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His Little Red: A Possessive Dark Romance (Mayhem Ever After Book 1)

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by Vivi Paige

  A song I really loved throbbed out over the speakers, masterfully mixed by a DJ wearing a light-up bull mask with anime features. I joined the swirl of molten gyrations, shaking everything I had and then some.

  The great thing about the raves thrown by my peeps was that guys who got all creepy were shown the door in a hurry. So, when some guy got up a little too close, all I had to do was spin away from him and he would catch the hint and leave me alone, lest he be ejected. Fortunately, I didn’t have to fend for myself for too long, as Lacey and Krista soon rejoined me.

  We formed the Triad, so we could prevent any weird guys from dancing with us. I knew that a lot of guys got frustrated by this, but let me say we didn’t owe anyone a dance, or access to our bodies for that matter.

  At one point during our sweaty ritual Lacey leaned in and shouted in my ear. “Don’t look now, Scar, but the Big Bad Wolf is totes checking you out.”

  Big Bad Wolf? I followed her gaze to the edge of the dance floor. Sure enough, a real brute of a man leaned up against a support pillar, watching me intently through the eyes of his stylized wolf mask that covered the top half of his face. My gaze ran over his bare upper torso, which was adorned only with a He-Man type of harness. His leather pants were about two seasons out of style, but he wore them well. Quite well.

  I didn’t know what his face looked like, but judging from his body, he kept himself in terrific shape. I put a little more swing in my hips as I danced, putting on a show for him. I even made sure to pirouette hard enough my skirt was sure to flip up and expose my ruffled panties.

  Not saying I wanted to fuck the guy, not at all. I just liked the attention. But still my heart beat much faster when he suddenly broke away from the pillar and swept across the dance floor toward me.

  He wasn’t rude. He didn’t push, but the crowd just kind of… parted for him. Like they could feel his presence coming and instinctively moved out of the way. I felt it too, smacking into me like a lead sheet. Those piercing, intense liquid blue eyes held me mesmerized, my body gyrating on instinct and rhythm rather than conscious thought.

  Lacey and Krista spotted his approach. Lace gave me a wink and then the two of them swirled away to give me some private time with the Big Bad Wolf himself. Big muscle guys usually took themselves too seriously to dance, so my jaw dropped open when he pranced toward me like he was in a hip-hop video. His movements were graceful, like liquid, and I could tell right then he was a serious athlete. Maybe even a professional, given the upper crust patronage at the rave.

  We started off dancing near each other, growing closer and closer as our gazes locked. Suddenly his hand snapped out and grabbed the small of my back, pulling me in tightly against him. I remember gasping at his audacity, but the thrill that ran through me drowned out any anger I may have experienced.

  Besides, it felt really good to be pressed up to him like that, the hard bulge in his leather as distinct as it was exciting. We swayed together, moving to the beat and with each other. He swept me backward, dipping my head toward the floor while holding my lower back. I submitted to him, arching backward and going limp until he dragged me back up to my feet.

  Our lips were so close, within inches of each other. I could smell his pleasant but not overpowering aftershave and the whiskey on his breath. For what seemed an eternity we remained like that, him devouring me with his gaze.

  Then he leaned over and spoke into my ear in a rich, deep baritone more confident than God. “Come with me.”

  He didn’t ask. He simply commanded. While I hated presumptuous, arrogant guys, this was different. Like he’d stated a fact, I was going to come with him and my choice in the matter was irrelevant.

  I allowed him to tug me off the dance floor, his massive hand enveloping my own. He would occasionally cast a glance over his shoulder at me, those eyes behind the wolf mask as hungry as ever.

  We moved right past the bar, which didn’t bother me at the time because I was ready to go. My panties were damp already, and we hadn’t even kissed. He led me up the floating staircase to the upper deck of the loft, which had been curtained off into different chambers. Ironically called the “quiet rooms,” these places were ostensibly for people to chill out but everyone used them for make outs, and sometimes full-blown sex. The loud as hell music made perfect cover noise.

