The Alpha King and his Human Mate

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The Alpha King and his Human Mate Page 16

by Melisa Bigler

  The principal walked to the microphone. “Students and parents, thank you for gathering with us today. We wanted to honor the students who lost their lives this past week.” He smiled sadly. “I want to let the parents know how sorry I am that such brilliant minds were lost to us. I know that the Alpha and Luna feel your pain.”

  Parents and students were wiping their eyes, as their tears fell. Jillian started to cry also. She couldn’t help it. There were just too many gone.

  “We are grateful that some survived,” the principal said, nodding at a group of students and their parents who were sitting together. “Johan, Libby, Faris, Bart, Carol, and Kimberly, we are so glad you lived, but most important that our Luna survived. I would like to turn a few minutes over to her.” He stepped back and looked at her.

  She stood, a nervous wreck. She hated public speaking, and especially in front of the whole school, plus the parents and teachers.

  She took a deep breath and looked back at Orson and Wes who gave her nods of encouragement. She stepped to the microphone.

  “I am not sure what to say,” Jillian said, looking out to the audience, spotting Kim. She smiled at her friend. “But I do want you to know how loved all of you are, and that the Alpha and I are with all of you in feeling your sorrow. I wish none of this had happened, that we could go back to last week, but as much as I wish that, it can’t happen. All I can do is tell all of you how sorry I am. I care deeply for all of you. You are my pack, and I want you to know if you need anything, especially a shoulder to cry on, I am here for you.” She then sat down, amid thunderous applause. Then everyone stood and bared their necks to her, a great sign of respect. Tears came to her eyes and she bowed her head back to them. Things would be okay. The students saw her in a new light and felt great respect for her now.

  The principal then got back up and spoke for a few minutes, then he turned the time over to a few of the parents who had lost a child, and then he turned the time over to one of the parents whose child had lived.

  She walked to the microphone, tears in her eyes, and then she looked back at Jillian, bowed her head to her and then turned back. “I just wanted to say how grateful I am that my son Faris is alive. I can’t even describe to you how it feels. I thought he was lost to me, just like all the others.” She choked back a sob, “but I know for a fact that the Luna protected him and the others who lived.”

  Everyone gasped, and Jillian frowned. “I know you think that impossible, but how else do you explain that those who were sitting by our Luna, lived. They were the only ones,” she whispered. “I know that our Luna is powerful, I can feel it, she is so good for all of us, thank you, Luna, for saving my son.” She then stepped to Jillian. Jillian stood up and hugged her. “How did you do it?” the woman whispered in her ear.

  “I don’t know,” Jillian said.

  “I will forever be in your debt,” she then knelt at her feet, making Jillian blush. The other parents whose students were alive because of her, knelt also. Then all of the students, and soon everyone was kneeling.

  “Please, please, stand,” Jillian said to them, tears streaming down her face. “I am not worthy of your fealty.” They stayed where they were. They all could feel her power. They knew she wasn’t a weak human after all.

  “Yes, you are worthy,” the principal told her. “You are the greatest Luna we have had since the High Luna Queen.”

  Jillian looked at him, a question in her eyes. He turned to the audience. “The High Luna Queen was the most powerful woman alive, she was just like you, Luna Jillian, kind, and she cared for each and every one of us, but then she and her husband were murdered by rogues.” He sighed. “I am just glad that you are here now. You will make us wolves great again.”

  The students and parents all sat down then, and the principal said, “Well parents and students, we have grief counselors here if you need them. I know that the Luna will also talk with those who might need comfort.” He then dismissed everyone. But they waited until Jillian stood and walked out, her guards behind her.

  “Okay, that was so crazy,” Jillian breathed out, heading to the lunchroom.

  Orson chuckled. “They are smart Luna, they know a great and powerful woman when they see her.”

  “I am not all that great, or powerful.”

  Wes scoffed. “So you say. We can feel the power in you. Don’t kid yourself.”

