The Alpha King and his Human Mate

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The Alpha King and his Human Mate Page 10

by Melisa Bigler

  Everyone laughed at what she said.

  “I will have you know, I do not wear panties,” Edric replied, “usually I don’t wear anything.”

  Jillian blushed bright red.

  “Edric, embarrass the poor girl, why don’t you,” Carla grinned.

  “Well, my appetite is ruined,” Emerson replied.

  Jillian laughed at that. “I know, right? Like I needed to know that. TMI Edric, TMI.”

  Even Edric’s guards who were standing by the door were snickering.

  Edric leaned over and whispered in her ear. “I can show you later if you want.”

  She blushed again, making him chuckle.

  “Edric, seriously, leave the poor girl alone,” Carla said. “Jillian maybe you need to lock your door tonight.”

  “Good idea,” Jillian replied.

  “Hey, don’t give her any ideas,” Edric protested.

  After dinner, it was getting dark, so Jillian couldn’t paint. She headed to her room instead, while Edric headed to his office, after kissing her soundly.

  “Leave your door unlocked,” he told her.

  “You wish,” she laughed, but she did.

  He checked on her later and she was sound asleep, uncovered. He tamped down his hormones because she was only in a long t-shirt that was riding up her thighs. He gently covered her up, and after kissing her cheek, he headed to his room.

  The rest of the week went by quickly. Jillian spent the week painting after school, and that Sunday afternoon before dinner, she packed, and after she did so, she called her mom.

  “I know you always wanted to go,” her mother said. “I am happy for you. Have fun.”

  “I will mother, love you.”

  “Love you, my girl, I am glad you are happy there.”

  “I am,” Jillian assured her.

  “I hope he is treating you well.”

  “Very well.”

  “Good. Your father is still worried about him.”

  “I know mom, but I am okay, really. He has been nothing but a gentleman.”

  She then felt warm breath on her ear and turned to see Edric. He started nibbling on her ear, making her hold in a gasp because it felt good.

  “Be safe daughter of mine, and call when you get back.”

  “I will,” Jillian promised, hanging up and turning to Edric, who had a devilish grin on his face.

  “You are in so much trouble,” she said, pushing his chest.

  “Oh really, how much trouble,” he asked, picking Jillian up, and making her wrap her arms around his neck, and her legs about his waist.

  “A lot,” she gasped out, as he kissed her neck where he had marked her. She shuddered because it felt good.

  “Hmm, sounds good,” he chuckled, carrying her to her bed, and laying her down.

  “Oh no you don’t Mister,” Jillian said, scrambling to get up.

  He pushed her back down, undoing her jeans.

  “Edric, I am warning you,” Jillian gasped out, as he leisurely slid her jeans down her legs.

  “I’m just helping you get ready for dinner,” he teased as he kissed her legs.

  “Edric, not now. You know I’m not ready.”

  “I know love,” he said, kissing her again. “I just need to tease you a bit, let you know what you are missing out on,” he said, then he kissed her mouth. “I will let you get ready, but you know Jillian, my wolf is getting impatient.”


  “I just don’t know how much longer I can control him.”

  “Are you talking about him, or you?” she asked.

  “Both,” he said, laid an incredible kiss on her lips, and then left the room so she could get dressed for dinner.

  He would be the death of her if she didn’t give in to him. It was getting to be too tempting. Just the night before he had walked into her room without his shirt on, so he could tuck her into bed. She had eyed him hungrily, checking out his eight pack. “Like what you see? It’s all yours if you want it,” he said, seductively, kissing her until she couldn’t think straight.

  “No, no, not right now,” she had said, and he nodded, walking out. She knew he was disappointed, but she just wasn’t ready, was she?

  She had a hard time eating dinner, because every time she looked at Edric, he was watching her with lust in his eyes. She wanted so badly to give in. Would it be so bad if she did? She knew she couldn’t hold out much longer. He was driving her nuts.

