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Once Bitten, Twice Shy

Page 7

by Scarlett Jade

  She nodded slowly, her gaze never leaving the man she loved and her daughter. “Yes, I need to know.”

  He smiled again. “We definitely know she’s showing signs of vampirism, based on her blood, but we’ve also seen some traits we are unsure of, but think are fascinating. We see no werewolf in her at all, but we do see the signs of a…well…a witch.”

  Everyone looked at the doctor curiously, save for Trevor, who casually chewed his thumbnail, and Amy, who paled considerably. She grabbed the rail of the bed and swayed, and Sasha gripped her wrist to prevent her from falling.

  “What?” Jeremy shook his head. “No witches in my family. Just vampire and werewolf.”

  Sasha sucked in a breath. “A witch? That makes absolutely no sense.” She shook her head in confusion and stared at Jeremy in panic. He kept looking at Onyx, then looking at her wildly.

  “Shit,” Amy murmured, and everyone swiveled to stare at her. “I guess she got it from…I never thought…you stopped showing signs at puberty…that we ever had anything to worry about.” She raised a quivering hand to her lips. “I did everything to stop this. Everything. I didn't know until it was too late, I just hoped…” She took a breath and her shoulders shook. “I just hoped you wouldn't be like this.”

  “What are you talking about, Mom?” Sasha felt her pulse pick up.

  Amy looked down at her feet and scuffed one on the floor. “There’s witch in your blood.”

  Sasha gasped in shock. “What? What do you mean there’s witch in my blood? That I stopped showing signs at puberty? I don't know what you’re talking about.”

  Amy sighed. “You don't remember talking to animals as a kid? Oh, and them talking back? Making leaves float on the breeze when there was no wind? Making Tommy Potter trip over his shoelaces on the way to the bus after he yanked your braid one day?” Her voice was quiet in the silent room. “Your dad…your dad was a witch, or I guess warlock is the correct term.”

  “Mom. No…Mom. I…you told me it was my imagination. You told me it was all in my head and I had imaginary friends; that it wasn't real.” Sasha fought to stop her hands from trembling and closed her eyes briefly, hoping it was all a mistake.

  Amy shrugged. “Of course I did. I didn't want a weirdo for a daughter, just like I didn't want a weirdo for a husband or your father. I wanted you to grow up normal.” Her mouth pulled down into a frown.

  Sasha buried her head in her hands as her world crumbled around her. “You lied to me,” she whispered between broken sobs. “My whole fucking life, you lied to me about my dad; you lied about me. You lied, because you couldn't handle it. You couldn't love me for what I am, for who he was. You make me sick.” She looked at her mother, trying to tell her how betrayed she felt. “You were so wrong in this, Mom…so, so wrong.”

  Amy shrugged. “I can't say I'm sorry for the way I feel. You turned out fine. If you hadn't got hung up with Count Suckula over there, we wouldn't be in this mess!”

  Sasha felt herself losing control. “I know you aren't blaming me for this…Unbelievable.”

  The doctor sighed. “Stop. This explains a lot. Now we know why you and Jeremy were able to conceive, since he mentioned you had used condoms. Witches are exceptionally fertile, and when they combine with other paranormal forces near a full moon, nothing on heaven or earth can stop the procreation. Well, congratulations, you two, you have a beautiful vampire-human, who will also be a fantastic witch, if you allow her to be.” Amy groaned and he gave her a chilling look before he continued. “I don't think there’s going to be an issue with her needing or wanting blood until she's of age. She should have a fairly normal childhood from what Trevor and I have been able to work out. She may have some witchy tendencies, maybe some temper tantrums, minor things like that. Regardless, she’s still a normal child. Extraordinary, really, but definitely worthy of love. It's a shame you can't see that.” He sniffed and looked back at the chart.

  Jeremy spoke up, his voice gravelly. “Claudio will want her even more now, especially if he finds out she is free from werewolf taint. He'd love to have a vampire with powers. I remember when I was a kid him talking about longing to find a witch to bring into the coven, one who could breed with the vampires and create a new race of vampire. One that nothing could stop. My God, and I’ve helped him do it.”

  Sasha picked her head up, sniffling and frowning at all of them. “Like hell he’ll get her. Over my dead body.”

