Book Read Free

Exact Opposites

Page 5

by Abby Osuna

  I answered without hesitation.

  "Go to sleep Jazz."Then there was silence.

  "Jazz? I wasn't telling you to sleep immediately. You could at least put the phone down," I scolded through the phone.

  "Drei? It's Anthony," the caller finally spoke.

  I froze. I stared at the screen, and his name was on it.

  "Sorry Anthony. I was talking to Jazz all night---"

  "It's okay. I was just wondering what your locker number is," he went on.

  "My what? Locker?"

  "Uhh yea," he answered hesitantly.

  "317," I said, puzzled.

  "I knew it. You got it because of the last two numbers," he said happily.

  "What?" I thought about it. Last two numbers? 17? Oh.

  "Of course not. I'm a transferee remember? And that was the only one left," I defended.

  "Okaaay," he was obviously teasing.

  "Go to sleep Anthony. Good night," I told him, trying to sound irritated, but I was definitely not.

  "Sweet dreams, Drei." Then he hung up.

  Reality is sweeter than my dreams, I thought.


  I woke up later than usual the next morning. Nanny had breakfast ready when I came rushing

  out of my room. I dashed out of the house after getting three mouthfuls of the food and Mr.

  Champ rushed me to school.

  I got to my locker and hastily got my things. I was in such a rush that I didn't notice a new book

  in between the pile of my textbooks.

  I reached class five seconds before the bell rang, and Kristine was looking at me in concern.

  "You okay Drei?"

  "Yea," I panted.Then the class went on.

  I didn't notice the new book until third period. I looked at it and I opened the cover and found a

  dedication on the cover. But it was not for me. It was for someone named Ria.

  I didn't read the dedication. I examined the book further. It was entitled 'The Little Prince'. The children's book looked a little old.

  I kept it inside my bag again and went on with my day.

  The basketball team was on practice for the big game tomorrow.

  Jonathan called me earlier and told me that Jazz wanted to watch the team practice. I was

  starting to wonder if she likes one of them.

  Jonathan, Jazz and I entered the gym and found Kristine on the seat behind the bench of the


  "Drei!" she called out to me first, with a big smile.

  She then waved to the cousins behind me, but I saw something in her eyes again when she saw

  Jazz talking to Jonathan.

  I scanned the court and saw number 17 playing. I smiled at the memory of his call last night.

  I also saw Carl too, who smirked at me almost immediately.

  The team was on break and I saw Anthony, Kris and Carl walking toward us ahead of the rest of

  the team.

  "Hey guys!" Kris called out happily, eyes glued to Jazz.

  Jonathan and I noticed it almost immediately.

  "Hey. This is Jazz, my friend," Jonathan wrapped an arm protectively around Jazz, and I saw her frown at her cousin.

  Carl introduced himself first, which made Kris scoff at him.

  When Kris introduced himself, Jazz was obviously delighted. So he was the one she's watching,

  I thought.

  As I was enjoying the scene, Kristine nudged my side.

  "Don't worry, I still choose you as a sister-in-law," she whispered. I sighed. Not again.

  "Hey Drei!" Anthony was suddenly on my side, obviously calling out a little louder than usual.

  Was he doing that for his 'fans' to see? They were on the opposite side of the gym, taking

  pictures of Anthony.

  "Uhh hi," I answered shyly.

  I was expecting Kristine to talk to Anthony when Jonathan suddenly talked to her. Thanks so

  much Jonathan, I thought.

  Anthony was wiping his perspiration off when suddenly Carl was in front of us.

  "You got the book?" he asked.

  I blinked.

  He was the one who sent it?


  "So, you touring Jazz around?" Anthony suddenly cut me off.

  I saw him glare at Carl and he went away. Was there something I didn't know?

  "Yea. She wanted to see the team, so we joined her," I explained.

  "Oh. I wonder who she wants to see," he smiled, looking at Kris and Jazz talking.

  I smiled too.

  "Kris really likes new girls," he went on.

  I nodded. "That's why I wasn't worried when he was showing interest in you," he said casually.

  I blinked.


  "Nothing," he said, getting up and resuming practice.

  Jazz was suddenly beside me.

  "Did you see that? Kris talked to me!" she said.

  "Yea. I saw that," I answered, eyes on number 17.


  Dearest Ria,

  I apologize if this looks worn out.

  This is my favorite book, and I would like you to have it.

  Hope you would enjoy it as much as I did.

  Take care of what's left of it.

  Like what you did to me.

  You took care of what's left of me.


  I closed the book. I had no intention of reading the book just yet. Especially when I now know

  that it was from Carl. I put it inside my bag again.

  Unlike yesterday morning, I woke up unusually early today. It was Wednesday, and the

  basketball team was having a big game this afternoon. They were one win away from entering

  the Semi Finals.

  I went down for breakfast earlier than usual, and Nanny was still cooking.

  "You're early today, Andrea," she observed as I took a seat on the table.

  "Yea. I woke up early," I smiled at her.

  "This is almost finished," she assured me.

