Wild Embers: Poems of Rebellion, Fire, and Beauty

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Wild Embers: Poems of Rebellion, Fire, and Beauty Page 2

by Gill, Nikita

  not if it matters to you

  your memories keep it alive.

  It is the law of the universe

  that even ghosts understand

  as long as they matter to someone

  they still exist and in your heart they stand.

  Ghosts of the person you used to be

  are so proud of who you are,

  they live on inside you applauding you

  for living on despite your scars.


  Who has been lying in your world?

  Who has been betraying

  your innocent and yet pure soul

  by telling you that this should be easy?

  Who has been saying

  that people are not temporary?

  Tell me, do you truly believe

  the big bang wasn’t agony?

  That our planet’s birth was not made

  by coming out of misery?

  That our solar system’s creation

  in the universe’s womb was easy?

  The loneliest thing

  you can ever do

  is take every instance

  where you should grow

  and waste it by only thinking

  how could this happen to you?


  Look at the way

  the stars burn

  in the night sky.

  Look at the entrails

  they leave as they are

  passing us by.

  They are dying,

  and death

  is meant to be ugly.

  Painful and destructive,

  it is made

  through tragedy.

  And yet

  when a star dies

  it is still lovely.

  Which is to say,

  not everything

  dies violently.


  it is the way things end

  that is beautiful.

  Even when things

  are raw and aching

  the endings are still magical.

  The greatest magic you have is the

  courage you go digging for,

  when your world falls apart,

  the light you still hold,

  when everything has grown dark.


  We are the blood

  of the witches

  you thought were dead.

  We carry witchcraft in our bones

  whilst the magic still sings

  inside our heads.

  When the witch hunters

  imprisoned our ancestors

  when they tried to burn the magic away.

  Someone should have

  warned them

  that magic cannot be tamed.

  Because you cannot burn away

  what has always

  been aflame.


  The greatest wish

  I have ever had

  is to create with words,

  what wizards cannot

  and what magic

  never has.

  The most elegant bond

  I can ever pray for

  is aiding in the recovery

  of someone who is made of wreckage

  and facilitating their becoming

  their own hero in their story.

  Dragon’s Breath

  Girls like you

  were born

  to tame dragons,

  to fight in wars,

  to lead armies.

  Girls like you

  were created

  to swallow darkness,

  to quell monsters,

  to destroy obscurity.

  Girls like you

  were given life,

  to bring tempests

  and hail gales,

  unto their enemies.

  Don’t let a king

  or a prince

  or a fairytale

  tell you you are smaller than that

  or who you are meant to be.


  Every day, I magic myself alive again

  from the near death experience of trauma.

  I swallow my heart back from

  the lump it has become in my throat.

  I taste my own memories

  without the flavour of blood but as poetry.

  I learn how to whisper my name

  without it sounding like a curse.

  I murmur spells to the parts of me

  others have found too dangerous to love.

  And after this morning ritual

  I finally smile at the woman in my mirror.

  Tell me again,

  how healing is not a magical thing.

  Tell me again,

  how I am not made of sorcery.

  With Love From Midnight

  When the day’s mistakes

  are too much to bear,

  when everything feels

  like devastation beyond repair,

  remind yourself:

  how mystical it is that every day,

  the clocks reset to 00.00

  the reason they say

  midnight is the witching hour,

  is because a new day rises

  from the ashes of the old,

  embers breathe new life to its fire,

  giving us a chance to mend,

  a chance to restore

  all that is broken

  and what you thought was lost.

  The Art of Unmissing

  I have been incanting my heart

  in how to unmiss you,

  spelling myself into mastering the art

  of forgetting the damage

  you have done stitching back my soul

  from the savage way you ripped it apart.

  I think I finally know

  where I went wrong.

  You see, yesterday, someone asked me,

  ‘How do you heal

  from losing

  the greatest love of your life?’

  I smiled and answered,

  ‘You make yourself another one.

  And you make

  that love yourself.’


  The thing I admire most

  about you

  is no matter how hard,

  or how much the world

  has tried to

  beat you,

  break you,

  destroy you,

  and throw you to the wolves

  you are still here,

  turning all your pain

  all your suffering

  into armour,

  into determination,

  into weapons

  and earning the respect

  of that same pack of wolves

  that were meant to rip you

  limb from limb.

  Your Trauma

  Your trauma has a name.

  It sleeps besides you at night.

  It reminds you every morning of your shame.

  It watches you swallow your pride.

  It snarls at you from the grocery aisle,

  it sneers at you when you drive,

  it follows you from place to place,

  making you wish you weren’t alive.

  It hides in the living room,

  it buries holes in your heart,

  it makes you feel hopeless,

  you are so close to falling apart.

  This terrible thing, this broken thing,

  tells you you belong to it,

  this miserable thing, this despicable thing,

  tells you that you can’t survive without it.

  But what your trauma doesn’t realise,

  and what your trauma doesn’t see,

  is how by simply surviving it

  it is daring you to beat it, to be.

  When Love Dies

  There is no magic in the way love dies.

  It closes away into something tragic,

  and no matter how much poets

  and singers r
omanticise it,

  try to turn it into

  something great and beautiful,

  something artistic and incredible,

  painted with the silver

  of a thousand sweet moons

  and the gold of millions

  of sparkling sun’s rays,

  I will always compare love’s death

  to the way a hunted wild thing dies.

  Alone, betrayed

  and desperately fighting

  against all odds

  to stay alive.


