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Page 12

by Adams, Harper

  Then I see him. The man responsible for it all, watching me with interest. He smiles. “Good to see you, son.”

  I nod and the fire fades as I stand before him.

  My father. Very different to me and yet all-powerful. He wears his power as a cloak of compassion and wisdom. He is kind and ruthless in equal measures and he holds the universe together. His word is law and there is no one higher than him. He rules with wisdom and courage which is why I’ve come to beg him for just one thing. Luna’s soul.

  He nods as the rest of my family fade into the background. Brothers and sisters all interested to see the brother they never see. I have no time for pleasantries though, time is not on my side.

  I walk toward him and he laughs softly.

  “I knew you’d come.”

  I laugh softly. “Of course, you did. You made sure of it.”

  He nods with amusement in his eyes.

  “It’s not my decision to make.”

  I smile darkly. “Everything is your decision.”

  He smiles again and looks at me with curiosity.

  “Why her?”

  I shrug. “You tell me. I know you have some great master plan at work here. Why else is her soul shrouded in secrecy? She is the only person I can’t read or see when I search for her. Her soul is as pure as any I’ve seen but she is no Angel.”

  He laughs. “No, she’s no Angel, yet, anyway. But to answer your question, I will ask you again. Why Luna? To my knowledge, you have lost many women through the years. None of them have warranted you following them to claim their souls. Why her?”

  I shake my head impatiently.

  “You’re testing me because you already know the answer to that. But if it gets me what I want, then here goes. Luna is the brightest star that shines in a world with much that is wrong with it. She gives and expects nothing in return. She cares and loves and sees the good in everything. She desires nothing and gets the greatest pleasure from all that is free to enjoy. She has no envy or malice and is the kindest person I have ever met. Her life has been one hard test after another and she has passed them all with flying colors. Only one other person has shown her any love, and she lost him as soon as she found him. Despite everything, she faces life with hope and excitement. Nothing drags her down, and she is the antithesis of me in every way.”

  I stop as the words leave my mouth and the penny drops. I look into the eyes of my father and he looks at me with pride and love as I say shakily.

  “You ask me why her, father. I’m here because she’s my soulmate.”

  ~ 25 ~


  I blink as the white light bathes me in serenity. There’s a peace in me that I’ve never felt before. There’s a lightness to my spirit and I feel no pain. I feel nothing but calm and peaceful and as my eyes adjust, I see light all around me.

  Then a shape approaches and I see a beautiful lady looking at me with kindness. I catch my breath; she is beautiful and has a radiance that shines all around her. I gasp and say shakily, “Am I in Heaven?”

  She laughs, which sounds like a cross between a bird’s song and the wind in the trees. Natural and free and the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard. Then she smiles.

  “Not yet, my dear. Almost, but not quite yet.”

  I shake my head and look around me.

  “Where am I then?”

  She smiles. “Between life and eternal life. You have been sent here for a reason, Luna. You have an important decision to make.”

  I shake my head and say softly. “What is it?”

  Reaching out, she takes my hand.

  “Come with me and all will be explained.”

  We move effortlessly through the white mist. I see nothing and it’s as if I’m in the clouds. The only thing here is the beautiful Angel holding my hand. She is the most beautiful sight I have ever seen. She has no physical body just a soul that’s as pure as the white light we walk through. She draws me toward her and I crave everything about her and I want to be by her side, it’s a calming place to be. I feel safe with her and light of spirit. There is no worry with her around, just everything that is good.

  She leads me to a similar room - at least that’s what I think it is. There are no windows and no doors. There are no walls or ceilings, just shapes, and light.

  We move toward some other shapes coming into view.

  Then I see him.

  Waiting, watching me, looking as out of place here as any person could ever look. I see him for what he is among what they are. I see everything. I see good and evil combined in one force. I see Heaven and Hell standing side by side and yet I feel no fear.

  I feel as if everything is as it should be. I feel a sense of peace and love and know and understand everything. As I look at Devlin Knight and see the fire burning all around him - I feel love.

  I see the passion in his eyes mixed with the desperation. He is anxious and uncertain and I want to run to him and never let him go. I look at him with love and he sends it back one hundred times more. I see a man who needs me more than he will ever admit. I see my future.

  The man standing next to him takes my breath away. He is everything. The world spins around him like a favorite toy and he looks at me with a kindness that bathes my soul with light. I know who he is and what he is to Devlin. There are no secrets here. Everything is explained with no words spoken. Everything is clear and understood in this magical place. I know who I am and what is my destiny.

  So, I move toward him with my hand outstretched and as he takes it, my fate is sealed. I am home where I belong, beside the man who has claimed my heart and soul.

  The look he gives me says it all. No words are needed as we commit to each other before the Almighty. He pledges himself to me and I to him. We are together for eternity and need each other to survive. There is no undoing what is forging together here and now. We have made our decision and nothing can break it.

  Then I hear his father say softly.

  “Do you agree to give your soul to Devlin, Luna?”

  I smile and nod emphatically. “I do.”

  He turns to Devlin and repeats the words.