  They finally finished dinner, and she excused herself to her room. She took a quick shower then climbed into bed, only wearing a long t-shirt and nothing else. She hoped that he would come and tuck her in, but she waited and waited, and was just about asleep when she felt him lay next to her. She felt feathery kisses on her ear, and then her neck. She sighed. He pulled her closer, putting his arm across her waist, trapping her against him. His wolf smiled. He could sense Jillian was ready. “I love you, Luna,” Edric whispered to her. She turned to look at him, his eyes were dark. He kissed her. “I want you, Jillian.”

  “I want you,” she admitted and then got lost in his kisses.

  When she awoke the next morning, she felt a warm arm wrapped across her waist. She smiled. She had finally given in to the Alpha, and she was glad she had. She felt whole now as if she had been missing out on something. She sighed in contentment. She was happy and in love.

  Chapter 10

  Her alarm went off a few minutes later and she moved to get up.

  “Don’t go,” Edric muttered next to her.

  “I have a flight to catch,” she reminded him.

  “Cancel it,” he muttered, pulling her on top of him.

  “Edric,” she said. “I have to get dressed.”

  “Not yet,” he said.

  She couldn’t resist him as he kissed her all over. She had to hurry then so she wouldn’t miss her flight.

  Edric was dressed when she came out of the bathroom, wrapped only in a towel. He eyed her lustily again.

  “Don’t even start,” she said, “I have got to get ready,” she said.

  “Then you shouldn’t come out of the bathroom in only a towel,” he growled, kissing her and trying to peel the towel off of her.

  She laughed and smacked his hands. “Stop, or I will be late.”

  “Fine,” he pouted. “No flirting with the men over there,” he told her. “You are mine, in every sense of the word,” he told her, grabbing her to him, making her squeal.

  “Don’t worry, they would never compare to your love making skills,” she teased him.

  “I don’t even want you to go there,” he warned her.

  She smiled up at him, kissing him. “You are my one and only, Alpha,” she assured him, kissed him, then hurried to grab her clothes for the day. She then headed out the door, Edric on her heels, watching her hind end as she walked down the stairs. He smiled. He was a happy and content man.

  “Well, don’t you two look refreshed,” Emerson teased, making Jillian blush bright red.

  Edric chuckled. “I feel refreshed.”

  Emerson grinned, as he took Jillian’s luggage out to the limo.

  “Be safe,” Edric told her.

  “I will be,” she promised, kissed him, and then headed out the door.

  He stood in the door watching Emerson drive away, and sighed. If he hadn’t been in love before, he was now, head over heels. He couldn’t wait until she got home again. He sighed, two whole weeks, he could survive, right?

  Emerson helped Jillian with her luggage at the airport and then after wishing her a good trip, he headed back to the palace. He was grinning. His Alpha and Luna were deeply in love, and he was glad, it was about time his Alpha had someone to love.

  Chapter 11

  Most of her class was waiting when Jillian walked into the airport. “Just three more students,” her teacher said, and a few minutes later, they were all gathered at the gate.

  “This is going to be incredible,” Kimberly smiled, dancing a little dance.

“Yes, it will be,” Jillian agreed, as they headed to the ticket agent to hand over their boarding passes. Jillian tried to ignore the bad feeling she had when she had her dream the other day. It wasn’t going to be her plane, she would be all right, she was sure of it. But then again, she never dreamt of when she was about to get hurt, only others.

  It was a straight flight to Paris, no layovers, so it would be a long flight. Jillian was glad she brought some books in her carry on so she wouldn’t be bored.

  The flight was full, they weren’t the only ones headed to Paris. The plane was noisy as everyone got loaded, and then the stewardesses showed the usual safety stuff, how to use the oxygen masks, etc. Just a few minutes later, they were taxiing down the runway. Jillian looked out the window as they went faster and faster down the runway. The plane shuddered for a moment and then shot up into the sky.

  “I hate the takeoff,” Kimberly muttered. She was gripping the seat pretty tight.

  Jillian chuckled. “It’s okay, Kim, I’m right here,” but then she heard a boom, and gasped, as suddenly the plane began to drop rapidly backward, tail down. The two girls screamed, along with everyone else.

