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Hector's Inheritance, Or, the Boys of Smith Institute

Page 13

by Jr. Horatio Alger

  Hector was not slow to accept the challenge conveyed by his antagonist'saction. He, too, sprang to his feet, flung off his coat, and stoodfacing the bully.

  Hector was three inches shorter, and more than as many years younger,than Jim. But his figure was well proportioned and strongly puttogether, as the boys could see. On the other hand; Jim Smith wasloosely put together, and, though tall, he was not well proportioned.His arms were long and his movements were clumsy. His frame, however,was large, and he had considerable strength, but it had never beendisciplined. He had never learned to box, and was ignorant of the firstrudiments of the art of self-defense. But he was larger and strongerthan any of his school-fellows, and he had thus far had no difficulty inovercoming opposition to his despotic rule.

  The boys regarded the two combatants with intense interest. They couldsee that Hector was not alarmed, and meant to defend himself. So therewas likely to be a contest, although they could not but anticipate aneasy victory for the hitherto champion of the school.

  Hector did not propose to make the attack. He walked forward to afavorable place and took his stand. The position he assumed would haveassured the casual observer that he knew something of the art in whichhis larger antagonist was deficient.

  "So you are ready to fight, are you?" said Jim.

  "You can see for yourself."

  Jim rushed forward, intending to bear down all opposition. He waswhirling his long arms awkwardly, and it was clear to see that heintended to seize Hector about the body and fling him to the earth. Hadhe managed to secure the grip he desired, opposition would have beenvain, and he would have compassed his design. But Hector was far toowary to allow anything of this kind. He evaded Jim's grasp by jumpingbackward, then dashing forward while his opponent was somewhat unsteadyfrom the failure of his attempt, he dealt him a powerful blow in theface.

  Jim Smith was unprepared for such prompt action. He reeled, and camenear falling. It may safely be said, also, that his astonishment was asgreat as his indignation, and that was unbounded.

  "So that's your game, is it?" he exclaimed, furiously. "I'll pay you forthis, see if I don't."

  Hector did not reply. He did not propose to carry on the battle bywords. Already the matter had come to a sterner arbitrament, and hestood on the alert, all his senses under absolute control, watching hisbig antagonist, and, from the expression of his face, seeking to divinehis next mode of attack. He had this advantage over Jim, that he wascool and collected, while Jim was angry and rendered imprudent by hisanger. Notwithstanding his first repulse, he did not fully understandthat the new boy was a much more formidable opponent than heanticipated. Nor did he appreciate the advantage which science givesover brute force. He, therefore, rushed forward again, with the sameimpetuosity as before, and was received in precisely the same way.This time the blood started from his nose and coursed over his inflamedcountenance, while Hector was still absolutely unhurt.

  Meanwhile the boys looked on in decided amazement. It had been as faras possible from their thoughts that Hector could stand up successfullyagainst the bully even for an instant. Yet here two attacks had beenmade, and the champion was decidedly worsted. They could not believe thetestimony of their eyes.

  Carried away by the excitement of the moment, Wilkins, who, as we havesaid, was disposed to espouse the side of Hector, broke into a shout ofencouragement.

  "Good boy, Roscoe!" he exclaimed. "You're doing well!"

  Two or three of the other boys, those who were least under thedomination of Jim, and were only waiting for an opportunity of breakingaway from their allegiance, echoed the words of Wilkins. If there wasanything that could increase the anger and mortification of the tyrantit was these signs of failing allegiance. What! was he to lose his holdover these boys, and that because he was unable to cope with a boy muchsmaller and younger than himself? Perish the thought! It nerved him todesperation, and he prepared for a still more impetuous assault.

  Somewhere in his Greek reader, Hector had met with a saying attributedto Pindar, that "boldness is the beginning of victory." He felt thatthe time had now come for a decisive stroke. He did not contenthimself, therefore, with parrying, or simply repelling the blow of hisantagonist, but he on his part assumed the offensive. He dealt his blowswith bewildering rapidity, pressed upon Jim, skillfully evading thegrasp of his long arms, and in a trice the champion measured his lengthupon the greensward.

  Of course, he did not remain there. He sprang to his feet, and renewedthe attack. But he had lost his confidence. He was bewildered, and, toconfess the truth, panic-stricken, and the second skirmish was brieferthan the first.

  When, for the third time, he fell back, with his young opponent standingerect and vigorous, the enthusiasm of the boys overcame the limits ofprudence. There was a shout of approval, and the fallen champion, toadd to his discomfiture, was forced to listen to his own hithertosubservient followers shouting, "Hurrah for the new boy! Hurrah forHector Roscoe!"

  This was too much for Jim.

  He rose from the ground sullenly, looked about him with indignationwhich he could not control, and, shaking his fist, not at one boy inparticular, but at the whole company, exclaimed: "You'll be sorry forthis, you fellows! You can leave me, and stand by the new boy if youwant to, but you'll be sorry for it. I'll thrash you one by one, as Ihave often done before."

  "Try Roscoe first!" said one boy, jeeringly.

  "I'll try you first!" said Jim; and too angry to postpone his intention,he made a rush for the offender.

  The latter, who knew he was no match for the angry bully, turned andfled. Jim prepared to follow him, when he was brought to by Hectorplacing himself in his path.

  "Let that boy alone!" he said, sternly.

  "What business is it of yours?" demanded Jim, doggedly; but he did notoffer to renew the attack, however.

  "It will be my business to put an end to your tyranny and bullying,"said Hector, undauntedly. "If you dare to touch one of these boys, youwill have to meet me as well."

  Jim had had enough of encountering Hector. He did not care to make ahumiliating spectacle of himself any more before his old flatterers. Buthis resources were not at an end.

  "You think yourself mighty smart!" he said, with what was intended to bewithering sarcasm. "You haven't got through with me yet."

  He did not, however, offer to pursue the boy who had been the first tobreak away from his allegiance. He put on his coat, and turned to walktoward the school, saying, "You'll hear from me again, and that prettysoon!"

  None of his late followers offered to accompany him. He had come to thecontest with a band of friends and supporters. He left it alone. EvenBates, his most devoted adherent, remained behind, and did not offer toaccompany the discrowned and dethroned monarch.

  "What's Jim going to do?" asked Talbot.

  "He's going to tell old Sock, and get us all into trouble."

  "It'll be a cowardly thing to do!" said Wilkins. "He's been fairlybeaten in battle, and he ought to submit to it."

  "He won't if he can help it."

  "I say, boys, three cheers for the new boy!" exclaimed Wilkins.

  They were given with a will, and the boys pressed forward to shake thehand of the boy whose prowess they admired.

  "Thank you, boys!" said Hector, "but I'd rather be congratulated onsomething else. I would rather be a good scholar than a good fighter."

  But the boys were evidently of a different opinion, and elevated Hectorstraightway to the rank of a hero.



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