Exact Opposites

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Exact Opposites Page 10

by Abby Osuna

  "Hello Lea."

  I waved my hands frantically at Drew. He shouldn't tell Mom! It'll just worry her. And we both

  know how she acts when she's worried. To my disappointment, Drew didn't even spare me a

  glance. Great. I have to brace myself for what's to come. I limped myself against the couch in

  dismissal. I stared at Drew, almost gaping. He was talking to my mom, but I couldn't make out

  the words. I was almost in a trance. What would Mom do now?

  As if on cue, he hung up. "She has a plan. And you have no choice."

  "As always."

  "But while she's arranging everything, I'll stay with you here."


  "Something like that. But this time, I think it'll last a little longer."

  "What do you mean?"

  He shrugged. "Depends on how fast your Mom settles everything."

  Why do I have the feeling that this is going to be a long week? I sighed. "Did you see anyone

  suspicious outside?"

  He shook his head. "Not even a shadow. Maybe whoever that was just wanted to give you a

  fright. But I'm not letting our guard down. That's why I'm staying with you until everything's fine."

  Everything's fine. I winced. When will that ever happen?


  My alarm clock sounded a little too loud than usual the following morning. I rubbed my eyes and

  slowly sat up in my bed. Though I had enough sleep, I still felt drained. After a few more minutes

  of staring into nothingness, I hopped out of bed and disappeared into the bathroom to get ready.

  Minutes later, I was all set. I slung my bag over my shoulder and was about to open the door

  when I heard muffled voices from the outside. My heart thumped loudly in my chest. Did

  something happen while I was asleep? Then I heard Drew's muffled laugh. Wait, he was


  I gathered all the courage I have and finally swung the door opened. I stepped outside and

  hurried all the way down to the stairs. I gawked at the sight of Jonathan sitting on the dining


  "What are you doing here, Jonathan?" I asked as I approached them.

  "Is that the new good morning now?" he feigned offense.

  I rolled my eyes. "I thought you could hardly get past your strict Mom."

  "Well, something happened last night."

  I flinched. "Last night?"

  He nodded, taking a bite of his food.

  Just then Nanny emerged from the kitchen, carrying a plate and a glass and set it in front of me.

  "W-what happened?"

  "Secret." He winked. Why was he my best friend again?

  I punched his arm. "Ow!"

  I glared at him before turning to have my breakfast. Drew was silent, but he threw contented

  smiles from time to time. No teasing from my uncle? It made me more anxious. What exactly

  was my Mom planning?

  Breakfast was done in no time. We found Mr. Champ wiping the windshield as we got outside. If

  only this elderly man didn't have grandchildren to take care of, at least Nanny and I had a man

  in the house every night. But we can't force him to. Jonathan entered the car first, followed by

  me, and Drew.

  I thought the ride was going to be silent all the way when suddenly Drew spoke up.

  "Your Mom is nearly finished with her plan."

  I was really finding it hard to be calm about this whole thing.


  "She asked three people to look after you," he continued, oblivious to my unease.

  I gave him a questioning look. I pointed out my hand, counting them. "One," I pointed to Drew.

  "Two," I pointed to Jonathan who had earphones stuck on his ears. "Three?" I pointed uncertainly to Mr. Champ who was driving. If he had to go home everyday, he wouldn't be able

  to look after me effectively. Geez. An eighteen year-old girl needs someone to look after her.

  He flicked my forehead. "Almost but not quite."

  I rubbed the spot, furrowing my eyebrows at him. "What do you mean?"

  "You'll see." Just then we arrived at school, and Mr. Champ pulled up. Drew opened his side, and Jonathan did the same. I followed after Jonathan. Just then I realized that Drew was with

  us. What if the students saw him with me? Would they grow suspicious? I gasped. What if a

  teacher saw him?

  Jonathan's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. "You okay?"

  I nodded absentmindedly. Just then Drew was beside me, nudging my rib gently. "Someone's


  I almost froze. It wouldn't be a surprise if I suffered a heart attack one of these days. I sighed in relief when I saw Anthony approaching us. He had a bright smile on his face.

  "Good morning, Anthony," Drew was the first to speak. He smiled politely and did the same to Jonathan.

  "Guess I'll be taking you to the dance, after all."

  It took a few seconds for me to understand what he just said. "Why?"

  "He's number three," I heard Drew's voice say.

  I turned to him with a confused look. Then it hit me. Still with that look, my thumb stuck out

  absentmindedly and pointed to Drew in front of me, to Jonathan who was behind me, and

  Anthony to my left.

  Drew smiled happily and ruffled my hair. "Clever girl."


  Chapter 21

  “Stop it.”


  “Just cut it out.”

  “I’m supposed to do this.”

  I turned and gave Jonathan a duh look. “Do you realize how many girls glared at me these past few days because you were peeping inside the girls’ room?”

  He shrugged. “As I said, I’m supposed to do this.”

  I almost gawked at him. This whole idea of having three people watch over me felt a little

  draining. Drew and Jonathan were so paranoid; they wouldn’t let me leave their sight. Only

  Anthony was doing it as discreet as possible. But he was still busy these past few days because

  of the activities of the basketbal team, so I real y can’t say if he’s any good of a watcher than

  the other two.

