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Side Show Rumble (Lust and Chrome duet Book 2)

Page 9

by Gigi Birtie

  “Nah man I keep my number blocked,” Mick does this motion with his two fingers to his temple gesturing how big his brain is. I laugh harder at his gesture. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to see what this bitch wants.” And all of a sudden, he turns and darts out the front door to the sidewalk where some girl is waiting for him. There’s no question there; it’s quieter outside than it is in the bar.

  “Hey Zach, you want a beer?” I ask as I shot gun mine.

  I wave to the bartender and hold up two fingers signaling for two more.

  “Thanks man.” Zach is a good dude, quiet but when he does say something it’s usually something witty or profoundly funny, something only other deep thinkers would get. I dig his humor since it keeps me thinking of what he says even hours after he says it.

  The bartender brings us our beer and I hand over a wad of cash while telling him to keep the change.

  Zach and I pick up our beers as we take a long swing of them- as if we hadn’t had anything to drink all day.

  As we set our beers down on the bar Mick comes rushing back in.

  “Dudes leave your beer we have to go now.” My forehead wrinkles at him telling me what to do.

  “I don’t think so man. Why would I leave when I just got here?” I ask, especially leaving with them.

  “I got word there is going to be a three-block side show happening in twenty minutes up by the lodge!” Mick informs me with a smirk.

  “Shit.” is all I can say. When you get word of a big show about to go down, you want to be there but it’s one hell of a risk too.

  I sit here as the guys stare at me as I contemplate if I want to witness this or stay here and finish my beer.

  “Fuck it, I’ll follow you up there.” I say decidedly so.

  “Nah man, lets race there, what did you drive tonight?” I smirk since I know, no matter what he’s in- my Harley will beat him no matter what.

  As we walk outside, I show Mick and I can hear the curse under his breath as Zach laughs.

  “Looks like your about to get spanked Mick.” Zach laughs out.

  I just smile as I put on my helmet and start up my bike. I watch as Mick scrambles to his Camaro trying to gain a head start. Which I’ll let him have since I’ll be splitting lanes all the way up to the lodge.

  Chapter Thirteen


  This isn’t the biggest crowd I’ve ever seen, but it’s still impressive. The street is already getting blocked off quick. There is a car already doing donuts, but people are booing the driver and throwing bottles at his car. Sometimes the crowd can turn on you if your car is weak along with your skills. Mick and Zach finally walk up to me since I dusted them over two miles ago.

  “Hey guys, looks like you finally made it.” I laugh. Mick did a snarky expression with a fake laugh.

  “Where did you stash your bike?” Zach asks.

  “Just two blocks over.”

  “Yeah us too,” Mick motions in the direction. “This show will be busted up quick so it’s best to not be parked here.”

  It never is. To physically be in the middle of a side show you better be in your car than be off to the side blocking any part of it.

  The three of us walk closer to the action and see that shitty car leaving, as a pristine Chevelle makes its way into the circle. It starts to do its dance of revving its engine to pump up the crowd. No doubt the response is good as people hoot and holler for more. I can’t make out the driver, but it looks like it’s a woman behind the wheel.

  As I get closer, the car starts to whip into some impressively tight donuts.

  I squat down to get a better view of who it is, and that’s when I realize who it is…

  “Fuck man, isn’t that your girl?” Zach asks. What the fuck is she doing here and not up at her girls’ weekend?

  More importantly, who owns that car? There are too many questions running through my head and none of my thoughts are good right now.

  “Yeah that’s Sloane.” I grit out.

  “Dude didn’t you say she was off on a girls’ weekend?” Just when Zach asked that I spot Mona and Tala standing next to Reese. Without saying goodbye to the guys, I march over to where they’re standing.

  Tala is the first to notice me and elbows Mona in the ribs. Mona looks in the direction as Tala and her jaw drops.

  My lips form a tight line and I feel the crease between my eyebrows form.

