Book Read Free

Doc Marshall

Page 14

by Jessie Cooke

  The bar was blasting that awful country music like the one in Brownsville had been earlier in the day. Doc wondered how they could stand it as he made his way past a small dance floor and up to the pine bar. There was a young woman behind the bar, but it wasn’t Abril. He wasn’t sure yet if he was relieved or disappointed. He sat down and ordered a beer. The old cowboy next to him took him for a trucker because of his hat and tried to make conversation with him. Doc was as polite as he could be, but not in the mood. Deciding he was an idiot for being there in the first place, he paid his tab and got off his stool. As he made his way back toward the door he heard a familiar voice. “Okay, Diana, I’m leaving now. See you tomorrow.” He stopped for a second, but then pushed through the door as he heard people in the bar saying good night to a woman they called “April.” He waited by his bike for a few minutes before she opened the door, and backlit by the dance floor lights, he saw her. It was definitely Abril, and she looked as hot as ever. Her crazy, curly hair was loose and had grown all the way down to her waist. She had on a really short pair of cutoff jeans and cowboy boots and a plaid shirt tied at the waist. She was the perfect cliché of a hot Texas cowgirl and Doc knew as soon as he saw her that he was about to cheat on his old lady…again.

  He stood by his bike and watched her walk through the lot. He realized that she was headed toward the bus stop. He waited until she was a few feet past him and hadn’t noticed him before stepping out from between two pickups and saying, “You ever rode on the back of a Harley?”

  Abril’s eyes were shining so brightly when she turned to face him that they almost outshone the big neon boot. She ran toward him and when she reached him, threw her arms around his neck and jumped up, wrapping her long, sexy brown legs around his waist. Without a word, they locked in a kiss that made the months between them disappear. When Doc came up for air, he slid her down to her feet and saw that she had tears in her eyes. “I knew you’d come for me.”

  He knew he had to clear this up, right then and there. “Abril, I’m here on business. I’m not here to stay or take you back. I’m still with Dallas. We’re having a baby…”

  The light in her eyes was snuffed out slowly as he spoke, so he was surprised when she said, “I don’t want to talk about any of that. I just want tonight, Doc. Can you give me that?”

  “Sure, I can give you tonight.” The next thing he knew, she was on the back of his bike and he was headed toward the address she’d given him for her apartment. Tang hadn’t been kidding when he said she lived in a dump. Doc felt guilty about that, although Abril had been the one to make her own choices to steal from the church…and get caught. That was how he justified it anyway. He parked the bike in front of her apartment and followed her as she unlocked it and they went inside. The inside was small, but clean and decorated somewhat neatly. He didn’t have much time to look around, however, because as soon as he closed the door, Abril was back on him. She was kissing his neck and his face and telling him how much she missed him. He picked her up and carried her down the only hallway until he found the only bedroom. Her bed was a simple mattress on the floor. He dropped her on top of it and started stripping off his clothes.

  “Please, let me,” she said, coming back to her feet. Doc let go of the t-shirt and let her finish peeling it off. Once she had tossed that aside, she said something in Spanish softly and then began to run her hands all over his chest, tracing the planes of his muscles with her fingers. She ran her hands up to his shoulders and down his arms and then she ran them down his back, massaging his muscles gently as she did. Her touch felt good, and any guilt Doc was feeling was quickly diminishing. After she’d gotten her fill of touching his chest, she dropped down on the mattress again and untied his boots. She sat back slightly and let him pull them off before reaching up and undoing his pants. She pulled down his jeans to his ankles before reaching up for his shorts and pulling them down as well. She gasped when his cock popped out, and she said, “Oh God, I missed you.” Doc stepped out of his pants and shorts and before he got them all the way off, her big, full lips were wrapped around his aching cock. She worked the head of his cock with her tongue, tracing the grooves of the head while the other hand stroked and caressed the rest of him. She touched him and looked up at him with a kind of reverence he’d never seen…and the control freak inside of him really got off on that. He realized that was the hold that Abril and girls like Jamie had over him. Dallas loved him, but she didn’t worship him…and every so often, he needed that.

