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THE MONSTER INSIDE ME: The Immortal Chronicles: Book One

Page 23

by Tristin Clark

  “For now,” he says.

  “For now, what?’ I ask. He stops, turns around and towers over me.

  “Soon, you’ll be more,” he states, grinning like a maniac. I take one small step backwards as he takes one small step forward.

  “More? Wait. That’s happening, now? Like tonight?” I ask in a state of surprise, while staring at him with my mouth parted. The ascendance thing… he mentioned it a few times before, but he never went into detail about it. Again, he says nothing, leaving me internally freaking the fuck out. My rapidly blinking eyes gaze away, locking on the ground to my side.

  I’m breathing heavily, feeling nervous, and quite frightened. His gentle fingers lift my chin, turning my head to look up at him.

  “You have nothing to fear, Emilia. I will never hurt you. You know that,” he calmly assures, as he holds his warm palm against my cheek. I feel the tingles but they’re not enough to calm me. Not this time. I blink, releasing a single tear, which tumbles down my skin. I take a deep breath, exhaling slowly before I speak,

  “Am I not allowed to express my own emotions out loud or internally anymore? Am I just supposed accept and embrace everything you throw at me with wide open arms? I can’t even think to myself anymore, without you hearing everything! Just because you lay some claim on my soul, does not mean that you own me and have the right to listen in on my thoughts and feelings. I am my own person and I make my own decisions and I can feel what I want. I’ll be damned if I let you control my life and order me around. It’s time you start—”

  Before I can finish my rant. He lifts me by the waist and throws me effortlessly over his shoulder.

  “What the Hell Austin! Put me down!” He turns us around and begins walking in haste once again, before replying sadistically,

  “You forget, sweetness. I do own you. I possess you. Your soul is mine and I don’t mean figuratively, I mean literally. Tell me, what do you think happens to your soul when you die? Hmm? I’m very interested to know your philosophy.” He’s walking fast. Moving swiftly through the forest. I drop my head, gazing at the boys back and sigh frustratingly, before breathing his stupid, sweet scent in.

  “I don’t know. I guess I always just assumed that after you died, you either went to Heaven or Hell or became a ghost and remained here on earth, haunting some old mansion.” I can hear him softly chuckle.

  “You are right. Now tell me, sweet Emilia. When you die, where do you think your soul will go? Hmm?” he asks, and then licks my ear. My heart stops in its tracks. Anxiety plagues me and my eyes bulge. No…

  “Oh, yes. Your soul was born of light, from the Heavens, like all human souls, but I fought it, claimed it and now it’s eternally mine,” he admits. My eyes are wide and I’m struggling to breathe.

  “You— you said you were… the Devil,” I brokenly whisper.

  “No. I said I was a Devil,” he corrects. My bottom lip is quivering, and my eyes are clouded with heavy tears, that are threatening to fall at any moment.

  “So, you’re from Hell,” I state, with a shaky voice.

  “Yes,” he admits.

  “So, that’s what you meant by, it being hot where you come from,” I say after just now piecing together his little hint from before.

  “Very,” he assures.

  “And you want to take me there?” I ask in shock. He can’t be serious. He can’t take me to Hell. No…

  “I will take you. In time. When I’m allowed back in,” he notes. I swallow the gulp in my throat and hide my face under my hands, while squeezing my skull. I shake my head in denial before I respond,

  “I remember what you had said. It was either rule or be casted out and you chose me. You’ve waited here all this time, just for me to be born.” I remove my hands from my face and let them fall against his back. “Tell me something Austin. When was the first time you saw me? Or the first time you knew I existed? When did you know?” Austin’s arm slides over the back of my thighs. He tosses me forward, cradling me in his arms. His bright blue eyes beam down on mine, like two shiny stars within the sky. He stops walking to speak,

  “I felt your soul enter the Heavens the day it was created, just as I felt your soul, the day it entered this earthly realm. I was there for your human birth and I’ll be here for your immortal one,” he says, and I freeze.

  “Immortal?” I repeat.