  Indeed, two bodies were silhouetted through one of the curtains, making the beast with two backs. He paused before the curtain, staring intently at them before turning his gaze pointedly to me.

  A shiver ran down my spine as he pulled me along behind him once more. His big hand parted a silver curtained chamber and we entered it together, seating ourselves on the comfy leather loveseat inside.

  “I—I’m not normally like this.” I was unable to meet his gaze now that we were alone.

  “Not like what?” His gaze ran up and down my body, lingering on my breasts and thighs.

  “Like this… you know, all… I mean, I don’t even know your name.”

  “You know my name,” he moved in and kissed me on my neck. My mouth flew open, hands instinctively going up to caress his hair and finger the strap of his mask. Did I know this guy? I thought I would have remembered someone with this build in my circle.

  “Who—who are you?” I groaned as his hands pawed at my breasts through the laced-up bodice.

  “I’m the Big Bad Wolf,” he growled, suddenly crushing himself on top of me. He mashed his lips over my own, invading my mouth with his probing tongue and sucking my breath away. I responded in kind, my hands moving over his broad shoulders and fingering the ridges of muscle I found along the way.

  Most of all, the Big Bad Wolf tasted delicious. I found that kissing him was as addictive as a drug, and he seemed to feel the same way about me. I’d dated before, even had a few guys I would have classified as boyfriends, but that was the most intense make out I think I ever had.

  Wolf pinned me down on the loveseat beneath his massive bulk, spreading my thighs with his pelvis as he lay atop me. I moaned so loudly I could hear it over the heavy bass when his rock-hard cock rubbed against my panty-covered pussy. I think I even hooked my legs over the back of his knees, practically inviting him to ravish me.

  His mouth moved down my neck, carefully kissed my cleavage, and went down farther still. Then I felt his fingers playing at the waistband of my ruffled panties, tugging them inexorably down.

  Oh my God, this is really happening, I thought, without a touch of regret. I wanted him inside of me right that instant.

  I moaned as he slid my panties down over my stockings and off completely. He wadded them up in his hand and then lay down on top of me once more.

  “Protection?” I managed to gasp, desperately clasping my body against his.

  “We won’t be needing it,” he growled. Before I could insist that yes, we did need protection, he suddenly stuffed my wadded-up panties into my mouth. Just like that, quick as a striking snake.

  My eyes went wide, and a confused sound came from my gagged mouth, but I didn’t panic. I just thought maybe that was his thing, making a girl taste her own arousal on her panties while he fucked her. Not my jam, but whatevs.

  But then he grew rough, and not in a good way. He reared up and flipped me over onto my belly like I weighed nothing. The confused sounds escaping my mouth became angry grunts as he painfully yanked my arms behind my back. Something hard and cold and metal snapped around my wrists.

  He had just handcuffed me. Still, some part of me thought it was surely a sex thing, and I didn’t fight as hard as maybe I should have.

  “I’m sorry, Scarlett,” he murmured in my ear as he yanked the drawstring off my bodice, unveiling my breasts and even a peek of my pink nipples. “I really am sorry.”

  Now I panicked because he knew my name and I hadn’t told him. Except, all my kicking and screaming behind the panties in my mouth were for naught. He was so strong, so explosive and fast, that he used my drawstring to tie the panties securely into my mouth.

  He crossed and bound my ankles with his chest harness, and then lifted me bodily onto his shoulder. I made as much noise as I was able, but even I couldn’t hear myself over the throbbing dance beats.

  I kept thinking, surely someone will notice this man carrying me away on his shoulder trussed up like a Thanksgiving turkey. But no one paid us much heed. Even the bouncer laughed as Wolf carried me by. The worst thing of all was that my short skirt rode up and everyone could see my exposed bottom and nether lips. Not that it was all that shocking at a rave.

  “Looks like Little Red Riding Hood got herself caught,” the bouncer chuckled.

  “You know bitches. This is totally her thing,” the Wolf responded.

  Despite my furious struggles, all the bouncer did was laugh even harder. Wolf carried me past the elevator and instead, took us to the fire stairs, his boots clomping loudly the whole way down. Here I was able to be heard, at least by him, and I gave him an earful.

