The Alpha King and his Human Mate

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The Alpha King and his Human Mate Page 17

by Melisa Bigler

  Her door opened and Dr. Hess walked in. He was pale.

  "Luna," he said.

  "Orson, and Wes?" she asked, “how are they?”

  "They will be okay, just some cuts, but you on the other hand."

  "What?" she whispered.

  He smiled sadly at her. "You lost the baby. When the car hit the limo, you were thrown and the impact killed your baby," he whispered.

  Jillian began to cry. "Where is Edric?"

  "Flying back as we speak. He will be here as soon as he can. He knew you were injured, so left as soon as he could. He should be here soon.”

  She nodded, tears streaming down her face.

  "I am sorry Luna," he said. "I am keeping you here for a few days. You lost a lot of blood, and I have a counselor who is here if you need to talk to her." He again smiled sadly at her and walked out.

  Carla walked in then, her face pale, tears in her eyes. She walked over to Jillian and hugged her softly.

  "The baby," Jillian sobbed.

  "I know," Carla whispered sadly. "The doc told me. I am so sorry Jillian."

  "What is Edric going to say?" Jillian cried. "He so wanted a baby."

  "You will have more," Carla assured her.

  "Oh Carla, I feel devastated."

  "I am sure you do," Carla said. "I feel devastated for you."

  "Did they catch who hit us?"

  Carla nodded. "It was Jarem. He admitted to hitting the limo on purpose."

  Jillian gasped. "He threatened me at school today."

  "I heard," she frowned.

  "Where are Wes and Orson?"

  "Outside your door, guarding you."

  "Where is Jarem?"

  "In a jail cell. He won't tell the officers why he hit the limo. He is going to be charged with attempted murder, and murder, for killing your baby," she said.

  Jillian swallowed. "And my parents, do they know?"

  Carla shook her head. "We were going to let you decide if you wanted them to know about the accident and the baby."

  "They are going to find out about the accident anyway, but I don't want them to know about the baby."

  "Of course," Carla said. "I will have Orson call them."

  "Will you have him and Wes come in here?"

  Carla nodded and walking to the door, she opened it, motioning them in.

  They walked in, their faces solemn and grim.

  "Luna," Orson whispered. "We are so sorry."

  Jillian smiled sadly at them. "I know Orson. Are you two okay?"

  "We are okay. We only had a few cuts."

  "Then why was I so injured?"

  "The baby," Wes said. "You were weak already from throwing up, and when the limo got hit, you were thrown into the window. If you weren't a Luna, you would have died."

  "Does Edric know about the baby?" Jillian asked.

  "Yes," Orson whispered. "We have been keeping him informed about you."


  "He will be here soon," Wes said softly. "He is worried about you."

  "I am worried about me," Jillian sighed. "Will you call my parents?"

  "Already did," Orson said. "They are on their way."

  "Please no one mention the baby," Jillian whispered.

  Everyone nodded.

  "I am sorry I couldn't help keep you safe," Orson said.

  "There was nothing you could do about it, Orson."

  "I could have buckled you in."

  "I know, but you didn't know that we were going to be hit, either."

  He nodded. "I just don't know if the Alpha will forgive us for letting you get injured, and for the baby dying," he said, swallowing back tears.

  "It was not your fault," Jillian said again, as the door opened and her parents walked in. Her mother was crying. When she saw Jillian was awake, she threw herself onto Jillian, sobbing.

  "Oh Jillian, I am sorry," she sniffled. "Orson called and said your limo got hit as he was taking you here because he said you had the flu."

  "Did the person get caught that hit the limo?" Jillian's dad asked.

  "Yes sir, he is in a jail cell," Wes said.

  "Good." He sighed. "Jillian, what are we going to do with you? This is the third time in just a few weeks that you have been in here." He then glared at Jillian's guards. "She never got into accidents or had trouble before she met Edric. Why is her life suddenly in danger?" he demanded to know.

  Wes shook his head. "I don't know sir."

  "It's because of who she is living with," Jillian's mom said. "He is a King. Maybe someone wants him dead, so they are coming after Jillian to get to him."