  “I told you. You will be mine forever, Emilia and I meant it.” The thought of living forever with him fills me with so much hope and happiness but it also scares the shit out of me.

  “So, I’ll never die?” I clarify. Austin snorts and smiles brightly, while cupping my cheek. He shakes his head, gazing deeply into my eyes.

  “Ohhh, Emilia… my sweet Emilia. Tonight, my soul, you will meet death and it will be the most divine moment of your human and immortal existence. Your human self will cease and be no more, so

  that your immortal self can be reborn and live on forever, with me by your side.” I hear his words. I understand their meaning, yet I panic before accepting them.

  My heart is racing, and I almost feel nauseous.

  “You’re going to kill me?” I ask, my voice rising high at the realization that my mate is going to actually kill me.

  “I’m going to set our soul free. I will release you from the weak body you cling on to. You will never know physical pain again, my sweetness. You will only know power. Power like no other, as you and I will be one, connected through all things, in mind, body and soul,” he calmly states.

  “Is it going to hurt?” I worriedly ask. He shakes his head, smiling warmly, while running his fingers through my hair.

  “No, my sweet. You will feel no pain. I promise you I’ll make it as pleasurable as I know how. Do not worry, sweetness. Towards your end, you will be as high as the stars. You won’t feel a thing, I assure you.”

  There’s a long moment of us gazing into each other’s eyes. I believe him. I see his truth. I feel it. He would never hurt me, at least not in any painful way. He’ll kill me, yeah but at least he’s willing to make it painless. I shake my head at my own thoughts. What normal person would be okay with all of this? Why was I so okay with this?

  “Because deep down, you’ve already accepted your fate,” he finishes, after reading my mind.

  “And you’re my fate,” I declare.

  “And your destiny,” he adds.

  “Austin…” I’m eyeing him, searching deep within him until I find my reassurance and when I do, I know.

  “Yes, my sweet?”

  “I’m not scared anymore,” I confess with a happy smile. He returns a warm smile of his own.

  “I know. I feel you. You will never need to fear me, my Emilia. Never,” he promises.

  “Okay,” I say.

  “Okay,” he repeats. He leans down, gracing me with a long, deep kiss on top of my forehead. I see one more, sweet smile from those plump lips, before he leans back and glances ahead. “We’re almost there,” he says and begins moving forward once again.

  He holds me close against his body. The night is cool, so I’m grateful to be warmed by my sweet mate and his hot skin. My arms are wrapped around him tightly, while the side of my face is pressed against his muscular pec. No words are exchanged. None needs to be. It is the quiet before the storm. We both know what is to come, what is ahead, so there’s no need to dwell, no need to worry. Right now, I am choosing to remain at peace, choosing to accept the inevitable and lastly, I am choosing to embrace this death kindly, so that I may live forever, with the soul of my existence.

  Austin suddenly holds me tighter against him and kisses my forehead. He must have heard my thoughts but that’s okay. I’m glad he heard them. They were for him anyway.

  I glance up and notice we are coming up on tall, rocky wall ahead of us. There’s a dark circular shape towards the bottom of it that catches my attention.

  “Austin. Is that a cave. Are we going in there?” I ask.

  “It is indeed a cave. Great observation,” he t
eases. I huff and roll my eyes, just as he ducks his head to enter. He crouches as he walks us through a long, dark tunnel towards the unknown.

  “Where are we going? I can’t see a damn thing.” I whisper, yet I can still hear my voice echo within the quiet space.

  “You may not but I can. Just you wait, sweetness,” he tells me.

  I glance ahead and can see a small orange light grow bigger as we move nearer. It’s a light at the end of the tunnel and it’s lit with a bright, flickering fire that catches my eye like a moth to a flame. Austin finally exits the tunnel and stops, standing to his normal, tall height. I glance around with wide, curious eyes.

  “We’re here,” he mentions and then smiles down at me.

  I give him a warm smile and then turn my attention back to the grand, well lit, orange-tinted room. I am in awe at our surrounding. It’s covered with giant, shimmering stalagmites emerging from the ground up. Some as tall as trees themselves. I glance up, as Austin walks us through the massive room. The high ceiling holds no end, as it reaches into darkness and out of sight of light. Enormous hanging stalactites cascade down, covering almost every inch above us.