  He sucked in a hard breath through his teeth and in a strangled voice he said, “God, baby, that feels so good. You sure you haven’t been practicing?”

  She let his cock pop out of her mouth and she looked up at him. “No man has touched me since you, Doc. I don’t want anyone else. I’ll save myself only for you…forever.” Doc doubted that she knew how dangerous that declaration was. As long as he was in Boston and she in Texas, he’d be able to control himself…but now that he’d have business in Texas every few months or so, at least if the Sidewinders accepted the proposition, he might just have to satisfy his need for adoration when he was there.

  “Good baby. Don’t let anyone else touch you,” he said. “That hot body is mine.”

  She smiled up at him and licked the head of his cock. Then suddenly she engulfed it and began to bob her head up and down quickly, licking and sucking hard as she did. It felt like his cock was connected to a vacuum hose, and he knew that he wasn’t going to be able to hold on long. That seemed to be Abril’s plan. She never let his cock come out of her mouth, and the motions with her tongue and the feel of those incredible lips were driving him toward an orgasm at about a hundred miles an hour. When he felt his balls and cock beginning to tighten up, he also felt her tip her head back and take him further into his throat. He groaned, cursed, and grabbed a handful of her hair, thrusting himself in deeper, choking her on it and then suddenly exploding.

  She didn’t pull back. She kept sucking and licking until she’d gotten every last drop. It was only then that she collapsed back onto the mattress and looked up at him while licking the corners of her lips. Doc’s legs were shaking as he lowered himself down next to her. As soon as they were lying side by side, she kissed him. He wasn’t sure about the taste of himself on her at first, but the deeper she shoved her tongue into his mouth, the more turned on the idea of it made him. She had no inhibitions and the thought of that, the feel of her big breasts and hard nipples pressing into him, and the things her hands were simultaneously doing to his body, were all working to make his cock hard again, already.

  After sharing a hot kiss, Doc flipped her so she was flat on her back and he took one of those big breasts into his mouth. He attacked it, devoured it, and reveled in the sounds she was making and the things she was saying. She told him he was the best. She told him that his mouth and tongue felt like heaven and she started begging him to touch her pussy. Doc obliged, burying two and then three fingers inside her. While he continued to make love to her nipples and breasts with his mouth, he fingered her hard and fast. Abril thrust her hips up and down, matching his thrusts, moaning and grunting and begging him to go harder and faster. Before she came she told him she was there. Doc crooked one of his fingers and used his knuckle to press up hard into her clit. She screamed as she came. The neighbor might have knocked on the wall…Doc wasn’t sure, but he didn’t care. The second she finished her orgasm, he climbed up on top of her and buried his cock up inside her…deep.

  “Oh, God! Oh, Doc! That’s so fucking good!” she screamed. Doc wasn’t holding anything back. He began to fuck her while she clutched onto him and scratched and clawed at his back like a wild animal. He didn’t think about what he would tell Dallas about those claw marks. He loved the feel of her nails in his back and that’s all he was thinking about other than how good her pussy felt wrapped around his hard cock. He looked down at the ecstasy spread across her face and once again rationalized what he was doing. He was making her happy. He was all she wanted
. Dallas didn’t need to know…then they’d all be happy. “I love you, Doc. I’m going to love you forever.”

  He ignored that declaration, slid his hands underneath her ass, and tipped her hips up at an angle. He fucked her even harder then, faster, wilder. She came again, once, maybe twice. And then it was Doc’s turn. He felt the orgasm building and he knew it was going to be twice as big and hard as the last one. He heard those words again in his head, “I’m going to love you forever,” and only then did it dawn on him that he had no idea if she was using birth control, maybe trying to trap him. He loved fucking this woman, but he wasn’t losing Dallas for her. Just as he was ready to explode, he pulled out. Her face looked shocked and slightly disappointed as he finished his orgasm all over her chest and stomach. She waited until they both came down from their high to ask:

  “Did you worry I’d get pregnant?”

  “A little,” he said, breathlessly, and honestly.

