THE MONSTER INSIDE ME: The Immortal Chronicles: Book One

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THE MONSTER INSIDE ME: The Immortal Chronicles: Book One Page 3

by Tristin Clark

“Met the new guy. He seems... um cool I guess.” I’m leaning back against the counter, sipping on my soda, while mom stands excitedly before me, itching to hear more.

  “Is he cute? I bet he’s a cutie. You kids have been waiting to meet him ever since you’ve all heard about his enrollment last Friday.”

  “Small town, small school. If he only knew he was the talk of the town before he even showed up, but yeah, he’s pretty cute.” I admit knowing damn well he’s more than just cute. He’s fucking gorgeous!

  “Well tell Van to back off. I know she must be going crazy trying to get his attention. I remember my old best friend Casey. Back when we were seniors, I had a crush on this boy named Adam. Cole’s dad.” My eyes bulge. I spit my soda and go to cup a hand over my mouth. Mom hands me a dish towel to dry myself.

  “Cole’s dad! You had a crush on Cole’s dad?” Oh God, kill me now. I internally cringe.

  “Yeah. Now if you’ll let me finish. So, anyway. I liked Adam, but I never told him. Casey knew I liked him and then one day, I found them making out behind Vinney’s Diner, in the alley. Crushed my heart. Betrayed by my own best friend, who stole my crush, but jokes on them. I found the love of my life two years later in college and they’re apparently so miserable together, from what I heard. High school sweethearts, more like high school rotten hearts.” I smile and chuckle.

  “That’s funny mom. Not the story, but what you called them. I had no idea you liked Cole’s dad. I’m so glad things turned out the way they did. Sounds like Casey saved you from a miserable life. I’d thank her.”

  “You know, you’re right. I should thank her. If it wasn’t for her, I would have never met your father. Next time I see her, I’m going to do just that.”

  “You’re cute mom, but no worries. I don’t think the new guy is interested in Van.” My mom has that knowing look about her. Her brows raise and she winks.

  “Oh. And who is he interested in?” she asks. My lips press tight together and I glance away, blushing. My mom squeals in excitement.

  “Oooh! My baby has a crush! It’s about time! I thought your father and I would be sending you off to a nunnery, rather than college.” I teasingly give her a push.

  “Stop mom. I literally just met him today.” God, I can feel the heat beneath my blushing cheeks.

  “No need to feel embarrassed. Well, keep me updated. I want to know everything. Well, maybe not everything. Spare me the naughty details—"

  “Mom!” I interrupt.

  “Oh, don’t mom me. I was young too. I know how these things go. Just make sure you both use protection. I never thought I’d say this, but we’ll get you on the pill before—"

  “Mom! Stop. Please.” This is so embarrassing.

  “Hey! At least we’re having this conversation and not you and your father. He would not be as supportive as I. In fact, let’s not tell your dad about this. Well keep this between mom and daughter, alright?”

  “Fine.” I say, as I roll my eyes. I turn to grab my backpack off the counter and move past her.

  “Oh! Wait honey,” she calls from behind. I turn my head. No longer, is she consumed with happiness, but now holds a rather nervous appearance. She hesitates before speaking,

  “They found the heads,” she timidly says. I gasp and my eyes bulge.

  “Where?” I ask dryly.

  “Uh...” she freezes. It must be bad. So bad that my own saint like mother cannot mutter the words. “It’s on the local news.” I brake for it and run upstairs, towards my room.

  I throw my bag on the floor, grab the remote and turn the tv on.

  “We’re here live in the small town Hollowcreek and I’m standing here in front of the family residence of former nineteen-year-old Abigail Jennings, where not long ago, a neighbor had called into authorities of Abigail’s decapitated head. Neighbor claims Abigail’s head was displayed on a spike, in her front yard. Reports are coming in that the same goes for nineteen-year-old Aaron Coalson whose head was also found displayed on a spike, in his front yard.

  Authorities have made an official statement, stating both heads have been identified as a match to the bodies found in Hollow Woods. No new information on the investigation at this moment, but police are ruling out a possible animal attack and confirming that this is now, a murder investigation. The suspect is still at large, and authorities urge the public to come forward with any evidence. This is Pamela Waters reporting with Channel Five News. Stay tuned for updates as this investigation will continue until more news is available.” What. The. Fuck... my nerves are shot. I’m shaking. Fear. Disgust, nausea, flood me.

