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Side Show Rumble (Lust and Chrome duet Book 2)

Page 20

by Gigi Birtie

  “Fuck, I can only hope that’s what it is.” I say hopefully.

  Mona and I haven’t talked much about that night. Hell, none of us that were there have said anything. Nothing was ever reported on the news, so at least everything was well taken care of this time with Taze. Asher did say that his body now sleeps at the bottom of the bay, but I didn’t need any more details than that.

  “Alright Sloane I have your lab results back and I see why you’ve been getting sick.” The doctor speaks as he enters the room. I glance to him as my heart starts to race.

  “So, is it stress? Do I need to start doing some yoga or something?” I ask.

  “Well, yoga is always good, but it doesn’t have anything to do with stress. It reads as though you have a severe case of the stomach flu.” A sense of relief washes over me. The last thing I needed to hear after all this mess was that I was pregnant. The doctor starts instructing me on what I need to do to get better. “So, follow the B.R.A.T diet for a day or two and your stomach should start acting normal again.”

  “The brat diet sounds perfect for you Sloane!” Mona laughs at her own joke and I roll my eyes at her dig.

  “What is the brat diet?”

  “It’s bananas, rice, apples, and dry toast. They’re easiest on your system and since yours is still trying to recover, it could use those foods. Well if there is anything else, I’m going to step out and the nurse will bring you a printout of what you can do to ease the nausea and what you can take for it.”

  “Thank you doctor,” This is still some of the best news. The stomach flu will go away, a baby is forever. “Before you go can I see if I’m up to date on my birth control shot?”

  The doctor flips open my file and takes a look.

  “It looks like your due next week, but we can do it now to save you a trip back. I’ll have my nurse bring it in before you leave.” He says and shakes my hand before leaving Mona and I alone.

  “You appear awfully relieved Sloane. Was there something else that may have been wrong?” Mona knows by looking at me in how relieved I am. That and when I asked the doctor about my birth control should have given her a good idea what that was.

  “Yeah well, I’m sure you have an idea why,” I grin at her and shrug. “With the loss of Reese, I couldn’t remember if I was covered for a minute. Besides who has the stomach flu for that long. I never knew it lasted more than three days.”

  “I’m sure there was some stress mixed in there too Sloane. I mean fuck that asshole Taze had some twisted plans for you,” Mona shivers. “Now that would make anyone sick.” She walks over and wraps her arms around me giving me a heartfelt hug.

  “I love you Mona,” I say as I hug her back. “You’re one badass chick and I will forever be thankful to you for taking charge and help in saving my ass.” Mona pulls back and looks me square in the eyes as her arms are still wrapped around me.

  She lowers her voice and says, “We’re both aware that mother fucker died before I had the chance to kill his ass so, you don’t need to be thankful to me for shit, seems like Reese may have granted you one last wish.” She smiles with a wink before stepping out of our embrace.

  “How did you know?” I whisper back surprised.

  “He was cold to the touch and his skin was an ashen color. That and when I twisted his neck puke sprayed everywhere. I’m curious though in how did it happened?”

  “He overdosed on heroin before you all showed up. You have to know though, I was scared. It was as if no one was ever going to find me so yes, I do have to be thankful Mona. Who knows what my fate might have been if you guys didn’t show up.” I chocked a bit on the last of my words. It makes me emotional every time I recall that night. How I could have been laying down dead next to Taze right now if no one came to save me.

  Suddenly, the door opens with the nurse bouncing in. She’s overly happy which seems to be contagious since I find myself smiling at the sight of her. The nurse went about her job giving me my shot and papers with instructions in what to eat and how to care for myself until this bug passes.

  It wasn’t long before Mona and I are back outside on our way to her car.

  “I would never have stopped in trying to find you Sloane, and you know that Asher was equally determined.” Mona says as she smiles at me and grabs my hand, gently giving it a light squeeze.

  “I know and thank you Mona, for everything, every day.” There really isn’t a day that I’m not thankful to this woman.