  “If I did, I wouldn’t bother you with it,” she said, simply. She got up to wash up and Doc went after her. Breaking his promise to spend the night with her, he put on his clothes, kissed her goodbye, and left. He hated the sad look in her eyes as he did, and he drove away promising himself that it would never happen again.


  “Where is he?” Dallas screamed into the phone. She knew she was being unreasonable, but her adrenaline was sky-high. She needed her old man and she needed him right then.

  The men had gotten back from Texas two days before, celebrating their deal with the Sidewinders. Dallas was so happy that Doc made it back before the baby was born that she hadn’t even protested when he left that morning to ride up to Connecticut for a meet with a club up there. He assured her it would be a quick trip up and back and she could page him if anything came up. He was so calm about it that it made her calm as well. She’d kissed him goodbye and set about straightening up the house and putting some laundry in to wash. She was about two hours into her housework when she had the first contraction. She had the ones the doctors called “Braxton Hicks” about a week before, so she thought that’s what this one was. It was only when the next one hit about five minutes later…and hard…that she realized this was it…she was in labor. She paged Doc and while she waited, she called up to the clubhouse. The girl who answered the phone, Sunny, put Coyote on the phone when Dallas asked to talk to whichever guy was closest.

  “Coyote, I’m in labor.”

  “Oh shit! I’ll page Doc.”

  “I just paged him. He hasn’t called back yet but I need to get off the phone in case he does. I need you to take me to the hospital, Coyote.”

  “I should send someone out after Doc,” he said. “I’ll page Hawk. Maybe…”

  “Coyote! Doc is two and a half hours away. Even when we get in touch with him, it will take those two and a half hours for him to get here. I can’t wait that long. Please, just bring the van and come get me.”

  “Wouldn’t you rather one of the girls take you?” he asked, nervously.

  She snorted. “They all hate me, Coyote. I don’t want someone that hates me taking me to the hospital. Please come, I trust you.”

  “Yeah,” he said, very reluctantly. “Okay…I’ll send one of the prospects after Doc and then I’ll be right there…we have time to get to the hospital?”

  She laughed. “I promise not to have the kid in the van…as long as you don’t take all day.”

  “I’m coming. Hold it.”

  She was still laughing when she hung up. Of all Doc’s crew, she liked Coyote the best. He drank too much, and he had a reputation as an asshole because he didn’t control his mouth well when he was drunk. But he’d always been kind to her and she thought that he might even have a little crush on her although he’d never acted on it. He treated her with respect and he respected that she was his president’s woman as well.

  It was about twenty minutes later when Dallas saw the black van pull up outside of her and Doc’s house. She picked up her overnight bag that was packed with her essentials and things for the baby and she met him out on the little front porch. “Give me that,” he said, taking the bag out of her hand. “You don’t need to be lifting things in your condition.”

  “Thanks, Coyote,” she said, taking the arm he held out. He led her down the steps and across the little yard toward the van. Just before they reached it she felt a contraction coming on. She put her hands on her big belly as it tightened, and stopped walking. Coyote dropped the bag and said:

  “What do I do?” She didn’t answer him; she just fought through the contraction, tried to breathe through it like they told her to in that stupid Lamaze class…and just as it was passing she suddenly felt a rush of warm liquid down between her legs and into her shoes.

  “Oh shit!”

  “What the hell is that?” Coyote asked, looking at the little puddle in the dirt.

  “My water broke.”

  “Shit! Is that bad?”

  The look on his face was comical. “No,” she said, holding her back, which was now beginning to hurt. “But it means this is definitely real labor. I need to go change.”

  “What? No! We need to get you to the hospital.”

