Exact Opposites

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Exact Opposites Page 9

by Abby Osuna

  at him and he squeezed my hand, "Let's go."

  I followed my uncle inside and in the corner of my eye, I saw Anthony and Carley start toward

  the cinema too. I think I saw her whisper something to Anthony but I didn't take a second look to

  see if I was right. The awkwardness was getting too much to handle, and staring at them would

  only double it.

  I didn't realize I was staring at the floor the whole time until we reached the door leading to the cinema. Luckily, Drew held it out for me. He noticed my expression. "Smile," he whispered cheerfully. "Right," I smiled wryly.

  I thought Anthony and Carley weren't following us, but to my dismay, Anthony suddenly spoke

  behind us. "I saw empty seats there, we could sit together." He was towing Carley beside him, and Drew and I followed suit. Luckily, the movie hadn't started yet, and the lights were still on.

  The free seats were on the aisle. All the other seats around it were occupied. The guy seated on

  the fifth seat looked like a frustrated rock star. Wearing a muscle-sleeved shirt, the tattoo on his arm was more than visible. His hair was in a Mohawk style, and had multiple piercing on his

  face. When his eyes landed on me, his face was in a smirk. Carley took the seat by the aisle,

  and Anthony sat beside her. After hesitating for a moment, I unwillingly took the seat beside

  him. Even if I would take the seat beside the frustrated rock star, I knew Drew wouldn't let me.

  As I sat, Drew whispered something I didn't catch onto my ear as he took his.

  "What?" I asked as he adjusted himself in his seat.

  He smiled mischievously. "Perfect."

  I lowered my gaze. In a way, it actually was.

  Just then the lights turned off, and the trailers started. I began sipping my drink absentmindedly.

  I was about to place it on the drink holder to my left, when I bumped into Anthony's hand.

  "Uhh. Sorry," I muttered as I placed my drink on the other arm of the seat.

  "No, its okay," he smiled.

  As the movie rolled, I found it hard to focus on it. Not only because Anthony was beside me, but

  also because of the frequent giggles I heard from Carley from time to time. Couldn't they do it

  more discreetly? I sighed. Then I felt something on my shoulder. I turned and found Drew

  leaning against me, sleeping. I raised my hand to adjust his head to a more comfortable position

  when he suddenly caught it and rested our hands on the arm of the seat. My eyes widened

  when I realized how visible it was, but he resisted my move and continued to rest our hands

  there. I rolled my eyes. Drew was really serious with this game.

  I turned my attention back to the movie and I saw Anthony turn his head toward me. I feigned

  interest, and tried my best not to look at him too. I felt his stare linger at our hands before

  turning back to the movie. I resisted the smile that was threatening to climb on my face. So

  Drew's plan was somehow working after all.

  The movie was halfway when the heavily tattooed man beside Drew left. He was obviously

  alone, when the people beside him didn't follow him outside. Drew raised his head from my

  shoulder and straightened himself in his seat. After a few minutes, he excused himself and

  headed to the men's room. As if on cue, a man was suddenly taking Drew's seat beside me.

  "Excuse me the seat's occ-" I was stopped short when I saw Carl smirking at me. "Carl."

  Anthony must've heard me as he greeted Carl from behind me. "Hey."


  I glared at him. He really acted like a stalker. But a little attractive than the usual ones. I pushed the thought away.

  "There's someone seated there," I said flatly.

  "There's a free one here," gesturing the seat beside him.

  I rolled my eyes at him. Just then Drew got back and was equally shocked to find Carl on his

  seat. He cleared his throat and temporarily took the seat beside him.

  "I believe that's my seat."

  "Oh yeah? Well---"

  "He's right Carl." I heard Anthony mutter behind me. Before standing up, Carl muttered his famous line again. "Be careful."

  I stared at him incredulously as he passed Drew, and headed to the exit.


  Chapter 18

  My shoes clattered loudly against the floor as I entered the ladies' room. The movie has just

  ended, and I excused myself as we exited the cinema. I left Carley, Anthony and Drew chatting

  by the cinema door. I stared at my reflection on the mirror before turning on the faucet. What did

  Carl really mean when he says be careful? From what? Did he know what happened to Dad?

  Was he a spy too, like Phil? Or the opposite? Was he here to protect me?

  My thoughts were interrupted when I heard the door open. My eyes landed on the familiar

  beautiful lady.

  "Hi Drei," Carley greeted me as she took a peek of her reflection, settling herself beside me.

  "Hey Carley," I greeted back. Why was she so pretty? It was too much!

  I washed my hands under the running water. An awkward silence hung over us.

  "So. Are you dating Drew?"

  I stared at her reflection with wide eyes. "N-no!"

  "Good," she turned, and entered a cubicle.

  I stared at the door of the cubicle as she closed it. Did I hear her right? Good? Why?

  I turned the faucet off, realizing I was wasting water. I pulled a tissue from its bar on the wall and wiped my hands off them. People were acting real weird today. I heard a flush of a toilet and

  Carley emerged from the cubicle. She smiled at me when our gazes met. "Ready?"