  “We’re going to die!” Kimberly screamed in terror.

  Jillian closed her eyes as the plane hit tail first and exploded on impact.

  “Edric!” Jillian screamed, as she put her hand out to protect Kimberly.

  Edric heard Jillian’s cry as he felt a great pain tear through his thigh and his gut. He was standing in his office and collapsed to the ground, Warren running to his side. “Alpha,” he said, worriedly.

  “Jillian,” he moaned, “her plane,” he whispered, his face extremely pale.

  Warren frowned and helped Edric up and the two men raced out the door. Emerson was waiting for them, as were Wes and Orson.

  “Jillian’s plane crashed,” Edric said, his face pale, his leg feeling like it was on fire, along with his torso.

  Emerson helped him into the limo, Warren and Edric’s two guards hopping in beside him. Emerson hit the gas.

  “Do you think she is dead?” Warren asked his Alpha.

  “I don’t know, I don’t think so,” he moaned. He couldn’t lose his Luna when he had just found her.

  When they reached the airport they raced past security and to the gate, no one stopping them because everyone was watching in horror out the window at the plane which was in flames.

  The men stared in horror as several ambulances pulled up to the plane, along with firemen who began to put out the fire.

  “I have to get to her,” the Alpha ground out, and not caring about the police around the plane, or anyone else, he ran to the plane, his men following.

  They stopped short, as they saw the EMT’s pulling burnt bodies from the plane, all of them dead.

  “No, she is alive, I can feel it,” the Alpha moaned in agony, as he hurried forward.

  The paramedics looked up at the Alpha as he hurried forward. “My Luna, she is in there,” he gasped out.

  “We will find her Alpha,” one of the men said, as they hurried back onto the plane which was just smoldering now.

  “We have two alive!” came the word, and the Alpha watched as the paramedics gently carried two women off the plane, both of them scorched, bruised, and bloodied.

  “Jillian,” Edric moaned and hurried forward to her. The paramedic set her gently onto a stretcher.

  “Is one of these girls your Luna, Alpha?” the paramedic asked.

  “Yes, and her friend,” Edric choked out.

  “They are severely hurt, but because they were in the middle of the plane, they survived. There are only a few others that are alive,” he said, shaking his head sadly.

  “The pilot?”

  “He and the co-pilot are dead, everyone is but the seven sitting in the middle,” he shook his head sadly. “What a loss.” He then hooked an I.V. up to Jillian. She didn’t stir.

  Tears ran down Edric’s face as he kissed her. She didn’t look good. Even though he knew she could heal, he wasn’t sure she would make it through. She was severely injured. “I want to ride with her,” he told the paramedic.

  The man nodded. “Of course Alpha.”

  The paramedic loaded Jillian into the ambulance, Kimberly into another, and the four others who lived were loaded into other ambulances.

  The Alpha howled in pain, the other wolves joining him. He couldn’t lose his love, he just couldn’t. He hopped into the ambulance, mind linking his men to meet him at the hospital. They hurried away, as Edric sat at Jillian’s side in the ambulance, watching the heart monitor beep. He squeezed her hand, but she didn’t respond.

  As soon as the ambulance arrived at the hospital, Jillian was ushered into the E.R. The doctor took one look at her and told the nurses to prep her for surgery, so he sat down in the waiting room, feeling defeated, and called Jillian’s parents, letting them know what had happened. They immediately left their dig and headed to the hospital.

  Nadine hugged Edric as soon as she walked in. She had been crying. “How is she?”

  “She is still in surgery.”

  “Will she be okay?”

  “Not sure, we are hoping so,” Edric said, worriedly.

  It seemed like ages when a doctor finally came into the waiting room.

  “Alpha, a word?” he asked.

  Edric nodded and followed the doctor into a consulting room.

  “How is she?” Edric asked.

  “She will live. She has some busted ribs, a punctured lung, and a chunk taken from her thigh, that is going to require extensive surgeries, but she will live.”

  “I wish she was a wolf, so she could heal faster,” he whispered. He didn’t know the extent of Jillian’s healing powers. He figured they were nothing like a wolf’s.

