallas cursed and squirmed underneath him, but her hands continued to force his head down against her. When Doc knew he had a good mark there, he began to move up. Still gasping for breath she said, “Where are you going now?”

  “Your neck.”

  She giggled. “How classy will it look if your old lady has purple bruises all over her neck?”

  “Classy? I don’t give a shit about classy. I want everyone on this ranch to know you’re mine, and you and I are stronger together as a couple than ever.” He made it to her neck and kissed it softly before sucking a piece of it into his mouth and biting at it. He bit and licked and sucked while she wriggled and cried out. Finally, satisfied that she’d have a huge hickey she wouldn’t be able to easily cover, he left her neck alone and returned to her lips. While he kissed her, she slid her hand down and cupped his now rock-hard erection in one of her hands. She slid her hand down the shaft and then brought it up to run her fingers across the slick, wet head. He groaned and lay back, flat on the bed.

  Dallas knew what he wanted, and she didn’t hesitate to climb on top of him and snake her naked body down his until she was settled between his legs. He groaned when her tongue touched the tip of his cock and as she opened her beautiful lips and let the head of it slid into her mouth, he growled and bunched the sheet underneath him into his fists. Even after so much time away, she was still better at this than any woman he’d ever known. He brought his hips up as she ran her hot tongue along the underside of his hard cock and he pushed up on his elbows so he could watch her take it into her mouth. He was almost lightheaded from being so hard. His cock was throbbing in her mouth as she slid her lips up and down, licking him at the same time. She looked as good as he felt and even though he’d had two hard orgasms the night before, he felt like he was already heading toward another.


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