THE MONSTER INSIDE ME: The Immortal Chronicles: Book One

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THE MONSTER INSIDE ME: The Immortal Chronicles: Book One Page 4

by Tristin Clark

  “So, what do you say?” Van asks. I turn to her.

  “What?” I ask. She shakes her head in annoyance.

  “Okay, this ignoring me shit when he is around, is getting annoying,” she admits, while pointing at the boy who now stands right beside us.

  I glance up at him and see a guilty smirk shine off that ridiculously gorgeous face of his. He casts a fake closed smile at Van, before turning to me and gazing me deeply in the eyes. I am suddenly lost in his alluring blue ones. Both our mouths are parted. Both our stares are fixed solely on each other. Neither one of looks away. I don’t think either one of us even breathes.

  “I’m out. You can have her,” Van tells the boy. I look her way and see her throw her hands up, in defeat, before storming off.

  “Van!” I call after her, but she doesn’t turn back and then the boy before me pulls my attention to him.

  “So, I can have you. Is that so?” he asks. I’m suddenly blushing at his question and I can’t help but think back on last night’s… events. I glance down and then shyly back up at him.

  I say nothing. I want to say a million things, but suddenly, my mind goes completely blank.

  “Friend trouble?” he asks.

  “You’re very perceptive,” I say.

  “It’s in my nature,” he replies. We both stare at one another in silence for a moment, before he speaks again,

  “How was your night, Emilia? Did you sleep well?” he smoothly asks. I bite my bottom lip and inhale deeply. I’m nervous. He can’t know. He wasn’t there. He couldn’t have been. I was just imagining him. A figment of my imagination during a very heated moment.

  “It was good. I slept very well,” I say.

  His smirk grows and it looks as if he is trying to hold back from smiling even more. I can see the muscles of his jaw tense. He is really trying to hold back his smile. Fuck. There’s no way he knows.

  “I was hoping you’d say great, but good is always better than bad.”

  I am either reading far into his innuendos or he knows. The bastard knows… I think I’m just being paranoid. It’s not like he climbed in my window and snuck in. Calm down and play it cool, Emilia.

  “Okay, well to be honest. It was fucking great. Best sleep of my entire life. There. Does that satisfy you?” It is now I, who is smirking devilishly, while he blushes, and man is it beautiful.

  One of his hands goes to grip my hip, while the other one rests on my shoulder, he leans in close, pulling me into him. He’s next to my ear and whispers,

  “Did it satisfy, you? Sweet. Emilia.”

  His warm breath tickles my ear, making me quiver in pleasure. I involuntarily buck my hips towards him in reaction. His grip on my hip grows tighter, as he pulls our two lower halves closer.

  His face is still pressed against the side of mine. He lightly nibbles on my ear and I close my eyes and moan silently under closed lips.

  “I’d say that’s a yes,” he whispers.

  He pulls back and let’s go of his hold on me. I ache after the sudden loss of his touch. I needed it last night and I need it now. God please touch me again.

  “Where were you?” I blurt.

  “When?” he asks.

  “Yesterday. In school. I didn’t see you. I saw you outside my class window and then you disappeared and then I saw you after school, when I was walking home. You were across the street from me and then you disappeared again. How— where did you go?” I don’t care if he views me as a stalker. It’s he who is technically stalking me.

  “Are you sure there isn’t anywhere else, you imagined me?” he asks, with a coy smile.

  No. I’m not going to admit where I thought I imagined him. Say he was there, in my room, I would never admit to seeing him. Then I’d have to accept that he was there, watching me masterba— no. He wasn’t there. There was no way.

  “Nope and I wasn’t imagining seeing you. You were there. In both places and then you just disappeared.” His eyebrows arch. He knows I am right. I’m great at reading people. Got that from my mom.

  “We should go to class, sweetness,” he says. My smirk falls. Really? Is he really going to dodge the question?

  “You know, changing the subject doesn’t solve anything. I’m on to you, blue eyes,” I tell him. I arch my brows and smirk. I want him to know, that I know, he is hiding something. Gotta smoke him out, if I want him to run out screaming.

  “Blue eyes?” he asks in intrigue.

