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Side Show Rumble (Lust and Chrome duet Book 2)

Page 7

by Gigi Birtie

  “Well actually I mind, so come with me so Sloane can get the shots she needs without us staring her down while she works.” Roland responds.

  I smile weakly and give Roland a look of gratitude.

  “Alright, but Sloane you’re gonna need to learn to be a real photographer one day, and that includes people watching you work.” My jaw drops and I quickly recover from his asshole remark.

  “Thanks for the advice,” I say. “Dick." I add quietly.

  “What was that?” I smirk and turn back to Rolands work. I want to get this done so I can go meet up with my girls tonight. We plan on rolling out in my Olds to a club tonight since it looks like we’re all boyfriend-less for the night. We also have our places picked out and we’re going to choose where our girls weekend will be taking place. Mine is particularly perfect, I chose to go to a reggae festival out on the river in Humbolt. That’s three days of dancing, floating on the river and hiking in the redwoods. I don’t see how they could say no.

  After an hour I got all my shots including the interior of the lowrider. I’m certain there won’t be any complaints once I hand these pictures over. Of course I still have to edit all my best shots before I can do that.

  Just as I have my camera and lights packed away and I start putting everything in the trunk of my Olds, Roland and his client come walking out.

  “Did you get all the shots we need Sloane?” Roland asks.

  “Yep and then some.”

  “I don’t like not seeing what you captured, I swear to fuck Roland you better be right about her.” I roll my eyes at his hostility but I understand where he’s coming from. I probably would feel the same way. So I grab my phone and open the picture app and show him one of my shots. I like to line it up on my phone before I use my camera so I can save it from too many unnecessary shots.

  “Oh shit.” he says as he looks at some of the photos. Roland comes around and takes in what I’m showing this guy.

  “See Derek why would I lie about my girl here?” Rolands says with pride.

  Derek that’s the guy’s name.

  “Well Miss I’m sorry I doubted you but you can understand right?” he asks.

  “Yes, I fully understand, but thanks for giving me the time to do my work here and the pictures will be in Roland’s email in the next couple of days after I’m done editing a few.” I’m sure as hell not editing them all.

  “Thanks Sloane.” Roland says.

  “Yeah thank you, I’ll be in touch Roland. I need to go. My driver will be here tomorrow to clear out the bike and car.” Derek says as he goes to fist bump Roland and then myself.

  Once Derek is in his car and making his way down Rolands driveway, I turn to smack Roland on the arm.

  “Fuck Roland, you could have told me these pictures weren’t for you and that your client was going to be here. I am an absolute mess and I wasn’t mentally prepared for you all to watch.” I bitch.

  “Calm your tits Sloane it all went alright and your work speaks for itself. Derek is just a dick, which you’ll find a lot of if you want to be an automotive photographer.” Roland informs me.

  Damn if he isn’t right. This is very much a male-dominated field and not one many woman want to be a part of.

  “You’re right. It’s all a learning experience, I’ll have it mastered in time I’m sure.”

  “Damn right you will and girl you’re already halfway there. Hey did I tell you I already have some hot rod magazines wanting to use your pictures for their publications?” I slap Rolands’ arm.

  “No fucking way! No, you did not tell me that!” I’m practically screaming. Roland laughs and gives me a friendly hug.

  “Yeah so edit those good so we both don’t look like idiots later.” Great now the pressure is on!

  “I’ll only give you the best Roland, now give me a couple of days and I’ll email them to you, but now I’m taking off to go meet the girls.”

  “Sounds good, I’ve got a hot date coming here any minute and I don’t want to explain who this hot chick is to her.”

  “Oh my God Roland, I doubt you’d have to do that.” I laugh.

  Roland rolls his eyes, “It’s crazy you don’t see yourself the way the world does. You’re beautiful inside and out and Reese did a damn good job in raising you,” he smiles. “Now get the fuck out of here.” He says as he plays around gently shoving me to the driver side of my car.

  “Alright, Alright I’m gone.” With that I climb into my car and fire her up while letting the roar of the engine fill the quiet night up in the Oakland hills.