  "Mom, no," Jillian said. "The airplane crash was an accident."

  "And what about the almost kidnapping?" her mom glared at Orson.

  "Okay, they did want revenge on Edric," Jillian muttered.

  "And now? Did the person do it on purpose?" Jillian's dad asked angrily.

  "Yes," she muttered again.

  Her father glared at the guards. "See? How dare you let her be injured, how dare you let her life be in danger. Where is Edric? I am taking Jillian home, she has been hurt enough," he growled angrily.

  "He was in some meetings in New York, he is flying back now," Orson said.

  "Well, you can tell him when he gets back, that we are taking our daughter home. I don't care if he threatens us with jail. I don't want my daughter dead, because of him," he growled.

  "Mr. Everett," Orson said.

  "Don't," he said angrily. “I don’t want to hear about it, her life is too precious to let her keep getting hurt, enough is enough.”

  "I'm 18 dad, you can't make me come home," Jillian whispered.

  "Watch me," he said. "If I have to get a restraining order against the King, I will. I have had enough of my baby girl getting hurt."

  "Dad," she pleaded.

  "No. You are coming home with us."

  The door opened then, and Dr. Hess walked in. He was not happy.

  “Jillian's heart monitor is jumping off the charts, and I heard yelling in here, what is going on?" he said angrily. "Jillian is severely injured. If all of you can't keep your voices down, you are going to have to leave."

  Jillian's dad sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry Doctor. I just don't want her around Edric anymore. She keeps getting hurt."

  "I understand Mr. Everett, but you can't take her home right now. She is seriously injured, if you haven't noticed," he said, pointing at the machines hooked up to Jillian.

  "Oh," he whispered, "I am sorry, it's just that she is my daughter, and.."

  "I know sir, but she needs to stay for a few days. She was more injured this time than in that plane crash," he frowned.

  "When she heals, I want her home," her father said.

  "No, I am sorry Mr. Everett, but like your daughter said, she is 18, she gets that choice."

  "She does not," he ground out.

  "Dad, please," Jillian said.

  "No Jillian. Enough is enough."

  The door flung open then, and Edric walked in, his face pale, but very angry. He had heard everything, and he was ticked.

  "Everyone leave, but Orson, Wes, and Emerson. Now," he demanded. His voice was calm, but deadly sounding.

  Everyone hurried out of the room, including the doctor, and Jillian's parents. They could feel the power flowing from him.

  Carla closed the door behind her.

  Edric's face suddenly softened, and he hurried to Jillian's side, kissing her softly. She began to cry again.

  "Shh love, it will be okay," he whispered.

  "No, it won't Edric, the baby," she sobbed.

  "I know love, I know," he said, tears in his eyes. He climbed onto the bed with her and gingerly picked her up, setting her onto his lap. She buried her head into his shoulder and wept.

  He kissed the top of her head. "Shh love, I am here. I am so sorry I wasn't here to protect you. I am here now, and I won't ever leave you again," he promised.

  He then looked at his men. "Orson,
what happened?"

  "Your Luna was extremely ill. She had bad morning sickness and couldn't stop throwing up. She ended up coming home from school early because of it. We took her home, but she just kept throwing up, so we decided to take her to the hospital. We were going through the intersection when we were broadsided. The impact sent us into a building. I was thrown into the door, your Luna hit the window, she got the worst of it."

  "Why was she not buckled?" he growled angrily.

  "I am sorry Alpha, we were worried sick about her, and we wanted to get her here as quickly as possible. It was easier holding her."

  "My baby is dead because she was not buckled in," he ground out.

  Orson nodded, his face grim. "I am sorry Alpha."

  "My baby is dead!" he roared in anger, making Jillian jump. She touched his face, calming him. "Alpha," she whispered.

  His face softened as he looked at his Luna. "I am sorry Luna," he said, kissing her forehead. "I am just so angry."

  The door opened and Dr. Hess walked in again, shutting it behind him. "Alpha, I heard what you said, and the baby would not have survived, even if the Luna was buckled."