  Water droplets can be heard dripping. They splash over the sharp tips of stalagmites and flicker off into the deep puddles of liquid below. I gaze around and see these pools of puddles everywhere and I wonder just how deep they are. I finally turn my attention and gaze upon where Austin is walking us towards.

  “It looks like someone lives here,” I note, as I notice a huge bed laying before us, as well as some little tables, piles of books and an old record player and records next to the bed.

  “I live here,” the boy says. I turn my head quickly to him.

  “What? Why, do you live in a cave? Are you some kind of fire breathing Devil dragon?” I tease. He gives me a little smirk and sets me on my feet, near the end of the bed, and holds me close.

  “No. Just a Devil and this place reminds me of home. Well close enough anyways.”

  “Oh. Really? A giant cave looks like Hell?” I curiously ask.

  “Yes and no. The light that shines from the fire and glimmers off the moist walls, sort of mirrors the illusion of fire burning all around. It’s comforting.”

  “You and I have very different taste in what we call comfort. I get if this place reminds you of home but why not an actual house? Don’t you want to blend?”

  “No. I told you I’m not fond of human customs. Plus, no one knows of this place. It’s useful during my long slumbers.”

  “You mean when you hibernate every twenty years?” I ask him.

  “It was the quickest way to pass the time, while waiting for you to be born,” he adds.

  “Question. How old are you?” I wonder.

  “Old,” he states.

  “Yeah but how old?” I ask again.

  “Old. Age is irrelevant. Doesn’t change anything between us. I look your age, don’t I?”


  “So, what’s the matter?” he asks.

  “I don’t know. I’m just curious. It’s just weird to think about. Everything! All of this is just weird!” I exclaim.

  “Time is irrelevant where I come from. It does not exist. So, to explain how the lack of time works in my world, would be a conversation I do not have the patience to get into with you at this moment.” His hand on my back slides down to my ass. He grips it and pulls my lower body close. He presses his hard, enormous erection against my core and I instantly throb at the pleasurable pressure. He leans in, whispering into my ear, “But there is somewhere else I rather get into. Somewhere dark, warm, tight and moist,” he says, and then slithers his tongue, just past the inside of my ear. I gasp and tremble in delight.

  “Fuck… that was hot,” I heatedly whisper.

  “Take your clothes off,” the boy before me demands.

  “What?” I ask, not sure if I heard him correctly.

  “You heard me right.” He releases me and takes a couple steps back, never breaking his intense stare. “Take. Your. Clothes. Off,” he slowly repeats.

  “Don’t tell me what to do,” I smirk, teasing him.

  He bows his head, gazing up at me with those bright baby blue eyes, and grins like the evil son of a gun he is, and I love it. I love everything about him. He takes a slow step towards me, extends his arm and grips the top of my t-shirt, just under my collarbone.

  “Fine. Then I’ll just have to do it myself,” he taunts.

  His other hand joins, both gripping the fabric. Within a second, he is ripping my shirt, tearing it right down the middle, in an effortless attempt. I gaze down, smirking at my now exposed stomach and breasts that are still hidden beneath my bra. I glance up at the grinning boy and shrug out of my shirt, letting it drop to the cave floor. His eyes go to my breast before returning to my own.

  “Now, do I need to tell you once again, to remove your clothes or will you force me to do it myself?” His question is demanding. He’s being serious and it is turning me on oh, so much.

  “You want me, then you’ll have to work for it,” I toy. His head shakes slightly, and he bites his bottom lip and smiles.

  “Hmm. Emilia… never, ever tease a Devil, my mate. One thing you do not know about me, my sweet—” He pulls me up against his raging hard on and grinds our lower halves together. My mouth parts. My eyes close and I release a quiet moan. “—is that I truly enjoy a challenge, just as much as I enjoy the chase,” he seductively whispers, and then pulls on my ear with his teeth. I release a gasp and am panting heavily. I swallow a gulp and then reply,

  “Well then… I challenge you to make me yours,” I say under a heated breath.