  "Yea," I muttered, throwing the tissue on a bin, following her as she headed outside.


  "We better get going," Anthony said as we got out of the cinema.

  "Thanks for the company," Carley smiled at us politely. I wanted to tell her to stop smiling because it made her a lot more attractive. But I know I can't.

  "Thank you," Drew answered. I smiled at them as they went away.

  "Whew," I sighed.

  "What's wrong?"

  I shot him a look. "You."

  "Me? Why?"

  "Just what do you think you were doing? You were acting like we were a couple!"

  "I did a pretty good job, didn't I?"

  I gaped at him. He's not even the slightest bit sorry? I shook my head and started walking away.


  There was a light drizzle as I entered the school on Monday morning. The students were

  crowded on the hallways, making it harder to get past them. I hurried off to my locker to retrieve

  my things. As I was closing it, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and saw Carl beaming at me.

  Beaming, not the usual smirk he has.

  I was about to say something harsh but decided against it. His smile was too bright to ruin it.

  "Hi," I muttered.

  "Good morning!" he answered. I gave him a small smile before walking away, to the direction of my classroom. To my surprise, Carl was walking alongside me.

  I didn't spare him a glance.

  He just continued to walk beside me as I reached my room.

  "What are you doing?" I asked, before entering my room.

  "I just walked you to your room. And making sure you're safe. Have a nice day!" he chirped happily and went his way.

  Furrowing my eyebrows in confusion, I entered the room and almost bumped into Kristine.

  "What was that about?" she asked me.

  "I have no idea," I said as we approached our seats.


  I didn't see Anthony all day. At lunch, only Jonathan and Kristine joined me. Carl was nowhere

  in sight too. Maybe the team was busy with something today.

  I was about to round a corner to the direction of my locker when I felt my bag being pulled back.

  I turned and saw Drew beaming at me.

  "What?" I asked him impatiently.

  He tried his best to look offended. "I can't greet my niece when in school?"


  I froze at the new voice.

  Relief flooded me when I turned and saw Jonathan stifling a laugh.

  "You scared me!" I punched his arm.


  Drew roared in laughter and I glared at him. "Your expression was priceless!"

  I rolled my eyes, heading off to my locker. They were laughing as they followed me. I resisted

  the urge to punch them in the face as I opened my locker. I was thinking of a way to get back at

  them but was shocked to see a familiar picture stuck on the door of my locker.

  Their laughter died down and I felt them stand behind me, peering over to where I was staring. I

  heard Jonathan gasp loudly and Drew stuck out his hand to remove the picture.

  On his hands was our latest family picture before Dad died. Mom and I seated in the middle,

  Drew standing to my right, and Dad on Mom's side. There was nothing else unusual, except for

  the bright red circle enclosing Dad's head, and the bright red letters on top: DONE.


  Chapter 19

  "You better eat now, Dear."


  "Dinner," I felt Nanny tug my arm as I seated on our living room. I was still holding my phone.

  Drew just called a minute ago, still disturbed by the picture we found in my locker. I already

  changed the lock so it was impossible that Carl or Anthony could gain access to it again.

  I pushed myself up from the couch, following Nanny to the table. Waiting for me was my favorite

  dish, but I really didn't have the appetite to enjoy it now. Not wanting to disappoint Nanny, I sat on my usual seat and took a serve of her cooking. From time to time, she would hover over me,

  refilling my glass.

  "Join me, Nanny."

  "I'm full, Andrea."

  Nodding, I continued to eat in silence. My mind drifted back to the picture. Whoever did that

  obviously had some connection with the syndicate. He knew my Dad saw the murder of

  Anthony's uncle, and knew something about their work. What was more alarming was that he

  knew my mom, Drew and me. I winced at the thought. That only meant that whoever this person

  was, he or she has been spying me in school. My eyes widened when I realized that he or she

  must be observing me every time I opened my locker, since he or she knew the combination.

  Just then I heard the doorbell ring. Nanny rushed off to see who it was. Minutes later, she

  entered the house again.

  "Who was it Nanny?" I took a bite of my food before turning to look at her. I almost choked when I saw Anthony following Nanny.


  "Hi Drei," he smiled shyly. I quickly chewed and swallowed my food and took a sip of my drink before joining him in the living room.

  "Don't skip your meal at my expense," he said, waving his hands.

  "No, I'm done anyway," I shrugged and glanced at Nanny who shook her head as she

  approached my half-finished plate.

  "Err. What brings you here?" I took a seat on the couch and he took the seat in front of me.

  His eyes wandered off to the floor, which was very unusual. He never looked uncertain. Never.

  "Is there something wrong?" I asked, growing a little nervous. Was it possible that he also knew about the picture? It was impossible. Mom said that he barely knew why his uncle died. That

  means he wasn't even aware of his uncle's connection with the syndicate.

  He began twiddling his fingers. Another odd sign. I furrowed my eyebrows as curiosity began

  building up inside me.

  "I was just wondering if---"

  He was cut off when my phone started ringing. We both stared at it before I snatched it up and

  answered it without glancing at the screen.

  "WHERE WERE YOU?" Drew shouted from the other end.