  “That’s what I said,” I state confidently.

  “Only you may call me such a, thing,” he says with a smirk, just as he winks.

  “Well don’t I feel honored.” He bites his bottom lip, hiding a shy smile and now I suddenly find myself hiding one of my own.

  We stay like that for a solid minute, before I gather enough courage to speak,

  “We should get to class,” I say.

  He extends his arm out ahead of me. I move past him and then feel his hand grace my lower back. My back instantly arches, and my ass raises in response.

  My body is just all sorts of hypersensitive and aware of his touch today. I wonder why? I ask myself in complete sarcasm.

  “Does my touch bother you, Emilia?” he whispers in my ear.

  I can feel those pouty lips, smile against my skin. My entire body shivers and yet somehow, I feel the heat beneath his hand on my back burn ten times more. He has seriously got to stop with that whispering into my ear shit. It drives me fucking crazy!

  I turn to him.

  “No. It doesn’t bother me,” I admit, not saying any more than that, but it’s enough. By the happy grin on his face, he knows I enjoy his touch. I enjoy it a little too much if you ask me.

  I walk into class before him and see Van already in her seat. She glances up, sticks her tongue out and smiles. I can feel Austin right on my heels, as well as that burning hand that has never left my back.

  I stop and turn to the boy behind me. He’s so close, he nearly topples over me with his serious height difference. My palms shoot up to his chest to hold him back. He grips my shoulders to steady himself and lands flat back on his heels.

  “Whoa. I’m sorry,” I’m quick to apologize. He smiles lightly and sighs in relief.

  “Careful there, sweetness. You don’t want me to kill you now, do you?” For a second, panic hits hard. A rush of anxiety floods me and makes me almost nauseous. Fear. My mind registers.

  Austin’s smile vanishes and is replaced with worry and guilt.

  “I wasn’t serious,” he mentions. I know. I want to say. It’s in his eyes. The truth. I can see it as clear as his eyes themselves. He means it.

  “Okay,” is all I say.

  He nods, but I can tell my negative reaction had offended him and for that, it is I who now feels guilty. I take a deep breath and relax.

  All is fine. I am fine, yet a part of me can’t help, but still feel terrified.

  Why am I standing here, if I’m so terrified of him? I’m in his arms with my palms against his warm chest. I’m right where I want to be, yet I can’t shake this nagging feeling, telling me to run. I don’t understand it. I don’t understand any of it. Why do I feel the need to remain here? Why do I feel the need to be closer to him? To touch him. Hold him. Kiss him—

  I see it. The smirk. It’s beginning to slowly pull at the corner of his lips. I swear his eyes never leave me. It’s as if I’m the only thing in the entire world worth staring at. I know because that’s exactly how I feel when I gaze at him. I understand the look. I understand it completely.

  One of his hands lets go of my shoulder. His knuckles delicately skim up my cheek and then he tucks my hair behind my ear. My eyes close. My mouth parts. I am enjoying his touch. Those little sparks, radiating off his skin, triggers millions of endorphins coursing through my veins.

  His fingers trace behind my ear, slowly past my jawline, down my neck, stopping just at the center of my collarbone. I am breathing hard. Panting.

  “You’re a roller coaster of emotions, Em
ilia. You keep my senses heightened. I enjoy the ride,” he confesses. I open my heavy eyes.

  “Ride?” I ask.

  Instead of answering, he eyes me as he walks on by, sliding the hand that was on my shoulder down my arm, pulling my hand back with him, until he lets go. He takes his seat, never taking those eyes off me. I swallow a gulp and sigh.

  I find my seat and rest my face between my hands, while my elbows prop me up on my desk. I run my fingers back through my hair and pull.

  Is this what it feels like to feel actual stress? My mind and body are seriously going through some kind mental and physical battle. I just hope the right side won, because if not, I am fucking doomed if not already.

  I glance back at the boy who poisons my very thoughts and dreams. He smiles that gloriously beautiful smile. I turn back and drop my head on my desk.

  Yep. I’m so doomed.

  Class just ended. I stand up immediately and glance back at him. He’s staring at me, but taking his time gathering his things. I turn back to Van. She’s already standing, ready to head out.

