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Side Show Rumble (Lust and Chrome duet Book 2)

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by Gigi Birtie

  Side Show Rumble



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27


  About the Author


  Copyright ©️ Gigi Birtie

  All rights reserved.

  Edited by Alexandria Goncalves

  Cover design: Maria @ Steamy Designs

  Formatting : Steamy Designs

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Visit my website at

  I want to dedicate this book to my dear friend Alexandria Goncalves and my new found readers!!! You all have inspired me in so many different ways and are the greats cheerleaders that I’ve ever met!!! I adore and appreciate you all beyond words!!!

  Chapter One


  It’s been one month since Sloane and Asher’s blow out. Sloane has been holed up at her mom’s in Oregon while doing her classes via email all while she’s on the verge of losing it on her mother. The two get along but Sloane is not used to having either of her parents try to parent her. That’s what happens when you don’t have an active role in your kid's life. That’s why in that part of her life I’ll always feel bad for her. She’s given anything she wants but a family and she would rather work for everything she wants than take whatever she can from them. Reese did a good job raising her even though he’s only a year older than Sloane. They both got jilted though they have each other, and that’s what really matters. That is where I envy her. What I wouldn’t give to have a close bond with a brother of my own. My family consists of way too many cousins and I only visit with them when it’s time to party.

  As I got on the phone with Sloane only a few minutes ago I found I didn’t need to do much convincing to get her to come back for our graduation. There was only one stipulation on her part and that’s if I mentioned nothing to Riv or her brother and especially not Asher that she’ll be home I want more than anything to tell them but girl code always comes first.

  Sadly, I don’t think either of her parents will be there so she has nothing to worry there.

  As I sigh into my phone, I ask Sloane again if she’s sure she doesn’t want me to at least tell Reese.

  “I would love him to be there but he’ll blab to Asher and I’m unsure I’m ready to come face to face with him," she blows out a puff of heavy air into the phone.

  “Asher misses you Sloane, it was all a big mistake and a heat of the moment kind of situation.”

  I’m at a loss in how stubborn my best friend is on all of this.

  “I realize this, but now it’s been so long I’m just embarrassed Mona.” Her voice is unstable and sounds like she’s about to cry, again.

  I don’t know how much more gentle sobbing I can take. It’s now I realize I have to break the girl code and tell the guys she’ll be here for graduation or this could get dragged out even longer and I can’t handle any more crying.

  “I understand Sloane," is all I can say since everything I’ve laid out for her isn’t sinking in. “But let me say one last thing, Asher totally digs you and he looks like shit Sloane. I can tell he hasn’t been sleeping, and he’s so quiet and withdrawn. Anyone who knows him can see he loves and misses you.”

  There’s a long stretch of silence and all I hear is Sloanes heavy breathing. I sigh resolved to give it up for tonight and change the subject

  “So, I talked with Tala today, she misses you. Her and I talked for a while and we both agree it would be fun to do a girls' weekend before we head off to college, well more her leaving us but you get it.”

  I roll over on my stomach on my bed as I twist one of my loose curls in my fingers

  “That’s a great idea Mona but I’m playing with the notion of changing my mind and going to school in NYC."

  That got my attention to where I’m no longer slouching on my bed but sitting ramrod straight.

  “NO.” I yell into my phone, “Pull yourself together woman you can’t just leave because of a boy. That idea is utterly ridiculous.” I can’t believe I’m yelling at my best friend but there is no way I’m letting her leave me.

  “I have till graduation to withdraw from Cal and accept going to school in New York,” Sloane says “I haven’t decided yet, I need more time."

  I decide right then that fuck the girl code this lovers' spat needs to end and needs to end now! So that means I need reinforcement.

  “Well, girl slow your roll and really think this through. I’ll pick you up Thursday and we can discuss this further okay?”

  Sloane moans and sighs as the wooden chair she’s sitting on squeaks again. Her mom’s house has an old corded phone for her to use so she’s stuck to the wall using her mom’s land line which makes me laugh.

  “Okay, I’ll see you Thursday and thanks for taking care of getting my cap and gown along with emailing me everything I needed to do for graduation."

  “I got you girl you know that right?” And I do, she will always be my ride or die; my best friend; the sister that I always wanted. I just hope this plan doesn’t blow up in my face.

  “Yeah, Mona. I love you."

  Ugh! This will suck when I see her face once I have Asher in front of her so they can squash all this ridiculous shit can go only one of two ways. What I do realize is that Sloane probably won’t talk to me for a few days because of it.

  We hang up and I lay back on my bed while I craft a well-orchestrated plan.