  "You don't have to shout Drew!" I barked back. Just then I realized Anthony was in front of me, obviously hearing the name I just mentioned.

  "I was eating. And I'm in the middle of something now. Call back later." With that, I ended the call, bracing myself for a reproach from my uncle in a while.

  I cleared my throat. "Sorry about that."

  "It's fine," he smiled.

  "What were you saying again?"

  "I was just wondering if... You're free this Saturday?"

  I blinked. "Why?"

  "There's a dance sponsored by the league. Athletes from the four schools will be attending. It signals the start of the semi-finals."

  "Really? I've never heard of such a dance."

  He smiled. "I know. It's the first. And my last too. That's why I want you to come with me."

  Good thing I didn't blush easily. "Oh. Okay. I'll think about it."

  "I'm hoping for a positive response. Or else I'd attend alone."

  "Is that supposed to help me in decision-making?" I teased, narrowing my eyes. "Why don't you ask Carley instead?"

  He shrugged, smiling smugly. That was also out of character. "She's busy."

  "Oh." I muttered, lowering my gaze.

  He gave a low laugh. "I'm joking Drei. What made you think I'd ask her?"

  I blanked. Because she's pretty? Very pretty? "Nothing."

  He chuckled.

  Just then I remembered what he said a while ago. "Wait, the team's in the semis already?"

  He gave me a flat look. "Yes. You forgot the last game? That was the qualifier," he said as he stood up from his seat. "I think I'd better go now."

  "Okay." I walked him to the door.

  "Thanks." He smiled then left.

  I repeated the conversation in my head. So he went out of his way to come over and ask me

  that? I smiled to myself. If the team was going, that meant Kris will be there too. And Carl. I

  scoffed. Then my phone rang again. Without checking the screen, I pressed it against my ear.

  "You really know the timing, don't you Drew?"

  "Oh I do, alright."

  The voice was not Drew. I checked the screen and saw an unregistered number. I pressed it

  against my ear again. I was about to ask who he was, when he interrupted me.

  "Guess Prince Charming gave you a visit. He's driving away now. Good night then, Princess."

  Then he hung up.

  My mind raced frantically as I stared at my phone. Who was that?

  Then it rang again, making me jump in surprise. I stared at the screen first, and was relieved to

  see it was Drew.

  "Why was the line busy?"

  "Someone called," I told him, my voice shaky.

  "Who?" his tone alarmed.

  "I don't know. But I think he's watching the house right now."


  "Anthony left just a while ago, and the caller told me he saw him drive away."

  "I'm coming over."



  Chapter 20

  I fidgeted my phone mindlessly. Who was that caller? How long has he been watching the

  house? I felt my stomach lurch uncomfortably. How did he get so close? Drew was always

  watching my every move. And so was Jonathan. But whoever the caller was, he obviously got

  so close to me that even my locker combination was accessed.

  My heart jumped to my throat when I heard the doorbell ring. Nanny stood up from her seat on

  the dining table, but I gestured her to go back.

  "Let's wait, Nanny," I told her, trying my best to sound calm. I haven't told her about the call yet, since she might panic and would giv
e Mom a call. The last thing I wanted right now was for

  Mom to panic.

  She threw me a confused look. "It's getting late. Maybe that's just a prank or something," I said defensively. My explanation didn't convince her, but she resumed her seat nonetheless.

  The doorbell rang a few more times. When it started again, my phone starting ringing too. I

  slowly turned it to see the screen before answering it. I can't describe how relieved I was when I

  saw Drew's name on it.

  "Don't you have any plan of letting me in?" His tone half-mocking, half-nervous.

  "Coming." I ended the call and proceeded to the door.

  "Are you okay, Drei?" I heard Nanny call out after me as I trudged to the door. I waved my hand and called out an affirmative response.

  I reached the door and with a flick, the locks loosened. Before I could turn the knob, the person

  on the opposite side was already doing it. Heaving a little opening, Drew almost squeezed in

  and abruptly shut it behind him.

  I stared at him like he was crazy, but I couldn't blame him. We should be as cautious as

  possible. I shook my expression off, as he straightened himself.

  "What was Anthony doing here?" he started, suddenly catching me off guard.

  "Uhh. He asked me something," I replied, my anxieties suddenly at bay.

  "I reckon that's very important, since he drove all the way down here."

  I nodded sheepishly.

  He gave me a gentle shove toward the living room.

  "He asked me to a dance."

  "He what?" he asked, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

  I gave him an impatient look. This wasn't the time to joke around. There was someone lurking


  As if reading my thoughts, Drew sighed and had a serious look as we took our seats in the living

  room. "Did you accept it?"

  I hesitated, and actually thought about what he said. A moment ago, I was certain I wanted to

  go, but with someone spying me, I don't think I'd want to take the risk.

  I shook my head. "Not anymore."

  "Because of the stalker?"

  "Obviously," I nodded.

  He was silent for a while, as if checking the options we have.

  "If you're going, then we have to be extra careful. But it's not for me to decide," he leaned back on his seat and reached for his pocket. He got out his phone and started dialing.


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