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Throne of Ash

Page 18

by Lena Lee

  Chapter 22

  I rested my chin on my fists as Rex detailed the plan to us for second time. This time his lieutenants were hearing the attack strategy so they could lead their squadrons. Almost a week had passed since Sienna had taken Kyra. I had thrown out the idea of going in alone to retrieve her, but that plan was quickly squashed by everyone involved.

  The attack was going to be done in two parts. Tonight at dusk, Sienna was supposed to bring Kyra to the lake to trade her life for mine. We both had agreed to come alone, but anyone in their right mind knew that Sienna wouldn’t be alone. We would wait for word from the wolves before moving in. At that point one of two things would happen. I would go and trade myself for Kyra, grabbing her and teleporting, or we would fight our way to her. Either way there would be bloodshed.

  With the plan laid out, Rex ended the meeting and sent his lieutenants to ready the five hundred troops called to take part.

  “I hope this works.” Jadan was to my left and drummed his fingers on the table. “I am about to go to Ardor myself to get her back.” He had said as much for several days, but knew he was no match for Sienna.

  “Edrie will be flying in this afternoon and be on standby if we need her. We won’t be able to use her during the trade because there’s not much room for her to fly and land. We should have done it in an open area.” I was already doubting our plan and backup plan.

  “It will all work out.” Wyatt stood and glanced around the table at each of his brothers and then at me before leaving.

  I was about to follow him when Rex stopped me. “Let him be. He goes through a rough patch every few years. He will be fine.”

  I wasn’t so sure about that, but let it go. He knew his brother better than I did.

  The first howls of warning pierced quiet moments of sundown and reached us near the walls of the castle. She’s not alone. Micco’s voice came into my head.

  It was time. We knew that Sienna would probably not be alone, but neither would I. Looking around the field, hundreds of Zephyr’s soldiers were preparing to march out at Rex’s command. I had protested to Rex being with the front line, but he said that if he was going to ask his men to march with us, he needed to be with them.

  With a look back in my direction, Rex gave the orders to head towards the lake, where we were planning on meeting Sienna. I stayed at the back with Wyatt, Jadan, and Alex. I could feel the forests unease around us. Usually when I was around the trees I only felt calmness from them, but tonight I felt their fear just as much as I felt my own.

  As we got further into the forest, the more unease I felt in my gut. It felt slightly colder than it had only a few minutes prior. We were about halfway to the lake when the first screech of a demon came.

  “There is a black fog rolling in.” Rex’s voice came in over the small communication devices we each had attached to our ears.

  The fighting started then. As the men spread out in the forest, I could see the front line better. The fog had formed into hundreds of corporeal forms of varying sizes. They appeared to be humanoid, but their skin was an inky black color and their eyes glowed faintly red. They all seemed to have different features, horns, claws, spikes, tentacles. I shuddered as I saw Rex slice his blade through the neck of one, its black blood covering his blade.

  We didn’t know much about fighting demons besides they burned, but as I watched the fight in front of me, the fire the soldiers were using wasn’t doing nearly enough damage. Rex was slicing heads off left and right, which seemed to work until I saw a demon’s body crawling towards its detached head.

  One of the soldiers squirted an accelerant on the body and lit it on fire, sending it up in flames. It was effective, but with hundreds of them descending on us, it wasn’t nearly fast enough.

  I started making my way to the front with Alex, Jadan, and Wyatt close behind. As I got to the front the smell of death hit me, not just demons but soldiers too. For every two demons there was at least one soldier down.

  Alex quickly started checking the soldiers for life as Jadan and Wyatt spread around him to watch his back. I ran to Rex’s side and started shooting fire at the demons by pointing my palms in their direction.

  “You shouldn’t be up here!” Rex swung his sword and took off another head as I hit the body with fire. The body shot into the air and disintegrated into ash.

  “How strong is that shield of yours?” I hit another demon rushing at us. “I have an idea but you’re going to think I’m crazy.”