  Jillian walked into the lunchroom to get her food, and soon the other students followed. She took her food to her table and sat down, Orson and Wes grabbed some food also and came to sit by her. A few minutes later, Kimberly and Ruben came to sit with her. “Permission to sit with her almighty Luna?” Kimberly asked seriously, but she had a twinkle in her eye.

  “Yes, Kim, sit your butt down, and quit embarrassing me,” Jillian grinned.

  She laughed. “Very well.” She sat down, Ruben by her side.

  “You did well in there,” Ruben told Jillian. “You are greatly respected now. You shouldn’t have any more problems with any of the students.”

  “I hope not, I hate being talked about or bullied.”

  “What you said,” Kim whispered, wiping at her eyes. “You meant it, and everyone could tell.”

  “I just don’t know why that mom would tell everyone I saved her son.”

  “Because you did,” Kim insisted. “You saved me, and like she said, because the others were sitting by you, your Luna power saved them. I have a feeling you are going to have some worshipers on your hands now.”

  “Oh dear, that is not what I wanted.”

  Ruben chuckled. “Enjoy it, it’s about time everyone started treating you with respect.”

  The three boys that she had saved suddenly walked up to the table, and Orson and Wes stepped in to stop them.

  “It’s okay Orson, Wes, let them through.”

  Her guards nodded and stepped back, but only to stand behind Jillian.

  “Luna,” Faris said, exposing his neck to her. “Bart, Johan and I would like to personally thank you for saving us. We owe you everything, and we were wondering, well, if,” he looked at the other boys, who nodded. “Well, we were wondering if you would let us be your guards after we graduate high school.”

  Jillian looked back at Orson and Wes, who shrugged.

  “Can I get back with you on that? I would need to ask the Alpha.”

  “Of course,” Faris nodded. “We can go to school, whatever it takes so we can protect you, after all, you saved us. It is the least we can do, Luna.”

  Jillian felt at such a disadvantage sitting down, so she stood and walked to them. The three knelt at her feet, making her feel embarrassed all over again. The cafeteria had gone quiet. Everyone was watching them.

  “Gentlemen, please, stand,” she said.

  They nodded and got to their feet. She then hugged them. They were quite surprised that their Luna would hug them, but the three hugged her back. “I would be honored if you were my guards, but the Alpha is out of town, so I will let you know in a few days, okay?”

  They nodded at her, then bowing their heads to her one more time, they went back to their table.

  “Man, that was embarrassing,” Jillian sighed, sitting down as the students went back to eating.

  “That is a great honor,” Ruben told her, “for guys like that to swear their lives to protect yours. You don’t see that happen, like ever.”

  “I do feel honored,” Jillian replied.

  “So, girl, how about dress shopping?” Kim asked her, trying to ease the tension.

  "You are not going shopping," Orson growled out.

  "Orson, what are the chances of me being attacked twice? Kelson is dead, I should be okay."

  "I don't know Luna," he frowned.

  "Orson, you can't keep babying me. I will be fine. The Alpha doesn't need to know."

  "Luna, we just got you back from the hospital, again," he frowned.

  She sighed. "Okay, I won't go shopping today, but I need a dress."

  "Wait unt
il the Alpha gets back, and then he can take you," Orson said.

  “Yippee, I am sure he would be thrilled to have me drag him around looking for a dress.”

  The two men chuckled, but they were relieved.

  Wes growled then, his wolf wanting to come out, as Jarem approached them. He had skipped out on the memorial. He hated that stuff, and he didn’t care how great the Luna was, she was still human.

  He smirked at Jillian, but bowed his head at her, mocking her.


  "What do you want?" she said, getting angry. He could feel her power, and backed away.

  "I wanted to thank you for making me work with horse crap," he smirked. “It has really opened my eyes to see something.”


  "Yes, on how to get revenge," he chuckled. "By the way, Kelson, may be dead, but he had many followers," he replied, and walked away.

  Wes growled angrily, ready to head after him.

  "Wes, stop," Jillian demanded.

  He stopped and looked at her. He could feel her power and he couldn’t deny her.