  Devlin says with an emotion in his voice I have never heard before. “I do.”

  Then as he leans toward me, he claims my lips to his. Two opposites that very much attract. My soul mingles with his and the circle becomes complete. There is no end and no beginning to us and we are joined together for eternity. I have given myself freely and wholeheartedly to the man I love and nothing will ever tear us apart again.

  When we pull away, we are back in the room we left. All around is just as it was, except for one thing. The house is empty.

  There are no guards waiting to stop us leaving and no Carlos Vincenzi to threaten me anymore. We walk hand in hand from the house I will never forget and take the same car back to the airport.

  Now things are resolved and we are where we both want to be. Together forever.

  ~ 26 ~

  Four weeks later


  “Oh my god, Dev, I’m so nervous. What if they hate me?”

  I feel super anxious because today’s the day I finally get to meet the rest of Dev’s children.

  I sit on the edge of the bed and he pulls me toward him, dropping a light kiss on the top of my head.

  “They will love you, honey. Don’t worry about that. Just be yourself and let them get used to having you around.”

  I smile tightly. This is so important. I’ve kind of got used to Caleb and Marius. They don’t say or do a lot and are quite scary, really. Now the rest are coming for the summer and I don’t think I’ve slept for a week worrying about it.

  Dev laughs softly. “One thing you need to know about my family, Luna, is they all hate and detest me with no exception. You will be a welcome distraction for them. At least they will have someone to divert my attention from them for a change.”

  I frown and push him away.

  “Why do they hate you, Dev? You’re a fabulous
father. Caleb and Marius want for nothing and you give them so much with little in return.”

  He just laughs and rolls his eyes. “You’ll see. Don’t expect them to hang around here much. They do everything in their power to distance themselves from me not to mention each other.”

  I look at him with curiosity. “Why don’t they get along?”

  He laughs and winks. “They hate each other as much as they do me. Don’t expect it to be one big happy family, Luna. They are a difficult bunch at the best of times, let alone when they’re forced to spend time with me.”

  I smile at him softly and kiss him gently on the lips.

  “Then they have a lot to learn about what a fantastic father they have. Don’t you worry, honey. I’ll make this a summer they will never forget.”

  It must be two hours later that we hear the first car approaching. Dev takes my hand and smiles lovingly.

  “Come and meet the twins. They are usually the first to arrive as they have the shortest distance to travel.”

  I swallow hard. Here we go. I mean, how bad can they be, they’re just kids for God’s sake.

  I stand hand in hand with Dev as we wait for the car to pull to a stop before us. I watch with interest as two absolutely gorgeous girls exit the car, tossing their long blonde hair behind them and regarding us with inquisitive identical stares. Dev squeezes my hand and then moves forward.

  He stares at them for a while which I can tell makes them feel uncomfortable. Then he hugs each one in turn and whispers something in their ear. He steps back and pulls me forward.

  “Meet Luna, my girlfriend. Luna, this is Ashley and Savannah. As you can see, they are identical twins, sort of double the trouble.”

  I smile warmly and note the frostiness in their eyes. They nod and murmur a greeting and to say this is awkward is an understatement. I feel their disinterest coming off them in waves and try to push down the sinking feeling within me.

  Instead, I just smile and say, “Oh my god, Dev. You didn’t tell me your daughters were so beautiful, not to mention stylish. Look at you, girls, you must shatter many a poor boy's heart as you walk by.”

  They just smile thinly and I say excitedly. “Dev bring their bags; I want to fix them a nice drink. You must be thirsty after your journey. Come on and you can tell me all about where you got those fabulous clothes you’re wearing.”

  They follow me in surprise as Dev grabs their bags from the trunk. At least some of them anyway, these girls sure don’t travel light.

  I chatter non-stop all the way to the kitchen to cover up the awkward silence and don’t give them a chance to comment. I suppose I’m nervous but it’s important to get this right.

  They sit at the table while I make them a coffee and I don’t miss the look of derision they share. They are obviously finding this whole situation amusing and probably think I’m some sort of airhead their father has hooked with for the summer.

  I place the drinks before them and sit facing them.

  “I’m sorry about all this, girls. I told your father it would be strange for you meeting some girl he’s just hooked up with. I promise I won’t get in your way. You know, if you need anything at all while you’re here, you only have to ask.”

  Savannah yawns. “We’re fine thanks, Luna isn’t it?”

  Ashley grins. “Yes, we have each other and that’s all we need. Anyway, our father has probably arranged some sort of summer job for us as usual, so we’ll be out for most of the time.”

  Savannah nods. “Yes, and of course there’s the parties. I think I’ve already had a ton of messages inviting us to all sorts. You know, we really won’t have time for anything else.”

  I smile softly. “Well, you just have to ask.”

  We are interrupted as Marius and Caleb head into the kitchen, fresh from a workout at the gym. I watch with interest as Caleb frowns and Marius totally ignores the girls.

  They grab some water from the fridge and turn to leave without uttering a word. I notice the twins share a look of triumph as I call out, “Boys, come and say hi to your sisters.”