  Shaking my head in dismissal, I let Jonathan stand by the door of the girl’s room. After a few

  minutes, I emerged out of the room only to find that Jonathan was gone. I looked from left to

  right, but still no sign of him. Just a few students chatting by the corridor.

  Panic surged inside me. What if the person stalking me caught Jonathan? I shook the thought

  away. I was getting paranoid like Drew and Jonathan. I scanned the floor I was in. Still, no sign

  of him. I went back again to where I started, still with the same result.

  I started toward the staircase. As I was about to take the second flight of stairs, someone caught

  my arm.

  “Why are you alone?”

  “Kris! You scared me.” I breathed heavily, as if I was running for hours.

  “Sorry. Where’s Jonathan?” he smiled sheepishly.

  I cocked my head in thought. “Why?”

  He checked his watch. “Oh. I have to go. See you around Drei!” With that he spun on his heel

  and went down the stairs again.

  I raised an eyebrow. Weird Kris.

  Taking the rest of the second staircase to the second floor, I searched for Jonathan. Where did

  the Korean boy go? I was still fighting off panic. It was impossible that he was in danger. I

  winced at the thought. Calm yourself, Drei.

  I was on the end of the corridor when my phone rang.


  “Drei! Where are you?”

  “Jonathan! I’m the one who’s supposed to ask that!”

  “Sorry, Kristine asked me to accompany her for a while
and I forgot to tell you. I didn’t know she

  was planning to leave the school and… I’m just sorry Drei.”

  I sighed. I couldn’t blame him. “Okay. I’l call Anthony instead. Drew’s probably busy now. Call

  you later.”

  “Be careful.”

  My eyes widened. This was Jonathan, not Carl. “Right. Bye.”

  I retraced my steps and minutes later, I found myself wandering on the school grounds by

  myself. I real y didn’t want to disturb Anthony now. School was over, and he was probably in the

  gym. Besides, the basketball team was a bit busy lately since the dance was fast approaching.

  Wait. The dance!

  I sighed. How will I get ready for the dance tomorrow? Kristine helped me a lot during the party

  of Anthony’s parents. And now I can’t have her over tomorrow. For security reasons. Again.

  Finding an empty bench, I slumped onto it. Just then my arm was yanked by someone who

  sped by. Reluctantly keeping up with the person’s pace, I tried my best not to trip over

  something on the ground.

  I craned my neck to see who it was and felt very relieved that it was Anthony.

  “W-where. Are. We. Going?” I panted.

  “Don’t talk. Keep running!” We got into his car and were out of the school parking lot in seconds.

  Silence hung inside the car.

  Clearing my throat, I broke the silence. “What is happening?”

  “Someone’s after me,” he said, glancing on the side and rear view mirrors from time to time.


  “Calm down. We’re okay for now. Where’s Jonathan? Why were you alone?” he glanced toward

  me. My eyes widened at how appealing he looked despite the sweat. I figured he just left


  Blinking my thoughts away, I straightened in my seat. “Uhh. He’s with Kristine. He didn’t know

  that Kristine was planning to leave the school.”

  He didn’t respond. For a second I thought he didn’t hear me. I stared at him expectantly.

  “He left you?”

  “Uhh. I was in the girls’ room,” I defended my best friend.

  He nodded, obviously having something in mind.

  “Where are we going?”

  As if he hadn’t heard me, he continued to focus on the road in front of us.

  I cleared my throat. Then his head snapped to me, as if he was just pulled from a trance.

  “What was that?”

  “Where are we going?” I repeated, using a tone that said it was the most obvious thing in the


  “Oh. To Carley’s.”

  I blinked in shock. “W-why?”

  “We can’t stay in either of our houses since the one stalking you might find us. And as I said a

  while ago, there was someone following me. I’ve informed her already, so no worries.”

  Still unable to take in what he just said, I leaned my head against the window, feeling drained. I

  hate to admit it, but Anthony was right. We can’t stay at our houses since it would be

  dangerous. But what if we were just being paranoid? What if that was just a prank?

  “Are you sure we should go to their place, Anthony?”


  I looked at him. He was talking to someone on the phone.

  “Yes. We’l stay at Carley’s in the meantime. I think we’ll do that. Okay. Call you later.” He hung up. Though he was driving while on the phone, I didn’t feel the slightest worried about us

  crashing to another car. His eyes were so focused on the road while speaking.

  “Who was that?”


  I cocked an eyebrow. Drew? So he was okay with this idea?

  “He suggested that we skip school tomorrow.”

  “WHAT? No!” I exclaimed.

  Anthony was silent for the next few minutes. He was obviously lost in thought.

  “The situation’s not that alarming that we have to skip school, right?” I continued to babble.

  He glanced cast a sidelong glance at me. “I think it is, Drei.”

  I slumped lower in my chair. Skip school? Great. What was worse was that Carley was around. I

  would have to deal with my insecurities all day long.

  “Carley’s fun to be with, Drei,” Anthony said, as if reading my thoughts.