  "Why?" Edric growled.

  "The limo was totally crumpled on impact. If your Luna had been buckled, she would have been instantly killed. She is lucky," he said.

  Edric swallowed, tightening his hold on Jillian. "So, her being unbuckled saved her life."

  "Yes, it did. Yes, she got severely hurt, but she will heal. Give your guards some slack Alpha, they saved her life."

  Edric nodded, taking a deep breath. “I am just incredibly ticked off.”

  " Understandable. She will need to stay a few days. She bled pretty heavy after miscarrying. She will need a few blood transfusions, and she needs time to heal."

  He then walked out again.

  Edric wrapped his arms tighter around Jillian, not wanting to let her go. He had almost lost her again because he hadn’t been there for her.

  He then looked at his men. "Jarem did this?"

  "Yes Alpha," Wes said. "He said he was getting revenge."

  "For me punishing him?"

  "Yes, but he said something about revenge for Kelson."

  Edric went totally pale. "He was in league with Kelson?”

  “That’s what he said to the Luna when he confronted her in the lunchroom today.”

  “What did he say,” Edric growled in anger.

  “He wanted to thank me for making him clean out stalls,” Jillian whispered, “that it helped him plan his revenge on me. He is blaming me for Kelson dying.”

  “I was going to go after him, but Jillian stopped me,” Wes said. “She told me that if I did, that she would be left vulnerable for him to attack her.”

  Edric nodded, frowning. He kissed the top of Jillian’s head. “I heard what you did today at school. I am proud of you. Orson said he was in awe that you had the whole school kneeling for you and that three young men want to be your guards? Even I am impressed. You are incredible, my sweet Luna.”

  She looked up at him. “I don’t feel so incredible. All I did was tell them that I was sorry for their losses, and then one of the mom’s had to get up there and tell everyone that she knew I saved her son.”

  Edric frowned. “She did?”

  “Yes,” Orson confirmed. “She believes that, because those students that were sitting around the Luna were saved.”

  “Jillian’s life is going to be in greater danger then.”

  “We know,” Orson nodded.

  “We’ll have to have more guards for her, and I’m sorry Jillian, but it would probably be best if you stayed home for a bit until all this died down.”

  She sighed. “I understand.”

  “What no arguing?” he teased her.

  “I’m not exactly feeling up to that right now.”

  He kissed her softly. “I can tell. Orson, Wes, let Jillian’s parents and Carla come back in, and stand guard outside. I want guards around the clock for her. I am going to go and have a little visit with Jarem at the jail.”

  Edric set Jillian on the bed carefully, kissed her again, then turned to his men. "I want to go see him, now."

  Orson nodded. "Yes Alpha, but your Luna needs someone to watch her."

  "I will take my other guards. I am going to go kill that fool," he growled angrily.

  His phone rang then. "Yeah," he growled into it. His frown got deeper. "You are kidding me."

  He threw his phone into the wall, shattering it, making everyone flinch.

  "Alpha?" Orson said.

  "He hung himself. That idiot hung himself. Now we won't know if anyone else is after Jillian." He punched his fist into the brick wall, leaving a huge hole, but he didn't even notice that his knuckles were bleeding. His wolf wanted out he was so mad.

  Jillian watched him as he punched the wall. She had never seen anyone so angry before. She was kind of scared of him. She whimpered without meaning too.

  Edric whipped to her, and his face changed from anger to worry, as he saw Jillian cowering in her bed, her eyes frightened.

  "I want everyone out," he whispered.

  His men hurried out the door as Edric headed to the bed. Jillian flinched as he sat down by her.

  "Love," he said, as he tried to pull her to him, but she moved away.

  "Jillian, love, my Luna," he whispered, "please listen to me," he said softly.

  He turned her face to him, and he cussed, seeing her tears. "I am so sorry," he said. "Sometimes my anger gets the best of me. My wolf was begging to come out. He wanted to tear everything apart. I had to control him, so I punched the wall to relieve some stress. I am so sorry I scared you."