  “Alright enough with this love fest. Let’s get you home so you can B.R.A.T it up!” She laughs at her own joke again as I roll my eyes.

  I spent the rest of the day resting and eating off of the approved diet list and finally gaining some comfort from this whole ordeal. There was no way laying around was an option as I waited for Asher. I still had assignments to complete for school. I was finally caught up, except for one project but that required me to go on an adventure to tent city. I had it all planned out what I wanted to photograph and how I wanted to present my work.

  It’s important to me to help expose the housing crisis. The growing problem of these people who need help that live in the underpasses and all along the freeway exits. To be able to document this and show as many people as possible that this indeed is a situation that needs attention now and cannot be ignored is my main objective.

  Once I had wrapped my plans up, Asher came home from practice trotting right to me. My eyes dart to his, I see the concern wash away as he puts on a small smile.

  “How are you feeling today? What did the doctor say? Is everything alright?” He hits me with a series of questions and was going to keep asking more if I didn’t get up and wrap my arms around his waist. I can’t help but stare at his handsome face and smile.

  “Everything is fine, I apparently have the stomach flu and need to stick to the brat diet for a few days while my system recovers.” I say as I squeeze him to me and rest my head to his firm chest.

  “That’s all?” He sounds disappointed.

  “What? Were you hoping for more?” I kid as I playfully pinch his side. Asher picks me up in his arms and pins my hands together between us so I would stop pinching him. It makes me laugh but I stop as soon as Asher lowers his voice and says,

  “I thought maybe you were pregnant is all.” His eyes are soft and staring as if into my soul.

  “No.” I say raising a well manicured eyebrow at him “Were you hoping I was?” My heart begins to beat faster waiting for his response.

  “Yeah a little. I want it all with you Sloane. You as my wife, with kids running around and you being happy and safe.” I noticed he didn’t say us being peaceful and safe just me. This is why I love this man. He puts me first, before even himself. I want him to be happy as well, but that’s what you do in a relationship. You work for one another’s happiness. Well to a certain point of course.

  “Let me tell you Mr. Asher Easton, you better get on that proposal and start slamming some babies in me but...” Before I finished my sentence, Asher has me cradled up in his arms and taking me to our room, “Hey! I didn’t finish, the baby part has to wait.” I laugh but Asher doesn’t stop his forward motion to our room. “I renewed my birth control shot,” I continued saying. “So, we’re covered for three more months, besides for your information, I’m waiting on the motherhood part until we’re out of college and our careers are established.” I say as Asher has laid me down on the bed and was softly kissing around my neck.

  “I can agree to that but you’ll marry me now won’t you?” He leans back so he can see my beaming face.

  “I’m not sure, depends on how you ask me.” I smirk. Asher knows I’ll say yes even if he asks me in all seriousness right here, right now.

  “I better start planning something good because baby I’m going to make it where there will only be one right answer.” He says as he resumes kissing me and slowly taking off my clothes. It’s been so long since we’ve been together, I feel a touch of nerves. My hands tremble as I slide his shir
t over his head.

  “Baby why are you shaking? Are you about to be sick?”

  “No it’s been awhile is all.” I say to him.

  “You’re nervous?” He looks at me with an eyebrow raised but settles back between my legs and wraps me up tight in his arms. “Baby, I love you. If you don’t want to...” He says and was about to climb off of me before I pull him back crashing my lips to his. That’s all he needed as he took off the rest of my clothes, as he shed his clothing as well.

  Asher was slow and deliberate in his moves to show me the love and pleasure he has in store. Our skin was sleek with sweat, our bodies moving against one another in perfect unison. His cock was stretching me, heightening my sensations causing me to want more than this slow love making pace. I need him to move faster inside of me, so I started to thrust my hips up when he was coming down. It spurred him on to quicken his pace and wrap an arm around my waist lifting my lower half off the mattress so he can drive himself deeper.