  Jeremy smiled sadly. “Over mine as well, cupcake. It just complicates things.”

  “I won't stay here, Jeremy. I'm sorry, I don't trust anyone.” Sasha whispered.

  “You won't go, either, because you're safest with me. You can trust me.” Jeremy responded calmly.

  She frowned and replied, “You have no control over me, and I can't trust someone who wiped my memories.”

  He bristled. “She’s my daughter and needs my protection even more now.”

  “Half-yours. She needs her mother, and stability and normalcy.” Tears slipped down her face as she struggled for control of herself even though she felt backed into a corner by Jeremy and angry at her mother.

  She leaned her head back against the pillow and wept. This is so unfair, why is everything playing into Claudio's hands? If Jeremy had just let me turn, I could protect our daughter too. Instead I'm just a weak, dumb human who happens to know a little karate and self-protection. Claudio will never let me pull those moves on him again. Ever. I'm screwed.

  “Do we need to decide this right now?” She finally heard Jeremy croak, and she glanced over to see him stroking Onyx's dark curls. She shook her head no, and the doctor smiled gently.

  “I’ll be keeping Onyx here for observation for a few days anyway. She’ll not be cleared for travel for six weeks, due to her prematurity; paranormal baby or not. She’ll have to stay within a twenty-five mile radius of the hospital. Can you both agree to that?”

  Jeremy nodded enthusiastically. “Of course.”

  Sasha nodded quickly. “Okay. Whatever is best for Onyx.” Good; gives me six weeks to plan.

  Amy cleared her throat. “May I use someone's phone to call Sasha's sisters? They’ll want to know what's going on.” Jeremy handed her Francois' phone and Sasha stared her mother down as she left the room.

  “I can't believe her,” she whispered as the door closed.

  Trevor smiled and hurried to the door, as if unable to handle the anger pulsing through the room. “I'm going to leave the room and give you guys a few minutes. There is a lot to talk about, it seems.” He slipped out the door. The nurse followed behind him quickly, her sneakers squeaking on the floor as she left. The doctor wrote a little more in the chart before getting up and leaving the room as well, a smile on his face.

  Jeremy nodded and turned to stare at Sasha as everyone left. “There’s plenty to talk about. Sasha, why did you never tell me any of this?”

  She shrugged. “I really never thought of it. Mom always told me it was my imagination; just some bullshit, like imaginary friends or something. Tab and Rach never did anything like this. I felt weird and I guess I just blocked it all out. I wanted so desperately to be normal. Everything I ever did was to make her happy and to make her proud of me.”

  He nodded, gently rocking Onyx in his arms. “Tab and Rach are your little sisters.”

  “Yeah, we're half-sisters, same mom, and different dads.” She held her arms out. “I want her.”

  “Okay,” he said softly. “I want you both.” His eyes were dark and full of poignant emotion and Sasha had to look away before she was sucked into them. He stroked her cheek and she gritted her teeth against the thrill of desire she felt, even as angry as she was with everyone.

  “I want to go home,” she whispered softly, stroking her daughter's head. “Come with me.”

  “It isn't possible right now. I have…” He paused, and her eyebrow raised. “Some things I need to finish up here.”

  “For work?” she supplied.

  He nodded, a bright smil
e flickering across his face that didn't reflect in his eyes. “For work.”

  She looked at their daughter and her eyes filled with tears. “I see.” Too much. You’re lying to me.

  “Yeah, I have some things to do before I can go back.” He ran a hand through his hair and refused to meet her eyes.

  “Okay,” she said simply. No point in arguing until I know more. He smiled at her and brushed a kiss against her forehead, obviously believing she bought the lie.


  Amy stood in the hallway, phoning her younger daughters. Tabitha's bright voice came across the line. “Ma! How is she, is she okay? How’s the baby? What did she name her?”

  In the background, she heard, “Give me the phone, you greedy bitch!” Rachelle wanted her turn too.

  “You two…put me on speaker. That way I don't have to listen to you both complain.” Amy rubbed her forehead and, suddenly, Trevor was there. He touched her arm and she shivered against her will. There’s something about this boy that makes me crazy!