  “Hey, it’s Tuesday. Half price movie tickets at the theater tonight. I’m planning on asking Cole if he wants to go. You should ask new guy.” she suggests.

  The fact that she mentioned Cole, brought a queasy feeling to my gut. Pick someone else Van, I want to tell her, but it would be pointless. She’s too deep into him.

  “Yeah. Maybe,” I reply.

  I take a quick glance back at him. He’s stalling at putting away his things. I think he’s waiting on me. I follow behind Van, towards the door. I glance back again to see where he is and then quietly gasp when I feel a heated hand grace my lower back. His hand slides around my hip, weaving around my waist. He pulls me into his side, and I am utterly lost in his embrace. He smells so good. Like the finest, sweetest cologne made of pure warm, Heavenly pheromones. I want to pull him closer. Need to.

  I gaze up into those bright eyes.

  “I’m right here, sweetness,” he assures, while smiling warmly down on me. He drops his arm from around me too soon and I already ache to have it back. He stays close, walking beside me.

  Vans turns and stops in front of us.

  “New boy. Austin, right?” she asks him.

  “Yess?” he hisses. I don’t think he likes Van.

  “My girl needs a date tonight. Half price movies and I want to see that new slasher film. Emilia loves all that bloody horror and shit.” Austin turns to me and his eyes widen in surprise and excitement.

  “Do you now?” he asks, grinning.

  “Do I what?” I suddenly forgot whatever conversation we were just having, as I gaze into those eyes.

  “Do you need a date, Emilia?”

  I attempt to speak, but freeze. Why am I suddenly so nervous? Luckily, Van jumps in, to save me from my own awkwardness.

  “Yes! She needs a date. Sometimes you just have to tell her what to do, otherwise she’ll never make up her mind.”

  “Interesting,” says the boy, grinning even wider than before.

  My jaw clenches in annoyance and I glare at Van with evil intent to slap her later. Now I kind of want to slap that pretty smile off his face too.

  “So, what do you say, sweetness? Shall I be your date this evening?” Before I can reply to him, he reaches for my shoulder and pulls me close. His hot lips tease my ear. “The fact that you enjoy a good blood bath and horror, excites me more than you know.” I shiver and I don’t think from pleasure.

  He releases me and steps back, still gazing at me, waiting for me to answer.

  “Um— yeah. You can come,” I say.

  His eyes squeeze shut for just a second and he sighs, before biting down on his bottom lip. I watch him slowly wet his lips with his tongue, teasing me. It’s as if he wants me to remember that tongue, and what it did to me, but that’s impossible. It was just a dream. He wasn’t there.

  “If you come, I come, Emilia,” he seductively whispers, and my entire body instantly shivers in delight. I can feel myself throb below. I can feel the puddle of wetness in my now soaked panties.

  His eyes suddenly roll back, and he inhales deeply. Once they reopen, I notice, they no longer are the familiar baby blues I know. No. They are darker.

  His jaw tightens. His cheekbones are now on full display. His gaze has turned predatory.

  “Excuse me,” he quietly growls, attempting to move past me in a rush, but I don’t let him.

  “Wait,” I say.

  I grab his arm quickly. He stops immediately and wraps and arm around me, pulling my lower body abruptly against his. I gasp at the collision. His lips are next to my ear again,

  “Sweet Emilia. Sweet, sweet delicious, Emilia,” he purrs. The vibrations from his voice, send a tremble down my body.

  His arm pulls me tight against him, while his other hand traces up my back. My hands grip his upper arms, holding him with all the strength I have. I’m not letting him go. He will not disappear again.

  “So, tempting, so sweet. What I’d give to have you on your knees, my sweet, sweet treat.” I pull back and gaze wide eyed in shock at what he just said. On my knees? What?

  His hand slides up to the back of my neck. He laces his fingers within my hair and pulls gently. My eyes close, from the pleasurable pain and I try my hardest not to moan.

  “Don’t go. Don’t disappear again,” I softly beg. I open my heated eyes to see an amused expression on his face.