  “What’s going on here? What the fuck happened to girls’ weekend up in Humbolt?” I ask not caring who answers as long as I get someone to explain right now.

  “Try not to get upset, we were about to leave last night when Reese called Sloane and asked her to do this for him. We are actually leaving right after this. Don’t worry though, we had a girls’ night last night and bummed around today too. We told Sloane not to tell you." Tala says all in a rush.

  I don’t feel as bad being lied too, but I don’t understand why Reese needed Sloane to run someone else’s car

  “Reese why are you having Sloane do this?”

  “If you can see down to the next intersection, there’s another side show happening right now, the first one to stop loses.” Reese tells me like I should have known.

  “Loses what?”

  “A cool one hundred K man.” My jaw drops, I’ve never heard of a bet that large before. Which makes this more than likely more dangerous than just getting busted by the cops.

  “Who owns the car then?” I demand of Reese.

  “It’s one of Rolands’ clients, Rick or something. Roland called me up and made me get Sloane to do it.”

  “No, his name is Rush he’s on the other side there with Roland. He’s the one who pitted the bet.” Mona corrects Reese and tells me the rest.

  I turn in their direction to see Roland standing with this Rush guy, who happens to be a beast. All muscle that are about to pop out of his T-shirt, tattoos everywhere where his skin is exposed, except for on his face. He has dark short brown hair and tan skin which make his teeth whiter than normal. There is no one standing close to them, but who would when dude looks that intimidating.

  I must have gotten in the circle of the show trying to take a better look since I have Tala yelling at me.

  “If you don’t step back, you will get whacked.” It’s the motto of all the shows when you’re standing too close the moving cars. I take a step back but walk the edge over to Roland and said Rush.

  “What the fuck Roland?” Is all I say to him. He knows we’ve been both trying to keep Sloane away from the side shows since the scene has changed so much.

  The expression on his face tells me everything I need. I can only scowl at him as he pleads with his eyes.

  I shake my head, but I’m not letting him off this easy.

  “You better start explaining why you have my girl here when we both agreed to keep her away from these shit shows for a while.” I had to put it out there bluntly since I don’t play games and want an answer now.

  “Hey Asher, I’m aware this isn’t good, but it had to be done. Rush here wanted to beat the other driver and there happens to be a lot of money riding on this show. It could pay all of Sloanes college and you know how she isn’t taking any financial help from her parents. I had to hook our girl up. Besides look at her, she’s killing it.” Roland says as he points to Sloane.

  She is in control while the other car is all over the place and will more than likely stutter out of control any minute. Just as I finished thinking that the other driver narrowly wiped out half the crowd.

  Everyone starts to cheer at the winner. Sloane continues whipping out donuts, not realizing that she won. Someone runs up to Sloanes’ car and it looks like they’re yelling to her that she won.

  Suddenly she stops and honks the horn and yells out the window.

  “Fuck yeah!” Is all I can make out coming from her.

  I can’t help myself but smile at her excitement. Roland and Rush leave me standing where I am to make their way over to the Chevelle an
d climb in. Roland says something to Sloane as she nods and climbs out to give him a hug. They break apart and he walks over to climb into the passenger seat. The two drive away leaving nothing but a cloud of smoke in their wake.

  As Sloane turns to find Reese and Mona and Tala gun shots ring through the air.

  Everything started to go in slow motion real fast. My eyes went to where the shots rang out which were on the other side of the circle, but as I go back to search for Sloane. I see her running with a panicked expression on her face.

  She’s running to Reese who’s on the ground with Tala and Mona crouched over him.

  The scream from Sloane is one that will live with me for the rest of my life. It’s one that will plague my nightmares.

  This isn’t happening.

  This isn’t happening.

  This isn’t happening.

  I keep chanting to myself as I run to them. More shots are being fired in the distance, this scene is getting more unsafe by the minute, but my focus is only on the scene before me.