  I moan in appreciation as he hits me deep and hard.

  “Fuck.” I say as the stars cloud my vision already and my body tightens with its pending release.

  “Oh fuck, your pussy just got so tight.” Asher manages to strangle out as he thrusts faster. I lean up in search of his lips as his crash down onto mine and the explosion between us overwhelmed my senses causing me to moan out in ecstasy.

  We move together as one, reaching the breaking point finding our release together. I sink down into the mattress exhausted, yet thinking about how happy I am as Asher lays next to me.

  There won’t be a day that goes by where I won’t want this with Asher. Where growing old together is the only future I can imagine. As I gaze at him laying naked before me while his bare skin is glistening with sweat, I can’t help myself but drag my fingers up his sleek rippled muscles.

  Asher is mine and I can’t wait to have a lifetime of this, of letting our love deepen. It’s also time to heal the wounds of the tragedies that occurred so I can become a better partner. To live life wild and carefree all while making myself into something Asher and my friends can be proud of.

  There is so much to do, so much to accomplish and there is no doubt in my mind that I can achieve all of this with Asher living life right next to me.


  5 years later…


  The dreams of normalcy were not what we got in these last five years. Of course, it wasn’t as crazy as it once was. It took some time to start to feel like life was normal after Reese’s death. I still cried that first year every day. I woke up every morning and lived only to die every night in a puddle of tears. Asher was by my side the whole time talking me through my pain. He made healing the only option. Asher helped me to get the grasp that I was only cheating Reese out of the promise I made to him that I would live for the both of us. Once Asher suggested seeing a counselor, it was there that I made serious headway. I started journaling the crying had subsided considerably, but not completely and I’m okay with that. I’m allowed to miss my brother. Time can never be measured against grief. It has its own timeline you just don’t know what it is since you never fully get over losing someone you loved substantially, but you can pick yourself up and continue living in a whole new light.

  Asher became everything he said he would these last five years. We graduated the same day and walked the stage together as Mr. and Mrs. Easton. When he asked for me to marry him, I had no idea it was coming, we were on Thanksgiving break during our final year of school.

  Asher decided to surprise me with a trip to Hawaii. As we hiked along an active volcano, I was taking photos of lava, I heard Asher clear his throat, and as I turned around he was there on one knee.

  All I could think at the moment was thank fuck for camera straps! I would have dropped mine in the lava ruining everything, but thankfully that wasn’t the case.

  I can still remember his words when he asked, as if it were yesterday. When he said he’d make his proposal one that I couldn’t say no to; he meant it.

  “Sloane, if you don’t say yes to becoming my wife I will run up to the opening of this volcano, throw myself in, and hope the gods take the sacrifice of a non-virgin and wipe out the whole island you included.” His smirk left me with my mouth open and unsure to laugh or cry.

  I opted to do both with saying yes of course.

  Now Mona had a big turquoise ring and Asher knew I wasn’t into diamonds either but the ring he gave me was nothing short of astonishing. It was a giant star sapphire with two diamonds on the sides. It was as if he had physically given me all the stars in the sky.

  “I will always aim to give you it all baby.” Is all he said when he slipped the ring on my slender finger.

  That was the best day of my life, besides walking down the isle a month later. We decided there was no need to wait and a winter wedding would be perfect for us. Our friends and some of Ashers’ family, not mine, joined us in Lake Tahoe for a weekend. Since there was so few of us, we rented a huge cabin and got married on the balcony underneath the Pondarosa Pines as it snowed heavily making for some cold nuptials. Regardless, it was breathtaking, literally.

  When I look back on that year after getting married it was one of the most pivotal years of my life. Asher was headed to play for the NFL and we were able to stay in the Bay Area. I was honored for my work in capturing the tent towns here in the city. My line of photography had gone to the dark and gritty side of life. All which led me to where I am now. A photo editor for the Getty which is next to impossible to land. It all worked out since I get to work from home and with our first baby on the way, it’s ideal.