  “Fine,” Tabitha grumbled. Amy heard the speaker turn on. “Okay, you’re on speaker. Spill. What's going on?”

  “Yeah, Ma!” Rachelle yelped, not wanting to be left out.

  She pictured them, her two tiny fairy-like daughters, one with auburn curls and the other brunette, both fair as the day was long, nothing like Sasha's swarthier complexion. “The baby's name is Onyx August. She’s fine but is going to be under observation for a while, and she can't travel for six weeks.”

  “Six weeks?” They both bellowed.

  “Six weeks, girls. Doctor's orders.” Amy chewed her bottom lip.

  “We could always come over during Spring Break,” Rachelle offered, her voice hopeful. Both girls were studying at the University of Winnipeg and would get out of school at the same time.

  “No, girls, we don't have that kind of money.” She nibbled her lip harder, wincing as her incisor nicked her flesh. She licked her lip quickly, grimacing at the metallic taste of blood in her mouth. How can that sicko get off drinking that? Ew!

  Trevor, obviously eavesdropping, touched her arm again and murmured, “We could pay for it.”

  She glared at him. “No.”

  She turned, as if she could find some sort of privacy by putting her back to him. “Girls, all is fine. The baby is beautiful. She's six pounds and twenty inches long and perfect. Looks just like Sasha. Olive skin, dark hair, she's perfect.”

  “We want pictures!” they squealed.

  “I'll see if they have any on this phone, and figure out how to send them. You two better be behaving. I don't want any more grandchildren for a while.” She smiled fondly.

  “No babies from us, we promise!” Tabitha chuckled. “Give her a kiss from us, and tell Onyx that Auntie Tab and Auntie Rach love her. We miss you, Ma.”

  Her eyes filled with tears and she blinked quickly to clear them. “I love you too, girls. Bye.” She pressed the end button on the phone and turned back to Trevor. Her eyes flashed in irritation. “We don't take charity.”

  Trevor didn't meet her eyes as he smoothed the lapel of his coat. “It's not charity. It’d be a gift.”

  She smirked. “I don't take gifts from strange men.”

  He leaned close, his breath tickling her skin. “I don't have to remain a stranger. See? Even now, your body is responding to me. You know you already know me, and we could know each other far more intimately.”

  Amy caught herself leaning forward and stood up ramrod straight. “Not hardly, sweetheart. You’re much too young for me.” She skirted around him and walked back to the room.

  “Not that much younger.” He grinned, catching up to her. “Come on, let's go down and get some coffee and give them some time to work through their stuff. You couldn't pay me to be in there with them right now. Two fiery personalities is sure to cause a blaze. Plus, I need to know more about this whole witchy woman stuff.”

  She sighed, knowing the younger man was right and that the new parents needed time to figure out their lives. “One cup. That's it.”

  Trevor grinned and she couldn't stop herself from smiling back. “You got it. One cup.” He held his elbow out like a gentleman and she ignored him, looking for a sign for the cafeteria. He grinned again, and still seemed to be giving her admiring glances despite all that she was doing to try to discourage him.

  She felt flattered, it had been many years since she’d been with a man, not too many were willing to take on her myriad of health issues. Amy knew she was still a beautiful woman, even after three kids. It's about time someone else sees it too. Would it be so wrong to indulge with him a little? They sat down in the cafeteria with coffee that could pass for motor oil. She grimaced as she took a liberally sugared sip. “This coffee sucks.”

  Trevor nodded, not touching his cup. “We need to talk.”

  She pursed her lips. “About?”

  “Don't play coy. We need to talk about the fact Sasha's father is a witch. We need to discuss what powers Sasha herself may possess, and frankly, she needs to learn how to protect herself. I don’t see Claudio stopping this time. She's wounded his pride, taken Jeremy away from him, and he’s furious. She isn't safe here.”

  Amy nodded. “I agree. I don't think she's safe, but we have to stay here for six weeks.”

  He blinked and smiled. “This is true, but she’ll have to be guarded 24/7. I need your help with something. If you want Sasha safe, I need you to do this for me.”

  She sat quietly, tapping her finger on the top of the plastic lid on her coffee. “I'm listening.”