  Marius sighs and Caleb looks at them angrily. “Why should we? It’s not as if we’re happy to see them. So much for our peace and quiet. I hate summer as it means we have to put up with the rest of them.”

  He storms out and Marius sneers. “Stay out of our way and you’ll be fine.”

  Then he turns and follows his brother and I look at the twins and roll my eyes.

  “Well, they’re in a better mood today.”

  Ashley giggles and I sense the frost thawing a little. Savannah laughs.

  “Brotherly love, you’ve just gotta love those guys.”

  I shake my head incredulously. “Are they always so charming?”

  Ashley nods. “I think this was a good day.”

  Savannah looks at me with interest.

  “You should know, Luna. You have the misfortune of living with them. Surely you’ve got the measure of them by now.”

  I roll my eyes. “To be honest, I hardly see them. When I do, they just open their mouths and I shove a meal inside it. Then they head off without so much as a thank you.”

  Savannah laughs. “Welcome to our family, Luna. I’m sure you’ll be very happy here for as long as you can stand it.”

  Ashley giggles. “It usually only takes a couple of months before the latest one runs for the hills. How long have you been here again?”

  I try to push down the hurt their words create. Of course, they think I’m like the others. Why wouldn’t they?

  Almost as one, they push back their chairs and Savannah says in a bored voice. “Thanks for the drink. We’ll be off to our rooms now. Just shout when dinner’s ready that journey’s taken a lot out of me.”

  Ashley nods. “Yes, I think a siesta is in order, don’t you, Savannah? Thanks again… um… oh yes, Luna. Don’t work too hard.”

  They head out of the room and I hear their laughter as they walk away.

  Dev passes them and raises his eyes. “So, do I get to say, I told you so?”

  I shake my head. “Maybe at the end of the summer, but I don’t give up that easily.”

  He pulls me up and kisses me on the lips which never fails to excite me. As I pull away, I say firmly, “Oh well, two down, three to go.”

  ~ 27 ~


  It doesn’t take long before we hear another car pulling up outside. Dev grins and this time I see the excitement in his eyes. “Come and meet my youngest, Scarlett.”

  After the other two girls, I’m not sure I want to but I follow him out, once again hand in hand. I note nobody else comes to make up the welcome party and sigh inside. So much for family life, this is proving a lot more different than I thought it would be.

  This time the girl that gets out of the car is very different.

  She is also incredibly beautiful, something I’m getting used to. It appears there’s not a bad gene in the Knight family. She has long dark hair and bewitching eyes that look angry and sullen. Unlike the impeccable designer clothes of her sisters, she is wearing faded torn jeans and a leather jacket. She seems quite bohemian in an elegant way and her eyes flash with resentment as she looks at us.

  I hear Dev laugh softly before walking toward her and pulling her in for a hug. I notice she is stiff and unresponsive and I wonder just how bad things have been for these children.

  As before Dev whispers something to her and she just scowls in reply. As he turns toward me, I see the softness in his eyes as he proudly introduces his youngest daughter.

  “Luna, meet Scarlett. This is Luna, honey. My girlfriend. Hopefully, she will make your stay a little happier this time.”

  Scarlett just shrugs and pushes her hands deeper in her pockets and my heart goes out to her. She seems so alone and appears to have retreated into herself. She is angry at being here and obviously would rather be anywhere else.

  I hold out my hand and smile warmly.

  “I’m pleased to meet you, honey. Your fa
ther talks a lot about you. Let me fix you a drink and something to eat. You must be starving after that journey.”

  I don’t miss the impatience in her eyes as she shrugs nonchalantly. “It’s fine. I’d rather just go to my room if I can.”

  My heart twists at the lost look in her eye. She has no one, that’s obvious. So, I just nod. “Of course, your father will take your bags to your room and I’ll fix you a sort of room picnic. You can just chill out and watch the tv until you feel relaxed and then meet the rest at dinner.”

  She almost smiles before heading off inside.

  Dev moves beside me and whispers. “Not what you expected, hey?”

  I shake my head as I watch the forlorn little figure heading inside. “I feel for her, Dev. She’s so lonely, I can tell. Hopefully, I can get through to her but it may take a bit of time to crack through those defenses she’s put in place. Poor little soul. She needs you more than she knows.”

  He looks after her thoughtfully. “Scarlett is special, Luna. She has many qualities that I admire very much. One day she will realize just how to use them to her advantage. It’s her lesson to learn though. We can guide but we can’t rush her before she’s ready. I wish she was here full time. Her mother couldn’t care less about her and is more interested in her latest love interest. I suppose she’s always hated me because I appear much the same. There has always been some woman or another here when the kids come home and her replacement is in place on their next visit. I’m afraid they’ll look at you as just the latest in a long line.”

  I look at him sharply. “Oh, for goodness’ sake, do you have to gloat about your conquests all the time? It’s getting old.”

  I turn away and laugh at the look of surprise in his eyes. I know he’s had many girlfriends, wives, and one-night stands. Of course, I knew. He just needs to learn a little sensitivity when mentioning them.


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