  “At this point, what choice do we have?” The demons were still coming at us and more and more soldiers were falling.

  “Call the soldiers back, shield us and draw them in. I will take them out before they get to us.” I send two more demons up in flames as Rex glanced at me. “I will be fine.”

  “All units, fall back,” Rex spoke into his com device. “You will have to fend for yourself for a second.” He took a small step away from me before I saw the glow in his eyes.

  As the shield formed around us, the demons still standing all turned their heads at once to look in our direction. Shit, that many red eyes staring at once was enough to make me want to run the other way.

  They started running at us then, thick as a wall. I briefly doubted this plan but quickly started gathering energy. The trees gave their energy freely. They knew this was the only way.

  “Thank you for your sacrifice.” I spoke gently to the forest before I took a deep breath and let the fire that was always willing to destroy explode out of me. It knew exactly where to go as it spread in a wall of flames and shot towards the demons.

  As the wall of demons and flames met, we were knocked backwards, Rex breaking my fall. I quickly stood to see the large expanse of burning demon float up before the remnants of them floated down to coat the ground. It looked like snow. I called the water to the trees, hoping to limit the damage of the flames to this small area.

  We continued on through the forest, encountering a few demons, but nothing like what we had just dealt with. As we got closer to the lake, I could feel the trees calling out for me to help them. Whatever demons Sienna had in her inner circle were wreaking havoc on the purity of the forest. As the last demon we could see was taken down by Jadan and Rex, I headed in the direction the trees were leading me.

  Rex and Wyatt came into stride behind me as I increased my pace. Wyatt reached me first and gave my hand a squeeze before taking off at a sprint.

  “What the hell is he doing?” I heard Jadan yell from behind us. We all broke into a run then, nearing a clearing that already reeked of demon, a circle of them already coming into to view. They had formed a ring around our target and Wyatt, who was on the inside of the circle. We had planned for one hostage to contend with, not two.

  Our line of soldiers collided with the circle, allowing me to slip through into the center. I could see Kyra now, the demon that had taken her held her on some kind of tether. She looked okay until her eyes met mine. She shook her head as if pleading not to come closer. What I would give to be able to communicate with her like I did with nature.

  My attention fell to Wyatt who was standing in front of Sienna. Sienna was conversing with him, a smile on her face. This was not part of our plan. Sienna was not going to solve this using her words. She was out for blood. We had decided to get Kyra to safety and then fight Sienna.

  “Daughter, how kind of you to join us! What took you so long?” She flicked her hand and a forcefield of energy went up around us, trapping us from the demons and soldiers outside. I could still see the mayhem though. Her smile had faded as she sidestepped around Wyatt.

  “Let her go.” I was trying to control myself, knowing if I made a move now, she would have the demon kill Kyra. That was not something I was willing to risk.

  “I am not sure how you thought this would go tonight child. Thinking an army of civilians could stand a chance against demons.” She laughed and took a step forward. “Imagine Isabella… you and I leading them all… with your powers we would be

  “Isn’t being Queen enough?” It wasn’t enough for her, she was delusional.

  “There are plenty of other worlds out there for us to take.” Her eyes took on a glazed over dreamy look as if she were imagining us taking over whatever worlds existed. How many other worlds were there exactly?

  Wyatt stepped forward then, situating himself between me and Sienna. “Join us Mira. I have waited too long to be with my soulmate and now it is time for both of us to join her.” As his eyes met mine, they filled with tears. “I’m sorry.” He mouthed, sadness etched on his face.

  My heart leapt into my throat. It couldn’t be him. How could he keep this a secret? How could he have gone all this time knowing I was going to have to kill him? As if reading my thoughts, he mouthed the words, “Kill me.”

  I took in a sharp breath. He told me not to hesitate. This was why. Everything suddenly made sense. Right now, Sienna wasn’t aware of the silent exchange and was now gazing longingly at the back of Wyatt’s head. She thought he was going to convince me, he must have told her he saw me joining them.