  “Scary, right?”

  “HOLY SHIT!” I shout, as I jump out of my skin. I turn to see my mom leaning against the doorframe to my room.

  “Language,” she warns. “I don’t want you walking at night anymore. Find a ride, call me or your dad, but no more night walks. When your dad gets home this evening from work, we’re going to have a little family talk about what’s going on.”

  “Okay,” is all I say. I turn back to the tv.

  “I thought it was a bear attack. I can’t believe Hollowcreek has its very own serial killer,” my mom says. I turn to her.

  “Serial killer?” I confusedly ask.

  “Either that, or a copycat. Decapitated heads. I’ve seen it before when I was younger and so has my parents when they were younger. Happens every twenty years or so,” she explains.

  “Mom. That doesn’t make any sense. That would mean that the killer is like sixty years old.” That’s an old killer, but is anyone too old to commit murder?

  “Research the old archives. The old newspapers will prove it. I really should have been a journalist,” she ends in thought.

  “It’s never too late,” I confess.

  “No, but I’m happy with the way my life turned out and I wouldn’t trade it for anything,” she confesses.

  “So, you cracked the case before the police did.” My mom is very observant. Nothing got passed her.

  “No. I’m sure they are aware of the similarities. I’m sure the whole town is aware, at least the older generations. The authorities are just keeping it hush hush so to not cause chaos amongst us. It’s what they did last time and it’s what they’ll do next time.”

  “Next time? Jesus Christ!” I exclaim.

  “Yes, Jesus save us all. Well, get your homework done honey. Your father will be home soon and then we’ll chat before dinner.”

  As my mom walked off, there I stood, frozen, gazing mindlessly at the screen. The voices on the tv had become faded. Tears now clouded my eyes. Everything had become blurry. I attempt to inhale a deep, but shaky breath and then slowly release it.

  “Hollowcreek has a serial killer,” I whisper out loud.

  Holy shit.

  I walk backwards until the back of my knees hit the edge of my bed. I sit, pull out my cell and call my friend.


  “Oh my God. Are you watching?” she frantically asks.

  “Yes. So crazy. I can’t believe this is happening,” I admit.

  “Me either. My parents are all, “you’re never leaving the house again!” Bull shit! No murderer is going to stop me from doing what I want.”

  “Van. Don’t be dumb.”

  “What? It’s not like sticking together will keep you alive. The fucker took out two people! Decapitated their heads completely off! Sarah, whose dad is a deputy sheriff, said she overheard her father on the phone when he got the call. He was at home and she heard him say that their bodies were drained and mutilated. Sick. It’s all so sick! I wonder what the murderer is doing with their blood… nevermind. I don’t even want to know,” she ends.

  “I think I’m going to be sick,” I say.

  “Yeah I know right. What’s even crazier is remember like a week ago, before they went missing. You and I were at Tony’s Pizza Place and we were talking about how they used to bully you in school and then you were all, “I hate them and wish they were dead?” And then to
day in class, you made that joke about their heads being on display. Kind of ironic, right? You got some voodoo witchy powers I’m unaware of girly?”

  “Fuck Van! Really? Why would you joke around about that? You haven’t told anyone I said that, did you?”

  “No! I wouldn’t do that! They’d make you a suspect. I’ve watched those crime shows. I know how it works. I got your back girl. I know you aren’t a murderer. Plus. I’m your alibi, because I’ve been with you the whole time.

  All I’m saying is, what a coincidence. I guess karma really is a bitch. They weren’t mean to just you, and I’m not saying they deserved to die the way they did, but they had enough bad karma. Guess that karma finally caught up to them.”

  “Yeah. Maybe. It’s still horrible though,” I confess.

  “I know.” The conversation goes quite for a moment until Van speaks again. “Hey!”


  “You know what I just remembered from that same night at Tony’s?” she asks.


  “I’m pretty sure I ran into new boy that night.”

  “You did?” I ask in surprise.