  That’s right. Asher and I will be parents in three months. Once he found out I was pregnant he said I wasn’t allowed to risk myself or our baby on any more serious subjects I photographed. Which at times, it was dangerous. I was mugged twice for my camera, so leaving it to others was not a problem. Staying home and editing other photographers work was as exciting to me as taking the pictures myself. It’s an art form not many understand.

  Besides, if anything happened to Ashers’ son, he would kill me. We’re having a baby boy. He will be named Cade Reese Easton and he will grow up to be anything he wants to be. Asher and I will be there for him always, no matter what happens in life.

  I want to make sure I’m present for my child’s upbringing. I wish I could say my relationship with my parents had gotten better, but at least they didn’t get worse. I get the holiday cards wishing us well and that’s about it. Thank goodness for Ashers’ family and all of our friends.

  Tala is back in the Bay Area. She graduated from USC as a landscape architect. She’s been working for an architectural firm doing commercial landscaping here in Oakland. Her work can be seen throughout the Bay Area. Sadly, her and Rylan didn’t work out, but she’s with one of Ashers’ teammates Angel, but he goes by his middle name Wyatt. All of us girls call him Angel since he hates it and we find it adorable. In a way, he is like an angel. He saved Tala from a broken heart and was there for her when her parents died in a plane crash going to the Philippines. Mona and I couldn’t have been more grateful to him since the loss of her parents is still very new. Along with that is that Mona and I both haven’t been doing this pregnancy thing well at all.

  You should have seen us when Mona announced she’s going to be joining me in motherhood. The morning sickness has been more like all day sickness for us both. It’s been awful for us not to be there for Tala like we want to be.

  The excitement for Mona and Riv though, is that they are having a little girl. Which they are still trying to name. Every week they have something new that they try to test out on us. That’s actually how Asher and I took Cade for our boy. Riv wanted Cadie and to call her Cade for short, Mona wasn’t having any of that though. However, when Asher and I heard Cade we looked at each other and beamed knowing that was it; we found our baby boys name.

  Riv was excited that we took his baby name since he lost out. Mona is due in f
our months so hopefully they don’t stick with Mintie but if they do, I’m positive that baby girl will own that name like no other.

  I just can’t wait till our kids become best of friends causing their own bit of trouble around the Bay Area. Just no side shows. I never went to another side show after the one incident, I could never bring myself to. I now stick to the local organized car shows and attend the occasional motorcycle run with Asher. Sometimes I ride my own motorcycle, but most times I prefer being wrapped around Asher.

  Mona of course is right there for all the car shows and motorcycle runs. She and Riv don’t go to any side shows anymore either. It’s not to say one might pop up in front of you while at a stop light or on the freeway, but they’re easy to get away from if you’re not interested in watching.

  However, Mona usually doesn’t travel far to get tangled up in one. Once she graduated, she opened her own dance studio, which is only 4 blocks from her and Rivs’ home in Piedmont Hills. She’s been busy building her own dream and has been very focused.

  I couldn’t be prouder of her and Riv, who is also playing for the NFL here in the Bay Area. It took a few years after being drafted to make his way back to our home area. In all that time away Mona and Riv made the long-distance work. Which at times didn’t look easy but they did it.

  Roland still paints classic cars, but now travels the world doing it. He is one of the most sought-after painters in the world. We always love when he comes home telling us about his travels and the people he has met. He always brings us a souvenir from whatever county he’s been to. We now have a shelf dedicated to his odd yet crazy trinkets.

  As for Dane and Lux they stayed together as well. Dane decided that playing football after college wasn’t what he wanted to do, so he and Lux moved to San Francisco while he works for a social media company that’s used by billions of people. Lux actually works with Lottie at an entertainment law firm. We see all three of them along with Nash Byrd on occasion on our monthly get togethers. We try not to let anyone slip away and reconnect as often as possible. Our circle of friends are important to us, so we make time no matter how busy we all get. They are our extended family.


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