  “You have to help me get her away from here. Jeremy cannot follow her to the US. I’m well aware it's going to kill him with her being away, but he needs time to get clean. He's drinking too much blood and he's not in control. I don't trust him, frankly. You can't turn bloodlust off like a switch. I have a house in Croatia we can spend some time at, the doctor can pull strings and get us a high risk specialist there. Jeremy cannot be extradited in Croatia. Once we hit the six week mark, you and Sasha will leave. I can get you guards for your house. Hell, I can buy you a compound and have Sasha have a personal guard with her at all times, one trained in vampire tactics.” He took a breath and Amy jumped in.

  “Why can't Jeremy come back to the States? What do you mean he can't be extradited? What’s going on, Trevor?” She leaned forward and gripped her cup, unable to stop the glee running through her knowing she had ammunition against the bastard who had ruined her daughter's life.

  Trevor smiled sadly. “He killed someone, and Claudio alerted the police. However, I have reason to believe the man didn't die; I think he's turned rogue vampire and Claudio is using him to get to Sasha.”

  “Fuck,” she whispered. “Jeremy killed someone?” She couldn't stop her hands from shaking as she took a deep draught of the bitter brew in her cup. “Oh God,” she murmured, shaking her head.

  “Yes, he did. But, if the boy has become a vampire, he can be brought under control if he's willing to get his life together and live at least a semblance of a normal life. I can pull strings and turn the focus away from Jeremy, but as of right now, I don't want to. Jeremy needs a little heat on him to make him wise up and fly right. He needs to get clean for Sasha and the baby. Our top priority is keeping Sasha from finding out. With her temper, we risk everything. She’d confront him, of course, and that would be horrible. Jeremy needs to have this blindside him, so that he doesn’t have the means to get to her until he gets clean. I can handle that end. I need you to handle her. She knows something is up with him and I need you to keep feeding those lines to her. I hate to do this, really. They’re fantastic together, but this is to keep the baby safe. She has to be kept safe, even if we have to treat Jeremy and Sasha like children to protect their own. Can I trust you to be with me on this?”

  Amy nodded. “I'll do whatever it takes.”

  Trevor nodded and let out a slow breath. “Good, because right now, things are too dangerous for her to stay in France. We need to get
them out of here as soon as possible. I have informants all over the city, and they’re saying Claudio is none too happy. If Claudio were to hear the baby is part witch, I don't know what he’d do.”

  Amy shivered at the thought of someone hurting her daughter or grandchild. “I'm with you on this. I want her safe and away from that blood-sucking bastard. No offense to you, I know you two are close.”

  He smiled. “Yes, we’re friends, but my loyalty is not permanent. He's acting crazy, and we have to keep Sasha and the baby safe. It's our biggest priority. Should Claudio get his hands on the baby, it’d be horrible. Now, I want to know about Sasha's father. We need to determine whether he could be a potential threat—working with Claudio, perhaps—or inconsequential at this point.”

  Amy frowned as she dredged up old memories about the man she once loved. “I was nineteen, and I met him at a party. He was black, but had these electric blue eyes that were absolutely mesmerizing. I fell head over heels for him and we had sex that night, and many nights thereafter. He used a condom, but, four weeks later, I missed my period. He was off at college and I called him and told him. He was thrilled and we kept up a relationship. We were just moving in together when I was eight months pregnant, and I found all these spell books…and I lost it. He admitted what he was, and I cut him out of Sasha's life. When she started having strange things happen to her, like being able to talk to animals, I panicked. Hell, I didn't know what to do. I was still just a kid myself. I didn't want my kid to grow up with a devil's mark on her. I was raised a devout Catholic and I knew it was wrong. I had the priest perform an exorcism.” She paused, laughing at the memory. “Sasha wouldn't stop laughing as the priest did it, and he told me she was a demon child. The exorcism did nothing, and we were asked to leave the church. It was all harmless, looking back on it now. She’d throw temper tantrums and sparks would come from her fingertips. I…I had to stop her. When she was four, she got angry that I told her no television and she set the curtains on fire as she screamed. I insisted she just had a vivid imagination and she was weird and no one wanted someone weird. It was wrong. Hell, I know that. I ruined her self-esteem. I broke her spirit,” she whispered sadly. “I did all of that. I did it to protect her.”


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