  Once I approach them, I check Reese to make sure he’s still alive. He has a pulse, but he’s unconscious.

  “Mona call 9-1-1!” I yell.

  Sloane is gathering Reese in her arms as his blood soaks into her clothes.

  “Open your eyes Reese, this isn’t the time to fuck with me.” Sloane sobs as she shakes Reese.

  I try to gather her in my arms but she shrugs me off. I try not to take it personal but the rejection hurts a bit. All I can do is kneel next to her and keep my hand on her back.

  Suddenly the sound of sirens fill the night and screams follow. People are running in every direction and it’s getting increasingly dangerous with every person that runs by us. To get an ambulance through all this will only take time from helping Reese live. So, I make the decision to gather him up and take him to the closest vehicle.

  “Where are you parked?” I ask with urgency filling my voice.

  “We’re right over here but wouldn’t it be better to wait for the ambulance?” Mona asks

  “No, the longer we wait the more likely Reese won’t make it.” I regret as soon as I say it since Sloane is standing right next to us but now isn’t the time to be sensitive. I can’t lose one of my best friends.

  Tala and Sloane flank each side of me ready to help as Mona leads the way to the car.

  Reese is all dead weight, and it’s a struggle to get him to the car, but I push on knowing every second could be used to save his life.

  Once we reach the car, I put Reese in the front seat and all the girls pile in the back. The hospital is close, so we make it there in what seems to be only a few minutes. I have no doubt if we waited for the ambulance, we would still be there doing just that- waiting.

  I park us in the ambulance bay and scream for help.

  Running over to Reese’s side of the car I gather him back in my arms to carry him inside, but two attendants are suddenly in front of me with a gurney.

  “He’s been shot.” Is all I can say without having tears chock me up.

  Sloane stays with him as they wheel him inside and Mona follows along beside of them. Tala is standing next to me sniffing back her tears.

  “I can’t believe this is happening right now.” Putting my arm around her shoulder I pull her close to give her some comfort, all while trying to comfort myself. I sense this is the start of a hell that none of us want to be experiencing right now.

  As Tala and I walk into the waiting room, we spot Mona and Tala goes running to her. Their bond is nothing if not amazing. You can see the support that they give each other without having to say a word. Mona is smoothing Tala’s hair as Sloane comes walking out.

  She looks terrified, her face is pale while her cheeks are stained with tears and her clothes are completely covered in blood. Fuck there is so much blood. One of us is going to need to get her a change of clothes.

  I go to her instantly and wrap her up in my arms so I can cradle her to my chest. I will be her strength when she obviously needs it most. She just crumples in my arms and starts sobbing uncontrollably.

  My heart is breaking for her. I want to ask her what’s happening, if everything is all right, but I’ll wait until she is ready.

  Mona on the other hand doesn’t wait for those questions to ask.

  “Sloane, is Reese going to be okay?” Mona asks as she pets Sloanes hair.

  Sloane mumbles into my chest that Reese was rushed into surgery and we won’t know anything till he comes out.


  “Okay well I’m going to call your parents to let them know what’s going on and Tala and I are going to grab you some clothes. Asher,” Mona looks me up and down before adding. “We’ll grab you some clothes too.” Mona and Tala wait till Sloane calms down a bit then they both give her a hug and kiss before returning her back to my waiting arms.

  Sloane rests her head on my chest, crying quietly. I decide to pick her up and take her to the waiting room. There’s no one in here but us so I cradle her on my lap.

  “Everything will work out Sloane. Reese is strong and he’ll get through this.” I say quietly into her hair as I run my hand up and down her back.

  “He has to make it Asher,” She sobs. “He just has to or I will have no one.”I understand what she means but I can’t let her think that.

  “Hey, you’ll always have me Sloane.” Which makes her sob harder causing my heart to break for her. This is the last thing I’ve ever wanted for my girl to experience. It’s the last thing I’ve ever wanted Reese to experience. I bury my face in Sloanes hair and as strong as I’m trying to be for her; I start to cry myself.