  She still didn't say anything. He picked her up, setting her onto his lap again. She was shivering.

  "Oh Luna," he said, tears in his eyes. "I am so, so sorry. Sorry for getting angry, and sorry for the baby."

  He kissed her temple and then turned her face up to him. He wiped the tears away and kissed her softly. "I promise you, love, that I will find out if any more wolves are after us, and I promise never to leave you home alone again. If I have meetings, I will bring you with me."

  She nodded against him. He rubbed her back softly. "I love you, Jillian. It almost killed me when I felt your pain. I flew back as soon as I could. I wish I had been here then maybe this wouldn’t have happened.”

  "Then you would have been hurt," she whispered.

  "I would have been okay, and I probably would have been able to protect you."

  She looked up at him. "I am glad you weren't. If you had been sitting where the car hit the limo," she cried.

  "Shh love, it will be okay." He held her against him, soothing her.

  "We will try again for a baby," he promised her, “as soon as you are up to it.” He sighed. “I can’t believe he hung himself.”

  “He probably knew you would come after him, that is why.”

  “He is a coward. I hope he rots in Hell.”

  Jillian giggled. He frowned down at her. “Did you think that was funny?”

  “Yes,” she giggled again. “Sorry, but it was.”

  He kissed her, chuckling. “You laugh at the strangest things my Luna.” He sighed then, tucking her against him. “I love you, more than you will ever know.”

  But she didn't hear him, she was asleep, feeling safe because she was in her Alpha’s arms.

  He set her gently on the bed and covered her up.

  He walked to the door and opened it. He had his own waiting room for privacy, that was next to his hospital room, as he opened the door, everyone hopped to their feet.

  "She is asleep. I am sorry everyone for losing my temper," he said, closing the door behind him. He raked a hand through his hair, frustrated.

  Jillian's mom walked over to him and hugged him. "We know you love her, it is understandable that you are upset."

  "I want her to come home," Henry said, walking up to Edric. "I am tired of her getting hurt."

  "She is not
safe at your home," Edric said.

  "Why not?"

  "Because, if whoever is after me, comes after Jillian again, and she is home without guards, she would be in serious danger. Do you want that?"

  Henry shook his head. "No, of course not."

  "Then she stays at the palace."

  He then looked at his men. "I am staying the night. Orson and Wes, go to the police station, find out what you can there. Travis and Zack, stay here to guard the room."

  The men nodded. "Emerson and Warren, go home and get some rest, you also Carla. I will need you three tomorrow."

  They also nodded. He then looked at Jillian's parents. "She will be safe from now on. I will personally see to it. I will not let her leave my side."

  "What about school?" her mom asked.

  "As of now, she will be homeschooled. I don't want the chance of her getting hurt again."

  “That’s good. Can we come and see her tomorrow?"

  "Of course, I know Jillian would enjoy the company."

  Jillian's mom wiped a tear away. "Take care of her Edric, she is all we have."

  "I know," he said, "and when she is up to it, I want us to get married."

  "I thought you were going to wait," Jillian's father said.

  "I think she would be safer if we were married," Edric replied. "I want to have it in a month." He looked to Jillian's mom. "I want you to help her plan her wedding, and Carla also."

  "Okay,” they both said.

  "Where is her ring?" Jillian's father asked him.

  "I haven't gotten her one yet, but I will, don't worry."

  "I want my girl to be proposed to properly and you to be married before you have your way with her," Jillian's father ground out.

  Warren and Emerson hid smirks.

  "Yes sir," Edric said, "now if you will excuse me, I am going to go make sure Jillian is okay."

  He left the room to head back into his room, and everyone dispersed, leaving Zack and Travis to watch the door.

  Edric slid into bed beside Jillian pulling her to him.

  "Until my dying day, I will protect you my Luna," he whispered. He sighed, mind linking with his men. “Men, be vigilant, I have a feeling that this is only the beginning.”

  “Yes Alpha,” came the response.

  “I wish we could have killed him,” Raul said. “It would have been very enjoyable.”


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