  “My my. Sweet Emilia wants me to stay. Give me a good reason and I’ll play,” he eerily sings.

  “Because— because well, I don’t like not knowing where you are and because, I like seeing you and being near you.” And because I am so drawn to you and never want to be without you, I neglect to admit.

  He stares at me, searching. A few seconds go by of him just gazing deeply at me. It’s as if he is searching for any truth to my words.

  “Okay. I’ll play. You have me Emilia. Now what would you like to do with me?”

  “With you?” I nervously ask.

  “Mmh hmm,” he replies, as he delicately caresses my cheek with the back of his knuckles once more. I don’t even think. I don’t have time, before my mouth opens and speaks faster than my mind.

  “Let’s skip school.” I say. His eyes light up and that smirk grows wide. Good decision, Emilia.

  “Lead the way, my sweet.”

  We both smile at one another and I am beyond excited at the thought of being alone with this ethereal boy.

  I suddenly catch Vans confused gaze.

  “Uhh Emilia. Are you really skipping?” she asks from behind the blue-eyed boy.

  “It’s fine Van. We’ll see you at the movies later,” I say, just as Austin wraps his arm around my waist and ushers me away. I glance back at Vans disappointed face, until I turn my attention to the boy beside me.

  “Where to, sweetness?” he asks, while pushing the school doors open.

  “Do you have a car?” I ask. He shakes his head.

  “I don’t need one to get to where I go,” he says.

  “Then how do you—" One minute we’re descending the school steps and the next? I’m grasping for air, being held tightly in the arms of the boy before me.

  I glance around and realize we are no longer anywhere near school.


  Panic sets in. I push away from him, stumble and fall back on my ass. The fall to the hard ground doesn’t even register with my mind. I’m still grasping for air, hyperventilating. I’m panicking. I can’t breathe.

  Austin kneels before me, reaching out to touch me. I crawl back.

  “No. No. Don’t. Don’t— I can’t— I can’t—" I try to speak, but I can’t get ahold of my breathing. I’m terrified of him, confused yet I find myself still yearning for him. I close my eyes and try to concentrate on filling my lungs.

  Deep breaths Emilia. Deep breaths.

  His warm hand presses firmly against my cheek. I feel it. I concentrate on it. It’s warm. Its
smooth. It’s comforting. His other hand grips my hip and I convulse at the pleasant, fiery burn, his touch radiates through to my skin.

  My eyes open and he is right there. Right in front of me.

  His serious stare is full of worry, but he is cool. As calm and cool as one can be. One that is used to the unexplainable that is.

  “Breathe Emilia. Next time I want you to take a deep breath,” he gently orders. I glance down and shake my head. I chuckle. God… I think I may have really lost my mind after all.

  I glance up at him with a humorous grin.

  “Next time? Next time! We’re doing that— whatever it is that we just did again?” I shout.

  “That’s how I travel. You did wonder how I disappear. Now you know,” he says as if traveling the way, we just did was no big deal whatsoever. I try to wrap my head around what just happened.

  “That— this is— this is crazy! We did not just— how is this possible? How did you do that?”

  Austin takes my hands and slowly pulls me to my feet. I grab onto his shoulders and squeeze him tight. His hands rest on my hips as his thumbs dig into my skin. I am suddenly calmer. I can breathe. All is right as I gaze into those hypnotic blue eyes.

  “There are many things about me that you do not know, but in time, I do intend to tell you,” he speaks calmly, as if I am nothing but a fragile, delicate flower he does not wish to crush.

  “I don’t know what to say right now. There’s so much running through my mind, but I can’t say. I think I’m in shock. I should be freaking out, but I’m not. Maybe I am. Fuck! I think I really am going crazy.”

  “It’s best not to torture your mind with things you do not know. Accept the unknown, embrace it and all will unfold clearly in good time.”

  “But, why did you show me what you could do? Isn’t there some cardinal rule where you aren’t allowed to reveal your— your— wow I can’t even say it. I’ve watched so many superhero and supernatural movies and shows. You’d think when the day came where I’d experience something like what I just witnessed; I wouldn’t be so shocked to say the word. Powers. That’s what you used. Your powers?”


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