  "Luna, he threatened you,” he growled.

  "I know, but he wants you to follow him and leave me vulnerable."

  Wes nodded, frowning. "I am sorry Luna, I didn't think about that."

  "I know," she frowned. She looked at Orson. "Don't tell the Alpha about this."

  "He has to know."

  "No, because then he will lock me away, and I don't want that, promise me, both of you."

  "But," Orson said.

  "No, Orson. I will not be a prisoner."

  He sighed. "Yes, Luna."

  "Good," she said and stood. "I need to head to class." She hugged Kimberly. "I'll see you there?"

  "Of course," she nodded, watching her friend walk out, her guards following.

  She looked at Ruben. He looked worried.

  "Ruben, Jillian did not tell us to not say anything," she said.

  He nodded. "I will let the Alpha know. Her life is in danger."

  Kimberly nodded. "I wonder who Kelson had following him? It worries me if he has a group of wolves that were under him."

  "I know. I just hope we can stop Jarem before he does something stupid."

  "I hope so too," Kimberly whispered, worried about her Luna.

  Chapter 19

  The rest of the day was uneventful except for the fact that now everyone exposed their necks to her and then didn’t sit until she did. She was glad to head to her last class, one of her favorite, her dutch oven cooking class.

  The class cooked some potatoes and bread and were sitting around eating it, when Jillian suddenly stood up, holding her mouth. They were outside, and the class watched as she ran quickly away, Orson and Wes on her heels.

  She found some bushes nearby and threw up.

  Orson frowned and looked at Wes who shrugged.

  The teacher walked over a moment later and handed her a bottle of water.

  "I am sorry sir," Jillian said, "I guess the food didn't set right."

  He nodded. "It's okay Luna, I am sure your body is still healing from your trauma. Why don't you go home early, so you can rest. I will excuse you."

  "Thanks," she whispered as she dry heaved.

  Orson put an arm about her as Wes grabbed her backpack and they headed to the car.

  "Don't throw up in the car," Wes teased, as he got up front. "I don't think the Alpha would appreciate it."

  "I'll try not too," Jillian whispered, her face pale.

  Wes hurried them back to the palace. Carla was waiting for them, and took Jillian to her room, made her lay down, and then hurried to get a wet rag, and some crackers. She brought them back, put the rag on Jillian's forehead, and handed her the crackers. "The first few months of pregnancy are the worst," Carla said.

  "Oh, yes, I guess it would be morning sickness," Jillian muttered. "This is going to suck."

  Carla chuckled. "Just make sure you have crackers with you all the time, and you should be okay."

  "When will it go away," Jillian asked, as she nibbled on a cracker.

  "Usually after the second month, sometimes the third."

  "Oh great," Jillian moaned.

  "I'm sorry Luna," Carla said.

  Jillian nodded, and hopped off the bed, running to the bathroom again.

  Carla followed her, holding Jillian's hair back for her as she threw up again. Carla handed her some water to wash her mouth out.

  "I am so screwed," Jillian whispered, as Carla helped her back to bed.

  "Just rest Luna," Carla told her.

  "What am I going to do about school? If I keep throwing up, I won't be able to be there, I'll always be running to the bathroom."

  "You can either stay home, and finish school online, or you can just make sure you carry crackers with you and let the teachers know," Carla shrugged.

  "I don't want anyone to know yet," Jillian whispered, "especially my parents."

  "Speaking of your parents," Carla said. "They want to come to dinner tomorrow."

  "That's fine," Jillian said. "Hopefully I’ll be able to hold something down."

  "I can call them back," Carla said.

  "No, let them come. I want to see them." She sighed.

  “I heard about what happened at school today,” Carla smiled at her Luna. “You were wonderful. Orson and Wes are singing your praises. They said that the whole student body knelt for you? And that three young men want to be your guards? Luna, that has never happened in the history of Luna’s except for the Great Queen.”

  “Did she go to school too?” Jillian asked her.