  A sudden, extreme rush of adrenaline and dominance over-powers the boy before me. It’s so intense. It overwhelms my emotions and instantly stuns me immobile. He growls and attacks my neck with a gentle bite.

  “Ohhh. My God,” I moan. His teeth barely pierce the skin of my neck and my entire body convulses in ecstasy. I want him to bite me. Like really bite me. This teasing is driving me mad.

  “Patience, my sweet,” he whispers, and then licks over the wound.

  “Ahh,” I moan at the feel of his tongue against my sensitive skin. “I want it,” I nearly cry.

  “I know you do. I want it too,” he whispers into my ear.

  Both his hands grip my ass and he lifts me and tosses me on the bed. I land on my rear with a hard plop and within a blink of an eye, he is somehow fully naked and now hovered over me, eyeing me with a hungry, malicious grin. His tongue out stretches, growing inhumanly wide. He licks up the side of my face a few times and as wet and sloppy as it is, I don’t mind. He can lick me all he wants. I fucking love that monster tongue of his and he knows it.

  He stops licking, pulling his tongue back in and grips my neck, while trailing the tip of his nose up the side of my face.

  “I am going to fuck you until you wake up immortal. When you wake, you will find me deep inside you, my sweet. Deeper than you’ve ever felt me. Only then, after you have become my immortal queen, will I continue fucking you beyond what any human can endure, for you, my sweetness will be

  able to endure my all and I’ll warn you… my devil will not hold back. He craves you just as much as I do. So, be prepared. We’re both ravenous,” he states excitedly.

  “Holy shit,” I profess. He glances over my body and smirks proudly.

  “You’re filthy, my sweet. I knew you were into blood and horror but sweetness... seeing you covered in our dried blood makes me want to lick every inch of you clean, before sticking my tongue so far up that tight hole of yours.” He gazes back up at me, hovering barely and inch from my face. “I’m looking forward to claiming your virginity and tasting the blood between your thighs,” he says, just as his hand reaches me below, and squeezes my core roughly. “I have dreamt of tasting the blood of your sweet innocence and now I finally will.”

  “That’s sick,” I tell him, but secretly want him to
do so anyway.

  “You’ll love it. I promise you,” he says, winking. “Now it’s time I make you mine Emilia. It’s time I make you whole. Are you ready to be one?” he asks, while trailing the tip of his nose up my neck and inhaling me. I close my eyes, arch my neck, exposing my flesh to him.

  “Do it. Burn me Austin. Fuck me. Do whatever you want to me. I’m yours. I’m all yours. I love you,” I heatedly tell him.

  “I’ll do it all and much more. I’ll burn this entire planet down for you, if you asked me. I’ll do anything for you, my sweet. I love you. Only you. For the rest of our eternity. I’ll love you,” he professes, and then kisses my neck. My chest is rising and falling from rapid breaths. I’m panting and lightly moaning from the sensational burning trail of heated kisses those lips of his are leaving me.

  He grips my neck even tighter but not enough to cut off my breathing. Him and I are locked in a heated gaze, that neither one of can look away from.

  Austin breaks our gaze to glance down at my chest. He raises up, kneeling between my legs and takes both hands, grips the middle of my bra and rips it in half. He pulls it from under me and tosses it away. His eyes gaze at my swollen breasts for a short moment, before quickly attacking and devouring one in his hungry mouth.

  “Ohh. Fuck…” I moan, as he sucks. He circles my nip with the tip of his tongue, while his other hand kneads my opposite breast.

  He surfaces, eyeing me for a second before growling again and lowering back down, and taking the other one in his mouth.

  “Austin…” I moan. He takes my nipple between his teeth and pulls, just as he takes my other nipple between his two fingers and twists it at the same time. I scream,

  “Ohhh! Austin… oh God.” I can feel him giggle against my flesh. He releases my nips, kneading one while kissing the other. That is until his kissing turns into small pleasurable bites.


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