  My eyes wandered outside the window. Easy for you to say.

  Noticing my uncomfortable silence, he glanced at me again.

  “You’l see what I mean soon,” he sent me an assuring smile.

  I huffed as I frowned deeper, my head still turned away from him.

  Minutes later, Anthony honked the car horn in front of a tall, dark green gate. Soon after, a guy

  dressed in security guard uniform was opening the gate, allowing us to drive inside. In front of

  me was a three storey high residence. The front garden was well-kept. The lot was wide, as if it

  was a hotel of some sort.

  Anthony cut off the engine and we started climbing out of the car. He rounded the car

  immediately so that he was beside me as we started toward the front door. Still unable to find

  something to talk about, I maintained my silence. Drew hadn’t called me ever since Anthony and

  I left school. Nor Jonathan. I sighed.

  As we took the last step before the front door, it swung open, giving me start. Carley was

  standing there, smiling happily. “Hi!”

  I didn’t know what happened to me that I lost all energy and enthusiasm to return her greeting. I

  just smiled at her.

  Anthony chuckled beside me and he gently pushed me inside the door.

  “Err. Sorry for disturbing you Ca---“

  “It’s fine!” She chirped, suddenly appearing at my side. Why is she so giddy? Just what did

  Anthony say to her?

  We settled in their living room. I found a large photo of Carley at the wall on the far side. It was so large, it almost covered half of the wall. I gaped at it and when I realized what my expression

  was, I immediately wiped it off.

  “Carley’s a model,” I heard Anthony’s voice behind me.

  “Shh. She doesn’t have to know, Anthony,” Carley muttered.

  I turned to face them. “It’d be weird if you weren’t, Carley.” I smiled at her. Final y. I was starting to get the hang of this whole set up.

  “I take that as a compliment, Drei. Come here, have a seat.”

  Anthony took the seat in front of us, and Carley tapped the spot beside her. I obliged and sat

  beside her uncomfortably. Again. My insecurities were beginning to surface.

  Just then a woman dressed in maid’s uniform entered the room, carrying a tray of snacks. She

  placed it in front of us, and Carley thanked her courteously.

  “Oh, by the way. Some friends are coming over tonight. I’m afraid there’s only one room left,”

  she took a sip of her juice.

  “That’s no problem. Drei can stay in your room, right? I’l take that room.”

  She shook her head casual y. “Uh-uh. Zed’s coming too, and he requested that we should

  spend the night together. During his whole stay here, it’s the only night we’re together. His

  flight’s tomorrow.”

  My eyes narrowed intently. Did I hear her right? Zed? Who was that?

  “Okay. I won’t impose. Your husband might knock off the life out of me.” Anthony chuckled as

  he leaned back in his seat.

  I stared at the pair. So Carley has a husband? As soon as a sigh of relief escaped my lips, I

  regretted it. Their heads snapped to me and I grabbed my drink just to have something to do. I

  couldn’t hold their questioning gazes.

  They roared in laughter simultan

  I dropped my gaze to the floor. Stupid stupid Drei. I wish I could melt right now. Ignoring their

  laughter, I repeated the conversation in my head.


  They stopped abruptly.

  “Err. Where wil I stay tonight?”

  Anthony’s smile faltered abruptly.

  Carley smirked. “With Anthony.”

  This was definitely harder than I thought.


  Chapter 22

  "I'm sorry Drei."

  My head snapped up. I heard the faintest crink of my neck. I wish he hadn't heard it. I couldn't

  stand anything that might add up to my already full-blown embarrassment. "You don't have to

  apologize Anthony."


  "It's not your fault, okay?" I interrupted him. Even I was surprised at how exhausted I sounded.

  His eyes flashed how shocked he was, but he immediately hid it. He looked at some spot

  behind me, not meeting my gaze.

  "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have snapped at you. I'm just--"

  "Hey, relax. It's fine," he chuckled, meeting my eyes again.

  My embarrassment resurfaced, making me realize how fast I talked seconds ago. I ducked my

  head, tugging at the hem of my shirt.

  From the corner of my eye, I saw him stand up and go for the door. "If you want to take a

  shower, go ahead, okay? I'll just stay outside so you won't feel..." He thought for a minute.

  "Funny?" I supplied for him, not able to hide the amusement in my tone. I felt okay all of a sudden when I realized I wasn't the only one uneasy with the situation.

  "Yea. That." He turned to face me, having that favorite smile I've grown so accustomed to.

  I nodded, suddenly smiling cheekily at him. Oh boy. I think I have a personality disorder. He

  nodded slightly, then reached for the door and disappeared behind it.

  One moment I feel so down, then before I know it, I'd be okay the next minute. I think I'm going


  I stood up from the bed, stretching my musles a bit. Scanning the room once more, I decided to

  pace around it. The bed was large, though I don't have even the slightest idea what size it is. I

  think this was the same with Drew's. But I'm not so sure.

  I approached the bedside table, and reached for the drawers. When I found out that they

  weren't locked, I pulled them open. There was an inspirational book, and a few keys. Realizing I


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