  I give one last wave to Roland as I peel out of his driveway knowing damn well I just left some skid marks. I’ll hear about that later for sure.

  Once I hit the street, I turn up my music and make my way down the hill. With all the twists and turns you can’t help but speed up and enjoy each one.

  I decided to just go straight to the club and skip going home to change. I’m wearing all black so it will be fine. I just need to make sure to touch up my makeup before going in.

  Right away I see Moan and Tala sitting at a table in the VIP section. They look gorgeous making me wish that I did go home to change.

  Too late now.

  From what I can see they’re both in low-cut tops, similar but very different. Mona has on a gold sparkly top that I plan to borrow this week and Tala has on a black sequined top. Both I’m sure paired up with little skirts and high heels.

  “Hey girls!” I call out over the music. It’s not too loud but loud enough and as the night goes on, I know it will only get louder so we’ll have to pick our destination now before we can’t hear.

  “Fuck, it’s about time.” Mona calls back. Tala gently pushes Mona’s shoulder.

  “Hey, she’s right on time Mona. Don’t go busting her balls yet.” Tala says.

  “So, are we ready to pick? I can’t tell you how excited I am, cause girls my spot is about to wow you.” I say.

  “Yes, we’ve been ready, now sit your double bubble down so we can get on with this. The music is calling my name and I’m ready to let loose tonight with my girls.” Mona says as she’s popping her shoulder in a crazy motion to dance.

  Tala and I both laugh at her as Tala hands me a drink. Looks like our drink of choice is Long Island lemonade. A shiver runs across my skin as I take a gulp to catch up.

  “We’re getting drunk tonight, so I hope you parked somewhere that it’s okay till morning?” Tala asks.

  “Yeah, I’m all good. Where are we staying tonight?” I ask them both.

  In unison they say “your house” to me.

  Great my house, boo. I’d rather stay at one of theirs but I guess it’s my turn, anyway.

  “Alright then, we’re staying at my house it seems,” I roll my eyes while laughing. “So, who’s going to go first on where our girl’s trip is going to be?” I ask.

  “Me first!” Tala says bouncing up and down in her seat making her tits sway while gaining her a few looks of sexual perversion from some guys around us.

  “Okay what do you have Tala?” Mona asks.

  “Well, after a lot of research of a place that we all would love I thought going to Santa Cruz would be a good time. Rent a house by the beach, we can swim and relax, go for some bike rides. You know something mellow.” Tala claps as she finishes telling us her idea.

  I love Santa Cruz but it might be a bit too mellow for us, I think.

  “Now me," Mona says as she straightens in her seat and now holding her head higher. “How about the three of us go to Chico? My cousin is going to State, so we can crash with her. Maybe go to some frat parties, or we can go to some concerts in the park, shopping and if we get bored, we can drive up to Sacramento and hang out,” Mona says. “Now try to top that Sloane!” she laughs as she takes a sip of her drink.

  Her cocky grin is about to be wiped off her face…

  “Well I came up with Humbolt, there is a three-day Reggae Festival happening up there and when we’re not dancing, we can g
o hiking in the redwoods or swimming in the river.” I really had nothing to add since that’s all I could think of for us to do up there besides join some pottery or jewelry making class or something hippy like that.

  Both Mona and Tala stare at me with their mouths open.

  “What? When did you two stop liking reggae?” I ask.

  Damn I thought my idea was good.

  “No girl, behind you.” Tala informs me.

  I close my eyes. I feel a chill run down my spine much like these drinks they have been giving me but I turn around seeing what they’re talking about.

  There stands Dane looking pretty beat up. His facial hair is scraggly while he has dark circles under his eyes. It looks like he’s lost some weight. What the fuck has happened to him.

  “Oh shit Dane? What’s wrong with you?” I blurt out.

  “Hey Sloane, can we talk?” His voice is rough like he smoked too many cigarettes while drinking nothing but whisky now.