  A woman is most powerful when she leaves

  the man who broken her body into purple pieces,

  but is now trying to drown her in his apologies,

  that then dissolve into a sea of acidic threats.

  He will burn her,

  he promises

  He will shred her skin

  to make into kindling.

  But this time,

  she does not fear it,

  this time,

  she faces him and says:

  ‘There is burning

  And there is you

  and I would rather choose burning

  than ever return to you.’

  Why I am Magic

  There are days

  I have been the thirst

  and days

  when I have been the water

  but the days

  I love myself most

  are the days I am both.

  The Well Spoken Heart

  The less you listen

  to the whispered words

  of your gentle heart,

  the more you choose to ignore it,

  the more you build

  the kind of wall around it

  that no one

  can climb to get to hold it.


  listen to what it wants

  and let it tell you what it needs

  and you will find

  it growing roots

  and thriving

  when you plant

  these mystical seeds.


  There is a conjuring

  within us all

  a whisper in the air

  a call to arms

  like an incantation

  or the beginning

  of the kind of storm

  that brings about



  Some call it


  Some call it


  But another word

  for this paradigm shift

  is simply called


  Wolf and Woman

  Some days,

  I am both wolf and woman

  and I am still learning

  how to apologise

  for my wild.


  The anger

  is like a demon

  trying to escape into your spirit,

  it claws at your insides

  a darkness that relishes

  the pain it will cause.

  If you keep it

  in the pit of your stomach

  if you hold it inside your ribcage too long

  it will take your tongue prisoner

  when you least suspect it

  and terrorise everyone you love.

  This fiend,

  this cruel thing

  it can be defeated,

  it does not own you

  it deserves no space

  inside your spirit.


  channel it,

  find a way to let it out

  cry, dance, sing, build, create,

  do everything you can

  to give it a way out.

  Take everything that

  tries to destroy you

  curse you,

  and turn it

  into something beautiful

  by incantation.

  Learned Helplessness

  They call it ‘learned helplessness’

  finally a phrase after years of study

  to explain why we stay in hopelessness

  with men who leave our faces bloody;

  why we ‘let’ the cruel fists of a man

  determined to turn our bodies

  into a purple storm that began

  and ended with fingers that disembody

  our self respect, our courage

  in that moment, we forget we are somebody.

  There is a hierarchy to his chaos

  that one learns to simply accept.

  There is a beginning to his madness

  that one knows will eventually end.

  So like those caged animals

  they outlawed in circuses,

  you let the ringmaster be tyrannical

  even as your soul winces.

  Years from now, they will ask you

  ‘Why didn’t you leave him?’

  Because, you will say quietly,

  he had convinced me

  I was no longer human.

  An Ocean Called Healing

  To heal you must first dive into the deepest ocean you will ever find and you will find it locked in that soft, secret thing you call your heart.

  When you first swim into its unfathomable depths, you will first find your darknesses – the memories of your trauma that you sank there to forget.

  They will try their best to sink you too, to split you with their shark-like teeth, but if you survive the bleeding they put you through, you will reach where you have kept your anger, chained to an anchor at the bottom of this ocean so it doesn’t destroy you, so the rage doesn’t eat you in seconds the way a piranha does its prey.

  When you unchain it from its anchor, embrace it and kiss it goodbye, you finally find yourself wandering in a water cave made of safety, made of understanding till you finally emerge in the alcove of your soul. The light of it shines like sunlight on your face wet with tears. This is where you are safe. This is where you recover. This is how you bathe in the glow of your own healing.


  I am still waiting

  to baptise myself

  in the kind of love

  that I can confidently

  call my own.

  I will wash myself

  with water

  made of self care,

  made of kindness

  made of joy.

  It is the day

  I will finally return

  to myself.

  Learn how to call

  my own arms home.

  Graveyards and Gardens

  There are graveyards

  inside you

  made of people

  that made you ache,

  made of memories

  that you barely survived

  made of trauma

  and heartbreak.

  These graveyards

  need to become


  where you

  plant flowers

  that blossom,

  for you

  to let go.

  Your Torment Has Meaning

  Everything that terrifies you

  these monsters

  that keeps you up at night

  that torment you

  that make you feel small


  unable to breathe

  like you should not

  exist at all,

  you defeat them every day

  just by being alive,

  this on its own

  proves that you are


  and you already have

  everything you need

  to survive.

  The Bones of Trauma

  This trauma will turn my bones

  to fossil if I allow it to grow till I am old.

  If I accept it creeping through my ribcage

  the way ivy slowly ages the walls of a home,

  looking dece
ptively pretty

  but slowly corrosive to my very soul.

  I will open my flower-like mouth

  and let it bleed out from between my lips.

  I will open my garden-like heart

  and pull at every dark weed till it rips.


  I am done making homes

  inside broken hearts

  trying to fix the roof

  that still leaks tears

  over another

  and fix broken floorboards

  that someone else didn’t care for.


  I will go to

  my own house shaped heart.

  I will lovingly fix

  the shambles

  others have left of it

  I will adore it till no one else

  can ever called it haunted again.

  And finally

  I will open the doors

  and welcome myself home.


  Forgive yourself

  for everything you broke

  when you were trying to survive.

  Let the rain

  wash away

  your regret.

  Let your blood cool

  from the rage

  you feel against yourself.

  Let the rivers

  under your skin

  bring you home.

  To heal you must forgive

  your heart, your skin, your body

  all of their mistakes.


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