  “Yeah. Remember when I went to use the restroom? Well as I was walking there, someone had brushed past me in a hurry, hitting me. I was too shocked to do anything about it. I barely caught a glimpse of his face, but I do remember his eyes.”

  “The baby blue ones?”

  “Yeah. Plus, he was tall. I watched him rush out quickly, but I’m pretty sure it was him,” she insists.


  “Anywho. I got homework to do. I’ll talk to you later girly.”

  “Me too. Alright. Talk to you later Van. Bye.” I end the call, fall back on the bed and let out a huge sigh.

  “What is wrong with this world?” I deeply wonder.

  How did my perfect, little, town turn so disturbingly upside down? This is all so crazy. So frightening. And what Van had said... I did wish Abigail and Aaron dead. I even made that joke about their heads being on display.

  Am I secretly a witch? Do I have some kind of unknown mental power? Was I to blame? No... it’s just a coincidence. I didn’t do anything. I couldn’t have. I wasn’t capable. I didn’t kill them. I didn’t...

  I go to bed that night with the blue-eyed beauty on my mind. He never left it. He had officially taken up full residence and made a comfortable home inside, and there was just no ridding him.

  There is just something about him… something I can’t quite put my finger on, but it intrigued me. He intrigued me and now that I am hooked, there’s no stopping me from knowing just who this blue-eyed beauty really is.

  I throw my head back on my pillow and release a frustrated sigh.

  “Ughhhh! Seriously! What the fuck is going on?”

  If it isn’t serial killers on the loose, chopping people’s heads off, it’s dealing with mysterious boys. Boy. One boy. A very cute one in fact. Ahhhh. A very cute one indeed, I admit, smiling.

  I close my eyes, and replay seeing that pretty face of his, until slumber finally pulls me into its deep, alluring… abyss...

  “Jesus Christ!” I shout, as I jump and sit up quickly in bed. I am panting and breathing heavily. My hair is caked to my sweaty face and my heart rate is through the roof.

  I glance at the clock on my nightstand. 3:43 a.m.

  “Fuck.” I place one hand against my racing heart and the other hand against my forehead.

  As I began to grow calmer, I lay back and replay the dream I had just woken from.

  I was with Austin only, it wasn’t Austin. It was him, but at the same time, it wasn’t. He was someone else. Something else…

  In the dream, him and I were in some sort of chaotic place. The setting didn’t make sense, as it moved and transformed in a confusing, but familiar setting. Dreams often never made sense, so I didn’t dwell on the background. The altered background was not what had me. It was what Austin was doing to me. What I was allowing him to do to me...

  His tongue... was... it was so big and so wet, and it felt... my God it felt so— it felt so real!

  Recalling such acts, I find myself clenching below and tightening my core, but that didn’t seem to help the aching feeling I found myself left with.

  The heat beneath my cheeks doesn’t come close to the burning feeling I have forming deep within my inner most intimate region.

  I close my eyes and slide my hand down, until it reaches under my panties. I begin rubbing myself, doing something I had never done before, but I can’t help it. I need to stop it. The burning ache.

  I rub myself. I am grinding against my hand, as if it is the salvation to my desire and the only thing to bring me mercy. My lust grows hungrier. My middle finger slides smoothly between my slit. Up down, up down. Faster. Faster! Oh God! Oh my God. I am growing wetter by the second.

  I picture Austin. I picture his tongue from the dream. I allow my finger to slide easily into me. In and out. In and out. Austin’s tongue. I imagine it’s sliding in, deep in. So much of it is inside me. It moves inside me. Tasting me. Massaging me internally. Filling me to the hilt.

  I thrust my finger faster and then add a second digit. My fingers are not enough. I need his tongue. That inhumanly large monstrous, wet tongue. It’s so warm, so raw and ribbed. I need it. Oh God! I need it.

  “Austin,” I moan. “Austin,” I moan again in agony, while I finger myself with need.

  I’m on the edge. I can feel it. I’m so close. So close to reaching bliss. My fingers move faster, deeper. It’s not enough, but it’s all I have. I picture that tongue, fucking me wildly, licking and thrusting and owning my entire being. I see those eyes. Those baby blue eyes that pierce into my very soul, as he devours me alive.