  “Whatever you have to say you can say it in front of my girls. I’d end up telling them anyway and you can save me some time by just talking to me here.” I say nicely.

  “Um… okay. Well I need to talk to you about Asher. He’s not as busy as you think he is.” He says.

  My lips form a tight line and my cheeks flame an instant red.

  “What do you mean?” I grind out as my blood starts to boil.

  “He’s seeing someone else and I’m very aware that I fucked our relationship up, but I can’t see that happen to you again. I want you back and I want to make things right. Asher doesn’t deserve you, that fucktard.” Dane tells me as he shakes his head.

  I see him clench his fists and his knuckles turn white.

  “Are you saying Asher is cheating on Sloane?” Tala asks.

  “That’s exactly what I’m saying.” he says sarcastically.

  “No fucking way Dane. You’re lying. You know how I know this?” Mona says as she’s now standing with her hands on the table top.

  “How are you so sure Mona? You’re not him with him all the time, are you?” Dane spits out.

  “She knows cause Riv is always with him and where there is Riv, there’s Mona.” I respond laughing. “When they’re hanging-out he’s texting me to tell me how crazy they are? So yeah Mona is right,” I say bitterly. “And besides even if you’re right I would never get back together with you,” Danes face drops and his eyes become dark pools of anger. “You cheated on me with Moxie, which by the way, where is she?”

  “We’re on a break… again.” Dane says in a whisper. I would have almost not heard him if he wasn’t standing so close.

  “Well, if you think I’m wrong about Asher, maybe you should go ask him and his date over at the bar.” Dane says as he points over at the bar.

  My head whips over in the direction of where Dane was pointing and there Asher was with a stunning brunette.


  She’s gorgeous too. With big wavy curls, her makeup was flawless and a dress that was so revealing all I could do was stare.

  Tala was suddenly next to me along with Mona.

  “Sloane this looks bad.” Tala says beside my head. The tears of anger start to well up in my eyes and my cheeks start to flame hotter than before. I turn to my drink and down the whole thing.

  “Do you want to go over there and confront him babe?” Mona asks. I contemplate for a minute what to do. If I leave now, I’ll never get the truth that I would if I just go over there, but if I leave, I would leave and never talk to Asher again. Like last time. I would never allow him to explain. I also know he loves me so there has to be some kind of explanation. I can’t react like before and run. I have to face things head on and sort it to where it’s supposed to go. Good or bad.

  So, with a deep breath I turn to Mona and Tala forgetting Dane is even there and say.

  “You girls wait here, I’m going over.” With my head held high and determination coursing through my veins I saunter my way over to Asher and his “date”.

  Chapter Eleven


  With a week of not seeing my girl, I’m stuck here talking to this sports agent who insisted we had our meeting at this club. I guess she thinks she can impress me by getting us into a place where I already know the owner and getting in had never been an issue. I’m not even listening to what she’s rambling on and on, since all I can think about is Sloane and how I’d rather be with her right now. If only Sloane didn’t have her girls’ night, I’d be wrapped around her.

  How could this woman represent athletes dressed as a typical punt bunny?

  I swear if she touches my arm one more time I’m getting up and walking out of this messed up situation.

  “Listen Ms. Tower.” She cuts me off to correct me again.

  “No call me Ashley. I want us to have a very close working relationship.” She says as she drags her well-manicured nails up my arm.

  I pull my arm out of from under Ms. Towers touch.

  “What is going on here Asher?”



  As I turn to see Sloanes face and my stomach drops. My girl didn’t need to see this.

  “Fuck Sloane. I’m so glad to see you.” I jump off the bar stool and give her a bear hug wrapping my arms tight around her body. She’s stiff and ridged and I don’t blame her. I bury my face in her hair and whisper in her ear.

  “This is Ms. Tower she’s a perverted sports agent. Help me.” I ask.

  I feel her instantly relax so I hug her tighter to me and give her a kiss on her neck since it’s been too long to have my girl in my arms like this.

  “Baby.” Sloane almost sounds like she’s crying.