  First things first though, call Riv and get him over here so I can come up with my master plan while naked. All my best ideas come to me while I ride his big cock to ecstasy. Yeah, I’m that girl, highly in tune of my highly potent sexuality.

  Chapter Two


  In the last row of the football stadium, I sit by myself with the bleachers all around me empty but the coaches and football team practicing down below, it can make you feel invisible and insignificant. Something I don’t mind right about now... There are no problems up here but the ones I’ve created for myself.

  As I watch over my brother as he practices with his team, I see him.


  I’ve never really watched him on the field before. He is utter poetry in motion. His quick reflexes and nimble speeds are so impressive, you can obviously see he’s going to go all the way to the NFL.

  As I sit here, I realize what a coward I’m being at this moment, but I don’t have it in me to make things right between us.

  I’m supposed to be here in three days, but I know Mona better than she
thinks I do and there is no doubt in my mind that she’ll be breaking our girl code. I’m sure both Reese and Asher have gotten word by now that I’ll be here for graduation on Friday.

  All I need is some time without everyone hovering over me so I can figure out my next move. I’ve already embarrassed myself enough, it’s hard to figure out how to get out of this without looking like too much of an ass.

  Instead of staying at my own house or with friends, I rented a nice little Airbnb for a couple of days. It’s a cute little cottage in the Oakland hills that has views of the city. It’s the perfect hideaway.

  This morning I swung by my house when I was certain no one would be home and picked up my bike. Of course I will be less noticed this way since I haven’t had it that long. If I took my Olds I would be found right away without a doubt. Since I had my motorcycle covered in the garage, I put some boxes in its place, making it appear like my bike is still under there to buy me some time. I still laugh at my lame cleverness.

  A blow of a whistle fills the stadium, breaking my thoughts. My eyes follow what’s happening on the field. It looks like Reese has Dane on the ground. I can’t understand what’s being yelled, but it looks like Reese has the upper hand since he has Dane pinned to the ground as he gets some hits in to the ribs.

  I can’t help but smile at the scene before me.

  I wonder what’s going on between those two? As much as I’d like to find out, I don’t want to stick around and be discovered. Either way I’m glad I got to witness Reese give a few good hits to Dane. It still hurts a bit what Dane did, how that all played out. It was beyond embarrassing, devastating if I have to be honest so a few extra punches down there was all the satisfaction I needed.

  As the coaches and the rest of the team break the scuffle up I make my way down to the closest exit. I need to get out of here before I’m discovered, and this is my perfect out.

  With my helmet in hand I get to my bike with no one the wiser or so I thought until my name was called.

  “Shit.” I say on a hushed exhale.

  Do I continue on and pretend I didn’t hear whoever is calling my name or do I dare see who wants to talk to me?

  With my feet answering for me I continue on without any hesitation while keeping my steady stride as I walk out the gates of the stadium and straight to my bike.

  I parked on the sidewalk so I didn’t have to go far.

  Quickly I put on my helmet, fasten the strap and hop on my bike and turn it on while I kick it into gear. I’m not lingering around to find out who spotted me. Once my bike has roared to life, I throttle her down the sidewalk and jump the curb landing in the street. I speed off with the sound of the engine filling my ears while it drowns out all of my thoughts.

  The sun is barely up and the nights are still crisp even though summer is steadily approaching. I make my way down through Berkeley and quickly hit the Oakland city limits. The city lights are all coming on as the streets now come alive with people. It’s a perfect night to ride my Harley to clear my head.

  As I make my way closer to High Street and Foothill Boulevard, there is a side show already in progress. Of course I can’t resist getting up in the mix. Since I had been up at my mom’s for so long with no real action while I was there, I got bored. Unless you count watching squirrels fight over nuts, but that’s hardly a good time.

  Once I’m close enough, I throw my bike into neutral but stay on it while it’s running so if the heat comes up quick I can get out of here without any trouble. I look around wondering if I knew anyone and of course I spot my buddy Roland who painted my car and my bike. He notices me as well and we casually give each other a nod of acknowledgment. I turn my attention back to the person doing some crazy figure eight donuts in the middle of the street and I find myself highly impressed in how tight and controlled they are. I can only hope that one day I have that kind of skill to show off, but the car isn’t the normal classic car; it’s a crappy beat up Toyota. You don’t see that too often but of course these side shows are always changing.

  Getting lost in the show I’m unaware of the dirt bag that comes up behind me.

  A firm grip of someone grabbing my arm gains my attention.


  All my hair on my body stands on alert making my skin crawl.

  “You think your friend could get rid of me so easily Sloane?” He yells over the screeching tires.