  “Oh fuuuuuck,” I try to quietly moan, under tightly pinched eyes. I’m right there. Right there. So close.

  “Let go,” whispers a voice. Is it mine? Am I dreaming again? I don’t know where it came from and I don’t care. I don’t stop. I don’t dare stop. I finger my aching self, faster, harder, deeper.

  I can’t go on. I can’t— I can’t. Oh God!

  “Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh God. Austin. Austin!” I scream, not caring if my parents hear me and wake up.

  My mouth forms the biggest O shape and my head flies back against the pillow. My body arches. My pelvis raises and I let go. I come so hard. My core convulses. I’m still coming. My first orgasm ever and I’m still coming.

  Tears of pleasure soak my cheeks. I raise my head and go to cup my throbbing self below, but a tall dark shadow captures my attention. At the end of my bed, a dark shadowy mist floats in the shape of a human figure. Am I hallucinating? Dreaming? I blink, yet it’s still there.

  My bedroom is dark, but this shadow is even darker and those eyes... I’d know those bright baby blues from anywhere, yet somehow, they glowed even brighter in the darkness. For a moment I am paralyzed. Frozen in fear. This can’t be real…

  An intruder, my mind wants to think. I want to scream but come up empty. I can’t move. Can’t breathe. Can’t speak, yet somehow, I blink again and when I open my eyes, the dark shadowy figure is gone.

  “Austin,” I whisper. It was him. He was in my room. He was watching me. The fucker was watching me! I should be pissed. I should feel mortified, yet that’s not what I feel at all. I throw my head back and smile one big, smile.

  “Thank you,” I whisper in satisfaction. I turn to my side and pull a pillow against me. I spoon it tightly, wishing I am holding him. “Best dream ever,” I whisper again.

  “Goodnight Austin,” I say, not knowing if he can hear me. Not knowing if his presence is still here or not.

  All I know is that I am slowly beginning to lose myself. I am losing my mind, but if losing my mind prompted me to fantasize about having fantastic, monster, tongue fucking dreams with of the blue-eyed boy, then that’s okay. I’ll accept that I’m going crazy. I can handle being crazy. I can handle losing myself completely.

  After all, you can’t break
what’s already broken.


  I wake the next morning and the first thing I do is sit up and search for him. I gaze at the empty space that I had imagined his shadow once standing during the night. I recall that dream. That fucking haunting but beautiful dream...

  I take a long deep breath.

  Today is going to be one interesting day.

  One very interesting day.

  I arrive at school, nervous to run into the blue-eyed boy. As I make my way through the crowded hall, I can already hear everyone discussing the latest news of our towns mysterious murders.

  “There’s my girl!” shouts an excited Van from behind me. My head turns slightly back, just as she catches up to me and squeezes my shoulders.

  “Morning Van,” I mumble tiredly. We walk down the hall together, while she has one arm wrapped around my shoulder.

  “Morning sunshine,” she happily greets. Van spins in front of me, stopping me in place. “Girl, you look like shit. Didn’t get much sleep last night?” she asks. Oh, well if you only knew what went on. You’d never let me hear the last of it.

  “No. Not really,” I reply shortly. Less I give her the better.

  “Hmm. Bet I know who you were dreaming about?” Gosh damnit Van. I blush and roll my eyes. Vans eyes widen. She claps her hands once and jumps in triumph, as if she just solved the case of the century.

  “Ooh! Oh shit! My girl. I’m so proud of you babe. Look at you! Your first wet dream. Awe, you grow up so fast,” she coos. Van places her hand over her heart and smiles like a proud mother.

  “Whatever. Shut up,” I tease her, while blushing.

  “So, it’s true then. Tell me. Was he any good? I bet he was. Man, I bet he fucked the life out of your pretty ass.” My eyes widen in embarrassment and I smack her chest.

  “Van! What is with you and my ass? Stop. Just stop, okay? I obviously don’t want to talk about it. So, drop it.” She gives me her famous sad puppy dog pout, but I’m not falling for it.

  “Boo. You’re no fun. So anyway, I was thinking...” Vans voice faded into the background.

  There, walking in our direction, was the boy of my dreams and he is heading straight towards me, eyeing me as if I was his favorite meal he was about to devour.


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