  Dallas knew it was stupid, but she didn’t want to start out her stay in the hospital with shoes that squished when she walked. “I’m changing before I go,” she told him. She turned back toward the house and, cussing the whole way, Coyote took her arm and helped her. Once inside, she headed for her bedroom and she could hear Coyote pacing the living room the whole time. She got another contraction while she was changing and she knew they were getting closer together and she probably needed to hurry. Coyote was on the phone when she came back out into the living room. He was facing away from her and she didn’t think he heard her coming when she heard him say:

  “Why aren’t you together? I thought you all had this meeting…Shit…Does he have a fucking girlfriend in Connecticut or does he keep them all in Texas?…Fuck that! I don’t care if he does get pissed. Dallas deserves better.” Dallas cleared her throat. Coyote slowly turned toward her with no color in his cheeks. Into the phone he said, “I’m going to have to call you back.” He put the phone in the cradle and when Dallas didn’t speak straight away he said, “You ready?”

  “Did Doc see that Puerto Rican girl when you all were in Texas?”

  “I don’t know,” he said. That was the truth. He suspected that Doc saw her the last night they were there because he didn’t make it back to the Head Hunters’ clubhouse until the morning after he took off. Coyote didn’t know why the idea of Doc’s cheating on Dallas pissed him off so much, but it did.

  “Does he have a girlfriend in Connecticut?”

  “No,” he said, too quickly. He repeated it: “No, at least not that I know of. I was just being a dick. I was nervous and…well, I’m just not sure why he left you alone in the first place, not that it’s my business.”

  “Would you tell me if you did know anything?” Dallas asked him.

  “I don’t. I’m sorry…”

  “If you did, Coyote, would you tell me?”

  He looked down at the floor and said, “Probably not.”

  She raised an eyebrow and said, “Thanks for the honesty, I appreciate it.” He nodded and then finally looked back up at her and said:

  “Are you ready to go now?”

  “No. I need to know about San Antonio.”

  He whispered, “Fuck.” Then: “Can we do this later, after you have this baby?”

  “No, so unless you want to deliver it here at home, you’ll tell me the truth right now. Did he see her?”

  “I really don’t know. He doesn’t talk about her, ever. The only one that is even supposed to know is Hawk, and a couple of the nomads. But you know how the gossip is around here, so we heard about her.”

  “Why did you think he saw her when he was in Texas this time?”

  He groaned again and said, “Gossiping again. I’m sorry, Dallas. I was just nervous and that got me pissed t
hat he wasn’t here. I don’t know if he saw her…really.”

  “Did he leave the clubhouse, alone?”


  “Did he?” Coyote nodded. “For how long?”

  He sighed and said, “He stayed out all night the night before we came home.” Dallas did the math. That was three days ago. He was fucking his mistress three days before she was giving birth to their child. She could feel her blood heating up. She tried to tamp down her anger; it couldn’t be good for the baby or her in labor. “Dallas, can we go now?”

  She nodded and looking relieved, Coyote took her arm again and mumbled something about needing a drink. She could feel him trembling slightly as she held onto him. It was cute that he was so nervous. He even buckled her into her seat. Coyote drove quickly, but cautiously, toward the hospital while Dallas alternated between breathing through the contractions and wondering if Doc was being unfaithful to her. She had found him with Jamie the night she got out of prison. He told her it was a fluke, a one-time thing because he was stressed. She hadn’t believed him because he was convincing, she’d believed him because she wanted to. She’d missed him so badly while she was locked up, and she’d been thinking about having his baby almost the entire time she was there. She wanted him…so much that she was willing to lie to herself to have him.

  “You doing okay?” Coyote asked when they drove up in front of the hospital.

  “Yeah, I’m okay.” Coyote got out and went to open the van door. Dallas’s heart jumped so hard that it almost hurt her chest when the door was pulled open and Doc was standing there.

  “What are you doing here?”

  He grinned. “I was on my way back from Connecticut when I got your page. I’m sorry I didn’t stop and call you back, I just wanted to get here.”

  “But Hawk and Badger didn’t know where you were.”

  Doc cocked an eyebrow and said, “Hawk knew exactly where I was. Badger wasn’t supposed to meet up with him until lunchtime and my whereabouts weren’t of any importance to him so I didn’t tell him.” He looked a little pissed but shook it off quickly and said, “I’m sorry I wasn’t here, baby. But I’m here now. I can’t wait to meet this kid we’ve been cooking.”


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