  I gulped down the knot that had worked its way up from my stomach and into my throat and set my jaw. Without any movement, I used my power to pull him to me and put him on his knees.

  “Thank you for your sacrifice and bravery,” I choked out.

  “What are you doing! No!” It had finally registered with Sienna that I was about to kill him. I felt the forcefield behind me fall, right as my hands landed on Wyatt’s head. With a great surge of energy, I pushed it into him simultaneously asking it to kill him quickly. I felt his brain and heart cease working. Wyatt let out a loud exhale of breath and fell at my feet, his vacant eyes staring up at me, a lone tear left on his cheek.

  I heard yells from behind me, mostly in shock before my attention was returned to Sienna. She had fallen to her knees, clutching her chest. “How could you?” She started to rise but couldn’t seem to bring herself from her knees. “You. Will. Pay. For. This.” She gritted out through her teeth.

  Before I could gather my energy to throw at her, she had been lifted by blackness and was swept into the night along with Kyra.

  I dropped in front of Wyatt’s body and let out a cry. I had killed him and for what? Maybe he could have been saved somehow and now Kyra was going to suffer even worse.

  Alex kneeled next to me and ran his hand over his brother. I put my hands on his, hoping that with my power he could revive him. He shook his head and brought his hands to his face choking on a sob.

  My heart was beating erratically. It had all happened so fast. Too fast. I had already come to terms with killing my mother and her soulmate. Her soulmate being someone I loved never even occurred to me.

  The sounds behind me broke my heart, hearing the anguish it was causing so many. They had watched me kill their brother right in front of them. I could feel Rex’s anger and confusion. His grief.

  I wanted to explain it all to them, but time was running out. Sienna was weakened, but I didn’t know how long it would take her to recover. Minutes? Hours? Days? If her and Wyatt’s bond was anything like mine and Rex’s it would be years.

  But there’s wasn’t. It couldn’t be. There was a reason he stayed away from her. It would have given her too much strength.

  “I’m sorry.” I sobbed, backing away from the group. “I have to go after her.” Rex lunged for me, whether to console me or to restrain me, I wasn’t certain. He didn’t reach me before I teleported myself to Ardor.

  Chapter 23

  I landed in the forest to the south of the palace. It was pitch black here, the lights from the palace the only lights visible. She was inside, I could feel the darkness surrounding the palace. Where would she be? I teleported just outside the throne room doors. I didn’t think she knew of all my powers.

  I pushed open the heavy doors and found her alone, sitting on her throne. She had been waiting for me.

  “We could have ruled these lands together Isabella.” Her voice lacked any emotion, as if she was dead inside. “Why did you kill him?”

  “He told me to.” I slowly approached the raised platform, mindful of my surroundings. There didn’t seem to be anyone or anything besides us in the room at the moment. Where was Kyra?

  She laughed then. A crazed laugh that chilled me to my bones. How could this be my real mother? Where did she go so wrong that she became so cold and heartless? “He told me you would kill me one day. I decided to kill you first, only that stupid sorcerer…” She took several deep breaths. “He thought he was so smart.”

  “I was just a newborn baby! And Sebastian… you were going to have him murdered too!” My fists were balled at my sides. My power was tingling at the tips of my fingers. It wanted to be released, but I held it in.

  A sad expression crossed her face. “Yes well, his seed was clearly tainted. I lost three before you and when you were born… he didn’t deserve to live.”

  “Sebastian is alive.” Her face paled at my words and she gripped the arm rests of the throne, he knuckles turning white. If it had been wood, she would have split it.

  She looked at me as if I was nothing more than dirt on the bottom of her shoes and snapped her fingers. I took a fighting stance thinking demons were going to pour out of the ceiling, but all that happened was the door from the back room slid open.

  I looked at Sienna who now had an evil grin plastered on her face. Two guards came into sight, struggling with something behind them. They were dragging someone.