  “Settle down. Be a good girl and we’ll get you back to Daddy as soon as he pays up.”

  That’s when I realized that I was being kidnapped. And there wasn’t a damn thing I could do.

  Chapter Five

  Scarlett squirmed and whimpered on my shoulder, stabbing my heart with guilt with every nuanced noise. Not that I slowed my stride or considered setting her free for a moment as I made the forty-flight descent to street level.

  She only weighed a little over a hundred pounds, but that was a long way to carry any sort of weight—hell, even no weight at all. I was glazed with sweat and huffing a little by the time we made it to the ground floor.

  There, I found the large rolling suitcase I’d cleverly left in place. I could get away with carrying a tied-up girl over my shoulder at a wild rave party. That was not even the most shocking thing I saw in my brief visit. Carrying one through the streets of Manhattan when everyone had a cell phone on them, even the homeless guys, was not a prospect I wanted to entertain.

  I set her down on the tiled floor and unzipped the case. Scarlett stared up at me, eyes swimming with conflicting emotions. While she was definitely afraid, there was also more than a little anger in her emerald gaze. Somehow she managed to look quite regal sitting trussed up on the floor, black drawstring holding ruffled panties in her mouth and tits on display.

  She made a groan of alarm when I laid the open suitcase down next to her. Scarlett shook her head rapidly as I lifted her up and placed her inside.

  “Settle down. No one’s going to hurt you.” I shoved her legs back inside the case when she tried to thrust them out. I wound up having to close the flap and lie on it so I could zip it closed because she wouldn’t stop fighting.

  Brave, but inconvenient. I could still detect her angry muffled protests through the suitcase, but they were much fainter than before. I doffed the wolf mask and put on my shirt, because I didn’t want to draw attention.

  I lifted the case carefully up onto its wheels and then tugged her along behind me. She squealed when I thumped her pretty hard across the metal door frame and out onto the street.

  “Sorry, Red.” I sincerely was apologetic. “I’ll try not to jostle you too much, okay?”

  My own voice sounded simpering to my ear. Since when did I try to curry favor with my target?

  Shaking it off, I tugged her along outside the building and then cut through a darkened alley. A couple of urchins stopped talking as we passed, staring at me intently. All I had to do was reach down and pull up my shirt so they could see the handle of my pistol, and they quickly found something else more interesting in the alley.

  I emerged from the alley next to a ’76 Cordoba with a gold paint job. Not the most nondescript vehicle in the world, but it had a huge trunk, which was precisely what I needed.

  After popping the trunk, I squatted down and bodily lifted the suitcase with the squirming, bound girl inside and placed it carefully into the vehicle. Then I slammed the trunk shut and moved to the driver’s seat, resisting the impulse to look around and see if anyone watched. The last thing a person wanted to do in a situation like this was act like they were up to no good.

  My heart hammered in my chest even as I pulled into traffic and headed toward the Jersey Turnpike. Until I got her to my safe house, I was in a lot of danger. Any number of things could have gone wrong. Her friends could have seen me carry her out and alerted the authorities, or maybe a security camera I had missed was taping over in the loft itself. I was pretty sure I got them all, though.

  In any event, I rolled along with the traffic, listening to the radio and trying to act casual. A member of New York’s Finest pulled up next to me in his cruiser, and I smiled at him. He frowned in response and patted his shoulder. What was he up to?

  With a start, I realized I’d neglected to secure my seat belt. Pointedly, I made a surprised face and snipped it into place. The cop nodded, and even grinned a little as we pulled away from the red light.

  The whole time we were on the street together, I kept expecting him to turn on his lights and come after me. Then I turned onto the Jersey pike and he continued going straight, and I heaved a sigh of relief. I “borrowed” this car, and if that cop had pulled me over, I had none of the essential paperwork to prove it was insured, or, you know, mine.