  I pull my face back to see she has a few angry tears sliding down her flaming cheeks. She quickly wipes them away with her fists. This is the last thing I ever want to do to her. I set her on her feet and kiss away the tears that are left away.

  “Let me wrap this meeting up and I’m joining you on girl’s night for an hour or two. Okay?” Sloane nods and grabs my hand as we walk the few steps back over to Ms. Tower.

  “Is everything alright?” Ms. Tower asks nervously as she plays with her necklace.

  Before I can say anything, Sloane gets right up in her face,

  “Listen here. I saw the way you kept touching my boyfriend, and highly inappropriately. You should remember how to conduct yourself during business, Ms. Tower.” Sloane sneers.

  All I can do is stare at my strong girl standing up for what’s hers and it instantly gives me a hard on.

  Down boy I mentally say as I tuck him to the side as I stand behind Sloane.

  “I didn’t mean anything by my touch and you can call me Ashley.” She pauses waiting for Sloane to give Ms. Tower her name. Sloane doesn’t though, and all she does is look her up and down with a sneer on her face.

  “Listen up Mustashley, get your punt bunny, inappropriate ass out of here, because I personally don’t care who you are and once I have words with your superior I doubt you’ll ever work in sports ever again. Unless they like how you try to land clients by trying to sleep with them?” Sloane growls.

  Ms. Towers hand nervously goes to her upper lip as if she’s checking for facial hair. I stifle a laugh and clear my throat. Ms. Towers eyes snap to mine.

  “I’m terribly sorry for the misconstrued actions here, but I assure you that’s all. I believe my time here is done,” she says to both Sloane and myself. “I’m terribly sorry Asher, if you’re interested in our firm’s representation you can call the office for a meeting with one of the senior partners.” She nods as she gathers her purse and slips into her coat.

  I give her a curt nod and turn back to Sloane who is now visibly shaking so I gather her back in my arms and hold her to me to calm her down.

  “Damn babe. That was highly impressive.” I lean down and kiss the tight line that is her lips. They soften quickly for me and I’m able to deepen our kiss.

  She feels amazing and damn I’ve missed this wom

  Sloanes hands make their way into my hair holding me to her. I curve around her as much as I can and continue to make out with Sloane in the middle of the club until I hear a cough from behind us.

  I let loose of my hold of Sloane but still keep her in my arms. I turn us both to our intruder or in this case intruders. Mona and Tala stand there looking at me with blank stares.

  “You should be aware that to date Sloane you date us all, so time to start explaining.” Mona says while I try not to laugh at her comment.

  “It’s okay girls, Asher was having a meeting with a sports agent who thought she could sign him with benefits.” Sloane explains.

  “I can’t believe you called her Mustashley, she may have picked up on your nickname for her.” I laugh as Mona and Tala join me.

  “You called her Mustashley?” Tala howls.

  “Oh my god what are you twelve Sloane?” Mona laughs

  “Damn right I did and yes, I totally went all immature bitch on her ass. Yes, she did pick up on my insult, didn’t you see the way she was touching her upper lip after I said it?" Sloane smirks with a laugh. “Now Asher is going to crash girl’s night, buy us a round and have a drink or two before he takes off to do his own thing for the evening.” She informs her girls.

  “Fine by us, but Asher you need to tell Dane to kick rocks.” Tala informs me.

  Dane is here? What the fuck. Could tonight get any weirder?

  “What is Dane doing here?” I ask Sloane.

  “He came to profess his love and wanted Sloane back. He told her you were cheating on her with that hussy you were sitting with.” Mona tells me.

  That little puke. He’s been getting his ass handed to him on the field by Reese, myself and Riv and now he thinks he can try to give me some shit by causing what could have been some monumental disaster, especially with Sloanes track record of running from drama. My blood begins to get heated as I want to march over there and punch his lights out, but I’ll save that for the field when we scrimmage.

  I slide my hand down my face in frustration.

  “Alright I’ll take care of it. You girls go have a seat and I’ll be right over.” I kiss Sloane on the lips and pat her firm ass.


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