  "Okay," I told her.I took out a notebook from my bag to check on the things I had to do in class today and I saw the book behind it.

  I covered it with something else in my bag. I didn't want to see it very often.

  "Nanny, have you read the Little Prince?" I asked her.

  She thought for a moment.

  "I heard it's great. Why?"

  "Nothing. I just heard about it too," I said, as she finished cooking and prepared the table.


  I opened my locker and saw a note on the door. How does Carl know the password to my lock?

  I think I should change it before he interfered with my personal things.

  I stuffed it inside the book I was holding when someone was suddenly behind me.

  "Good morning Drei!" I didn't need to turn around to know who it was. The accent always gives him away.

  "Good morning Mr. Hamilton," I said, still getting my things.

  "Cold treatment?" he frowned as I finally turned.

  "We're in school, Drew," I told him, then suddenly Anthony was beside me.

  "Good morning," he told us both.

  I froze.

  "Morning Anthony," I muttered. Did he hear what I just say? That might sound suspicious.

  "Uhh. Good morning Mr. Tierro," Drew answered.

  "I'd better get going Ms. Tullieno." Then he was off to the direction of the faculty.I sighed in relief.

  I looked at Anthony, who looked at me questioningly.

  "What?" I asked him.

  "Are you hiding anything?" he asked, a bit out of his prim and proper personality.

  I gaped at him. "Of course not!"

  He eyed me suspiciously and said, "Okay. Let me walk you to your room," he offered as the students were rushing off to their classes.

  The girls around us were looking at us intently. I felt uncomfortable.

  He must've noticed it when he said, "Are you okay? Just don't mind them. They should get

  to seeing us together."We were near my room now.

  "What? Why?"

  He peeked inside the room and saw that it was almost filled with students. Luckily, Kristine

  wasn't in yet.

  "You better get inside," he said, giving me a gentle push.

  I looked at him with pleading eyes. I needed the answer.

  "See you later," he said coolly. No wonder many girls liked him.


  There were a lot more people in the gym this afternoon. It was a do or die game after all. The

  series was tied at one win each.

  We settled in the seat we had last Monday and as usual, Jonathan and I excused ourselves to

  fetch Jazz outside. Kristine was left to reserve the seats for us.

  We were near the exit to the parking lot when my phone rang.


  "Drei, your food," I heard Drew speak on the other line. It was noisy from where he was.

  "Oh. Where are you?"

  "Outside the gym," he replied.

  "Okay, I'm coming," I told him. I left Jonathan and went back to meet Drew.

  I found him towering over the people outside."Thanks Drew!" I said as I neared him.

  "Sure," he ruffled my hair.

  "Stop that, someone might see us," I glanced around and saw Carl and Anthony on the hallway from their dug out.

  Not again.

  "I guess he already did," Drew told me.

  I looked away.


  "Hey," he ruffled my hair again.

  "Don't be so sad. He should have a little competition too, you know," he teased.

  "Stop that! Thanks for the food. You can go now," I frowned as I tried to push him away.

  I was about to enter the gym again when I remembered that I left something in my locker. That

  was a homework due tomorrow.

  "Hey Drew!" I called out to him. Despite the loud environment, he heard me.

  "Yes?"I jogged toward him and pulled him towards the direction of my locker.

  When we reached it, I opened it immediately. Again, I found a note on the door of the locker. I

  removed it.

  "What's that?" Drew asked from behind me.

  "Uhh," when he noticed that I was hesitating, he snatched the note from my hand and he read it himself.

  "Meet me at the parking lot this 7pm," he read out loud. "There's no signature. A secret admirer?"

  He raised an eyebrow.I got the notes I needed and closed the locker.

  "I don't know," I answered honestly.

  "It's not like Anthony would do something like this," Drew thought out loud.

  "Wait, you sound like you trust Anthony," I wondered.

  "I do," he said confidently.

  "You do?" I repeated.

  He nodded, still thinking.

  "Don't meet him," he said all of a sudden.

  "Anthony? I thought you trust him," I asked, confused.

  "This admirer, silly," he pinched my nose. "Ow. Okay!" I told him.


  The game wasn't that exciting. Anthony and the team won with a fourteen-point lead. Anthony

  was the best player.

  After the game, Kristine stayed behind and the Park cousins went home early.

  With Jazz around, Jonathan can't stay out that long.

  I was waiting in the parking lot when Drew called. I told him that Mr. Champ was coming and

  that there was no need to worry. He was so disturbed with the note.

  I was seated on a bench beside the broken light post. It was quite dark now.

  I saw Carl walk toward the parking lot, scanning the surroundings.

  So he really left the note. Just then, Anthony was beside him and I saw Carl shake his head.

  Anthony looked disappointed.

  Now I really am confused.

  Was it Carl or Anthony leaving notes on my locker?


  Chapter 11

  I entered my room after dinner that night. I felt like I had a long day.

  I fixed my things so I can start with my homework. Then I remembered the note I had this

  morning. I hadn't read it yet.

  I found it and compared with the one Drew read this afternoon.