  My eyes went wide and my heart nearly leapt out of my throat as they dragged Kyra in front of Sienna. She lay on the ground unresponsive as Sienna kicked her.

  “I sacrificed everything for you and what thanks do you give me?” She kicked Kyra again who let out a moan. I lunged forward but was thrown backwards. Sienna laughed again. “An eye for an eye.”

  I wasn’t sure what she meant by sacrificing everything for me, but she seemed to feel I owed her not only my life but Kyra’s. She grabbed Kyra by the hair and pulled her so she was standing, although her knees were buckled.

  I was frozen to my spot, if I threw my power at her she would kill Kyra, but if I didn’t then she would kill Kyra. I couldn’t lose my best friend.

  “Please, just let her go. She has nothing to do with this.” I tried to calm my breathing so I could formulate a plan. I had more power than her, but she was drawing on darkness which evened the playing field substantially.

  “Oh! But she does! Isn’t her father’s power she has inside her? I told him I would kill him ad his family. Now I just get to finish my job.” She let Kyra crumble in a heap at her feet and began pacing in front of her throne. “My whole life I wanted a family. I even sacrificed my own mate bond to find someone who could give me a child, since he couldn’t.” She stopped and stared at me for a long moment before resuming her pacing. “I was so happy when you were born. My one desire… instead you have disappointed me greatly.”

  Was she for real? If anyone was a disappointment it was her. “I was a baby. You caused this all yourself! Wyatt may have had visions, but you played your own role in sealing your fate.”

  She let out a laugh again before grabbing Kyra by the hair once more. Her head was going to be so sore after being treated like a ragdoll. Just as I was preparing to lunge forward, there was a loud set of roars outside of the window, one was definitely man. The other was Edrie.

  Sienna was distracted for a split second, which was all I needed to go invisible, teleport to grab Kyra, and teleport outside. I handed Kyra up to Jadan who was riding Edrie. Edrie puffed a ring of smoke at me before taking flight. As they soared into the sky the windows shattered, sending me flying across the lawn and into bushes, which cushioned my fall.

  If I thought Sienna was pissed before, I was wrong. The bushes helped me up and Sienna stalked across the lawn, flinging her power at me, which I blocked with my own. I was wondering where her demon spawn were. Surely they would be making an appearance soon.

She was strong with the demon power, more than anticipated. If she hadn’t been weakened by the loss of Wyatt, I would be a goner. She lashed out again, sending me back a few feet and knocking the wind from me.

  I sent a wave of water from the fountain to her feet where the mud held her in place. She managed to get one foot free before I sent a swirl of fire at her, circling it around her and trapping her in a cyclone of spinning wind and fire. I could see the edges of the cyclone expanding as she tried to break free.

  “Where are your little minions when you need them?” I wasn’t sure she could hear me but a high-pitched laugh filled the night.

  “I sent them to Earth. Their creator will meet them there.” Her voice dripped with such hate and malice that I knew in that moment that there was only one choice. A small part of me had held onto some hope that all was not lost, but it was.

  My breath caught in my throat and I almost let go of the fire I was holding in place. Black dots briefly filled my vision as my anger suddenly welled up inside of me and left me in a deafening scream.

  Sienna was engulfed in a ball of flames that shot into the sky and exploded in a cascade of colors. I collapsed to my hands and knees, gasping for breath. The grass grew a bit under me, to provide comfort. I had killed my mother.

  Something landed on the grass in front of me, still smoldering. The crown. I gulped as several emotions washed over me. It was tainted with so much death and destruction. And it wasn’t over yet, not by a long shot.

  My first home was at risk of dying. Despite my hate for Felix, no one deserved to suffer at the hands of demons.

  I waved my hand over the crown, water cleansing it of soot. I took it in my hand and teleported back to the castle. There wasn’t time to waste. I had planned on returning to Earth on my own terms, but now my hand was being forced.


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