  Chapter Fourteen


  It’s as if I’ve been in a haze since the shooting of Reese has occurred. Numbness has spread its way through my whole body as I now sit next to Reese as he lays in a hospital bed. He’s bandaged up, but he’s still not being responsive. Reese has been in the ICU now for two days. The doctors keep coming and going while my dad and I sit here and watch over him. My mother said she couldn’t handle being there that she couldn’t stand to see him like this.

  All I could think is why does she get off scotch free of being the adult while I have to step up and be one.

  My father who used to look like a strong towering man has been reduced to what seems half his size. His eyes are as bloodshot as mine I suppose, but I refuse to see myself in a mirror. Tala and Mona brought me a change of clothes, but I refused to look up while changing.

  The doctors keep talking to my father, but I just can’t hear what they’re saying. I keep whispering to Reese by his ear about things only we know that might piss him off. It’s my way of hoping that he’ll wake up and tell me to shut the hell up so he can rest.

  A heavy hand settles on my shoulder and I look up to see who it is; I see it’s my dad holding back his tears.

  “Baby, the doctors need to do some final tests to determine Reese’s probability of coming out of this coma, so we need to step out for a moment.” He says somberly.

  I just nod, lean down and kiss Reese on the cheek. I whisper into his ear, “You better pass these tests dick.” I try to laugh but it dies in my throat. I feel the tears well at the bottom of my eye.

  My dad and I don’t even go to the waiting room. Asher has said the word is out about Reese, and it’s beyond packed in the hospital. Everyone wants to be here when Reese wakes up. The support for him is very touching, but neither my dad nor I can handle the looks everyone keeps giving us. They are sad looks for my dad, but angry ones for me.

  I feel everyone thinks it’s my fault for having him at that side show, but they aren’t aware it was him who called me after talking with Roland. Why would I care what those people think of me? The only opinion that matters is the one of Reese. He is the only person that has ever mattered to me, he is the only one I’ve ever wanted to be proud of everything I’ve ever done.

  As my father and I lean against the wall, the door opens to Reeses’ room and t
he doctors call us in.

  I’m holding my dads hand so tight that he loosens my hand from his and puts his arm around my shoulder.

  “After doing extensive tests we are so sorry to tell you that Reese is brain dead, and there is nothing we can do to bring him back. When he wasn’t breathing in the operation room is when his brain suffered the most damage.” The doctor takes a deep shaking breath in while his words sink in.

  The world around me suddenly drops away as my stomach plummets with my heart breaking. Tears filled my eyes as I tried to remain strong in hopes this doctor doesn’t know what he’s talking about but as I look to my dad I see he’s crying with deep body sobs. That Is the moment I join him knowing this nightmare is all true.

  My dad and I both begin to cry as we make our way to each side of him taking a hand each while we say our own last words that we want him to hear.

  All I can do is beg for him to come back. The doctor puts his hand on my shoulder to help calm me down, “I’m sorry Sloane he won’t be coming back, his time here is done.”

  My dad abruptly stands wipes at his tears and asks what happens next.

  “Well, there are a lot of people out there, we can’t allow them all coming through the ICU. Most of them need to go home and only his close friends can come in and say goodbye,” He looks at both of us with a sad smile. “Once the goodbyes are done, we will have both of you come in to say your final words to Reese. Only family may be around when we disconnect Reese from his life support.”

  I couldn’t believe my ears.

  Say goodbye?

  Watch my brother take his last breaths as he fades to a shell of his former self.

  “While his friends say goodbye is there a private waiting-room I can stay in so I’m not in the crowd of people?” I don’t want to be around anyone right now, not even my close friends.

  “There isn’t but you both can use my office. I’ve sent the nurse out to the waiting room to deliver the news and once it clears out, she’ll bring his close friends in.” The doctors inform us. My dad and I just nod and the doctor leads us to his office.


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