  “We will do all that we can,” the doctor assured him, “She seems like a fighter.”

  “Can I go see her?”

  “Once we put her into ICU. She is in recovery right now,” he said and headed away. “I’ll have a nurse inform you when she has been moved.”

  Edric felt anger, elation, and pain, all at once. He was angry that his Luna was gravely injured. He was elated she would live, and he felt pain because she was in pain. He could feel it. Even though she wasn’t awake, he could feel how injured she was. Even though she was human, she was mated to an Alpha, and he could feel anything she could.

  He headed back to the waiting room. Jillian’s parents hopped up. “How is she?”

  “She has some serious injuries, but she will live,” he sighed.

  “What are her injuries?” Henry asked.

  “Punctured lung, broken ribs, and a huge hole in her thigh.”

  Her mother began to cry, and her dad hugged her. “It’s okay love, she will be okay.”

  Ruben ran into the room then and stopped when he saw the Alpha. “How are they?” he asked, tears in his eyes.

  “The Luna will live, I am not sure about your mate,” he told Ruben.

  “She will be okay,” another doctor said, walking into the room. “She is healing nicely. She was injured, but it seems like the Luna helped protect her,” the doctor shook his head, “when she was the one who needed saving.” He looked at the Alpha. “You have a very brave Luna. She will be respected and loved, especially after everyone learns of her heroics.”

  “Why would she do that?” Warren shook his head. “She is human, she could die.”

  “Because she is a Luna,” Edric whispered. “That is what Luna’s do, they protect others at the cost of their own lives.”

  “That sounds like our daughter,” Jillian’s mom said, “she always was selfless.” She didn’t even seem bothered that everyone was calling her daughter, Luna.

  A nurse walked into the waiting room then. “Alpha, your Luna is in I.C.U.” she was smiling.

  “That was fast,” Edric replied. The doctor had only told him moments ago that she was in recovery.

  “Can we come and see our daughter?” Henry asked.<
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  The nurse looked at the Alpha.

  “Let me go see her and then I will be back to get you.”

  Henry nodded and sat down by his wife, impatient to see how his daughter was doing.

  The Alpha hurried after the nurse and to I.C.U. She led him to a room that was all windows, so the nurses could keep an eye on their patients. A nurse sitting outside the room at a desk, jumped to her feet and bowed her head. “Alpha,” she smiled. “Come in, you are going to be pleased,” the nurse said, and walked into the small room, the other nurse following.

  Edric swallowed as he saw his love hooked up to all kinds of machines, her face extremely bruised.

  “Look at this,” the nurse said, pulling back the gown, but leaving enough of it to cover Jillian without exposing her. There was a huge bandage on her left thigh, but the nurse pulled it back. “In surgery, this was a gaping hole. Big enough for a baseball to fit into it,” she said, making Edric wince.

  “But look at it now,” she said, pointing at it. Edric gasped. The wound was closed up, there was only a large pink spot, where new skin had formed.

  “Amazing, right?” the nurse said. “I am sure if we do another x-ray on her, her ribs will be healed.”

  He watched in fascination as the bruises started disappearing from Jillian’s face.

  “Amazing,” Edric said, “and she’s human.”

  “But, she is your Luna, and you are her mate, that is why she is healing so fast,” the nurse told him.

  Edric was pleased, but he knew that it wasn’t because of him that she was healing, that was all Jillian.

  The nurse walked out but returned moments later with a portable ultrasound. She lifted Jillian’s gown and ran the machine over her stomach. Her stomach was deep purple, but Edric watched as the bruises started to lessen.

  “Absolutely incredible,” he whispered.

  “Just as I thought. Her ribs are totally healed, as is her lung,” the nurse whispered. “You can’t even tell that she had severe internal injuries. See here Alpha? This is where her ribs were broken,” the nurse pointed out, but there was only a slight line, and then there was none. “Incredible,” the nurse grinned. “Dr. Hess will want to know his patient is healing at such a fast rate.” She put Jillian’s gown back down, then took the machine out.


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