  All the blood drains from my face and my skin instantly becomes clammy. Suddenly I can’t get enough air, though I have my visor flipped up on my helmet.

  My survival instincts kick in and I tell myself I have to play this cool or this shit can get ugly quick.

  “Funny seeing you around Taze." I say steadily. The smirk on his face says volumes.

  “Yeah, I’m back baby and I’m hardly done with you yet little girl. Make sure to watch your back because I promise you, I will pick up where we left off last. But this time I won’t have anyone fucking shit up for me.” He tightens his grip on my arm and leans in closer. “Do you hear me Sloane?" His beer breath hits my face making me turn my head away from him.

  “I said do you fucking understand?" He yells again.

  I shake his hand off my arm, and head butt him right in the nose. Taze instantly falls to the ground covering his face. I tower over him as I still straddle my bike and yell,

  “I’m not deaf you fucker but now you listen up. You will leave me the fuck alone as this time I’ll take care of you myself you piece of shit."

  I try to spit on him but I’m wearing a full-face helmet and end up spitting in my helmet. There goes my badass effect, but with the blood gushing from his nose, I think I made my point. I’m not sure where these balls I just grew came from but I’m liking them. I stand tall with my bike as Taze continues to stare at me with a blank look in his eyes.

  Before I kick my bike into gear and take off my buddy Roland is by my side.

  “You good?” He asks.

  “Yeah, better than good." I say

  Roland gives me a quick hug and turns his attention back to Taze acting as a shield so he can’t stare at me any longer.

  That’s my cue to kick my bike into first and get the hell out of here.

  I make my way back to my cottage and think about what just went down. How side shows might need to be put on the back burner for a while. Nothing good ever happens anymore. I may need to switch gears and do more motorcycle events instead. Poker runs, camp-outs, gathering and of course a few bike shows. It’s always good to take breaks from things that start to turn toxic.

  The one thing that isn’t toxic is Asher, I need to make that right. Hiding out isn’t going to be an option for much longer. Besides, if I can deal with Taze I can deal with any uncomfortable situation.

  Whoever called out to me at the stadium is bound to say something and there is no doubt that my much needed talk will be happening sooner than I wanted.

  After getting back to the cottage, the rest of the night I clean my bike in the garage. I check its fluids, plus going around to check all its cables and bolts. Along with the pride of ownership, it takes a lot of work to maintain a Harley. Bolts especially rattle loose all the time and if not careful it can cause you big problems on the road later on.

  I left the garage door open so I can feel the breeze off the bay. It’s nights like this when you want to sit next to someone you love around a bonfire drinking some beer and snuggling close as you share some inside jokes. This makes me instantly think of Asher from when we were down in SoCal. My eyes well with tears and I lose focus of what I’m doing.

  I swipe at my eyes of tears that want to fall down my face and I’m suddenly startled.


  Fuck can people stop coming up on me today?

  I turn having my brother standing in the garage. To say I’m surprised is an understatement.

  “What the fuck Reese what are you doing here?” I say completely off guard.

  “What am I doing here? W
hat the fuck are you doing here? Why are you in Lux’s neighbor’s garage with your bike?”

  Lux is Reese’s girlfriend, I had no idea she lived up here.

  What are the odds of me renting a house next to Lux?

  “I rented this place for a couple of days. I needed to get out of moms house and I wasn’t ready to go home yet or see anyone for that matter.”

  My eyes cast downwards to my boots since I instantly regret saying I didn’t want to see my own brother either.

  “Wow I’m not going to say that didn’t hurt Sloane. You shut everyone out and honestly, you’re acting like a child. You need to grow the fuck up.” Reese almost shouts.

  I’d say he never yells but we have that love hate brother-sister bond and sometimes our conversations get loud. I can tell it’s taking him some serious control right now in not losing his cool.

  “Listen, put yourself in my shoes Reese. I fucked up and I overreacted to a pretty stupid situation and right now I’m stuck in how to get myself out of the hole I dug." The tears come back to my eyes but this time they spill over and I wipe at them angrily.

  Damn tears!

  Reese comes up to me and wraps me in his arms giving me one of his signature hugs and lifts me a couple inches off the ground.

  “I’m sorry Sloane don’t cry." he says.

  I take a steady breath and rest my head on Reese’s shoulder.

  “I’m aware that dating and the whole relationship thing is new to you and you’re trying to figure it out just like the rest of us but I don’t ever want you to leave to go to moms of all places again.” He laughs, “Please next time come to me and let me help you sort shit out. This way I don’t have to go so long without my little sister around.” He puts me back on my feet and takes a step back, “I had no one to pick on while you were gone, it was terrible."


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