  It was stop-and-go traffic through the Lincoln Tunnel, as usual, and I worried about Scarlett in the back. Would she have enough air? Of course, she would. I’d done this before, though never with someone as lovely as her. She would be fine, I knew, on a logical level, yet I couldn’t stop thinking about her.

  I couldn’t stop thinking about us being on the dance floor together, either. Or the sensation of her body against mine as I took her lips in the quiet room at the rave. At the time I’d so wanted to fuck her. Badly. Part of me even tried to rationalize it as part of the scheme, but logically I knew better.

  It just wouldn’t have been right to take her pussy when I was already planning her abduction.

  Damn but I wanted to, though.

  Even when she was on my shoulder, I’d been keenly aware of how scantily clad she really was. No panties were there to keep my eyes or my touches away…

  That’s not how I rolled, though. The Lone Wolf didn’t rape women. He didn’t need to. Their panties dropped whenever he wanted. Or so I told myself while trying to deny the rock-hard erection I endured all the way across the river to New Jersey.

  There’s a lot of stereotypes about Jersey, and to be fair, a lot of sophisticated and intelligent people live there. However, there are also enough big-haired, loud-mouthed, ignorant fashion disasters to make the stereotypes endure over time.

  It’s not my favorite place in the world, but the rent is about a third what I’d pay in New York City. The firm is a profitable one partially because we run it like a business, including cutting costs. I probably could have rented a safe house in the city and put it on Devlin’s tab, but I was trying to get back into the good graces of the family, so I played it by the book, so to speak.

  At any rate, my safe house was on the outskirts of Jersey, barely within the city limits. There’s a strip of beach close to a water treatment plant, and the smell keeps it undeveloped for the most part. My safe house appeared as a run-down formerly glorious home right on the beach, though most of the windows were boarded over. The second floor was mostly uninhabitable save one of the bedrooms because of all the junk piled around, but the first story was spacious and comfortable.

  I parked the Cordoba in the garage in the back and then popped the trunk. At first, the stillness and quiet made me fear Scarlett had in fact died during our drive. Maybe she choked on her panties? Or suffocated due to lack of air?

  But as soon as I grabbed the zipper and tugged, she got to squealing again. The zipper flashed down, splitting the canvas and revealing her angry freckled face. She carefully articulated as best she could around the panties in her mouth.

  “Yoo sug ug uh biff.”

  “Yeah, I know,” I sighed. “Trust me. I don’t like t
his any more than you do, all right? You have every right to be pissed off.”

  I lifted her out of the case directly and sat her bare butt on the bumper. She glared at me as I unstrapped her legs so she could walk. Then I grabbed her arm and dragged her to her feet.

  “Let’s go.” I kept my tone low, tugging her along to stumble beside me through the garage. Her green eyes flashed all over the place, probably trying to get an idea of where we were. I should have blindfolded her, but it wasn’t like she really knew our location.

  I helped her up the short flight of stairs into the house proper and then shoved her ahead of me through the clean and tidy kitchen and into the living room. There would be a gorgeous view of the ocean here, if not for the boarded-up windows.

  My palm rested on her cheek, and I glared right into her eyes.

  “Stay put.” Then I patted her face gently to take some of the sting out of my harsh words. She watched, fearful but silent, as I dragged a stout chain from where it rested in a coil next to the wall. I’d secured a long bolt into the stud earlier and added a padlock to the end.

  The free end encircled her left ankle, and then I padlocked that as well. It was snug, but had enough clearance she wouldn’t lose circulation.

  She made a strangled sob when I roughly turned her face away from me, her skirt riding up so I could see her naked ass.

  “Relax,” I said. “If I wanted that, I’d have taken it at the rave when you were begging for my cock.”

  Scarlett made an angry noise and squirmed, which made me angry as I dropped the keys to her cuffs several times. Finally, I’d had enough. I snaked my arm around her torso and clamped my hand firmly around her snow-white throat.

  “Settle. The fuck. Down.” I growled in her ear, squeezing just tightly enough to show I could easily snap her neck. Scarlett froze, though she still shivered in fear. I bent myself to the task of removing her cuffs and this time succeeded.


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