  They were different.

  The one Drew read was written on a pink paper. The one a had this morning was written on a

  green one.

  Be careful. The green note said.

  I stared at it incredulously.

  Maybe this one's from Carl.

  I felt a surge of panic. Does he know something about my past? About Dad witnessing a

  murder? Was he like Phil? A spy?

  I closed my eyes to calm myself.

  Then my phone rang.

  "Drei? Did you get the note of your secret admirer? The one I read. I'm trying to compare the

  handwriting with Anthony, Carl and Kris." Drew said.

  "Uhh. Yea. It's here," I said.

  He told me to bring them to him first thing in the morning. I agreed then hung up.

  I was about to start my homework when my phone rang again.

  "Bring them to me immediately, okay?" Drew said.

  "I will. Relax okay?" I told him.


  Then I hung up.

  I was halfway with my first homework when my phone rang again.


  "First thing." Drew said for the nth time tonight.

  "Have you missed your dinner? You really need to eat," I said sarcastically.

  He laughed then I promised to bring it to him. I hung up.

  I was about to finish with the last item when my phone rang again.

  "I will bring it first thing tomorrow morning, Mr. Andrew Joseph Hamilton," I said exasperatedly.

  "Sorry Drei," a new voice said.

  I blinked.


  "It's Anthony," he said shyly.

  "I'm so sorry!" I could melt right now.

  "It's okay," he said.

  "Did you get the notes?"

  "What notes?" I asked stupidly.

  "In your locker. I think I should warn you," he said, his voice serious.

  "Why?" my embarrassent suddenly gone.

  "Carl is acting a little weird," he said.

  My heart was pounding nervously.

  We fell silent.

  "I think..." he trailed off.


  Then my phone went dead. I was out of battery.

  I was about to plug my charger when the lights went out. Blackout.

  Urgh! Just when we were talking about something serious.


  I was waiting for Drew outside the faculty room when Carl was suddenly beside me, wearing

  that smirk I hate.

  "Morning Drei," he greeted.I rolled my eyes.

  "Where are your manners?" he mocked.

  Luckily Drew suddenly appeared.

  "Morning Ms. Tullieno, Mr. Brown," he said casually.

  "Morning Mr. Hamilton," I said, handing him the envelop of notes. Good thing I placed them in an envelop.

  Carl opened his mouth to speak when suddenly Anthony appeared.

  "Hey Drei, Carl!" he said a little too loud. Then he saw Drew and was slightly ashamed.

  "Morning Mr. Hamilton."

  "Morning Mr. Tierro," he answered, a bit amused.

  I was thinking of a way to get out of the awkward situation when the twins suddenly showed up.

  After greeting us all, Kristine dragged me to our room. What an escape, I thought.


  Chapter 12

  "The students are requested to follow the instructions of the teachers assigned in each floor.

  This Earthquake Drill is of great importance."

  I rolled my eyes as the announcement finished. I hate these drills. Isn't it enough to instruct the students about what to do? I sighed. It wouldn't be that annoying only if the other students take<
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  it seriously. But they don't.

  I closed my book and followed my (unknown) classmates out. It was almost the half of the

  semester but I still can't connect their names with their faces. Only a few of them.

  The girl in front of me stopped abruptly that I almost bumped into her. Luckily I wasn't that close that I managed to halt safely.

  The corridor was jammed with students. I absentmindedly stared at something on the floor

  because I didn't want to mingle with my classmates from that class.

  I was aware that there were guys standing behind me but I didn't know he was there too until he


  "Lost in your own world, Drei?" the annoying voice said.

  I turned, not surprised.Thinking of something rude to say, I just glared at him.

  He smirked.

  I finally came up with something when the teacher assigned to our floor was suddenly walking

  through the lines of students.

  Carl's gaze shifted from me to the teacher who just came up behind me.

  I feel a little uncomfortable when caught in situations like this. I turned and was both relieved

  and nervous at the sight of Drew standing in front of me.

  "Hello Mr. Hamilton," I mumbled, moving out of his way, to the side of the corridor.

  He just nodded, aware that there were a lot of students looking at us. He then looked at Carl,

  who seemed pleased with himself. Feeling Drew's eyes on him, he lowered his gaze, feigning


  I felt Drew look at me for a second time before moving on to straighten the lines of the students.

  After reaching the farthest room, he went back again. He used the microphone exclusive to this

  floor alone and gave the instructions.

  Then we started toward the stairs nearest Drew. He just stayed on his spot, and when I reached

  him, he acted casually and fell into step beside me.

  "Was he bothering you again?" he whispered, not looking at me.

  I glanced around, making sure nobody was listening.

  "Not really. He was about to, but---" I trailed off, and he smiled when realization set in.

  We reached the ground floor of the building and started toward the open grounds. Drew was still

  beside me, walking behind me from time to time so no one would get suspicious.

  We reached the grounds and I didn't notice that Drew was gone. The crowd here was thicker.

  My classmates settled on the nearest shade. I was about to sit on a bench when someone


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