  “You had better believe it, and she started showing her powers when she was your age. The students loved her, and she loved them.”

  “Tell me about her.”

  “I was just a child when she died, but the stories told about her, they are wonderful stories.”

  “The principal said she was murdered by rogues.”

  Carla nodded. “Yes, her and her husband, and their newborn child.”

  Jillian gasped. “They had a child?”

  “Yes. She wasn’t even a day old when rogues attacked the nursery and killed her and her parents while they slept.”

  Tears fell down Jillian’s face. “That is horrible.”

  “I know, it makes all of us sad when we think of how great a Luna that little girl would have been, just like you are turning out to be,” Carla smiled at her, but that became a frown as Jillian headed to the bathroom again.

  After she was cleaned up again, Carla helped her back into bed. "I'll go find a bucket," Carla told her, “and then you won’t have to keep getting out of bed.”

  She was back a few moments later, Orson and Wes with her.

  Jillian raised an eyebrow at them.

  "Carla said you couldn't stop throwing up. Maybe we should take you to the hospital," Orson said. "You are probably getting dehydrated."

  "No, I'll be okay," Jillian said, as once again she got up and ran to the bathroom.

  "Luna," Orson said, "you need to be taken care of. This is not normal."

  "I thought morning sickness was normal," she panted, sitting on the floor of the bathroom.

  "Not like this. My sister was never this sick with her pup,” he said.

  "Okay, maybe I will go," Jillian panted, as she once again threw up.

  Orson nodded at Wes, as Orson picked up Jillian into his arms.

  Carla followed them out of the room and down the hall to the door. She watched Orson get into the limo with Jillian.

  "I'll stay here in case the Alpha calls."

  Wes nodded, and he got in and headed out of the drive.

  Carla went back inside. She hadn't been able to mind link with the Alpha. She was sure it was because he was busy in meetings, but she hadn't been able to get hold of Emerson, or Warren either. What was so important that they would shut her out?

  She sighed as she headed back in. She headed into the office and dialed the Alpha's number. It went right to voice

  She sighed but left a message. "Alpha, give me a call when you can, it’s important.”

  She hung up then. She didn't want to let him know that his Luna was having problems, or he would stress out and possibly wreck when he came racing home. She didn't want that, so she tried to sound calm on the phone.

  Jillian felt cold to Orson as he held her on the way to the hospital. She didn't look good at all.

  "Step on it Wes, she looks awful."

  "I don't want to drive too fast," Wes ground out, "I don't want to get in an accident."

  Orson nodded, and then swore, as they headed into the intersection. Their light was green, but he watched in horror as a car came speeding through the red light, and slammed right into the limo, sending it skidding across the lane, and into a building.

  Jillian screamed as she was thrown across the limo, and everything went black.

  Chapter 20

  Edric was sitting in an important meeting with some other Alpha's. He had informed them about Kelson, and that he was probably leading the band of rogues when he suddenly dropped to his knees, a great pain ripping through his gut. He gasped and swore. Something had happened to Jillian again.

  Emerson and Warren were by his side. "Alpha," Emerson said, "what's wrong?"

  "Jillian," he moaned.

  "Crap," Emerson said, “not again.” He helped haul the Alpha to his feet. His face was extremely pale, and his nose was bleeding.

  "We need to leave, now," Edric said.

  The men nodded. The others in the room knew how it was when their mate was hurt. They watched in concern as his men helped him out.

  Jillian groaned in agony as she came to. She looked around her. She was still in the limo. Its side was crushed into a building. She saw several people running to them. She looked at Orson. He was out cold, his face cut and bleeding, she couldn't get up to see how Wes was, because a great pain ripped through her, making her gasp, and suddenly she was bleeding all over. She moaned in pain, as a door was ripped off its hinges. "Hold on Luna, help is on the way," she heard, and then she gave in to the blackness calling her name again.

  When she woke up, she found herself hooked up to several machines, a saline drip, and blood. She groaned in pain, but then it started to ease up. She sighed, wondering what had happened.


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